Chapter 266
When the spring was just right, Ning Wan sat in the carriage and walked towards Huju Mountain with Sophora japonica flowers in her arms.

A group of people left Hutai County in the direction of Anpingwei, went on the main road and went northeast for several tens of miles, and then entered the mountainous area. There were continuous hills rising and falling. The road followed the mountain, and the car naturally swayed. It didn't take long. Sophora Hua'er fell asleep, and Ning Wan handed her over to Wan Shi, but got off the carriage and got on a horse.

The surrounding scenery has already changed, the trees are sparse, and even the grass on the ground is not as green and lush as usual, but it looks dry and leafless, growing in tufts, and there are patches of gray-brown land everywhere, which means desolation. But born.

However, despite the desolation of the wilderness, there are many pedestrians, most of whom are carrying goods, riding donkeys or carrying loads, and of course there are also people in cars, and she actually saw a convoy of more than a dozen cars, with dozens of people A strong man, obsessed with throwing knives and sticks, is more conspicuous than his group.

After walking for a while, Ning Wan found that there were still some people in the convoy who had slowed down and followed her. She was surprised at first, and then figured it out.After all, Chuping was plagued by banditry, and it was a sparsely populated place. It was normal for travelers to feel safe walking with soldiers.

After looking at it for a while, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Why can't I see Tiandi people here at all?"

Needless to say, near cities such as Anpingwei or Hutai County, Ning Wan could always see large or small villages along the way from Sanjia Village to Mayi Town when she was young. Adults are farming in the fields, and children are playing at the entrance of the village. If it was meal time, wisps of cooking smoke would still be seen rising, but now after walking for half a day, I didn't see a single village.

Since there are bandits here, there should be many other people too!
Lu Tieshi pointed to the mountain, "The real farmers are all in the valley, because only in the valley can there be arable land. But I heard that the land here is very barren, and one mu of land can produce one or two stones." food." Then he nodded to the convoy behind and said, "In the past, there were very few pedestrians on the main road here, but there were more bandit spies. Now there are more pedestrians than in the past, and you can often see them, but today It’s the biggest team we’ve ever had.”

"I think these people dare to bring more goods because the road is calm. Didn't you tell me that this place was the main route for paying tribute and doing business for Fuyu Kingdom hundreds of years ago?"

"That's right," Tieshi said, "Sometimes ago, there were businessmen from Fuyu Kingdom who came to Qianhusuo to give gifts, and I sent them out. I just sent a message to tell them that they only need to follow my court's law."

Ning Wan thought of the fact that she gave him a gift once again, and laughed, "It's still the same temperament as before, and I haven't changed at all. But I think you are doing the right thing. These businessmen travel thousands of miles to earn money to support their families. It’s just a living, if we take their things, wouldn’t we be like bandits?”

Naturally, Lu Tieshi also remembered the past, but he sullenly said solemnly: "Madam is right."

Ning Wan blushed, but she couldn't say anything outside, so she asked, "Can you take the soldiers to farm?"

"Naturally, we need to plant some fields," Tie Shi said, "Now two of the three hundred households are scattered in the mountains to prevent banditry from happening again, so everyone will plant some fields by the way, and of course most of them are fresh. Vegetables. We also plant a large area in the valley of Huju Mountain, with all kinds of vegetables, and you will be able to grow seedlings when you arrive."

Right now to suppress the bandits, Anpingwei is going to allocate food and grass, so Tie Shi doesn't have to worry about army food, and farming is just a matter of convenience.From this point of view, everything is much better than before, Ning Wan smiled, "We must have a good life in Huju Mountain!"

Lu Tieshi saw that his daughter-in-law was smiling brightly, so he smiled too, "Naturally, I have everything to eat and use. I have rebuilt the house. I will live in it this year, and I will build a new house in autumn!"

Talking and laughing on the way, they soon arrived at Dipu. This place was newly built when Tieshi led his troops to suppress the bandits. The houses were still brand new. The soldiers hurriedly prepared the best courtyard for them, and immediately boiled hot water to deliver them. Come.Seeing that it was very clean and convenient, Ning Wan was even more surprised, "I didn't expect you to build such a good delivery shop, much better than the one in Mayi Town."

Although Tieshi came and went from here often, it was actually the first time he stopped at the shop closest to Anpingwei. Every time he passed by here, he didn't stop, but now he couldn't hurry with his wife and daughter, so he It was the first time I entered the door after taking a rest at noon.

Fortunately, these shops were built by him after all, and the situation is known, "Before the bandits were suppressed, I built five shops between Huju Mountain and Anpingwei. This place is still small, with only one small flag. The soldiers did not build a fortress either. Take a look at the big delivery shop at night. It is a bit more orderly than here, and a general flag is stationed. Needless to say bandits, even if there are barbarians coming, it is still possible. war."

