Chapter 28
Ning Wan just glanced at everything, and she knew everything in her heart. Madam Wu didn't know the world, but she was very sincere in thanking herself. For Piaoxiangju, I used the most expensive box, and considering the small baggage I put away, this thank you gift should have cost about a hundred taels of silver.

Maybe everyone thought that the majestic Commander Lu was originally married to his wife, and spending 100 taels of silver was nothing, but Ning Wan knew that Mrs. Wu had no money.All the property and money of the Lu family are in the hands of Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Lu just lives on 20 taels of silver every month.

From the perspective of the villagers in Sanjia Village, 20 taels of silver per month may not be able to save such a huge sum of money in a lifetime in Sanjia Village, isn't it more than enough?But it is not.

It goes without saying that the life in Sanjia Village is poor, but the expenses are also very low. Except for the big events of weddings and funerals, the food, fruits and vegetables that are eaten all year round are all produced by the family. They only buy some needles and thread, and pull a few feet of cloth to make clothes during the New Year. That's all.

But Mrs. Wu is different. Although she doesn't go out to socialize with others in the old house, she still has to buy daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, and her son needs money to study martial arts. The people in Sanjia Village are better, but the expenses are also high, and there is not much money left.

In short, Mrs. Wu's thank you gift should have done her best.

Of course, Madam Wu tried her best, but Ning Wan accepted the gift with peace of mind. She saved the crippled general and kept his leg. No matter how she calculated it, she could afford 100 taels of silver.

And the family really needed money, and at this moment, she had already thought about the use of everything.

Therefore, Ning Wan stepped forward and picked up two boxes of snacks and handed them to her mother, but put away the rest.Mrs. Yu understood, smiled and told everyone, "Let's try it, after all, it was brought from Hutai County."

Everyone in the village was looking forward to this time, and everyone went forward to take a piece. Some homes had no one, so Yu also took them out for them, and asked people to take them there. He refused to forget every family in the village. This is a very decent manner in Sanjia Village, and everyone dispersed slowly after getting their snacks.

Just when the crowd was almost gone, the third old lady came in with Shuan'er, with a smile on her face, "Oh, I heard that Wan'er saved the nobleman, which one sent a big gift?"

Yu stood up subconsciously, and then sat down again. Even if she was as weak as her, after knowing that Sanfang had cheated her family and owed a few stones of food and did not pay back, she could stand upright and face Sanfang, who she was most afraid of. Aunt.

The two of them couldn't speak a word of reason. They were afraid of Third Aunt because of her kindness to her husband, but now that the kindness is long gone, it turned into resentment. Yu Shi looked down on her, so she sat upright and said with a smile: " Third aunt sit down, actually it’s not enough to save people, it’s just a little help, but the nobleman is very concerned about etiquette and will definitely come to thank you. As for the things sent, they are naturally good.” He said and picked up a piece of dessert and handed it To Shuan'er, "Eat."

Shuan'er was also the same as Third Aunt, she was different from before, she didn't openly quarrel like before when she entered the door, probably because she was taught by the adults.Now that he took the snack, he stuffed two mouthfuls into his mouth, but was attracted by the deliciousness that he had never tasted before, and returned to his original disgusting appearance. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the snack box, "I still want to eat!"

Since Shuan'er came, Ning Wan had already become vigilant in her heart. For some reason, she always felt that it was Shuan'er who knocked the woman from her father's Dian down to miscarriage. Seeing him pounce on Yu Shi, she immediately grabbed her. He grabbed the collar back, pushed it towards the third old lady, and shouted sharply: "My mother is raising a baby, if Shuan'er dares to rush her, I will take a knife to your third room to seek justice!"

As soon as Shuan'er was pushed to the front of the third old lady, away from the box of snacks, she wanted to burst into tears immediately, but was so frightened by Ning Wan's fierce appearance that she forgot to cry, and just looked up blankly. she.

The third old lady was also taken aback by Ning Wan's angry face, she stopped when she was about to scold, she curled her lips and said: "It's just that you have a body, who hasn't given birth, as for being so precious?"

However, Ning Qing was busy moving those silks and satins into the kang first, and at this time, she also stood beside Ning Wan and asked the third old lady: "When will you return my family's three stones of grain?" Facing the three old ladies, the momentum is not small.

The third old lady never thought that Dafang would become so powerful, she rolled her eyes and shed tears, "Your family doesn't even recognize your relatives and elders? Why are you so cold-blooded?"

Ning Wan sneered and said, "If you cry a little louder, I'll call everyone in the village back and speak clearly in front of everyone, and see who doesn't even recognize relatives, and is very cold-blooded!"

