Chapter 249
Mrs. Wu was never a scheming person, so when she first heard her daughter-in-law say her stomach hurts, she was so frightened that she forgot to worry about the Sun family, and asked repeatedly: "Does your stomach still hurt now? This is not a trivial matter , What if there is something wrong? Or let someone invite a doctor to take a look? How many more medicines to take? "

In the end, no matter how considerate you are to others, it is not as important as your own grandchildren!

Instead, Ning Wan wanted to comfort her, "The two troublemakers from the Sun family have left, and my stomach feels better after my heart calms down. It seems that I don't need to call a doctor now, after all, people often say that 'the medicine is three-point poison', Now that the child is still young, if you don’t take medicine, don’t take it.”

"It's true, but I'm afraid that something will happen. After all, Tie Shi has gone out, and we are just two women, so what can we do if something happens!"

When Sun Guniang made a noise, Ning Wan really felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, but in fact it was only a little bit.One, she deliberately exaggerated a lot in front of her mother-in-law, and she was born in a farming family, and she never had the habit of asking a doctor for any situation, so she said on her own: "Then wait for a day or two, and if you still feel uncomfortable, then call the doctor .”

"Just as you said." The mother-in-law agreed, but she was still worried, so she muttered to Aunt Wu, Mrs. Bi, Mrs. Lin and the others, "It's all the fault of the two of the Sun's family. When they came to look for Mrs. Bai, I just looked for them. Why are you making trouble in front of our house? If there is really something wrong with the daughter-in-law, Tie Shi will definitely not spare them when he comes back."

"Isn't it?" Only Aunt Wu knew about the past. The old lady was often bullied when she lived in the old house. General Tieshi started to support his mother when he was seven or eight years old. No one dared to provoke the Lu family.I don't want the Sun family to come here recklessly. If Tie Shi heard that they were so angry that his wife had a stomachache, how could he be lenient? "In comparison, it's easy for the young lady to drive them away."

Mrs. Bi knew it well, so she smiled and said: "Ma'am, this is the first baby, so you must be careful. I will make two soups that are the most stable in the evening for Madam to drink first. Tomorrow will be better!"

"Then do it quickly," the mother-in-law urged, and just as soon as the mother-in-law Bi turned around, she called the person back, "Is there any other soup and rice that is good for pregnancy, you just make it every day, and you don't have to be afraid of spending money, what do you want to buy?" Just come to me and get the money!"

Mrs. Bi quickly agreed, and said: "Actually, whether it is good for pregnancy protection or health preservation, you don't necessarily need expensive things. Many daily foods are the most nourishing. I haven't heard people saying that 'fish makes fire, meat makes phlegm, and radish and cabbage keep you safe. 'Well!" Then he went to cook.

Two dishes were added to the meal that night, one was rice wine egg yolk soup, the egg yolk was taken out and the egg yolk was simmered with rice wine, water and salt for half an hour, the golden color was as delicate as curdled fat; there was also a soup with two belly, fish belly and pork belly The soup is boiled into snow white, with bright red goji berries floating on it, which makes people appetite whet their appetite.

Usually, the dishes are served in front of the old lady first, but now Mrs. Bi put these two dishes in front of Ning Wan, and said to the old lady: "These two dishes can nourish blood and prevent pregnancy. Pregnant women It is most suitable to eat when there are fetal movements, irritability and other situations."

The mother-in-law pushed the food in front of her daughter-in-law again, "Hurry up and eat, and take care of your baby."

The ingredients of the two dishes are very common, but the recipes are not very common. Ning Wan was a little surprised, so she smiled and said, "It's really a very special recipe."

Mrs. Bi said: "Although they are all medicated foods for anti-birth, they can also nourish yin and kidney, and nourish beauty! It is suitable for pregnant women to eat, but it is also good for ordinary women to eat."

