Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 247 Envy

Chapter 247 Envy
Luo Yan came in looking for Ning Wan, and she asked obediently and considerately: "Sister Ning, do you still wash your hair today? If you wash it, you have to hurry up, lest your hair won't dry out at night, it's not good for you to sleep, my brother said that" Lying wet', it is easy to get the root of the headache. Or change it to wash tomorrow."

After Ning Wan taught Luo Yan a lesson, she was very knowledgeable about current affairs, not only did she not have a trace of resentment, but she became more sensible and respectful of Ning Wan, and even took care of Ning Wan carefully.Ning Wan couldn't find any faults in her any more - and felt that Luo Yan had a lot of scheming.

It is common for a teenager to make a little mistake on weekdays, but she is more thoughtful than adults.

Because Ning Wan has already started to show her bosom, and her body is also bulky, Luo Yan is very careful about these small things, and she is more considerate than Lin's and Bai's.Ning Wan knew she was right, "I must wash my hair today, if I don't wash my hair, it will itch." She got up and said to her mother-in-law, "I'll go back to the house and wash my hair before I come back."

After hearing this, the mother-in-law said: "You can wash it in my room. After washing, you can eat and then play cards. When you return to the room, your hair will be almost dry, so as not to suffer from the wind."

Where does Ning Wan have the nerve to wash her mother-in-law's hair?He shirked and said: "Before Mrs. Lu came, I asked Mrs. Bai to prepare vinegar and noodles in my room, so it's convenient to wash it when I go back."

Luo Yan said with concern: "Sister Ning, the old lady is right. After going back to wash your hair, don't you want to come here? Although it's only a few steps away, it's not good if your head is wet and windy. It's not as good as Sister Ning Just sit here, and I will help wash, so as not to make sister Ning too tired to bend over."

The mother-in-law nodded, "Although Yan'er is the youngest, she is very sensible and what she says makes sense."

Aunt Wu also said: "That's right, why didn't I think of it?" Then she asked Mrs. Bai to bring over the hair-washing device, "Let me wash Madam's hair."

When Ning Wan was still in Sanjia Village, she was the first to buy Aunt Xiang's hands and face, but she still liked to use the old method to wash her hair - vinegar and noodles.One is used to it, and the other is that it is the best way to nourish her hair. Her long hair is so black and shiny.It's just that washing hair with vinegar and face is quite troublesome. Normally, she can take care of it easily, but now she is really tired after bending over for a long time.Seeing that my mother-in-law, Aunt Wu, and the others didn't make excuses, but sincerely wanted to help me, I nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

At this time, Bai Shi brought the things, mixed the noodles with rice vinegar, and then put them in warm water to make the water for shampooing. Ning Wan untied her hair and put it in the basin to wet it, rubbed it gently, and then rinsed it with clean water Wipe the water several times, because the hair is thick and long, it took some time to wash it.

This time, several people helped me wash my hair. Ning Wan sat on a chair surrounded by several layers of large cloth towels, and her hands were not wet. She smiled and said: "You are too spoiled by me. Where is it that you can’t do anything?”

The mother-in-law just sat on the kang and laughed, "You are a twin after all, so be careful about everything."

Everyone said: "No, don't bend over to wash your hair in the future, let us help you wash it better."

Ning Wan smiled and took the cloth towel to wipe her hair, and when there was no more dripping, she wanted to open the comb, but the comb that Bai Shi sent was a small toothbrush, in fact, the comb was mainly for looking good on the hair Yes, to really comb your hair you still need to use a strong mahogany comb, but Mrs. Bai forgot to take it.

Luo Yan saw it at a glance, and before she could speak, she went to Ning Wan's room to get a big comb and brought it to Ning Wan. After picking it up, Ning Wan opened her hair little by little.She started to grow her hair when she was eight or nine years old, and now her hair has grown to the knees, so it is not convenient to comb it on the floor. Whenever this time, she stands on the edge of the kang and combs her hair down.

Aunt Wu sat down and sighed, "It's been several days, Mrs. Bai is so absent-minded all day long that she can even pick up the wrong comb! I don't know if she has thought it through yet?"

After being abandoned by the Sun family, Mrs. Bai first made a living in Wanji, and then came to Ning Wan's side. She has always been honest and willing to work, and was very popular with everyone in the old house.Especially the mother-in-law, because Mrs. Bai was divorced, and her experience was somewhat similar to hers, so she was very sympathetic to her. At this time, she also asked her daughter-in-law, "What exactly is Mrs. Bai thinking? After today, she will be married." It's been five days."

It turned out that after Sun Guxiu married the Bai family, he married a daughter-in-law, and soon the second wife also divorced—the second daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law were very difficult to get along with, and she was a terrible one, and the family couldn't get along all day However, at this time, I found out that Bai Shi was better, so I came to find Bai Shi a few days ago and said that I wanted to take her back.

The reason why the mother-in-law mentioned five days, according to Aunt Wu who accompanied Bai to see Sun Gu, came back. After hearing that Sun Gu regretted that she wanted to pick her up, Bai covered her mouth and cried, and ran back without saying a word. , Sun Gu yelled a word behind her, saying that he would come back in five days, and asked Bai to pack up and go with him.

Ning Wan straightened her hair and said, "Who knows? Maybe I haven't made up my mind yet."

Aunt Wu said: "After all, the Bai family and Sun Gu are a married couple. I heard that they were very good when they first got married. If it wasn't for Sun Gun's mother who made trouble, they wouldn't be separated. Now that the Sun family has figured it out, it's okay to go back and live. good."

Ning Wan said meaningfully, "This matter is ultimately for Mrs. Bai to decide on her own, and no one can replace her."

