Chapter 299
The new house was originally built under the supervision of Luo Bing last year. Before he left, he left a pattern. This year, after the weather warmed up, Ning Wan invited craftsmen to speed up the repairs. Now the house has been roughly built, and now furniture and curtains are added. curtains, furnishings, etc. can move in.

On the furniture, since Luo Bing finished drawing the picture, Ning Wan calculated the quantity according to the size, and handed it over to Carpenter Wang to make some commonly used cabinets, and from Anpingwei, he invited a craftsman from the south to make some fashionable ones. The utensils have been placed properly at this time.As for various decorations and utensils, Luo Bingyuan took Luo Yan to Anpingwei and Hutai counties to choose some, and Ning Wan also collected a lot on weekdays, so the new house was completed day by day.

Now that all kinds of curtains have been selected, Ning Wan directly handed over all the curtains to Rui Hongfeng. Rui Hongfeng originally had a few tailors as OEMs. Seeing that the Lu family had selected a lot of materials, the shopkeeper Wang promised to rush out on time.

Then it was time to make new clothes for everyone.In fact, the materials for the Lu family's summer clothes had already been sent out in the spring, and now Ning Wan has picked out eight new sets of materials for her mother-in-law, including silk, gauze and silk, and fine cloth and light kudzu. They also chose six samples each, and Aunt Wu, Mrs. Bi and others also had a share, and they all invited the embroiderers in the county to come to their home to measure and order.

Then I found the shopkeeper Bi of the Yaxing Bank to add servants to the new house, assign tasks to the new servants, teach the rules, customize clothes, and so on.

There are quite a lot of things to do, but Ning Wan has a well-thought-out plan and ordered them one by one. The new house will look different every day. In June, when the lotus flowers on the small lake in the new house have sprouted small flower buds, the Lu family will pick a place that is suitable for relocation according to the imperial calendar. Good days moved from the old house to the new house.

Anzhai had a lot of fun, and Jian Tieshi came back after receiving the letter.Although I heard that I was going to move, I was still surprised when I entered the house, and said with a smile: "I don't have to do anything, I just came back to participate in the banquet."

There was no big banquet for the move, it was just a celebration for the whole family.After the banquet, Tie Shi helped his daughter-in-law back to his yard. Now the Lu family is no longer crowded in a small courtyard. The new house is very spacious, and the main house facing the gate has three floors.The old lady lived in the last building, with the inscription Chunhui Hall on the plaque, and Ning Wan and Tie Shi lived in the Zhongrui Courtyard in front.

The days are long in summer, Ning Wan smiled and said, "Now I can't just sleep when I go back, it's better to go for a walk in the garden."

Walking through the corner gate to the small lake, the scenery that was a bit messy last year is now full of grass and fragrant flowers, the two of them inevitably mentioned Luo Bing, "Brother Luo is really a meticulous person, especially when moving I feel it, and I just say that everything has been done on the plaque and couplets long ago, just hang it up."

"Brother Luo was like this when he was in the army. He did everything I couldn't think of."

"There is one more thing I was going to tell you. Brother Luo also helped to find out my maternal ancestor's house. It turned out that my mother's memory of the place name was wrong. Brother Luo went back to Jiangnan and asked by name. At first, he couldn't find it. Later, After asking around, I finally found my grandmother and uncle, who were still farming in the old village."

"You really found it?" Lu Tieshi was quite surprised, "It's really not easy!"

"Yeah, I didn't think of that either."

"Then let's find someone to bring some money over there."

Ning Wan just laughed, Tie Shi has always been like this to people close to him, "No need, I think my mother wants to go back and have a look, if that's the case, we can leave it to our parents."

There are luxuriant cattails and patches of lotus beside the small lake. Only the water surface is exposed in the center of the lake. At this time, there is a ray of sunset shining on it, and the shimmering waves turn the stones by the lake into gold.Ning Wan simply sat down on a big rock, and beckoned to Tie Shi, "This rock is warm in the daytime, so it's very comfortable to sit on."

Sheng'er came over with a plate of melons and fruits, and Ning Wan took them and ate them piece by piece with a toothpick, and occasionally fed Tie Shi a few pieces, and then talked about homework, and Tie Shi also told her about Hu Jushan: "Lu Baihu didn't want to leave, I'm afraid I won't be busy these days. I let him go back to Anpingwei. After all, Commander Lu has just been promoted, and Anpingwei has to rely on him for many things. What about the eldest son?"

"It just so happens that Young Master Lu followed you to suppress the bandits and also learned some strategies. If you help his father guard Anpingwei, he will definitely do a good job."

