Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 294 Help

Chapter 294 Help
Ning Qing went to the Hutai County Yamen to beat drums and file a complaint a few years ago.I heard that she was wearing a tattered coarse cloth dress, and she only used a wooden stick to pull her hair. She told in tears that Liu Wulang drove her out of the house after being rich, and withheld her dowry and refused to return it, begging the Lord Qingtian to make decisions for her.

Ning Wan heard the story from Shuangjie, the eldest girl next to Madam Qian, and Shuangjie quietly asked Madam Lu, "Is Liu Ning's sister Madam? Why didn't Madam say hello to our Madam first?"

In order to get the money back, it is not uncommon for Ning Qing to make such a gesture. Ning Wan listened with a faint smile, "Although she is my biological sister, she has not had much contact with her in recent years. I heard that her husband's family and Anpingwei's The dignitaries have some business dealings, so it’s not easy for me to say hello—I’m afraid I’ll be in a dilemma for County Magistrate Qian. And I thought that an upright person like County Magistrate Qian would not judge the case impartially? So even my natal family told them to just listen The order of the county magistrate."

Shuang Jie sighed: "Madam Lu is still considerate of our adults and Madam. Our Madam asked me to come because she wanted to tell Madam that the reason why my brother-in-law's family is so confident is that they have won favor with the servants of the Anpingwei Commander's family! That day a small steward came to the Zhou family, and he wanted to point fingers at the county yamen, and our adults heard him say a few nonsensical words, and immediately asked the yamen servants to fork him out!"

In fact, Ning Wan really didn't want to help Ning Qing with the lawsuit, but they were sisters after all, connected by blood, even if she refused to admit it, she would pull them together.Now the reason why Mrs. Qian sent someone to give her a favor, she had to follow up.At this moment, I could only smile and said: "In short, I believe that County Magistrate Qian is the most upright and good official. Not to mention Commander Zhou, so what if it is the General Army Mansion? The military officer is in charge of defending the land, and the civilian officer is in charge of people's livelihood. They are irrelevant. , even if anyone wants to point fingers at random, it will not work."

Shuangjie was able to come over, so of course she first inquired about some past events of the Ning family, but the Ning family who filed the complaint was after all Mrs. Lu's own sister, and she was indeed sentenced to win the case, so Mrs. Qian asked her to give this ready-made favor. He said: "The adults of our family are naturally the most impartial and upright, whoever decides the case should be settled like this! Liu Ning's dowry and the interest generated by the dowry cannot be withheld by the Liu family. As for the paper of divorce being invalid, if the two of them If you really can't make it through, you can make up with each other."

It seems that this is the county magistrate Qian's verdict on the case, which is exactly what Ning Wan estimated earlier, so she smiled and said, "I really want to thank Mrs. Qian."

"Our wife has always been thinking about my wife's love!" Shuangjie smiled from the heart. Since General Lu was stationed in Huju Mountain and opened the road to Fuyu Country, the Cui family's business has been very smooth. Mrs. Lu has become friends with Mrs. Lu, and every delivery is safe, so the filial piety sent to the Qian family has increased. Although she is a servant, she has gained a lot of benefits because of it, "Thanks to General Lu for the Cui family care."

In fact, Ning Wan's care for the Cui family was to accept the gift from their family, and did nothing else.But it's always hard to say this, so Ning Wan smiled and said humbly: "Just talk about the friendship between our general and County Magistrate Qian, no matter how Mrs. Qian cares about me, it's not appropriate."

Seeing that Mrs. Lu was indeed satisfied with the case, Baijie smiled and said goodbye.Ning Wan asked Sheng'er to take the red envelope, "It's too cold for you to come here." Then she asked Sheng'er to take her down for tea and snacks.

As long as Ning Qing got the money back, the rest would be easy.The Liu family has always been the most greedy for money. If they want Liu Wulang to marry again, even the grandson may be given to Ning Qing again. How can their mother and son live in that way?Ning Qing's shrewdness and ability are not fake, and she can always keep the family wealth.

Parents should feel relieved, and Ning Wan didn't want to meddle too much, so she was surprised to see Shuangjie come back within two days, "But the Liu family refused to accept and made trouble again?"

Shuang Jie hurried forward to salute and said: "Madam, don't worry, how dare the Liu family refuse to accept our master's verdict? It's another matter for our wife to send me here."

