Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 296 Donating Silver

Chapter 296 Donating Silver
The food and drinks were carefully prepared by Mrs. Qian, and they were more expensive than the usual banquets in the county government. This banquet alone cost tens of taels of silver.

The play was invited by Ning Wan at a high price - this season is the time when the troupe business is at its peak, and the schedule has been arranged early, and now if you want to invite famous actors, you must pay more, not counting rewards, it is already more expensive than food and drinks .

Expensiveness naturally has its advantages. Everything at the banquet was exquisite, and the opera was sung with care. There has rarely been a grand event of this scale in Hutai County recently. The host and guest enjoyed themselves.

The banquet had been going on for half a day, and seeing that it was the end of the day, at the last break of the play, the actor dressed as a scholar clapped his hands to the audience and said: "Han Chuang has studied hard for more than ten years, and now he is about to go to Beijing to catch the exam, but he heard Hutai County wanted to raise money for the winter school, and Xiaosheng came here in a hurry, but he wanted to help this great merit - he searched his bags, but only got two taels of silver, half of which was kept for travel expenses, and half was given to help the students!" He said. He called the bookboy, "Go! Go!"

Everyone laughed, because County Magistrate Qian had already told about the fundraising for the winter school, and all the guests knew it well, and they planned to show some face to their parents and officials—the female relatives donated some small money from their private houses, which would not hurt the family It seems that they are very harmonious, especially when the men have not made a clear statement, it is not a big deal.

Madam Qian took advantage of the situation and stood up, stopped the play with a wave of her hand, and repeated the benefits of Dongxue, and said: "Our master and I are not from Liaodong, and sooner or later we will return to southern Fujian. After establishing Dongxue, I want to be an official." One term will benefit one party, and all the money collected from the donation today will be donated to the various schools that hold the winter school..."

Then they turned their attention to Ning Wan. This was also agreed in advance by them, Madam Lu was the first to donate money. 200 taels, no one should be able to exceed it. Once this amount is reported, everyone present will be shocked and will donate more.When the donations were almost done, Madam Qian took out 100 taels, one at the beginning and one at the end, and with the money raised, several winter schools could be opened.

Ning Wan was sitting next to Mrs. Qian, and she was laughing so hard at this moment, she thought that this little fight was added by the theater troupe temporarily invited by the County Magistrate, she didn't know it beforehand, but it was just in time.He also lamented that an old-fashioned person like Qian County Magistrate actually let go of his airs as a scholar and a county magistrate, and even thought of a way to be unpopular. It seemed that he was determined to promote the winter school in Hutai County.Although the county magistrate Qian will look good because of his political achievements, but if it is really a good deed, the people will benefit accordingly.Now when Madam Qian stopped, she was about to stand up and ask someone to bring up the money, but suddenly someone at the table beside said with a smile: "Since you want to donate money, I'll be the first to come!"

It turned out to be Mrs. Zhou, at this time she had left the table and walked to the front of the shed, standing in front of Ning Wan, took off her head and placed it on the table.This set of heads is very complete, with a distraction in the middle, three pairs of pressed hairpins, and two pairs of hairpins, all of which are inlaid with red gold oriental beads, especially the big oriental bead in the center of the distraction is full of seven or eight points, overflowing with light. Cai, I'm afraid the whole set of facial features will be worth nearly a thousand taels of silver!

When Mrs. Zhou showed up today, many people noticed the jewelry on her head. Now someone has already made a "sisi" sound from their teeth. Only the commander's mansion can afford Dongzhu jewelry of this quality for his daughter The dowry jewelry!Mrs. Xu is so generous!

However, Ning Wan was thinking, why would the Zhou family, who was still opposed to running the winter school just now, be willing to donate money so generously?

Is it just to fight against yourself?

When Ning Wan met Zhou's provocative gaze, she really believed it a little bit.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhou then made it clear to her, "When we talked about student aid just now, Mrs. Lu also very much agreed with it, why don't you donate some too."

I see!It's good for Zhou Shi to fight against herself, but what she cares most about is her own reputation.Just now she slipped her tongue and was blocked by herself, afraid that those words would spread, after all, someone nearby heard it.Just like Zhao Guobao who was a concubine cared most about his status as a concubine, Zhou was most afraid of making a fuss about her life experience. She would not be ashamed to appear in front of the richest female relatives in Hutai County for the first time.Donating a large amount of jewelry will not only lose face, but will also stop everyone's mouths. No one will believe the few words just now. After all, Mrs. Xu donated such a set of expensive jewelry. Disagree with Dong Xue?
Ning Wan really didn't know how to comment on the Zhou family.