"Actually, I have never defended the city," Lu Tieshi shook his head and said, "I can only tell him what I know."

Anping Guard City is deep and has many guards, so there is nothing to worry about.And even if Tie Shi has not defended the city until now, as long as he does it, he will surely succeed. Therefore, Ning Wan felt that she didn’t need to worry about it, so she smiled and asked about the coal field, “Old Lin is in charge now, but still smoothly?"

Tie Shi laughed, "Who would have thought that Lao Lin would be so talented? Lu Baihu suddenly left the coal field in Nuo Da, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all. If you want more, you don't have to worry."

In fact, Ning Wan has already read the account and knows it well, "I am also surprised that Lao Lin has such a great ability. Before that, he looked at a gourd with a jagged beak, and he didn't talk much." Recalling that he and Bai Shi were in love with each other back then, But no one said the funny thing, and said: "Master Bai is also a blessed man, and now he is a promising man and has given birth to a son."

After talking and laughing for a while, the two of them stood up when the night breeze picked up. After walking a few steps, they thought again, "We should also build a small building in the garden for Sophora Hua'er as a boudoir. I heard that ladies from rich families are like this."

"You already know this!" Ning Wan laughed, "Now that she is still young, she will live in Chunhui Hall with her mother-in-law first, and in a few years, she will build an embroidery building for her."

When Tie Shi came back this time, he stayed there until his mother's birthday, arranging birthday banquets with his daughter-in-law every day, writing posts and giving them away.Ning Wan asked, "What's going on with the father-in-law?"

It is not necessary to mention it on weekdays, but such a big day cannot be bypassed.

"Since I haven't been back to the old house, I think I don't want to come." Tie Shi said again: "I met my father when I went to Anpingwei the day before yesterday, and he didn't say anything about it."

Ning Wan no longer wanted Tie Shi to take the initiative to see her father-in-law. When her mother-in-law had to go to Anpingwei every year to celebrate the New Year, he kept suppressing the grievance in his heart. In the past two years, her mother-in-law did not mention her father-in-law, and he never mentioned it.However, it seems that his hatred is indeed not as serious as before.

Lu Tieshi smiled when he saw his wife's eyes widen, "I didn't go to see her in particular, but just happened to meet, so I said a few words."

That's how people are. When my father-in-law was living a happy life in Anpingwei, Ning Wan also hated him.Now Lu Tiecheng and Mrs. Zhou have gone to the capital and changed the hereditary commander of the Lu family to the capital. They even took away the aunt who was born in the Zhou family and Lu Baozhu born to the aunt, leaving only three concubines and Two sons and daughters.Counting that her father-in-law has no official position, salary, or even a house in Anpingwei, and can only live in the commander's mansion, Ning Wan feels a little uncomfortable.

Presumably Tie Shi is the same, after all, he is his own father, no matter how bad he was, he was born and raised.

What's more, the old house is actually the property of the Lu family. If the father-in-law wants to take it back, even iron and stone will not be able to stop him, so Ning Wan asked, "How about we send some money?"

"He won't want it."

That's right, the father-in-law must have been ridiculed when he got to this point, and he probably has no regrets in his heart.His wife and children, who had always been eccentric, gained wealth from him and left him. On the other hand, his wife and children, who he regarded as insignificant, slowly started to live their lives, and now they are even more famous.

Although the father-in-law's heart is biased, he is not a spineless person, so he will not ask for money, and he has no face to come to the mother-in-law's birthday.

Then it will still be like the past, just as if there is no such person in the family.

The mother-in-law's birthday was held for three days. On the first day, officials from various places in Hutai County, Anping County, and Mrs. Gaoming were invited. The mother-in-law treated the guests with a big make-up, and invited relatives and friends from the Ning family, Wu family, and Wan family on the second day. As well as the female relatives of Tieshi Tongpao's family, there were a lot of guests in front of the house for a while, the house was full of gongs and drums, and the two troupes lined up for auspicious performances; Even the well-informed and well-informed old lady of the director of the road is full of praise.

On the third day, the show was over, Tie Shi and Ning Wan celebrated the old man's birthday, and they closed the door with their servants to eat noodles.Ning Wan and Tie Shi rolled the birthday noodles with their own hands, cooked the noodles with their own hands, knelt and worshiped in front of the old man, called Sophora Hua over, and brought the servants together to wish the old lady a birthday in Nanshan.