After hearing this, Ning Wan understood, so she scooped up two stomachs of soup with a spoon and drank it first, "This soup is not bad. The essence of fish stomach and pork belly is boiled into the soup, and it tastes very delicious. Add wolfberry, not only look at It looks good and is very nutritious.” He then instructed Mrs. Bi, “Next time when the female guests come to serve wine at home, I will make a dish and add a few green leaves to think it will be even better.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Bi quickly responded, "Ma'am, what you said is very reasonable. The soup base made of fish belly and pork belly is excellent, and with the beautiful floating horses, it is perfect for inviting female guests."

Ning Wan scooped up another spoonful of egg custard, which was slightly different from the usual egg custard, firmer, because the rice wine was very delicious, so she laughed, "I haven't eaten much custard these days, it just suits my appetite. "

When the mother-in-law saw that her daughter-in-law was eating well, she put down half of her heart, and then picked up the bowls and chopsticks to eat.When the dinner table was collected and playing cards, it suddenly occurred to me that my daughter-in-law would give a reward every time the servants made contributions, so I grabbed a handful of money from the money box and put it in Mrs. Bi's money box, "I forgot just now, this is Thank you for the good food."

Mrs. Bi laughed, "It's not what I should do!" But after all, I am happy to get the money, "Let Lao Lin go to Hutai County to buy a fresh carp tomorrow morning, and I will make carp porridge for the young lady, which is also an excellent miscarriage-preserving medicine. "

Thin slices of carp are added to the boiled glutinous rice porridge, which is delicious and has the effect of protecting the fetus. Ning Wan will be full after eating two bowls, and Mrs. Bi will share the extra with everyone. It is a medicinal food for fetuses, but everyone can eat it as well, and it is also a good thing for health.” The big carp that Lao Lin bought weighed several kilograms, and Mrs. Bi cooked a big pot of porridge!

Except for the mother-in-law who can't eat meat and only eats some glutinous rice porridge without fish meat, the rest of the people who made this fetal-preserving medicinal diet followed suit, from the old lady Bi who was in her sixties to the ten-year-old Luo Yan. I heard that Uncle Wu And Lao Lin also shared some food!

The small twists and turns brought by the Sun family's mother and son passed away.

Ning Wan went back to her room and called Mrs. Bai, saying: "Since you and Lao Lin have learned Chinese characters, why don't you go to the fur shop and help me manage things. It just so happens that there is a shortage of people when the manager of the Zhao family is gone, and it is also difficult for you to get married there." convenient."

If others are not careful, Mrs. Bai knows that not long after Miss Biao and Li who married into the Zhao family came back, the stewards of the Zhao family's fur shop did leave, but the wife had already hired someone else.Especially now that the weather is getting warmer and fur shops are already past their busiest season, how can they be short of people?
After all, Madam still wanted to marry Lao Lin outside.

If it were someone else, they might think that his wife doesn't like his second marriage, but Mrs. Bai knew her when she was the lady of the host family, so she understands the reason of the matter very well.

The root cause lies in the old lady of the Lu family.

Although the madam would not listen to the old lady, she was worried that her second marriage to Lao Lin would make the old lady unhappy.

After all, they all live in the same house, and the scene will probably not be very good by then.

Mrs. Bai had thought it over a long time ago, and said at this time: "I understand Madam's kindness, but now Madam is heavy, and I am used to being around me, so I told Lao Lin earlier that we must wait for Madam to give birth to a child when she is one year old." Only then can we get married! Right now our affairs are not publicized."

Ning Wan didn't want to delay Lao Lin and Bai's family, they are not too young, Lao Lin has no relatives, and Bai's family is married for the second time, it would be better if the wedding was arranged earlier, and they can support each other to live, so she came up with The two called out the old house.Right now, I heard Bai's words are sincere, and now I am very used to her service, it would be inconvenient to change someone for a while, so I nodded after thinking about it: "Thank you so much."

"But since that's the case, just wait until I personally help you arrange your marriage."

Now that the matter is settled, the two of them will not spread it to the outside world, and they will still live as in the past.Fortunately, these two people are calm, although it is inevitable that they can't hide it from Luo Yan, Mrs. Bi and others, but the rest of the people don't know it at all.

Recently, everyone has paid attention to the good news from the front line of suppressing bandits.