Ning Wan understood that these post shops can not only convey the military information in time, but also facilitate the transfer of troops to each other. They can deal with the bandits running around in the mountains. It should be a good way for Tie Shi to suppress and prevent bandits based on the current situation.This person is really not sticking to the old way of farming before, and he will have a better response when the situation changes, so he sincerely praised: "You really are a capable person!"

Lu Tieshi was used to being praised by his wife. Seeing Wan Shi entering the room with Sophora japonica flowers in his arms, he took advantage of the time to scent his daughter-in-law's face. The lovesickness of the moon, but how can we get together if the days are short?And all the way here on horseback, accompanied by soldiers and servants, he has been following the rules, and his heart is itchy.Taking advantage of a small advantage, he immediately became happy, leaned over to his daughter-in-law's ear and said: "Go and see Sophora japonica, I'll let someone serve the food." Seeing the outline of the daughter-in-law's small and white ears It was all red, and I couldn't help but twist it lightly with my hand, and then I let it go when I heard a sound coming from outside.

Sure enough, Ning Wan walked towards the inner room, but when she passed in front of him, she deliberately stepped on his feet. Could it be that he was only allowed to tease herself, but she couldn't tease him?

Husband and wife are playing tricks, which is even more interesting because they want to hide it from outsiders.

After eating the food in the shop, we set off again. After walking for another two hours, we arrived at the big shop that Tieshi mentioned. It is not so much a shop as it is a small castle, with a rammed earth wall more than ten feet high, and two forts in the north and south. There are more than 50 soldiers of a general banner stationed inside, plus the family members of Bangding, there are two or three hundred people, and dozens of horses are raised. Even bandits in groups dare not come together. The small shop is also more than enough.

It is more comfortable to live here than the small shop, and the food is good. Zongqi had already learned from the shop in front that Qianhu brought his family.Therefore, the sheep was killed early in the morning, and it was being stewed outside the house in a particularly large camping pot, and the aroma could be smelled from far away.

Ning Wan guessed that the stewed lamb in the shop didn't have any particularly good seasonings, and the taste was not good enough, but after tasting their stewed lamb, she couldn't help but applaud, "This meat is so soft and tender! The soup is also delicious." It's so good to drink!"

Tie Shi smiled triumphantly, "I told you that the mutton cooked in the army is delicious, it's true!"

Ning Wan didn't really believe in such words in the past, but now that she ate it with her own mouth, she felt strange, and after thinking about it for a long time, she realized, "The reason why the mutton you cook is delicious is not because of how good the cooking method is or how many seasonings are in it. The same, but one is fresh, and the other is made in a big pot!"

Bai Shi and Wan Shi also drank the mutton soup and said: "It's true, the same thing, stewed in a small pot is not as good as a big pot!
Ning Wan has also heard this kind of statement. Although she doesn't understand the reason, it is definitely true. Maybe many foods taste more intense when put together?Such as killing pig dishes, stewing beans in a big pot, stewing sauerkraut and so on!

Even the big steamed buns steamed in a large pot in the delivery shop are delicious!The snow-white and soft steamed buns are bigger than the mouth of a bowl, full of fragrance and a little sweet, Ning Wan took a bite and said, "It's actually comparable to the steamed buns from my aunt's house!" Looking at his wife Zongqi, he said, "Surely you steamed these delicious steamed buns after you came here?"

"It's true that they steamed it themselves," Mrs. Zongqi said with a smile, "I heard that since they suppressed the bandits and came out of Anpingwei, the military rations have always been high-quality wheat flour, so everyone's steamed buns have improved over the past year. Those of us later women can't compare to them in making pasta!"

It turns out that Tieshi has always said that during the bandit suppression period, the military rations and salaries were sufficient, and everyone was eating well, but he was not all deceiving himself.Commander Lu really spent a lot of thought!

Eating mutton, drinking mutton soup, served with big steamed buns, accompanied by Tieshi, this is really a good day!
The shop built from Hujushan to Anpingwei did not charge money for food and lodging to passing soldiers and their families.But when Ning Wan left early the next morning, she still took ten taels of silver and asked Mrs. Bai to give it to Mrs. Zongqi, "I really bothered you last night."

Mrs. Zongqi waved her hands and refused to accept, "Mrs. Qianhu is here, shouldn't we entertain you!"

Zongqi also said: "We all have military pay and rations, and we don't open inns for business. Even the sheep are raised by ourselves, and everyone eats together. Every family in the castle gets a share. How can we receive Mrs. Qianhu?" money!"

Ning Wan just laughed, "Then you can use this money to buy a few more lambs to raise, and then treat the female relatives who have moved to Huju Mountain to eat!"

Seeing that Zongqi still wanted to refuse, Tie Shi stopped him and said, "Madam said to buy sheep for you, so you can stay and buy sheep!" After all, his words were useful, so Zongqi quickly bowed to accept them, " Then we will buy more sheep to entertain the military family members in the past."

(End of this chapter)

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