Mrs. Wu changed into a fine Ge gown embroidered with pine and crane early this morning, and simply inserted two tortoiseshell hairpins on her head. The golden-yellow noodles arranged in the character of longevity, and many auspicious patterns on the character of longevity with mushrooms, fungus, and various dishes, which are clearly visible under the light red noodle soup, sighed, "How did you make this?" Picking it up again with chopsticks, it turned out to be a whole stick, so she asked with a smile, "Wan'er has always had so many ideas, how lucky you are to keep making such long noodles?"

Ning Wan smiled and said: "This is a secret method, you can't say it, I still want to ask for rewards based on this method!"

The mother-in-law waved her hands and said, "Get up quickly, sit down and eat noodles together. It's no wonder that you have such a big belly, but you still give me a birthday." Then she asked everyone to sit down and eat noodles, "There are no outsiders today, and we will There is no need to engage in those etiquettes, everyone is loose and loose."

The servants of the family have been together for a long time, and they are not much different from their relatives. It is a good day for the old lady, and everyone does not shirk it. They all ate a bowl of longevity noodles.

The old lady asked someone to pour tea, but she said to her daughter-in-law: "You have been paying respects to my birthday these past few days, and now I am offering you a cup too. With you helping me to hold such a decent birthday, I will have nothing in my life." Not enough anymore."

Recently, my mother-in-law often said some unlucky words, but others didn't care, but Ning Wan felt bad, so she quickly cut it off and said: "This is what we juniors should do, and I have to give my mother-in-law sixty or seventy It’s a big birthday!” There was a rumor about rope walking, monkey playing, storytelling, etc. It turned out that the dramas of the previous two days were too lively, but today they have changed to a hundred dramas, and you can watch them just by sitting or leaning in the room. It’s not very interesting. .

After the mother-in-law's birthday, everyone cleaned up for another two or three days.

Tieshi felt sorry for his daughter-in-law who was busy with housework with a big belly, so he refused to let her fuss about it anymore, and only handed over the trivial matters to the servants, but hugged his daughter-in-law in his arms and said, "The important things at home are all done, you can start now." Take good care of your baby, even if I go back to Huju Mountain, I will visit you from time to time."

Ning Wan knew that he couldn't stay any longer, so she also had something to say, "I never knew whether you would believe it, or whether I should say it, but I can't help but say it now—I had a dream before, and the dream Many things in the dream have been fulfilled later, and now I am worried about two things the most, one is the body of my mother-in-law, and the other is that the barbarians go south." He picked out some of the things in his dream and told him.

Ning Wan had hidden Tie Shi's disability and his marriage to the Zhou family and Guo Xiaoyan, etc., and she had naturally thought about it carefully. What good did those past events do except make him feel uncomfortable?Therefore, I only briefly talked about a few old stories of the Ning family, her mother-in-law's short lifespan, and the scene of the barbarian people going south.

Lu Tieshi became serious when he heard this. Although what his daughter-in-law said sounds absurd, he knows her character well, and these two things are extremely important, so he thought about it and said: "It's better that we had a few years before we got married. All the doctors said that my mother's thoracic obstruction is very serious and may not last long. Everyone had prepared for it before, so they prepared the birthday materials seven or eight years ago, and now they have to be painted every autumn. But in the past few years I have seen My mother is not as sick as she used to be, so she is not as worried as she used to be. According to what you said, my mother has already passed away, but now she is still fine. How about this, tomorrow I will invite Anpingwei and Hu Famous doctors in Tai County diagnosed my mother's pulse."

"In fact, I am the same. Seeing that my mother-in-law is not very sick, and her complexion and spirit are much better than before, I was already relieved. It's just that I often hear my mother-in-law speak inappropriately, so I always feel a little bit uneasy, so I told you. Ning Wan said: "It's just that we can't tell mother-in-law the truth if we invite a doctor to take the pulse. We have to find an excuse."

"I understand this too." Tieshi agreed, and discussed with his wife again. The next day, he invited several famous doctors to come over, but he used the excuse of preparing prescriptions for wound medicine and chilblain medicine for the army.Because all the visitors were famous doctors, they checked the pulse of both mother and daughter-in-law by the way.

Tie Shi sent several doctors back, and then quietly told his daughter-in-law, "The doctors all said that your bosom is very good, so you don't need to worry. It's your mother. According to them, although she has been sick for many years, there are no serious symptoms at the moment. , as long as it is maintained as before."

Ning Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "So I can feel relieved."

"As for the barbarians going south, you don't have to worry too much. I will increase my troops at the shops between Anpingwei and Huju Mountain when I go back this time. If there is an emergency military situation, I can return to Hutai faster; I will also borrow Take the opportunity to train troops and lead the troops to the north, meet Chen Yong, and then go to the desert to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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