To say she is stupid is not necessarily stupid, but to say she is smart is even worse.In fact, when I think about it, Zhou's actions are still related to her background. She was not born in a normal family, and I am afraid that she has not been taught how to live at home.

How could she be a wise woman who first made provocative words without thinking, and then donated things at will in order to cover up her mistakes.In fact, it’s not surprising, it’s still in my dream that Mrs. Zhou married such a good husband as Tie Shi, but she didn’t cherish her at all. This is the nature of this person.

Looking at Dongzhu in front of her eyes, Ning Wan suddenly thought, she and Mrs. Qian forgot to use the method of donating jewelry to attract everyone's help, just like now, Zhou's pile of dazzling jewelry will surely Drive everyone to take off the baby on your body, right?

So, Mrs. Zhou came to help Mrs. Qian and herself?
After all, Zhou's generous donation of donning noodles has already made Madam Qian, the county magistrate, laugh. The third brother's ambition can be assisted, and the children of the farmers in Hutai County can also benefit.

Ning Wan turned around in front of Zhou Shi, with a look of disdain, but she was not angry at all.The amber jewelry I am wearing today is excellent, but it is not as expensive as Zhou's Dongzhu.Of course, it’s not that I don’t have good things. When it comes to the treasures in Ning Wan’s hands, there is no one in Ning Wan’s hands, let alone Hutai County, even Anpingwei. It’s just that she has always been modest, and the real treasures have never been revealed. Pass.

Ning Wan originally didn't want to show off in her clothes today, so when she went out she only picked out a honey-colored silver embroidered butterfly jacket, tied a red flower skirt, and only used a few gold and red amber-studded jewelry on her head.

These ambers came from the carboniferous mines in Huju Mountain.Ning Wan knew about this thing because of her previous dream, so she ordered the stewards of the coal field to put it away, and now she has saved a lot, including golden amber, blood amber, green amber, blue amber, etc. Flower amber with patterns and very special amber filled with flowers, insects, air bubbles and so on.

These ambers have been carefully considered by craftsmen to reveal the hidden brilliance and become very delicate and beautiful jewelry.Another advantage of these jewelry is that they are very light to wear, especially Ning Wan's favorite.But in terms of price, it really can't compare with the expensive Dongzhu.

As a result, Ning Wan was compared by the Zhou family, even the 200 taels of silver prepared in advance paled in comparison.

But Ning Wan came this time to help Mrs. Qian and Third Brother, and also hoped that the peasant children like her when she was young would have the opportunity to know a few words and settle accounts, but she did not want to compare with any one.Although she could follow Zhou's example by taking off the head jewelry and adding some silver taels to compete with Zhou's, she didn't intend to do so, so she just smiled, "I want to donate some." Turning to Sheng'er said, "Ask them to bring up the silver."

Although you can take bank notes, which are light and convenient, when Ning Wan discussed with Mrs. Qian, she still decided to put 200 taels of silver in front of everyone.Without it, a silver bill placed lightly on the table, how can it be compared to directly lifting the silver ingot to arouse the strong shock in people's hearts?They are relying on this kind of shock to get everyone to donate more money!
There are hundreds of female relatives who came here today, so each of them donated an extra tael, which is 100 taels of silver!

Suddenly, there was thunderous cheers in the rolling shed, and Ning Wan raised her head in shock, but saw the two soldiers who had arranged to deliver the silver came up with two red lacquered wooden boxes, and put the boxes in front of the rolling shed. The gleaming silver ingots reflected the sun, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

How can there be so much 200 taels of silver?At least 1000 taels!

Sure enough, it was 1000 taels. Sheng'er quietly walked up to his wife and said: "I heard from family members that the general had prepared 200 taels of silver and said that it was too little, and asked someone to bring 1000 taels."

