Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 268 Husband

Chapter 268 Husband
Huju Mountain is a majestic side. I don’t know how many generations of bandits have set up a cottage here. In front of the road at the foot of the mountain, there is still a wooden fence gate built at some time, but now it is guarded by officers and soldiers. I met them. A group of people stood up straighter when they came up, and when they passed by, they raised the weapons in their hands high in salute, shouting: "General! Wansheng!"

Ning Wan was startled, and hurried to comfort Huai Hua'er, but saw that her daughter was not afraid at all after hearing such a loud voice, she just turned her little head back and forth strangely, her eyes were wide open.

Bai Shi also hurried forward, and whispered next to Ning Wan: "I'm scared to death!" Wan Shi also came over and leaned against Ning Wan, obviously scared, but asked strangely: "Miss, what's the matter?" Are you not afraid?"

Ning Wan also felt strange in her heart, so she smiled and said, "I'm afraid she still doesn't know what fear is."

Bai said again: "Madam is also courageous, I'm so scared that I can hardly walk."

"Aren't you still walking well now?" Ning Wan laughed, "They are not bad people, what are you afraid of!" But in fact, she was also scared just now, and under the gaze of these people, she also felt that walking Lu Lai was very awkward, but as the wife of General Iron Stone, she couldn't show it, instead she wanted to hold her head high.

Bai Shi calmed down and said: "Madam, let me hold Miss for a while, you should take a rest." Wan Shi also wants to pick up the child, "Isn't it? Madam should take a rest after holding her for a long time."

Although it is up the mountain, the road to Huju Mountain is very flat, and some places have built steps. Ning Wan hugged Sophora japonica up the steps without feeling tired, so she smiled and said, "Sophora japonica is willing to follow me, I'll hold you for a while."

Suddenly Tie Shi stretched out his arm from the side to take Sophora japonica, "I'll come!"

Ning Wan quickly hid back, and was even more frightened than she was just now, "How can you hold the child?" Tie Shi has always been cold-faced and ruthless in the army, so I can't imagine him holding his little daughter in his arms!

"Then what's the matter?" Lu Tieshi smiled when he saw his daughter-in-law was frightened, "the road is still long, if you don't let me carry you, you have to get a small sedan chair for you two to carry up!"

How can there be any small sedan chairs in the army?I thought it was going to be tied now.Seeing that the sergeants following them were all carrying or carrying large and small bags, Ning Wan would not cause any more trouble, "What kind of sedan chair do you sit in? Bai Shi and Wan Shi and I take turns holding her and I'm not tired."

Tie Shi looked up the mountain, "You've only been walking for a long time and you're not tired?" He insisted on taking the pagoda flower.

Ning Wan also knew that the mountain road was getting more and more tiring, Bai Shi and Wan Shi might not be as strong as herself, and the three women might lose their strength after walking for a certain distance.But she was still worried, so she asked, "Can you hold a baby?"

Although Tieshi also beat him at home, but in fact, he only lived at home for a few days after Sophora japonica was born?Second, he never used him to hold the child when he was at home.In fact, it's not just Tie Shi, even men from ordinary families seldom hold children, especially children under one year old, Ning Wan doesn't really trust him.

Lu Tieshi really didn't know how to do it, but he said, "Will you teach me how to do it? I'm her father."

That's right!Ning Wan thought about it and put Sophora japonica in his arms, "It's good to hold it like this, it's actually not too difficult."

Huai Hua'er suddenly changed her arms and really felt uncomfortable, she frowned unhappy, hummed and flung herself into her mother's arms again, Ning Wan smiled helplessly, "Forget it, I'd better hold her." Now, if I'm tired, there will be Bai Shi and Wan Shi!" He said to pick up Sophora Hua'er.

However, Lu Tieshi did not let go, imitating Ning Wan's usual behavior and turned his daughter upside down.He had a strong hand, and shook the little figure up, Huai Hua'er giggled violently, she seemed to like it very much.