Since the bandits on Huju Mountain were captured by Lianwo, Tie Shi no longer concealed the news as in the past, so good news came from time to time, but it was just that the government and the army broke another bandit; or which bandit voluntarily surrendered ; Or the bandits heard the news and ran away, leaving only a bandit den and so on.There were also rumors that some habitual bandits were captured and sent to Anpingwei to be imprisoned, and how much money the officers and soldiers confiscated.

As expected, there were bandits in that area, and there were so many bandits in the swarms. They reported a victory every ten days and half a month, and the most intensive one was three days in a row.After listening to it for a while, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. After all, these bandits are far inferior to the bandits on Huju Mountain, and they don't have any legendary stories, and they don't have so much money.

Yes, except for Hujushan, which confiscated more than 1 taels of silver at one time, the rest of the places collected at most a few hundred taels, usually no more than a dozen taels to dozens of taels, and there were even a few hundred copper coins left without one tael. poor village!Laying down such a stockade not only does not get money, but also supports the captured bandits.The military rations are abundant. Although there is no shortage of bandits and soldiers in command and dispatch, the captured bandits do not have military rations. Therefore, in order not to starve the bandits to death, they can only use the collected money to buy food to support them. !
As a result, there will be even less money left, so the loyal soldiers of Commander Zhou are all full of complaints. They can't earn military merits when they come here, and they don't get much money, but this time they marched with General Iron Stone. Bandit Den, I just want to say that there is no excuse for all the treasures being hidden by Lu Tieshi.

Later, in order to save some expenses, Anpingwei issued an order to release all the bandits immediately as long as no one was killed, and ordered them to return to their hometowns to farm; if they were captured the second time, they would be beheaded immediately!
Ning Wan looked at Tie Shi's letter and smiled unconsciously, "If it keeps going like this, I'm afraid he will come back after suppressing the bandits." After all, the largest and most famous Huju Mountain was captured first. The rest of the small group of bandits had nothing to worry about. Back then, Tieshi brought more than 100 old, weak, sick and disabled to the fields and defeated them one by one, and finally took Huju Mountain.

The mother-in-law was overjoyed when she heard that, "I also hope that he will come back quickly. After all, you are about to give birth. If there is anything to do, it is better to have a man at home."

Although Ning Wan felt that Tie Shi's return would not be helpful for her to have a baby, she was still willing to have Tie Shi stay with her at home. She smiled and asked Bai to bring a pen and paper, "I will write back to Tie Shi, and if you have anything to say, mother-in-law, just tell me." .”

In fact, what my mother-in-law wants to say is always those few sentences, nothing more than be careful in war, take care of your body, eat well, etc. Since Ning Wan helped her mother-in-law read letters a few years ago, she has been familiar with it and can't be more familiar with it. After writing a sentence, I suddenly heard my mother-in-law say: "If you are free, come back to see your wife. The child in her belly is a month old, and she misses you very much."

Ning Wan smiled, "Mother-in-law, don't write this sentence. If Tie Shi can come back, why not come and see us? I think he is very busy now, so I am afraid that he will be anxious when he sees her mother-in-law saying this."

"That's right, then don't write it," the mother-in-law said, "I just thought, now that the baby in your belly can move, it's a pity that he, the father, hasn't seen it once."

But no, since the fifth month, the child in his stomach has stretched his fists and stretched his feet, and now sometimes his stomach bulges into a big bag, Tie Shi still doesn't know it at all.

But although Ning Wan felt a little regretful, she didn't regret it at all. "When I got married, I knew that General Tieshi was going to fight, and it was impossible to stay by my side all the time. And we lived in Hutai County before. In that year, I have missed a lot."

Instead of regretting it, she wanted to take better care of herself and her child, so that Tie Shi could feel at ease outside.Therefore, when he wrote his own letter to Tieshi after returning to his room, he only reported happy events, and told him to put business first, and he had nothing to worry about since his mother-in-law and so many people took care of him.

Of course, since I had to go back to my own room and write a single reply letter, I still had to add a lot of private words in it.

(End of this chapter)

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