Chapter 34
Ning Wan ate two big buns on the donkey's back, and rested for a while, and then felt that the exhausted strength was slowly returning, so she jumped off the donkey, "Father, please ride for a while."

Father was reluctant again, "I'm an adult, I'm afraid I will crush the donkey."

Ning Wan laughed, "Have you ever seen someone riding a donkey? Didn't Doctor Xie ride a donkey when he went out? It's almost the same as the one at my house."

You can often see people riding donkeys in Mayi Town, but few people raise horses and mules.Horses and mules are naturally good, but they are expensive and difficult to raise. Small donkeys are the most suitable for ordinary people.

Just like this little donkey that Ning Wan bought recently, it is not tall, with a big head, long ears, and gray fur. It can run fast, but it can carry a lot of things, and it is common to carry a person.

Ning Liang laughed when he heard it, and sat on the back of the donkey. He was tall, and his long legs almost fell to the ground. This donkey is really good!"

It turns out that there is another advantage of riding a donkey, that is, the donkey is a very docile animal, and you can ride it without special learning. Besides, the donkey is good at walking on mountain roads, and Sanjia Village is in the mountains.

Dad rode the donkey for a while, feeling sorry for his daughter as well as the donkey, got off the donkey again and asked Ning Wan to get on, "You should ride, Dad is not tired."

The father and daughter took turns riding the donkey, and they didn't return home until late at night.

The mother and the second sister had already fallen asleep, but now they heard the voice and asked, "Why didn't you stay at my sister's house or Xian'er's house for a night before coming back?"

It turned out that Ning Wan's aunt married to Lishu Village on the outskirts of Hutai County. Because of the fertile fields and affluent life there, she also told Ning Xian about the marriage in Lishu Village, so now the aunt and nephew are very close to Hutai County. When Ning Liang and Ning Wan went out, they said that if it was too late, they might go to Lishu Village to stay for one night and go home tomorrow.

Ning Liang said: "Everything went smoothly when we arrived in Hutai County, and we bought a lot of things. We are in a hurry to come back, so we don't want to go around to Lishu Village again." I picked a few vegetables in the vegetable garden, and went to take a few handfuls of sorghum rice bran and put them in the trough to feed the donkey.

Seeing the little donkey, Yu said, "Who did you borrow this from? You must return it quickly, and don't lose weight if you feed it at home."

Ning Liang took care of the little donkey, and dragged Yu Shi into the house, "Let me tell you."

Ning Wan laughed quietly when she heard this, and let her father reason with her mother, she was so sleepy, she washed her face casually and fell on the kang, even Ning Qing fell asleep before she could answer her questions.

When Ning Wan woke up the next day, it was already daylight, and her father had only just woken up. Ning Qing had already heated up the remaining meat buns, cooked sorghum rice porridge, and cooked the fish. Everyone gathered around the table to eat.Niang tasted the fish and said, "Qing'er's tea and rice are well cooked, and the fish tastes very fragrant."

Ning Qing was praised and proud, "I cut a few slices from the meat and put them in the fish soup, so the fish tastes good." He smiled at Ning Wan, "The piece of meat you bought is really fat. , must be able to boil a lot of oil, and it will be boiled after breakfast."

In Sanjia Village, the fatter the meat, the better, because fatty meat can be boiled with oil.There is no meat in the farmhouse on weekdays. If a spoonful of lard is added to the dish, the taste will be much more fragrant, so lard oil is a good thing.

Dad laughed and said, "The meat in Hutai County is 240% more expensive than in Mayi Town. This piece of meat weighs ten catties! It cost [-] yuan!"

"It's really expensive!" Madam Yu sighed, if she would have nagged her husband and daughter for spending so much money on meat, but last night her husband settled the account for himself and started to make mountain products at home from now on. For business, there is no need to just dig food out of the soil. The donkey has already been bought, let alone ten catties of meat, so all the complaints were dismissed, but he smiled and said: "I will boil the oil in a while, and wrap some buns with the oil residue." Eat it, it’s no worse than the meat stuffed buns you bought!”

In fact, if you have money, who has to be frugal and frugal again, and you can’t even bear to eat.

After eating breakfast that was much later than usual, Mrs. Yu started to cook lard. Recently, her body has become more and more vigorous, so she can cook from time to time. She can't rest assured that the important matter of ten catties of meat will be left to two people. She is a daughter, so despite Ning Wan's repeated stops, she still caressed her stomach and watched Ning Qing and Ning Wan cut meat and boil oil.

Remove the fat pork and cut it into thick slices. At this time, first add a bowl of water to the pot, then put the sliced ​​meat in, turn it constantly, and cook it slowly over low heat.This is a delicate job, don't be in a hurry, lest the oil will be boiled, and the oil residue will not be edible, that is a waste.

The cauldron was boiled, and the fat slices made a sizzling sound, gradually turning yellow and smaller, and the oil in the meat was boiled out, exuding a strong aroma.After more than half an hour, seeing that the fat slices had turned into small oily residues, and the half pot of oil was constantly boiling, Mother asked Ning Qing to take out the oily residues with a strainer, and let Ning Wan release the oil. Put a handful of shallots, a handful of Chinese prickly ash, and a spoonful of salt into the pot, and stop the fire when they are fried thoroughly.