Ning Wan laughed, "I was wrong." After thinking about it, she understood that although Ning Qing couldn't get on the stage, how strong could Liu Wulang be?The Zhou family made a fuss about divorcing their wives since they thought they had relied on the commander, but even if the 1000 taels of silver could not be left in a fair manner, it was still cheated from Ning Qing.County magistrate Qian has served as the parent officer for more than ten years. Isn't it easy to clean him up?
Shuangjie laughed and said, "After all, it's my sister's business. If Madam is concerned, it will be messed up." Then he briefly talked about what happened after going back that day, "Although I didn't personally see the judgment in the court, I listened to the servant. They said that Liu Wulang was arrogant before, and he only thought of himself as a relative of the emperor. Our master issued a lottery to approve him for contempt of court. After the five boards were beaten, he was honest. Our master counted the dowry He did not dare to refute, so he admitted it in court." After all, it is Mrs. Lu's second brother-in-law, and it is not easy to explain Liu Wulang's shit in too much detail.

But Ning Wan heard what Shuangjie meant, "Could it be that they haven't separated?"

Shuangjie knew that Mrs. Lu really didn't care much about her natal second sister, and she didn't even know the result, so she said, "When the property was settled that day, our master ordered the master to send their 1000 taels of silver note to the bank to divide it into two parts— ——What our lord means is that although most of the capital is the dowry of the wife and sister, Liu Wulang is the man of the family after all, and he is the main business, so he divided half of it. I don’t want Liu Wulang to be unwilling, and the wife’s sister is not willing either. Ken, just said that the 1000 taels of silver bills were not easy to save, and they were reluctant to take them apart. Later, one of them refused to divorce his wife, and the other divorced, and they went home together with the silver bills."

Seeing the entangled expression of the couple, Ning Wan also smiled wryly, "They are such people, it's hard for you master." County magistrate Qian did not punish them when he saw such foolish men and women, he must be looking at his own face .

"There are still three poor relatives in the imperial court, Madam Lu don't need to care about it!" Shuangjie hurriedly said with a smile: "Our master and madam both said that since they are willing to go back and live their lives again, it should be done."

"Forget it." Ning Wan waved her hand.After this incident, she believed that even if the knife rested on Ning Qing's neck, she would not hand over the silver to Liu Wulang again, and Liu Wulang could only pinch his nose when he thought that he would lose 500 taels of silver if he wanted to rest Ning Qing. Enduring Ning Qing, they can only be together for a lifetime, but they are actually compatible.So stop thinking about Liu Wulang and Ning Qing, and ask Shuangjie with a smile, "What's the matter with your wife?"

Shuang Jie smiled and said, "Actually, in detail, this matter is also related to Madam's natal relatives."

"It was at the time when the case of the second sister of Mrs. Madam was being investigated. Our master heard that there was a Hu Juren in Mayi Town who opened a winter school, so he went to have a look. He didn't want to be very admirable. When he came back, he sighed again and again. We don't really understand things like "Don't change your joy" and so on. Our wife was very moved when she heard it, so she thought about raising some silver taels for Hu Juren during the festival. It happened that I heard that Hu Juren was a member of the wife's family. Dear, so let me ask Madam for an idea."

Ning Wan has read books, so she naturally knows that "eat and drink, never change the joy." It was Confucius' words to praise Yan Hui, that is to say, he lived a very poor life but still devoted himself to the virtuous. At this time, it is the most suitable description for Hu Dunru .With a sister like Ning Qing, she would inevitably lose face, but a relative like Hu Dunru naturally brightened her face, so she smiled and said: "Of course I know about my third brother, and I thought I should report to Lord Qian. It's just that my third brother just established the winter school this year, so it's not easy to talk about it immediately, and he has always been a person who doesn't envy the rich and powerful, and I don't want to twist his temper. Now that your wife Zhang Luo has done a lot of good things, I naturally want to Help me out!"

Shuangjie smiled and said, "Our wife is afraid that I don't have enough strength, so I wanted to ask Mrs. Lu to help."

