Mrs. Cui's offer was very generous, even more generous than what Ning Wan estimated in advance that Hujushan would get the highest profit.

Coal is a thing in the mountains. On the surface, it can be sold for money without spending a penny, but in fact it is not the case.From digging the charcoal out of the ground to selling it to thousands of households, every step requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Be aware that charcoal is very heavy and difficult to transport!Whether it is transported from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, or from the bottom of the mountain to the city, it is not easy.Especially when transporting from Huju Mountain to Hutai County, mule carts are needed, which costs more.In this way, Mrs. Cui may not have much profit left.

Ning Wan was puzzled, "Why is Mrs. Cui doing this?"

"I see that a lot of charcoal has been accumulated, so I naturally want to help the general and his wife!"

Sure enough, the charcoal has piled up into a hill.But this is all about Hujushan, and has nothing to do with others.After all, how can people just do it for others’ good for no reason, Ning Wan thought about it and laughed, "Mrs. Cui is still worried that the road will not be smooth?"

"It's not that I'm worried, we all believe in General Tieshi!" Mrs. Cui hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands, "We just respect General Tieshi!"

Ning Wan thought about her thoughts, but she was still afraid of losing her goods on the road.If the person stationed on Huju Mountain is not Tieshi, but just another person, he will definitely collect some money from passing merchants, especially merchants of foreign races, who are the most bullied.Now that Tieshi's autumn is innocent, the Cui family can't believe it. The things they transported are too expensive, and they would rather give some benefits to Tieshi for safety, so that they can buy them with peace of mind.

They should not make a lot of money taking over the charcoal business, but they won't lose money, so they have formed a strong interest relationship with Iron Stone, which is what they value most!
That being the case, it's not bad for the Cui family to help. They don't want to get rich with charcoal, they always do business honestly.And because of being on good terms with Tieshi, it's easy to manage.

However, Ning Wan still has to discuss with Tie Shi.So she smiled and said: "You also know that these important matters are still decided by the general, and I can at most blow the wind from the sidelines."

Mrs. Cui had inquired many times before she came, and she had already confirmed Mrs. Lu's worth. Seeing her modesty now, she actually didn't believe it, but she knew she couldn't refute it, so she smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for Mrs. Lu's attention." Good news." But he was very confident in his heart, no one could give him a better condition than himself!

The Cui family doesn't make money!

Ning Wan also took it for granted that Tieshi would agree, and told about the Cui family's affairs, but seeing that he was not happy, she smiled and said, "Are you afraid that you owe the Cui family? Then we will give [-]% to the Cui family." Li, even this is cheaper than others!"

"It's not a matter of profit, nor is it a matter of human feelings," Tie Shi shook his head and said, "If you are not of my race, you must have a different heart. You cannot use foreigners in the business of charcoal!"

It's just a charcoal business, so what does it have to do with people from other tribes?
But she immediately understood, after all, Tie Shi had far-reaching thoughts, so she buried her head in his arms embarrassingly, "You're right, I only think about making money, it's really short-sighted."

Lu Tieshi laughed when he saw her daughter-in-law, and coaxed her, "You are always a woman, and you have never lived in a place like Duolun. There is a mixture of Chinese and foreigners, and everyone is very nice. Men They can even drink together, but when the war broke out, the original neighbors became enemies in a blink of an eye. The Fuyu people have no malicious intentions now, but who can tell the future. We still need to find a capable businessman in Liaodong Bar."

Ning Wan raised her head again, "I see, I'll go back to Mrs. Cui tomorrow."

The husband and wife were talking, when they heard the voices outside, Aunt Wu came over and said: "There are relatives at home, the old lady invites the second master and his wife to come over."

Tie Shi asked: "What kind of relative? Do I know him?" The two disgusting things happened to his relatives, and he rarely went out to meet ordinary people when they came.

Aunt Wu laughed, "We haven't seen each other for many years. Even the old lady and I only heard from the elders that it was the first time we met. How could the second master recognize him?" She said in detail: "The grandfather of Master Wu and I The old lady’s grandfather is a cousin. I think when the old lady’s natal family came to Liaodong from Shandong, they were moved by hearing that Mr. Wu’s family was doing well in Liaodong. Even our family came here because of this. Now Mr. Wu is also the richest and most powerful member of the Wu family. Because he wanted to repair the family tree, he came here to talk about the old days with everyone. After hearing the old lady's grandfather's name, he said that his father often talked about it when he was still alive, so he brought his son to visit the old man. People, speaking of it, the old lady and Master Wu haven't released five clothes yet."

As the saying goes, "Among the five clothes are relatives, and outside the five clothes are estranged." Although this master Wu and the old lady met for the first time, they are still serious relatives, and they are closer in blood than the few families they often communicate with. some.Moreover, Master Wu came here to repair the family tree, and came to visit after hearing the name of the old lady's ancestors. Tie Shi and Ning Wan didn't feel contemptuous any more, and hurriedly changed their clothes and went to the room.

As soon as he left the house, he saw a large cart parked in front of the courtyard, and many servants were moving things into the house. The big and small bags seemed to be heavier than the presents from Mrs. Cui before.Ning Wan thought in her heart, she is indeed the richest of Wu's surnames, and the relatives she met for the first time are all so generous, so she was thinking about how to return the gift.