Lin said: "Sun Gu will come tomorrow, and now it's time to come up with a certain idea."

Everyone was kind, but Ning Wan waved her hand: "This kind of thing is not in a hurry. If Mrs. Bai wants to leave, I will pay her wages. If she doesn't leave, she will stay at our house to help." Another look at the people in the room , "Let's not urge Mrs. Bai, and don't mention this in front of her."

Everyone nodded, "Let's not worry about it and it will ruin things."

Only Luo Yan was speechless in a daze, and Ning Wan looked at her especially, this child rarely showed such a dumbfounded look, her eyes were straight, and she didn't know what she was looking at.Look closely at her eyes, she is staring at herself very hotly.Ning Wan just looked down at herself. The homely honey-colored jacket and the pomegranate red silk skirt were nothing special.

Oh, Luo Yan is looking at her own hair!

Although Luo Yan's hair is thicker than before, it is still far behind her long black hair like a waterfall!Ning Wan suddenly understood that Luo Yan was really envious of her hair!

But she never gave a compliment!
What a lot of fun!

Ning Wan laughed unconsciously.

Luo Yan is a very clever person, she has already sensed it at this time, she rolled her eyes and quickly asked with a smile: "Sister Ning, what's so funny?"

"It's nothing," Ning Wan said, "I just want to ask you, do you think Mrs. Bai will leave tomorrow?"

"will not."

Everyone asked together: "Why?"

"People here in Liaodong say that good horses don't turn back!" Luo Yan said with a smile, her eyes rolled around, and she looked at Ning Wan and fell silent again.

It seems that this little girl has also seen it.

But the rest of the people are not as smart as Luo Yan, so Aunt Wu said: "I don't think so. The other day Sun Gu came and said that he regretted it. She told Bai Shi to go back with peace of mind, and said that he would protect her in the future." And the Bai family also sent word that they are willing to let their daughter return to the Sun family."

"Actually, it's okay to go back," Lin said, "I guess the old lady of the Sun family is not too good."

Just as she was talking, Mrs. Bi brought the food, and Ning Wan also happened to part her hair, because it was still half wet, she didn't put it up, but put it behind her head to dry, and sat down to eat first.

After playing cards for a while after the meal, her hair was completely dry at this time, Ning Wan casually put a bun on the back of her head, and took a special look at Luo Yan, she was indeed staring at her hair again, and said with a smile: " Yan'er, you might as well try washing your hair with vinegar and face, it can make your hair grow faster and better."

In fact, Luo Yan's heart was already moved after seeing her today, she nodded and said, "I will wash my hair like this from now on."

Ning Wan told her, "Once in a while, after washing your hair, apply egg white on it for a while, and wash it with clean water, and your hair will be very shiny. As long as you can persist for a few days, you will also grow hair in the future." Good hair!"

In the future, when Luo Yan becomes a princess, maybe there will be better things to wash her hair, but now Ning Wan has tried her best to give her the best, and the things for her dressing up are all compared to her own.

Playing cards and gossiping killed the time. Ning Wan returned to her room when she heard the sound of the clapper at the beginning of the shift. Mrs. Bai had already laid out the bedding and prepared water. She washed up and was about to fall asleep when she heard Mrs. Bai say: , me, me, me and Lao Lin..." Qi Qi, hey, couldn't speak for a long while.

Ning Wan couldn't help laughing anymore, "If Sun Gu doesn't come, will you keep silent?"

"No, it's not me, it's him. He didn't say it, and I didn't say it. Now that he said it, I said it too."

These two people have known each other for some time, and Ning Wan has already seen some clues, but the two of them are more bored than the other, and they just waited until now, if Sun Gu didn't come to pick up Mrs. Bai, perhaps Lao Lin would not understand what he said. , and the Bai family is probably the same.

Although Ning Wan was optimistic about these two people, she still reminded Bai sternly, "Old Lin has no room and no land, and he doesn't even have any family members. You should think about it earlier!"

No matter how bad Sun Gu was, there was still a house in the countryside. When he was in Dejufeng, he had already saved wages to redeem a few acres of land, and with the help of his aunt, Mrs. Gu, he could still get by.In such a comparison, Lao Lin was much worse. He was already injured and had nothing to lose, and because of the past, he couldn't even return to his hometown.

"Someone has said these things to me long ago, and I understand them all." Bai said with a low eyebrow, "But, if I still go back to Sun's house to live like that, I'd rather beg for food!"

Don't look at what Sun Gu said when he came, but the situation after Bai's real return is really hard to say. As the saying goes, "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Sun Gun's mother may not make old mistakes, and Sun Gu may not help his mother again. .Bai added another sentence, "Even if they all changed, I would feel panicked when I think of the situation at that time!"

Isn't the purpose of human life to be comfortable?Ning Wan nodded, "That's right, I can't guarantee anything else, as long as you two work hard in my house, the pension will be covered by our family in the future."

"Thank you Madam," Bai said, "Of course we will continue to do it in Lu's house, but if there is an opportunity to be a bookkeeper at home, please let Madam let us try."

Ning Wan just laughed, "I just like my family members to be motivated. You just need to rest assured and learn how to write and practice calligraphy. Are you afraid that you won't have such an opportunity in the future?"

"After hearing Madam's words, I feel like I have taken reassurance!"

"Then don't be forgetful when you start doing things again!"

"I can't!"

When Sun Gu came the next day, Mrs. Bai did not see him, so she asked Uncle Wu to pass on the words of refusal, but Sun Gu refused to believe him. He didn't want Sun Gu but still didn't leave, begging to see the old lady from the past.

(End of this chapter)

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