Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 275 Credit

Chapter 275 Credit
Although the new house has only been under construction for a few months, there are still some things to see now.Everyone stayed by the small lake for a while, then walked around the lake to the north, saw the stage and houses, all of them had the exquisiteness of the south of the Yangtze River in their majestic spirit, and they were far better than those in Hutai County, Lu Tieshi and Ning Wan. Praise again and again.

Luo Bing thought that he was afraid that everyone would still be unhappy because of the topic just now, so he talked about the benefits of various places along the road, and then smiled: "I count that some houses can be built this autumn, and then I can move from the old house Come and live."

Ning Wan said: "I'm not in a hurry to move this year, but I want to treat guests in the new house at this time next year."

Luo Bing understood after thinking about it, "Although the entire house will not be completed next year, it is still possible to invite guests for a few days decently!"

Luo Yan had followed her earlier, her eyes widened first, and then she suddenly realized, "The old lady will be very happy!" She said with a smile, she couldn't see the gaffe just now.

"Don't say it now!" Ning Wan smiled and waved her hands, "When the time comes, let's have a drink together."

On the way back, Tie Shi shook his wife's hand, "No wonder you are in a hurry to build a new house! It turned out that it was for my mother's fiftieth birthday, and you thought ahead more than me as a son." The reason why the couple chose Going home during this period is also to celebrate the old man's birthday.But this year is 49, it is not a whole life, so there is no need to deal with it.

"Naturally, I should take care of these things. You just need to take care of the big things outside." Ning Wan said it as a matter of course, but in fact, she had another thought in her heart, that is, her mother-in-law didn't have such a long lifespan. But now she is still alive and well, and it seems that her body is safe in the near future.

You must know that next year will be her fiftieth birthday. According to the folk saying, "a person who passes fifty is not called a young life". "Fifth rank is not cheap, fifty is not young", which means that officials above fifth rank are already top rank, and their status is quite noble, and people who live past fifty will not lose money. Two are very proud.The mother-in-law now has a five-rank imperial order, and she will celebrate her 50th birthday next year, shouldn't she celebrate with great fanfare!

Ning Wan was quite proud of herself, it can be said that her mother-in-law has such a good life, she has a lot of credit.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's joy, Tie Shi was also happy, but everyone didn't mention it when they got home, and just waited for the birthday feast next year.As for Mrs. Wu's birthday this year, several well-governed relatives of the Wu family were invited to the family. In addition, the Ning family and the Luo family arranged wine for a quiet celebration, and did not spread the news to the outside world.

After her mother-in-law passed her birthday, Ning Wan began to plan a charcoal business.

She originally wanted to find Wei's old owner and ask him to help sell charcoal, so when her parents, aunts and uncles came to celebrate her mother-in-law's birthday, she asked them to help inquire in Hutai County, and now it happened to go to see everyone, by the way Meet Wei's old club.

Although they just met each other a few days ago, it was different when the daughter returned to her mother's house. The parents were very happy, and they smiled and let the daughter and son-in-law come in to sit in the house, and quickly set up a banquet.The daughter and son-in-law hadn't come over for a long time, so this time the Ning family was very solemn and invited all the aunts and uncles over. The men were in the east room and the women were in the west room. They even ordered food and drinks from the Wangyuan Building.

Before she was seated, the mother asked her daughter, "Why didn't you bring Sophora japonica?"

"One is that my mother-in-law is reluctant to let her go out, and the other is that I have business to do here this time, so I may not have time to take care of her. Now it is convenient for me and Tieshi to come here on horseback."

"I also miss Sophora japonica, she really is a cute little girl," Mother said with a smile, "Since we are going back to my mother's house, what's the business?"

"It's the Wei family that I asked my mother to help me find out last time. I want to meet their old owner."

Mother was surprised and said: "There is no Wei family in Hutai County, where can we meet!"

Ning Wan was also very surprised, "No? Did you go to Wei's shop?"

The aunt said: "The place you mentioned is not Wei's shop at all, but a private house. I was afraid that the guys would be useless, so I went to ask your father, but it turned out that the family's surname was Wang and not Wei, so I asked again. There is no one with the surname Wei in the vicinity."

It's no wonder that I haven't seen Wei's old boss in Hutai County in the past few years. It turns out that he doesn't have a shop in the county at all!

Then, it is impossible to count on the Wei family.

The mother and the eldest aunt both asked: "What did you ask the Wei family to do? Did you make a mistake?"

How would Ning Wan explain it?He had no choice but to wave his hands and said, "Forget it, it's also entrusted by others."

Ning Wan excitedly went to Hutai County, originally thinking about how to negotiate the coal business with Wei's old boss without arousing everyone's suspicion, but she didn't even find anyone!
If she hadn't met relatives from her natal family during this trip, she must have been very disappointed.

Mother saw that she was a bit listless, so she smiled and said: "There is another very good news at home. When my mother-in-law celebrated her birthday that day, I saw that you had been talking about it, so I didn't say it-your third brother won a Jinshi. Now he has been sent to the south to be an official!"

The eldest sister told her mother, "That's a fellow Jinshi!"

"By the way, both Jinshi," Niang said, "It doesn't matter what is different, they are all Jinshi, and they are also officials!"

My aunt also said: "I heard someone say that it is not good to be a Jinshi, and I think it is ridiculous. If you can't take the exam, you can pass the exam? People from all over the world, from east to west, from north to south, are all in one place, and only a few hundred people are admitted to the same exam. It's not easy to be different!"

Ning Wan also heard people laughing at Tong Jinshi, and made up a joke, comparing "Tong Jinshi" with "Ru Furen". "Those people are sour. If you really let them take the exam, they won't even pass the exam!"

