Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 43 Mushrooms

Chapter 43 Mushrooms
After the Dragon Boat Festival, Dad still delivered fresh cat's claw vegetables every other day, and Ning Wan collected and dried the vegetables at home.

Whether it was because of wild boar meat or the Dragon Boat Festival, the family never stopped collecting vegetables, and even collected more.After the wild boar was killed, the villagers were able to go to the hillsides that were previously occupied by wild boars to pick vegetables. Even on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, a few people continued to go up the mountain to pick vegetables, so they could harvest hundreds of catties or thousands of catties every day.

Soon the cat's claw vegetables all over the mountains and plains grew old, and Ning Liang stopped delivering fresh vegetables, and he and Ning Wan dried vegetables at home, and then bundled the dried vegetables, and sent them to Hutai Town when they were empty , this time there is no rush, dried vegetables are not bad.

Ning Wan started picking and harvesting mushrooms again.When the weather is warm, many small umbrellas will grow overnight on the mountain behind Sanjia Village after the rain. If they are not picked within a few days, they will be broken by themselves. Therefore, it takes time to pick mushrooms. It is best In the morning after the rain, you can go up the mountain with a basket on your back. You don’t have to go deep into the mountain, but just look for it nearby. After half a day, you can pick a full basket.

The mushrooms here mainly include hazel mushrooms, pine mushrooms, thigh mushrooms, white face and chanterelles, etc. Hazel mushrooms grow in bushes, brown, not big, and the umbrellas are relatively thin, but the taste Very delicious, especially suitable for stewed chicken, hazel stewed chicken, can be regarded as a famous dish in Sanjia Village, even Hutai County, the entire Liaodong.

Pine mushrooms naturally grow in pine forests. They are old red and not big, but they have thick umbrellas. Stewed chicken and stew are delicious, but they are not as fresh as hazel mushrooms, but they taste meaty and very refreshing.

Thigh mushrooms naturally have thick legs, and the canopy is also large. The largest one is more than half a foot long and one inch thick. It is hard to the touch, but it is particularly delicious.Put a few fresh thigh mushrooms on the window sill, and the room will be full of aroma. The stewed meat is delicious and soft, and it is good to fry it alone.

Baihuamian is usually snow-white and very delicate, because it grows in the grass and is not easy to pick, but it tastes delicious and tender, and it is more expensive than the previous types of mushrooms.In particular, there is a kind of white face with a light pink-purple face, which is called purple face. It is more fragrant and tender than white face, and it is even rarer.

Chanterelle mushrooms are small bright yellow mushrooms like chicken oil. They are smooth and very tender. This kind of mushrooms are only suitable for eating when they are fresh. If they are dried in the sun, they will become woody and not easy to stew.But there are also some people who like this bite, saying that the more you chew, the more delicious it is.

Even if Ning Wan didn't collect mushrooms, people in Sanjia Village would go to the mountains to pick mushrooms at this time of year every year. Shopkeeper Liu would sometimes collect some for their own food and gifts for relatives and friends.

However, the enthusiasm for picking mushrooms this year is still different from previous years. With the experience of Maozhuercai, everyone is very concerned about picking mushrooms and plans to make another fortune.The few people who picked the most cat's claw vegetables earned nearly two yuan a month!
Luo Shuang'er also quietly told Ning Wan that the Guo family borrowed the money from the Yu family at the beginning of the year because of Guo Xiaoyan's push for Ning Wan's injury.Ning Wan didn't say anything after hearing this, but she still thought about the dream in her heart, and felt that although her business was small, it was not only beneficial to her family, and the whole Sanjia Village benefited from it.

Ning Wan still went up the mountain with Aunt Ning, Chun Linghe, Luo Shuang'er and others, and everyone dispersed when they reached the mountain.Everyone has their own place to pick mushrooms all the year round. It turns out that mushrooms will grow in the same place every year.

Some of these secret places were written down by myself after I found them, and some were passed down from family members. For example, Ning Wan is now under a rock. This is what Ning Xian told her when he took her to pick mushrooms. Aunt, Auntie passed it on to her again.

Ning Wan pushed aside the weeds that were half a person tall, and as expected, she saw a circle of familiar purple faces.The fresh purple flower face is very beautiful, with a snow-white pole and a snow-white umbrella, but a layer of pink and purple is unevenly sprinkled on the umbrella, which really looks like a painted face. When it dries, the delicate color will change Dim, almost gray-purple.

Mushrooms also have a habit of growing, that is, they often grow into a line or a circle. If you find one, if you continue to search nearby, you will definitely find more.Now there are dozens of purple-faced mushroom rings, the outer ring is the largest, and the inner ones are slightly smaller, as if someone specially arranged the positions for them.

Ning Wan carefully pulled the mushrooms out of the ground without taking too much soil. She wanted to leave it as it was, and when it rained again, the same purple face would grow.

After accepting this circle of purple face, Ning Wan was indescribably happy, so she hummed softly, "September [-]th, the autumn wind blows, farmers get up early, sorghum red comes with soybean yellow, and people who return to the warehouse like grains are happy." The joy of harvest is similar, and this song best reflects her current mood.

However, people in Sanjia Village don’t sing on weekdays. Only children can sing and play these little songs at will. When they are older, they feel embarrassed to sing, especially girls, it seems a bit improper to sing in front of outsiders.Therefore, Ning Wan just saw that no one was humming in a low voice, so she picked some chicken oil at random, and then she was lucky enough to find a piece of thigh mushroom.