The third old lady didn't have the face to tell the past, she immediately shed her tears and pulled Shuan'er away.Ning Qing spat from behind and said, "If you don't return our family's food, don't come to Dafang again!"

Seeing that the third old lady had left without looking back, Ning Wan also snorted coldly, "Looks like it's going to calm down for a while."

Just as he was talking, Ning Liang came back from the field, "I heard that someone came to the house? Why did you leave again?"

Everyone talked about what happened, and Mrs. Yu sighed with a smile: "Maybe I saw that our house is too old and dilapidated, so I don't want to come in." As the hostess, I feel very uncomfortable.

Ning Wan smiled and persuaded her mother, "I don't think that lady is that kind of person, and I'm afraid she has some difficulties. What's more, if they stay, our family won't be able to find any good food. It's a good thing for the two of them to leave. convenient."

Ning Qing is now helping Ning Wan everywhere, and said: "If you don't eat it, don't eat it. Our family has saved a lot of flour and eggs."

Ning Liang looked at the satin and snacks, and also sighed, "How much money does this cost!" He added: "No matter what, it's always rude not to keep the guests for a meal."

Ning Wan smiled and said, "I gave them the Sophora japonica flowers I just picked in return."

"Send pagoda flowers?" Yu laughed, "How did you come up with it? It's just that there are things everywhere."

"But maybe they don't have it there." Ning Wan thought for a while, it seems that there are really no locust trees in the suburbs of Hutai County.However, she was not sure whether Master Lu would take those pagoda flowers home to make steamed buns. He really didn't seem like a person who could make steamed buns from pagoda flowers. Maybe he threw the basket away after he walked out of Sanjia Village. It fell.

But that's none of my business anymore.

When Lu's mother and son arrived at Sanjia Village, they left immediately, like a whirlwind, passing by in a blink of an eye.

But the Ning family couldn't help discussing for a while, and opened the silk and satin after washing their hands, opened a box of snacks, tasted everything, and sighed repeatedly, "It's really a good thing!"

Mrs. Yu wanted to put away the snacks, "I can't bear to eat such a beautiful bun."

Ning Wan laughed when she heard this, which made Ning Liang and Ning Qing laugh non-stop, and Ning Qing laughed again and said, "Mother, this is called dim sum. Besides, it can't be kept for too long, or it will go bad."

"I also know it's called dim sum, but I just said it casually," Yu also smiled, and opened the snack box again, "Then let's eat a few more."

Ning Liang said casually: "It's time for dinner, haven't we cooked at home yet?"

Only then did the three of Yu's mother and daughter look at each other in dismay and said, "I was so busy that I forgot about cooking."

Ning Qing smiled and said, "I'll do it." Then he hurried to the kitchen.

Yu asked her husband, "Why didn't you invite your eldest brother when you came back?"

It turned out that spring had just arrived, and Uncle Ning didn't wait to turn over his own fields first, but brought his son to help Ning Liang turn over the fields first.

In Sanjia Village, people often help each other, either with labor or with money and food. Uncle Ning's intention is obvious, he wants to try his best to pay off the debt owed by the second old man as soon as possible.

The Ning family has a lot of land, but the population is not prosperous. Every spring and autumn harvest, they often need to hire villagers to help. Now that Uncle Ning and his son are good farmers, this time they don't hire anyone else. They are brothers every day. The nephew went to dig the ground.

But according to the helper's habit, the master's family has to take care of a meal at noon, so Ning Wan made lunch every day and sent it to the people in the field.Today, if there are guests coming, father will naturally go home to entertain them. The juniors don't have to, but they should always bring the helper uncle to accompany them.

Dad shook his head, "How could I not let it go? It's just that the eldest brother refused to come back, saying that he would work harder at noon to turn the field more and finish the work earlier." He said again: "That man, stubborn I couldn’t pull it up, and I was anxious about family matters, so I ran back first.”

Yu Shi also nodded, she naturally knew, but she looked at Ning Wan, "Let me make some snacks for your second grandpa's house." Many people from the village came just now, but no one came from the second bedroom of Ning's family.

Seeing that Ning Wan didn't say a word, Yu Shi just treated her as a daughter and didn't want to. Whether Ning Qing or Ning Wan was bullied by the second and third families since she was a child, she didn't have any feelings for them. Knowing that they owed her family After what happened, I hated them even more.

Moreover, the two of them are young and have upright minds, so they are not even willing to do anything to save face.Therefore, the mother can't help reasoning with the two daughters, "Just look at what your second grandfather did, and you really shouldn't associate with them anymore, but your uncle is different. Help."

In Ning Wan's dream, the uncle also helped her family, so she laughed, "These snacks are from home, mother can give them to anyone she wants, why do you ask me?"

(End of this chapter)

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