Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 38 Worry

Chapter 38 Worry
It was already dark, and the surrounding objects could no longer be seen clearly, only a faint outline.Ning Wan and Luo Shuang'er were sitting in the yard gossiping, in a trance, they couldn't tell what night it was.

In the past, they often sat together in the evening when no one was watching, talked about their worries, and helped each other find solutions. Of course, most of the time, they couldn't think about it and could only comfort each other.

At that time, how could Ning Wan have thought that Luo Shuang'er would be able to smile all day long and become the very respected daughter-in-law of the Guo family?

Fate is sometimes very strange, because of a few sons of sheep bones, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

After hearing Luo Shuang'er's question now, Ning Wan'er laughed, "Your master is just talking angry, he can't sell Xiaoyan anyway." If Mr. Guo sells Xiaoyan, he will be in Sanjia Village It's even more embarrassing. It's not that the family can't eat. Selling the granddaughter can only make people laugh. You must know that Mr. Guo is the person who loves face the most.

Luo Shuang'er also thought it was right, and told Ning Wan, "My grandfather will give half of the money we get from picking cat's claws to our family, and keep the half for myself. Xia Zhu and I have private money!" Very happy.

The uncle's family also decided the same way.According to the usual customs of Sanjia Village, the juniors are not allowed to have private money. Except for the dowry of the daughter-in-law, no matter who earns the money, it must be handed over to the family and the elders will manage it.But this time picking cat's claw vegetables changed the original rules.

Ning Wan felt strange at first, but after thinking about it, she realized that if the juniors were still required to hand over all the money, then no one would be willing to pick so many wild vegetables back.After all, this money is not the same as the money earned by growing grain, raising pigs and chickens at home. It does not depend on the family at all, but only on my own diligence.

So she smiled and encouraged Luo Shuang'er, "You and brother Xia Zhu should save money, the Guo family has a large population, and sooner or later they will be separated out to live on their own." Luo Shuang'er naturally thought of this long ago, "When the time comes If you want to build a house and buy things yourself, how can you do it if you don’t save money now!”

After seeing off Luo Shuang'er, Ning Wan was sitting at the door waiting for her father. Guo Dongzhu came quietly and stood in front of Ning Wan and spread her hands. Although she couldn't see clearly, she jingled a few times, and she knew it was money. "Wan'er, I don't want your money, I'm willing to help you pick wild vegetables."

Ning Wan refused to answer, "But I never want things that others give me for nothing."

"Wan'er, I'm willing to treat you well, really." Guo Dongzhu squatted in front of Ning Wan, very sincerely, "I've thought about it a long time ago, if your mother gives birth to a daughter, I'd like to marry into your house."

In the dream, Ning Wan was moved by Guo Dongzhu's kindness, so she proposed Guo Dongzhu when her parents were discussing with her about recruiting a husband, but she never understood that Guo Dongzhu's kindness to her should not be put in front of everyone.

Just like now, when he counted the money for him, he also accepted it, but returned it to himself behind his back; he promised to marry when no one was around, but he refused to admit it in front of everyone.If it is said that his good intentions are fake, it is not always true, but it is not credible, because he does not have the responsibility that a man should have.

Ning Wan has seen it a lot and she can see it through. She was able to ignore it indifferently last time, but now she is disgusted, "How do you know that my mother can't have a son? Let me tell you, my mother will definitely give birth to a son, and I will too. I don't want to recruit, I want to marry an upright man!"

Guo Dongzhu was rushed back a few steps by her words, but said sadly: "I really want to treat you well."

Ning Wan felt more and more funny, "You just go to everyone in the village and tell everyone that you want to come to our house to recruit a wife, and I will believe you."

Sure enough, Guo Dongzhu stopped ringing, and said after a while: "Why did you tell others?"

Ning Wan looked at him, sure enough, he was still the same irresponsible person before, so she waved her hand and said, "Hurry up, I hate you." It was like chasing away a fly.

The buzzing flies left, and Ning Qing came out from behind the door, "If the mother really can't give birth to a son, will you recruit a son?"

Although recruiting a relative is also a marriage, it is impossible to find a decent man. Ning Wan has experienced it. Guo Dongzhu, who she didn't like at first, retreated when it came to recruiting a relative, let alone others.

But now Ning Wan's mind has also changed. To her sister, she no longer argues that her mother will definitely have a son, because in her dream, her mother did not keep this one at all. Naturally, she didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl, so she just answered seriously: "I won't forcefully recruit a bad person. In that case, it's better to live with my parents. My parents and I can live a good life with our little sister."

"Wan'er, after I get married, the family is counting on you. Even if my mother gave birth to a younger brother, he is still young, and it will be too early to start a family. If it is another daughter, it will be even more difficult."

Ning Wan smiled, "So you know the difficulties at home." But no matter how difficult the family was, Ning Qing was still anxious to get married, and she had to bring enough dowry to marry.

"Of course I know," Ning Qing said, "That's why I thought, when I get married, I will let Merchant Liu help Dad, so that if you want to marry, you can marry someone."