When the oil is colder but not solidified, use a large spoon to put it in a jar specially used for lard, and the oil will turn into snow-white and delicate fat when it is cooled, and you can dig it out with a spoon when eating. It is convenient and can be stored for a long time, even if it is put on for several years, it will not be damaged.

Ning Wan also knows that to make some high-end dim sum, you must use several years old lard. The dim sum in Piaoxiangju uses lard that is more than two years old, so the taste is particularly fragrant.And the best dim sum in the most famous Lanxiangzhai dim sum shop in the capital is made with lard that has been more than 20 years old. To describe it, what is even more rare is that it took two months to bring it from the capital to Hutai County, and she stored it for several months before eating it, and it never went bad at all.

So when you have time, make some snacks yourself?Both father and mother love to eat, and of course Ning Wan herself also likes to eat.Just as I was thinking, I heard someone yelling outside, "Here comes the chick seller!"

On this day, the Ning family did not lose their visitors. First, everyone came to see the donkey. This was the first livestock in Sanjia Village, so it was impossible not to arouse everyone's curiosity.But most of them were men, they just chatted in the yard and left, and some women came in to talk, and they were all amazed when they saw so much lard boiled by the Ning family. A piece of oil residue was scooped out of the pot for the children who followed to eat.

Except for the weird ones like the three old ladies and Shuan'er, other people's families are too embarrassed, so they don't spend much oil residue. Now mother heard that there is a chicken seller, and quickly ordered Ning Qing and Ning Wan to mix lard and Putting away all the oil residue, he went back to the house to get the money, then picked up a basket and ran out.Ning Wan was worried, and said to Ning Qing: "Second Sister, please collect your things, I'll accompany your mother." She hurriedly chased her out.

In Sanjia Village, most of the families incubate their own chickens on weekdays. As the saying goes, they choose a hen that lays eggs, spread hay to make a nest, put more than a dozen eggs in the nest, and the hen will lie down in the nest. If they don't come out, even food and drink have to be sent to the nest. After 21 days, chicks can be hatched.

But there are also some people who directly buy chickens sold outside, which costs two yuan a piece, which is very trouble-free, and there is no need to worry about the failure of brooding and the failure of the chicks to hatch.This year, there is no hen in Sanjia Village, so everyone wants to buy chickens. People like Niang who know how to live have long been looking forward to the people who come to sell chickens to raise chickens in the chicken coop at home.

Now mother is in a hurry to go out, in order to pick chicks earlier.It is very knowledgeable to buy chickens. First of all, we must choose healthy chickens, because it is not easy to raise small chickens, and many of them will die one after another while raising them. Only half of them can grow into big chickens.Furthermore, every family wants to pick more hens and less roosters.Because a rooster is enough to crow, but a hen can lay eggs.

Ning Wan couldn't help admiring her mother, she ran under the big elm trees at the head of the village faster than herself with her big belly, and now she got into the crowd and picked up the chicks.

The chick seller picked out two cages of chicks in a large flat cage. This kind of cage should be specially used for transporting chicks. The five-foot-wide cage is only half a foot high, and the chicks inside are side by side. There was one, chirping and chirping, it was a chick that had just hatched for a day or two.

The mother lifted the chick she liked and turned it upside down to see if the chick's head was up. If it was up, it was a rooster, otherwise it was a hen. She picked thirty chicks and put them in the basket. The money was given to the chick seller, but he muttered, "Chicken is too expensive this year, five yuan each!"

Ning Wan whispered from the side: "Mother, if we buy more chickens, it doesn't matter if there are more roosters. When you grow up, you can eat them during confinement. There is also a big sister who was born earlier than you. When the time comes, the family will have more roosters." I will also send a few chickens over."

It is natural to drink chicken soup during confinement. Of course, the old hen is the best, but when there is no old hen, the chicken is also very good, especially the taste of the young rooster is particularly delicious.Yu Shi didn't think about the deliciousness of the rooster, but also felt that the chicken should be eaten for the sake of the child.For example, now that she is almost forty, this pregnancy was very dangerous before, but after a few months of eating and drinking, she actually feels that her body is better than when she was pregnant with three daughters when she was young. For this one, I still need to buy a few more chickens.

Yu picked out another thirty chickens, and wanted to count the money, but she didn't have enough money, so Ning Wan stopped her, "Mother, I'll come!" Then she took out three hundred money and gave it to the chicken seller. , Let him spare two chicks.

Ning Wan walked home with her mother with a basket on her shoulders, and her mother said, "I'll give you the money when I get home, and you keep it for yourself."

Although an unmarried daughter is considered a member of the family, if she earns money, she usually saves it by herself.Ning Qing was like this, so Mrs. Yu had already thought about it. Whether Ning Wan got the Lu family's things or made money from doing business in the future, it would all belong to Ning Wan alone, and she would be allowed to bring her to her in-law's house in the future.

Ning Wan didn't think so, she smiled and walked back holding her mother's hand, "Mine doesn't belong to the family, we are all one family, so what's the difference between you and me?" But she said: "But the business still needs me. I’m the master, and I’m in charge of the account.”

Yu Shi just laughed, "I listen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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