"That's not it!" The mother laughed again: "Your godmother is so happy that she can't keep her mouth shut! Now she has a son who is an official!"

But Hu Dunru's official career was not long, and he abandoned his official position and returned to his hometown not long after. At that time, the godmother didn't know what would happen.Ning Wan said, "What's so good about being an official? I don't think Third Brother likes being an official."

This is not bad at all, everyone nodded, even the mother said: "The child is good at everything, but he is too sincere."

However, everyone still thought it would be good to be an official, and when Shitou came home for lunch with his books in his arms, they all said, "Shitou studies hard, and he will become a Jinshi and become an official in the future!"

Shitou nodded solemnly, "Mr. taught us that if we study well, we will be officials. It means that only by studying well can we become an official."

"We don't understand your words," the aunt said with a smile, "I knew that Shitou became an official. Your father and mother don't know how happy they are! My aunt also has face!"

Liaodong's literary style is not strong, and there are not many Juren in Hutai County, old and young. Now that Hu Dunru has been selected as a Jinshi, it naturally attracts attention, and the news of him becoming an official has not been spread for a long time. Everyone will inevitably say a few more words, Then when asked about the situation on Huju Mountain, Ning Wan had to tell everyone about it. Of course, she only picked interesting things, and skipped all the difficult ones.

Then I asked about Sister Xi. Of course, when Shitou went to the school again, and there were only mother, aunt and eldest sister in the room, "I haven't seen anyone since I picked her up that time, and I still don't see her now." Are you willing to go out?"

Auntie mentioned Sister Xi and sighed, "That's right, she's becoming more and more obsessed. Every day, I go into the kitchen when I leave the house, and I go back to the house after making pasta. No, I heard that you came back, and you and I The elder sister wanted to bring her here, she just said it was a family meeting, but after persuading her for a while, she still refused to move."

"Someone came to kiss, but she didn't look at any of them." The elder sister asked, "Wan'er, you asked about Miss Xi today, but what's the matter?"

Ning Wan has been in a dilemma for several days.Luo Yan didn't look for her again after she said the words of exchanging marriages that day, but every time the two faced each other, she could always feel the pleading between her eyebrows.Just as her brother tried his best to raise her and wanted her to live a better life, she also wholeheartedly defended her brother.Now she feels that her brother should get married, so she naturally wants to do her best to help.

In addition to her and Tie Shi, he also meant the same thing, wanting to help Luo Bing talk about a relationship.Talking about this matter when returning to the room that day, Ning Wan also asked, "What if Brother Luo just got married and the case of the Luo family is reversed, what should I do if I regret it?"

Tie Shi immediately said: "Brother Luo is not that kind of person." But he said: "You are thinking too much, how can the case of the Luo family be reversed immediately after Brother Luo got married? Besides, Brother Luo It's more than [-] now, and it will be even more difficult to delay for a few more years. What's more, there are only brothers and sisters left in the Luo family, so they have to pass on the incense no matter what."

Then she thought of Sister Xi.

To be fair, Ning Wan knew that Sister Xi was not good enough for Luo Bing.Luo Bing is a great talent, while Xi'er doesn't know a lot of big characters; Luo Bing is a very knowledgeable person, but Xi'er has too little knowledge.

But right now, looking at it with the eyes of the world, Luo Bing is definitely not good enough for Sister Xi.Needless to say the age difference, the Wan family has a small family business, besides fertile land and a shop, decent enough, but what is Luo Bing's status?Sinners exiled to Liaodong!According to the current law, the descendants of sinners are also sinners, and there is no possibility of recovery.

On weekdays, everyone may not take it to heart and just vaguely pass it on, but when it comes to marriage proposals, it is impossible to hide it.But as long as the truth is told, almost no one is willing to marry a daughter.

This is also the reason why Luo Yan proposed to change relatives.Although Luo Yan is still young, she is extremely beautiful. Someone has already asked her about her. It is not difficult to use her to exchange Luo Bing for a similar marriage. too much.

Of course, Ning Wan would never agree again, not only should she not have done so, but she also knew that if Luo Bing knew about this, it would be more painful than killing him.Instead of that, it's better to say a kiss for Luo Bing.

In the current world situation, if Sister Xi hadn't made that big mistake, Ning Wan would really dare not mention Luo Bing in front of her aunt, but because of that mistake, although no outsiders knew about it, Sister Xi would be fine. Whether it is the aunt or not, she feels a little bit wrong, so she is not too picky when looking at Sister Xi. She just wants to find a capable person who will not despise Sister Xi, so that Sister Xi can rely on her in the future.

But it was precisely because of this that Ning Wan thought of Sister Xi.She clearly remembered what Luo Bing said when she came back from Mijue Temple, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

It is a very simple and common truth. People often say it to children and men, but few people are willing to say it to women, especially after women make such mistakes, almost no one can correct them. Opportunity.If the same mistake is made by men, everyone either doesn't care at all, or forgives them easily.

Ning Wanyuan was used to this kind of unfairness, and even took it for granted, but Luo Bing's words made her deeply moved, and she admired him endlessly.This kind of mind and bearing is actually more admirable than the second place reputation.

Therefore, she is not worried that sister Xi's previous affairs will affect this relative.

Moreover, Ning Wan also has selfish intentions. Instead of watching Luo Bing marry Xie Matchmaker's daughter, wouldn't it be better to marry Sister Xi?After all, she is my aunt's new daughter, and my father's favorite niece.

So Ning Wan carefully said: "I want to help Sister Xi talk about a relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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