After all, Ning Qing is still that shrewd person!In her dream, she repeatedly objected to her getting married, fearing that her parents would leave her alone.Even because it was not easy to find a wife, Ning Qing and her second brother-in-law even named someone for themselves. Later, when they found out that the person had bad conduct, they were so angry that they fought with her.Now she hopes that she will get married sooner, so she and Shopkeeper Liu will take over the mountain goods business that the family has just started.

Ning Wan smiled, "Whether I marry or not is another matter, but I am in charge of the family's current business. I have made it clear to my parents. I will marry in the future, and this business is also mine."

Ning Qing couldn't help it anymore, "You are still a member of the Ning family, how can you say that this business belongs to you? This is the business of the Ning family!"

"I came up with the way to do business, and I took out the capital, so the business is mine," Ning Wan knew that she had to insist on this point, otherwise, although her parents could be indifferent to Sanfang now, they wouldn't Be wary of their own daughters, "If you don't believe me, go ask your parents, have they already agreed?"

Ning Qing stomped her feet and went back to her room. Ning Wan was still sitting in front of the door alone. The bright and clear moon rose and cast a faint light down, illuminating her figure extraordinarily cool.

Today was the first time that father went to Hutai County alone. Although Ning Wan repeatedly assured her mother that nothing would happen, she was actually more worried than her mother.Although she sees her father in good health every day, she often regards him as the sickly person in her dream, and always feels that she has to protect and take care of him.

Dad left around Mao hour today, and he should be back after You hour, but now Xu hour has passed.Ning Wan was so worried that she couldn't sit still any longer, she got up and walked towards the entrance of the village. Halfway there, she saw the shadow of a man and a donkey coming out under the moonlight, and ran over a few steps, "Father, you are back!"

Ning Liang didn't want Yao Nu to be asleep yet, so he smiled and patted her head and said, "Why, are you worried about Daddy? What can happen to a grown-up Daddy?"

Yes, but still worried.Father was like this before, he clearly had a bad cough, but he kept Ning Wan from working to earn money to support the family. After Ning Wan knew about it, she would watch over him at any time, so it became a habit.Right now, she just smiled and told her father, "The newly harvested vegetables are all in the sun, and the dried vegetables will be sold after the fresh cat's claw vegetables are gone."

Ning Liang knew his daughter's plan to collect vegetables, but he was also surprised when he heard that there were hundreds of catties of vegetables, "It's easier to eat with fewer people, and it's easier to work with more people. It's really different. I picked so much."

"Today, I collected 730 six catties, sent more than 300 yuan, and gave a few half-cents for a penny." Ning Wan reported the figures, and said: "The people from the Yu family came to ask me just now. I agreed to accept it or not, so there will be more dishes tomorrow! We need to exchange some copper coins to be enough.” It turns out that when selling silk and gold ornaments, all we get is silver, although we have collected some in the past few days Copper coins, but according to Ning Wan's estimate, everyone's enthusiasm for picking cat's claw vegetables will soon be used up.

Ning Liang did the calculations in his mind, and knew how much money these cat's claw vegetables could earn, so he said with a smile: "Then I won't go picking cat's claw vegetables in the future, and just deliver the vegetables to Hutai County is good. I was about to tell you why I came back late today, because I met a man who collected cat’s claw vegetables. We talked for a long time, and he finally agreed that no matter how many fresh vegetables he wanted, he would pay no more than two cents per catty. In this way, if the restaurant can’t get these fresh cat’s claw dishes, we can sell them all to him.”

Ning Wan guessed, "I'm afraid this person has another way, maybe he was transported to Anpingwei to sell."

"We don't care what he can do, as long as we earn our money."

Fresh vegetables are more expensive than dried vegetables, and they don't need to be dried, but Ning Wan didn't want her father to be too tired, so she objected: "Let's go every other day, and take a rest."

"Father is not tired," Ning Liang smiled, what's more, it was just a walk, and the little donkey was carrying everything on his back. "

Ning Wan said: "Even if people are not tired, the little donkey will be."

Finally, these words reached Ning Liang's heart, and he thought for a while and said, "Then let's do it like this, let the little donkey rest for two days at home, I just happen to be weeding the field in this spare time, and then watering Water the vegetable garden."

Ning Wan looked at her father. Although she left the door in the middle of the night and came back after dark, she was full of smiles and looked radiant. She knew that he was the same as herself. Excited, I couldn't feel tired at all, so I had no choice but to nod, went into the room and served Dad hot food, but then told, "Dad, after this month, you should take a good rest."

Although Ning Wan took care of her to lie down on the kang earlier, Mother was still not asleep, so she persuaded her with her daughter: "When the money is not enough, people are not made of iron, how can they not be tired?"

Father laughed and said: "The cat's claw vegetables can only be harvested for a month. We will naturally rest after earning a bet. At that time, Ning Qing's marriage will also be arranged." Although he didn't say anything, but Obviously, at that time, he will definitely be able to earn out the bottom-of-the-box money given to Ning Qing.

Mother understood, and smiled softly. When she was sick, she was really worried that the family would not be able to provide money for Qing'er to marry her. Now that everything is going smoothly, she smiled at Ning Wan again: "You are tired too. It's been a day, go to sleep now."

(End of this chapter)

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