Chapter 282
On July [-]th, Lu Qianhu invited the most famous shopkeepers in Hutai County to Wanjia Baozipu. They first saw Wanjia Baozipu cooking with charcoal, and then sat down and talked about charcoal business.

On this day, owners or shopkeepers from Ruihongfeng, Wangyuanlou, Yinshuangtai Silver Building, Fulilai Pawnshop, etc., Ning Wan invited her parents, and now she has figured it out, although she has no virtue Jufeng meant to participate in the charcoal business, but it is not a bad thing to let them take a look, if parents are willing, she will not object.

Tieshi supported Wanji, and the aunt also gave face to his niece and son-in-law. At noon that day, Wanji emptied the courtyard, and only set up this banquet table in the middle of the roll shed, and the rest of the business was only sold at the door.

The dishes were the ones that Ning Wan came over to order together. There were more than a dozen dishes, and the aunt used four large bowls to serve stews—Wanji’s signature stews are ordinary, but the taste is really good. All the shopkeepers of the owner have a taste, and it can be regarded as spreading the reputation of the restaurant to be opened in the future.

Seeing the charcoal with my own eyes, these shopkeepers have different reactions. Some think it is good, some think it is useless, and some say it is dispensable... After all, everyone is used to using wood and straw for firewood. It is a big mountain, the mountain is full of woods, and there are wheat fields everywhere, there is no shortage of these two things, and the price is cheap.Therefore, when talking about the coal business, everyone became more cautious and pondered.

Ning Wan and her mother were sitting in the room, from the open window they could see under the rolling shed, and could vaguely hear the voices of these people talking.She asked her mother in a low voice, "Does my father want to do more business?"

"No way, the business at home is already very busy." Mother said again: "However, if these people don't want to do it, your father will definitely follow."

The charcoal business will definitely be popular, but after all, this business has to be started from scratch, and there will be many difficulties. She wants to avoid suspicion, so she doesn't want the Ning family to take over.But looking at the lack of enthusiasm of the big bosses and shopkeepers in Hutai County, Ning Wan was really worried for a while that everyone didn't fancy this business, and in the end only her parents came forward to agree for her own sake.

In fact, parents didn't see the benefits of the charcoal business at all, they were just afraid of embarrassing themselves.

If that's the case, I will stay in Hutai County for a few days and help my parents straighten out the business... Just as I was thinking about it, someone suddenly asked loudly: "I heard that there is a coal business being discussed here?"

As soon as Ning Wan raised her head, she saw Wei's old boss coming in from the courtyard door with a piece of black coal in his hand, sweating profusely, looking around, as if to see where there was coal.The aunt who was making arrangements in the yard smiled and said: "Old man, everyone is discussing the business of charcoal here." Then he asked him to sit down under the rolling shed, and asked the boy to take a cloth towel wrung out of hot water to wipe the old man's sweat .

Wei's old boss is about 60 years old this year, with gray hair, a square face, and deep wrinkles.But although he is old, he is very strong and his voice is loud. After taking a cloth towel and wiping his sweat, he sat down and said loudly: "I have been doing business in Jindi for decades. There is a lot of coal there. The local people use it Casting, cooking, and ink making are extremely useful, but we don’t think we have coal in Liaodong! This is really a great thing!”

No wonder Wei's old club's charcoal business is doing well. It turns out that he has known about charcoal for a long time, and he also has a good understanding of how to use charcoal. Sure enough, there is no other suitable candidate than Wei's old club.Ning Wan leaned back and leaned easily on the back of the chair. She really had nowhere to look for it, and it took no effort at all!

In the yard, Wei’s old owner’s house became more lively after he arrived. The old man was very talkative, talking loudly about some things in Jindi. Suddenly, seeing the charcoal gas coming out of the kitchen, he walked over and said, “You guys It is wrong to burn charcoal in this way, the charcoal gas is too strong, and a lot of things are wasted!" As he spoke, he lifted the corner of his robe and tucked it around his waist, took a shovel and scratched on the coal pile: "Before burning charcoal, it is best to first After smelting, the charcoal gas will be much smaller; besides, it is better to change your stove, coal is easy to burn and does not cost much; besides, don’t throw away these coals, they are all good things!"

Ning Wan taught the aunt to burn charcoal, and she is actually not very good at it.After all, she used to be the young mistress of the Zhao family. Although she knew that charcoal was used well at home, how could she do the firework herself?And she saw that the soldiers on Huju Mountain were just using it casually, anyway, there was coal everywhere, and no one cared too much.

Wei's old boss quickly divided the charcoal into several piles, "These high-quality fires are extremely strong, and they are used when hard fires are needed. Usually, just take these medium-sized coals. In winter, put it in the stove before going to bed at night, it is more resistant to burning than pine knots, and the kang is still hot when you wake up the next morning!" Then he said: "Your family will go outside to pull some soil back, and I will help you make it .”

The aunt couldn't let the old man do things, so she brought tea with a smile, "It's so hot, the old man should rest for a while, and tell the guys at home to do it!"

Mr. Wei took a sip of tea, and said to everyone, "This charcoal is a good thing! Iron is the most important thing to see the heat. Using charcoal is much better than using wood and straw, so the foundry has chosen the best. Charcoal, crushed into pieces of the same size, ventilated from top to bottom, the fire is extremely hard! There is also ink, which is better than pine ink, black and bright! In Jindi, every family cooks with charcoal ..."