Although from the point of view of eating, Ning Wan likes white-faced purple-faced and hazel mushrooms the most, but she is the happiest when picking mushrooms, because the mushrooms can only surpass other mushrooms by several, or even a dozen. A bunch of thigh mushrooms were picked into the basket, and she had a lot of harvest today.

Mushrooms are not as heavy as cat's claw vegetables, so they are not very heavy. Therefore, Ning Wan picked a basket full and returned home. They are sorted and sorted into several piles. Whether they are sent to restaurants or dried and sold, they must be calculated according to different categories.

At this time, someone shouted, "Wan'er, my mushrooms are packed, you can weigh them!"

"Okay!" Ning Wan replied, put her mushroom aside, took the scale and took everyone's first.It’s still the same old rule, a basket of mushrooms that you don’t pick will cost you two cents a catty, while mushrooms that have been packed and sorted will cost you a bit more. Ordinary ones cost three cents a catty, but only white-faced and purple-faced mushrooms cost five cents a catty. .

Therefore, although the weight of the mushroom is lighter, everyone receives more money.Moreover, picking mushrooms is more suitable for women than picking cat's claw vegetables. They can't carry hundreds of catties of cat's claw vegetables, but they are more dexterous and quick when picking mushrooms.For example, Luo Shuang'er and Chunling's sister-in-law both picked more than 50 catties, which is the most.As for Guo Xiazhu and Ning Dajiang, who picked the most cat's claw vegetables at that time, they were a bit inferior.

Everyone picked different types of mushrooms, and after Ning Wan harvested them, they piled them up into several large piles, which looked very spectacular.The careful selection is not only for easy sale after classification, but also for anti-virus mushrooms.

There are many kinds of mushrooms in the mountains, including many poisonous mushrooms.Those mushrooms that are particularly bright in color, red with small white spots, or bright pink are poisonous. People in Sanjia Village are very clear about picking mushrooms all the year round, and they would never pick such mushrooms.But there is another kind of mushroom, which looks very similar to ordinary mushrooms, but it is also poisonous.

This needs to be carefully checked when picking. There is another way here, that is, if the folds under the mushroom umbrella are flakes, they are non-toxic, and if they are spiked, they are poisonous.

The entrance is different from others, so be extra careful.The people in Sanjia Village are used to eating mountain delicacies, so they understand these things very well, so they are very careful when picking mushrooms. They don’t dare to pick mushrooms that have never been seen before. Ning Wan will check carefully when picking up mushrooms. Let the poisonous mushrooms stay.

It is true that it is much more expensive to deliver mushrooms to restaurants when they are fresh, but it is very difficult to transport them. Many roads break down, and the losses are all on this.Therefore, these mushrooms should be dried quickly. Ning Wan kept her hands and feet on her own, and Ning Qing and Yu Shi also helped. Even Luo Shuang'er and Chun Ling didn't leave first, and helped the Ning family arrange all the mushrooms in the yard before returning Home.

All kinds of mushrooms are either dry or wet, and about ten catties can be dried into one catty dry product.Sun-dried mushrooms are different from sun-dried cat's claw vegetables. In addition to picking them first, they also need to tear the particularly large mushrooms in half, while the long-legged mushrooms need to be cut into slightly thinner slices with a knife to dry thoroughly. .As for the half-dried mushrooms, they need to be threaded with needles and money, and then hung under the eaves to continue drying.

Ning Wan is a diligent person, and she puts a lot of thought into the mountain products she received. In addition to drying mushrooms, every day before her father leaves for Hutai County, she picks the freshest mushrooms and puts them in the shade for a while. It is ventilated, but not exposed to the sun. When I get up early the next day, I pick the mushrooms one by one into a basket and then cover them with a cold cloth, so that they will still be fresh and good when they are delivered to Hutai County.

The goods at home are still delivered to the Wangyuan Building first. Since the wild pork incident, the shopkeeper has treated the Ning family more and more, and the price has been raised, which is comparable to those sold on the street. In fact, the Wangyuan Building Such a big restaurant doesn't care about the little money at all, what they want is the freshest and best ingredients, so as to attract diners and keep the restaurant's first name in Hutai County.

Therefore, the shopkeeper likes fresh mushrooms and the like, especially the white-faced and purple-faced ones, which can cost more than ten dollars for half a catty. There are ten coins.In the restaurant, only the simplest oil and salt are added for cooking, and when served in front of the guests, one dish has to be overturned countless times.

Diners who can order fresh mushrooms don't care about hundreds of thousands of dollars. The diners are satisfied with the meal, the restaurant has gained fame and profits, and the Ning family has benefits.

However, mushrooms are different from cat's claw vegetables, they are not available every day, and they can only be picked after the rain. Therefore, when the weather is fine, Ning Wan will dry cat's claw vegetables and mushrooms at home, and take a stool to sit in the yard for breakfast. Dried mugwort is used to weave rope.

As the weather gets hotter, there are more mosquitoes.

Mother was a restless person, and when she saw Yaonu carrying out all the mugwort piled under a window, she knew that she was going to weave mugwort rope, so she also took a stool and sat opposite her to help.

Ning Wan took out three pieces of mugwort, tied them together at the top, and handed them to her mother to help her hold, then braided the three pieces of mugwort like braids, and took another one when each one was about to end. Mugwort continued to weave, and after a while, it became three feet long. At this time, it can be tied and put aside, and another one can be weaved.

It seems that there is a lot less to weave a large armful of mugwort into ropes, hanging in strands under the window eaves, and just pull out a strand when it is time to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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