Although Dongzhu is good, and the jewelry inlaid is also expensive, it is not cash silver after all, especially the cash silver that surpasses jewelry in value is even more eye-catching.The brand-new ingots in the shape of ingots are all made of silver with fine silk patterns, the color is top-notch, so white and so bright, more than half of the people present have never seen so much silver, and they gathered all their wealth in one place I can't exchange this pile of silver ingots!
Mrs. Lu's handwriting is too big!The people who were amazed just now couldn't help muttering, the noise in the shed was even busier than on the stage.

Madam Qian blushed with excitement, her fundraising could not have been more successful this time!The two ladies from thousands of households contributed 1000 taels each. Although one part was real money and the other part was head jewelry, they both really supported Dongxue. A small school can also be built in a densely populated village-this achievement is definitely the first in Liaodong!
And with the previous two donations, the other female relatives in Hutai County are ashamed to be stingy. Everyone who has silver donates silver, and those who don’t bring silver donate jewelry. Anyway, the things that everyone wears on their heads and hands at the banquet today are valuable. Yes, all the women in the rolling shed were taking off their jewelry for a while, and the table was even more dazzling.

Earlier, Ning Wan and Mrs. Qian had asked Young Mistress Feng to help with the registration. She is a noble, talented woman with good handwriting, and she is the young mistress of classics and historians.I thought it would be easy, but I don’t think I’m too busy at this time—the things donated by everyone are far beyond what I imagined before, and jewelry and the like are not as easy to count as money, and it takes a lot of words to describe it clearly.

Before and after the time application, all things had just been registered one by one, and everyone recommended a few people to donate together, Mrs. Qian, Mrs. Xu, Young Mistress Feng, Mrs. Hu Gu, Mrs. Xu's family, and of course Ning Wan. Those who want to control, repeatedly push to go to Huju Mountain, but in the end they still have a name.

When Ning Wan got out of the county government and got into the car, she squeezed Tie Shi's big hand and looked at it in front of her eyes, "It's really easy to earn and spend, even 200 taels of silver is too much to spend, so I have to give 1000 taels of silver to support the scene !" And asked with a smile: "How do you know that Mrs. Zhou wants to get away from me?"

Although Lu Tieshi is well versed in strategy, how did he know that women would make a fuss about donating jewelry today?I sent my daughter-in-law into the county early in the morning, and I only said hello to the county magistrate Qian and went home. At this time, I just came to pick up my daughter-in-law. Hearing that he didn't know what happened just now, he said: "I just don't think 200 taels of silver seems generous. , and it’s about the third brother, our family should naturally have more.”

Ning Wan also laughed, Zhou Shi may have asked in advance that she would donate 200 taels of silver, but how could Tieshi care about Xu Qianhu and Zhou Shi?It turned out to be a mistake!He told him about the matter just now, and finally said: "In short, you are a man of courage! You can tell it from your hands!"

Tie Shi spread out Ning Wan's little hand, "This hand is so beautiful! My mother always said that your hands are good-looking and don't waste money at all, so our family will become more and more prosperous after you get married. .”

There is a saying in Liaodong, that is, when a woman's fingers are put together, there is no gap when looking at the light, that is, she will not leak money and can save money.Ning Wan happened to have such a pair of hands: each finger was long and straight, and the bones and flesh on it were all the same, and when they were joined together, they just fit together tightly, without any gaps.

Ning Wan also likes her own hands, which she has always cared for on weekdays, but now they look more exquisite and cute when they are placed on Tie Shi's big hands, so she compared them with a smile, "Now we have this number at home."

Tie Shi was also taken aback, "Why are there so many?"

"I used to think about using the charcoal business to take out the treasures, but I didn't want to take out the Dingzang and just recast it, but I saved it; the charcoal business has made a lot of profits. My previous shop business is also good, and I opened another workshop this year. Doesn’t a shop have all this money?”

"Then where did you put it all?"

Ning Wan leaned on his shoulder and whispered into his ear, and then said: "Actually, I'm not stingy. I originally wanted to donate 200 taels a year for student aid, but I haven't said anything yet. If there is a military If there is any use in it, just say it, and you can use it at any time."

Tie Shi was tickled by her warm breath on his ears, and his heart was even more itchy. He held him in his arms and suggested, "When Mrs. Qian is raising donations again next year, you still donate 1000 taels. Let's see what Mrs. Xu donates again." !"

Ning Wan laughed, "If she donates like this for another two years, I'm afraid she won't be able to go out—Madam Qianhu won't be able to use any jewelry."

(End of this chapter)

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