I told everyone another anecdote, "I heard people say that a city in Jindi was besieged by barbarians, and all the wood was burned up in winter. There was really no heating, and it almost froze to death. As a result, a person dug out coal on the ground, and the whole city was saved, and later a temple was built on the spot, and everyone went to offer incense every New Year’s festival—it can be seen that there is a lot of coal in Jin.”

Niang smiled and said, "There is such a coincidence."

Ning Wan had also heard this story before, and it seemed it was passed down by Wei's old club, so she laughed, "There are many coincidences in the world."

With Wei's old club, it was much more lively outside, and everyone's voices became louder.

After a while when we talked about business, Wei's old boss immediately agreed, "I'm here to do this business!" After a while, he said loudly: "Oh! There is so much coal, and I don't have so much capital!"

By the way, Tieshi's strength was very weak when he farmed the fields before, and the suppression of bandits was carried out bit by bit, and the charcoal should be dug out bit by bit, so Wei's old club didn't have to pay too much capital.Now the situation has become too much.Ning Wan told her mother softly, "You and dad invest in some stocks, this business will definitely make a lot of money!"

After hearing this, mother hurried out of the house, waved her husband aside and muttered a few words, and then turned to look for the eldest aunt and elder sister. At this time, father had already come to Wei's old boss and said, "If the old man doesn't have enough money, why don't I take 500 yuan?" Two silver coins for a share?"

"Of course that's fine." Wei's old boss is a person who has done business, understood these principles, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't lose you when the share is divided!"

Shopkeeper Wang of Ruihongfeng also said with a smile: "I have always been convinced of the vision of Ningdong's family, so I will also invest in 500 taels of shares." He did a great job, and he didn't have the heart to do anything else.But when he saw the youngest daughter of the Ning family having a private conversation with Mrs. Ning, and Mrs. Ning came out to have a private conversation with her husband, he immediately knew that this opportunity should not be missed.But it's not easy to say that, so I made an excuse.

Shopkeeper Wang invested money, and the hearts of those present here are also alive. Those who can come here are all from the big shopkeepers of the big boss. A few hundred taels of silver is not a problem. I was always afraid of missing the opportunity, so I followed the 300 tael For stock, my aunt brought her eldest brother-in-law out and said, "Since it's a matter of discussion at our house, our two families will also pool 100 taels, so don't think too little of Wei's old boss."

"A lot, a lot! As long as you invest in shares, it will be written on the deed, and then you will be divided according to the shares!" Wei's old boss said with a smile: "I don't want everyone to trust me so much, I haven't declared myself yet! "

The old man stood up and straightened his chest and said: "I was originally from Hutai County. I went out to travel around the age of 20 and visited many places. Later, I did charcoal business in Jindi for more than [-] years. Now I am old. I thought about Ye Luo returning to my roots, so I took my children and grandchildren back to Liaodong, and bought fields and houses in my hometown outside the city. But I am used to working, and I feel uncomfortable when I have nothing to do every day, and I want to stay in my hometown I also want to do the same business, and I will be the foundation of my family for my children and grandchildren in the future, but I can't find a way out after much deliberation."

"Two mornings ago, I picked up a piece of charcoal on the road when I went out." Wei's old boss took out the piece of coal he brought, and said with a smile, "I thought there was coal in Liaodong, but I don't know where it came from? Just let it go." I searched for it on the way, and asked again and again, only to find out that Huju Mountain had dug up coal, and I was looking for someone to open a shop to sell goods—I thought, isn’t this a job for my old man!”

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

Only then did Ning Wan know that Wei's old boss lived outside the city, and not far from the old house, no wonder she couldn't find it in the county town, and the charcoal he picked was dropped on the road when she gave it to her aunt. Yes, it seems that the old saying is true, "What's yours is yours, and you won't come if you don't force it!"

Now that the charcoal business has settled down, Tieshi and Ning Wan plan to return to Huju Mountain.Ning Wan took the imperial calendar and flipped through it, and said, "I will go to Lu's house before I go back."

Tie Shi knew that she had a good relationship with Mrs. Lu, so he nodded and said, "I'll go with you when you set a date, and I should also meet Commander Lu and thank him for his support."

"It's really time to meet Commander Lu." Ning Wan looked at the day and said, "You should go on 21."

"What? You're not going with me?"

"You should go by yourself, I'll find another day." Although Ning Wan and Tie Shi went to Anpingwei to play quietly, they would not admit that, and now the couple are going to visit Lu's house with great fanfare, but they won't go Seeing my father-in-law, it's not a nice word at all!If Tie Shi went by himself, it could still be said to be a business after all, and it would still make sense not to enter the commander's office.But if you bring yourself, it's not easy to say that it's a waste of personal interests because of business.

On weekdays, Ning Wan seldom went to Anpingwei to see Mrs. Lu, but it was mostly Mrs. Lu who came to see her, and this was the reason.

"You're just thoughtful!" Tie Shi rubbed her head as he spoke, but he also knew that his daughter-in-law was very concerned about her reputation and would not listen to her persuasion, so she said, "Then write a letter and I'll give it to you." I'll take it with me."

(End of this chapter)

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