Madam Qian has never been used to hosting banquets, besides she is not good at it, she is also afraid of the expense.Although now he is much more generous with the filial piety of the Cui family, but he still wants to drag himself.Ning Wan is willing, she had the intention to help the third brother before, but she still needs to find a suitable opportunity to make a move, and now she has the right idea, "How about this, please invite your wife to host a banquet, and I will call you from Anpingwei. It's a good show, invite all the big families in Hutai County and several surrounding towns, at the banquet, Madam Qian will be invited to explain the reason to the guests, and I will take the lead in donating another 200 taels, how about you go back and ask Madam Qian?"

This is of course good!Mrs. Lu is really grand!Shuang Jie really wanted to agree directly, but no matter how difficult her status was to make direct decisions, she agreed with a smile and hurried back to Hutai County.

The biggest cost of hosting a banquet is to invite a play, not to mention that Ning Wan has promised to invite a good play in Anpingwei, and she must be the first to pledge donations.This really helped Madam Qian a lot.

Mrs. Qian knows how much the magistrate Qian values ​​Dong Xue.

When the county magistrate came to Hutai County more than ten years ago to serve as a county magistrate, he naturally came here full of ambitions. He felt that his official career was limitless, and he was quite determined to make a difference in the frontier of Liaodong.But when they came to the north from southern Fujian, they encountered difficulties that they had never imagined. The inability to adapt to everything in terms of basic necessities of life was secondary, and the most helpless thing was being constrained in everything in government affairs.

Only then did they realize that the reality is different from what was written in the book: Although the county seat is not big, the population is not too large, and the affairs are not too heavy, it is not easy to do even a small thing. The major and important events in the county can never be realized with an order from the county magistrate.Bookishness is useless in officialdom.

Over the past few years, County Magistrate Qian not only has no hope of promotion, but it is very difficult to keep the post of county magistrate.The most recent time I lost my official position was because of a robbery case under my rule, which had not been solved for many years, and was repeatedly sued by my superiors.

Fortunately, General Tieshi solved the case in one fell swoop.Fortunately, the thieves were involved in a major case in the pass, and for a while, County Magistrate Qian made a great contribution to solving the case.

Since then, their husband and wife have gradually felt that the wind is going smoothly. It turned out that the Beidi people who have been unable to get along are not all bad, especially General Lu and his wife, who really helped them a lot!

Another example is Hu Juren, when he was still white, he was very modest and used his power to mediate the century-old feud between Sanjia Village and Hujia Village; I have thought about it before but never tried it. No one knows how difficult it is.

Now County Magistrate Qian and his wife naturally sincerely want to help Hu Dunru to make Dongxue a big success.Of course, County Magistrate Qian will also benefit from it. Regardless of other things, it is very rare in Liaodong if all the towns and villages under his rule set up winter schools. In the last two gears, even promotions that were already impossible seem to see new hope.

But what can county magistrate Qian do to help run the winter school?Although he has seen parents and big families run schools in his hometown, he has never participated in them and knows nothing about the details.Now that I have been an official for several years, I think that I can't do without people and money, but there are no people and money.So he recruited the subordinate officials and several big families in Hutai County, hoping that they could help.

But these people said a lot of high-sounding things, and it really fell on people and money, but none of them was willing to show some sincerity. I got a headache when I got back to the backyard.

So Mrs. Qian thought it would be better to set up a fundraiser among the women's relatives.After all, women are soft-hearted, especially the female family members of rich families. Usually, when they see beggars, they will ask people to donate rice and grain. Going out also has a good reputation.She originally thought that if each lady could contribute one or two taels of silver, everyone would add up to dozens of taels, and if she added up to two or thirty taels, it would be 30 taels. Set up two or three more schools.

Mrs. Qian just sent Shuangjie to inquire. After all, Mrs. Lu has just received her favor and will always support one or two. Maybe she will generously give out ten taels and twenty taels. She is the wife of a thousand households with money!I don't want Mrs. Lu to be so generous, paying 20 taels per mouth, and she was so excited that she didn't sleep well all night. She had already foreseen that the winter school in Hutai County would definitely be completed, and County Magistrate Qian would also benefit greatly from it!

Therefore, Mrs. Qian came to visit Mrs. Lu in person early the next morning, discussed the details of the banquet with Mrs. Lu, and hurriedly arranged it after returning to Hutai County.Mrs. Lu will return to Huju Mountain in a few days. Although she will not go back on her promise to donate money to the play, but if there is no help from Mrs. Lu at the banquet, it will definitely be inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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