"It turns out that children are easy to coax!" Tie Shi said, throwing Sophora japonica up and catching it again, making Sophora japonica laughing happily.

Ning Wan was startled and said, "Don't drop the pagoda tree flower!"

"It's okay!" Tie Shi said, putting Sophora japonica on his shoulders, and striding forward with one hand supporting him, leaving Ning Wan only a string of crisp laughter from Sophora japonica, "Let's go first. "

Ning Wan followed behind and couldn't help but smile too.

The higher up Huju Mountain is, the steeper the road is, and wooden fences are set up at every steep and difficult place, and now there are officers and soldiers guarding it. Looking at it with Ning Wan's layman's eyes, you can know that this is the place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. .After passing five or six checkpoints in a row, Tie Shi stopped and pointed to a big rock beside the road and said, "Let's take a rest here."

Ning Wan just laughed, "Holding a baby is not easy, are you tired?"

Tie Shi glanced at her and smiled, "I stopped because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to walk anymore."

The situation of Huju Mountain is just like a squatting tiger. The highest Hutou Peak is as steep and difficult to climb from the boulder pile. The bandit's stronghold is at the neck of the tiger. The Bai family and the Wan family have long been left behind, only Ning Wan has been following Tie Shi and his party.

So she said rather dissatisfied: "Who says I can't walk anymore? I can still walk a long way!" In fact, she really felt tired, and she gasped a little when she spoke, and Tieshi could hear it in the same way.

Lu Tieshi laughed seeing how strong she looked, and called his soldiers to spread a piece of sheepskin on the stone, "Although you can still go a long way, I'm tired and I need to rest for a while."

Ning Wan had already discovered that the iron stone was calm and relaxed, and she really couldn't compare it.It’s not good to be brave anymore, sit down and pick up Sophora japonica, seeing her laugh all the way, now tired and drowsy, she asks: “I don’t know how far is it?” It’s inconvenient to bring children, if you are at home Sophora japonica is about to nurse and sleep.But now on the road, even though Tie Shi can help him block it, it is also very inconvenient.

Tie Shi thought about his wife's embarrassment, "Why don't we set up a tent here first?"

Because their mother and daughter were already in trouble along the way, Ning Wan thought for a while, "It might be half an hour?"

"I can get there." Tie Shi said, "After passing this hill, go up for a short distance and you will be there."

"That way there's no need to set up a tent." Ning Wan said, first fed Huai Hua'er some water, and then took out a piece of soft rice cake for her to eat.It turned out that Sophora japonica had already grown teeth, and she could eat soft rotten things like egg custard and rice cakes, and she also liked to eat them.

After eating, Ning Wan also took a rest, and then took out a small cloak from the baggage carried by the soldiers, put it on Sophora Huaer, and handed it to Tie Shi again, "It's cooler here than the mountain, so I'd better wrap it up. You Hurry up and go with her, it will be fine when you get home."

Home?The daughter-in-law has not been there yet and calls it home.Lu Tieshi smiled lightly, too, "Wife has gone, that's home." So he picked up his little daughter and strode up the mountain.

After passing the last hill, there was another sentry post, but it was different from the previous wooden fence, but a stone wall about ten feet high, blocking the road, with bottomless cliffs on both sides.Ning Wan, even a woman who doesn't understand the military, sighed, "It's really a one-man guard, and ten thousand men can't open it!"

After entering the gate of the stone wall, Ning Wan found that unlike the gate of Hutai County, which could be opened and closed, it had to walk through a long roundabout. The strictness of the defense had never been seen before, and Ning Wan was even more moved. , "It's no wonder you have a great reputation. It's really amazing that you can sneak into such a place and capture the bandits' brains!"

Tieshi was obviously dissatisfied, "Although there were several defenses around Huju Mountain, the bandit leader still ran away."