When I entered the upper room, I saw Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu sitting on both sides of the kang table and having a good conversation; I really like this new toy; several uncles of the Wu family who accompanied me sat on the kang and talked and laughed, while Mr. Wu’s son sat on the edge of the kang behind his father and held the field with a smile, Ning Wan was stunned—it turned out that Wu The master is Wu grain merchant in Mayi Town, and it is Wu Er who came with him!
At this time, Wu Er hastily got up and stepped forward to say hello, and said to Ning Wan with a smile: "It turned out to be an old friend from Ma Yi Town. I heard that Miss Ning married into Lu Qian's family. I don't want it to be my aunt's family. What a coincidence!"

skillful?Ning Wan didn't believe it!If it is reasonable for Wu Liangshang to repair the family tree so far, how could Wu Er, a mercenary person, not abandon his big business to see his relatives who are impossible to beat!

Wu Er may not know his current situation, but he has already heard his name.Last year, he returned to Liaodong. Naturally, he returned to his hometown with a good clothes. He opened several big shops in Anpingwei, which disrupted Anpingwei's food, ironware, medicinal materials, horses and many other businesses. Many old businesses closed down. door, but his business is booming.Many people have said that he made a fortune in the capital, made friends with powerful people, and came back full of confidence.

However, I don't know whether the famous Wu Erye is merciful or dismissive. This time he did not do the mountain goods business again, so he has no intersection with Dejufeng, and he has no business dealings with Ning Wan's fur shop.

Ning Wan thought about what Wu Er was here for, but she was very affectionate on the face, and first saluted Wu Liangshang, "It's been a long time since I saw Uncle Wu, Uncle Wu is getting richer!"

Master Wu knew that the youngest daughter of the Ning family married into Lu Qianhu's family. He was always glad that the two families never turned their backs, so it was easier to talk this time, and he didn't take it too seriously. He stood up and said with a smile: " At the beginning, the old neighbors all looked at Miss Ning's excellence, so they are really lucky, she is actually a fifth-rank official wife!"

Ning Wan said a few words politely, then she turned to Wu Eryi and smiled, "Second Master Wu is a man of the hour in Anpingwei, I've heard it a long time ago."

Seeing that they met in the past, the mother-in-law smiled and said: "What a coincidence," and said: "I also know Dr. Xie from Mayi Town, who is good at acupuncture. It is thanks to his diagnosis and treatment that my disease was delayed. Now."

Both father and son of the Wu family said: "Doctor Xie is not only highly skilled in medicine, but also has an excellent character. There is no one in our town who does not respect him. Madam lived in Mayi Town, so naturally she knows the truth best. Acupuncture is very suitable for the old lady."

The mother-in-law praised Doctor Xie a few more words, but she didn't ask about the past of Wu Jianing's family doing business in Mayi Town, so as not to be embarrassed.Of course, even if she asked, Ning Wan and the Wu family's father and son would not say anything about it. Those things have passed long ago, and the two families have always been good. When the family moved to Hutai County, the Wu family came to see him off.

The elders casually talked about the old affairs of the Wu family and the repairing of the family tree. Tie Shi sat on the chair below to accompany him, and Ning Wan quietly came out to ask people to buy fish and meat in the county town, and ordered Mrs. Bi to prepare a good banquet.

All the guests came, and Tie Shi accompanied everyone, so Ning Wan and her mother-in-law brought Sophora japonica to eat together. Seeing that Sophora japonica had eaten and slept, her mother-in-law gently took the Nine Links from her granddaughter. It turned out that this kind of toy Sophora japonica was very fond of it, and she didn't let go of it when she was sleeping. She handed it to Ning Wan and said, "This thing is too expensive, I don't want to take it, but my cousin must give it to me. Sophora japonica likes it so much when I see it Hold on and don't let go."

"It doesn't matter. Since we are relatives, it's nothing to accept gifts. It's not like we don't return gifts." Ning Wan looked at the nine-link ring carefully, and it was very delicate and beautiful. There were various flowers, birds, fish and insects carved on the golden ring, and she boasted like It is also inlaid with red, green, blue and pink gemstones. I like it when I look at it. No wonder Sophora japonica can't put it down.

The mother-in-law breathed a sigh of relief, and she has received many gifts since her son's success, but today this child's toy still makes her a little worried, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with too much favor.Now hearing that the daughter-in-law didn't care at all, she laughed, "I heard that this is the latest style made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the capital."

"The House of Internal Affairs makes things for the emperor's house," Ning Wan said, "No wonder the Nine Rings are so delicate!"

"Oh, it turned out to be for the children of the emperor's family to play with. Even though it's a toy, it can actually be a family heirloom."

Only this nine chains are worth thousands of taels of silver, which can't be compared with the heirlooms of many families.Ning Wan just smiled, "Well, I'll keep it for Huaihua'er as a dowry, and let her pass it on to her children in the future."

"Of course that's good," but Mrs. Wu had concerns again, "You gave Huaihua such a precious dowry, what will happen to the other children in the future? There must be a bowl of water."

Although there is only Huai Hua'er, Ning Wan will definitely be born again, so she said with a smile: "They are all my own children, how can I treat one more than another? The daughters are all married with the same Jiulianhuan, and I will give them my son. They all built a house to marry a wife!"

A few words made my mother-in-law laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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