"But he still didn't escape," it turned out that Tieshi had been brooding over the fact that the bandit leader had escaped!Ning Wan just laughed, "I don't think the result is bad! It seems that it is so preordained." In fact, she didn't just mean that Tie Shi found the treasure by following the vines, but also meant comparing it with the situation in her dream. It took Tie Shi three years to take down Huju Mountain, and not to mention the bandit leader, even the bandits probably ran away a lot, as evidenced by the disappearance of more than half of the more than 1 taels of silver hidden by the bandits.

Lu Tieshi nodded, "Wan'er, after we got married, I suddenly felt that everything went smoothly, as if God really helped."

It's smoother than before, and it's not just God's help. "Many people say that I have a life in Wangfu! The most interesting thing is that my mother-in-law actually believed it, and asked me that day."

"It can be seen that my mother has knowledge now."

Ning Wan just laughed, just as they walked out of the rounded wall, the sight suddenly opened up, and the uneven mess of earth nests suddenly appeared in front of them, not only different from ordinary villages, but also completely opposite to the strict military camp. "This is really a bandit den!"

In fact, when Lu Tieshi first arrived on the mountain, there were random flags and even miscellaneous things hanging on these earth nests, which was even more outrageous. He had already removed the most messy ones, but the land in Liaodong was frozen three Chi couldn't start construction at all, and had to leave these earthen nests for everyone to live in. At this time, he frowned slightly, "The overthrow and reconstruction have already begun."

Ning Wan snickered, Tie Shi probably couldn't bear such mess, and he couldn't wait for the spring to begin, and he could faintly see a newly built stone wall protruding from the north corner, which might be a newly built house.

It's just that Ning Wan was in a hurry to go home and didn't have the heart to look around, so she clicked on the house in front of a small hill, "Is that where our house is?"

The reason why she recognized it was that the house was the tallest and the largest, which made it stand out from the crowd, and the second was that it was right next to the mountain, which also matched what Tie Shi had said to herself earlier.Sure enough, Tie Shi nodded, "Yes, we will move to a new house after staying for a month or two."

Ning Wan picked up her daughter and went straight into the room, and hurriedly nursed Huai Hua'er.It was indeed very troublesome for the woman to go out. Zong Tieshi took good care of her along the way, and she made a lot of preparations, but she almost couldn't make it through the last part of the journey, her chest was very swollen. A cloth towel, or you will make a fool of yourself.

As for the house on the mountain, Tie Shi, as the main general, occupies the best house—but in fact, it can barely be regarded as a house, and it should be called a larger earth nest.Because it is also the method of repairing the earth nest. First, the ground is dug down two or three feet deep, and a low wall is built around it with stones, and a wooden reed mat is built on the top. It is not as good as my old house in Sanjia Village. .

But building such an earth nest is easier than building a house, and it can be warm in winter and cool in summer by virtue of the earth's air. There is no need to build a kang, just dig less and leave a raised platform.Of course, there is no stove to light the fire in this kang, and the heating depends on the charcoal basin, and the charcoal that is most easily obtained in this mountain is used here.

It seems that the bandits are only capable of looting houses and houses, and I am afraid that they have no intention or power to build a tiger's mountain.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Mrs. Lu Shao and Lu Baihu are loving couples, but still did not accompany her husband.The poor life here is really not something that a pampered woman can bear.

After feeding her daughter, seeing Sophora japonica fell asleep without being coaxed, Ning Wan felt relieved, and just about to get up to pack her things, she saw that Tie Shi had already arranged the rocking cart and was arranging all the commonly used things on the kang superior--.

But now the things are exactly the same as those at home. Seeing her, she laughed, her eyes sparkled, and her white teeth were exposed, "You take a rest first, I'll bring the food over."

Ning Wan knows what a brave general Tie Shi is, and her admiration for Tie Shi will never change, but now that she sees him who spreads the bedding and helps her daughter with diapers, she admires him even more in her heart. This is her husband!

(End of this chapter)

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