Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 51 Emergency

Chapter 51 Emergency

Ning Wan immediately remembered that Luo Shuang'er in her dream often had such an aggrieved expression, and for a moment she wanted to help her, so she became anxious.But the Guo family is the same as all the families in Sanjia Village. There are only two pots in the house, one is for cooking and the other is for boiling pig food.Therefore, it is really impossible to prepare more than ten dishes in the morning with only one pot.But there is always a way, so he took Luo Shuang'er's hand and said, "You all listen to me, and I promise that everyone can eat on time and be satisfied."

Luo Shuang was pulled by Ning Wan, and tears were about to flow out, but she sucked her nose hard, took back the tears, and bowed her head in response.But now that he has a backbone, he no longer panics, and prepares one by one according to what Ning Wan said.She was also a person with quick hands and feet, and she was used to doing work, but now she has stabilized, and the kitchen will look different after a while.

At this time Chunling came back carrying water, and said to the two of them: "The adobe builders are back, I just saw them." As soon as the words fell, there was a voice outside, and it was Mr. Guo who brought Uncle Guo to invite everyone to sit down. Have a meal.

With the water, the first thing to do is to rinse the pot. Ning Wan had already cut the meat into very thin slices, put a few slices of fat meat in the pot, and boiled the oil. Then put the meat slices in, add sugar and salt immediately, and stir-fry a few times on high heat.Served on a plate, slices of meat are fat and thin, red, white, and green onions. Just looking at the color makes people salivate, not to mention the strong and fragrant meat flavor.

Someone outside laughed and asked, "What dish do you cook that smells so delicious?"

Luo Shuang'er responded, "It's fried pork with scallions." As he spoke, he brought the meat to the table outside, and gave way: "Everyone, try it, Wan'er helped make it!"

The greedy person took the chopsticks and put them in his mouth, and then praised: "This meat is fried well!"

Some people also said: "It's no wonder that Wan'er went to Hutai County to deliver food to a big restaurant, and she learned how to cook!"

It turns out that each family in Sanjia Village seldom eats meat. Except for the meat stuffing for making dumplings, the meat is most often stewed over low heat.Although this method makes the meat mellow and soft, it is actually more suitable for eating in winter. Now in the midsummer season, people who are idle in the house will inevitably sweat all over, and those who have worked for half a day will eat stewed meat. Is not the meat heated up?
Stir-fried meat is more delicious than stewed meat, and it is not too hot, which suits everyone's taste.It's just that the people in the kitchen listened to the praise from outside, and didn't care about agreeing, and continued to cook without stopping.

Chunling rinsed the pot again, Ning Wan put a large spoonful of oil in the pot, then put the beaten egg liquid in, and stirred vigorously with a spatula, the egg liquid soon solidified, but they all became small At this time, put two tablespoons of sauce, boil it, and it will become an oily and fragrant egg sauce.

The egg sauce was ready when Luo and the two parties came back, they turned around and sent it out, and when they came back, they sent a large plate of vegetables, which they had just picked, and now Chunling washed the vegetables and Ning Wan arranged them, a large plate full of lettuce, small Cabbage and coriander are green; shallots are half white and half green; quartered and then cut into three-inch-long cucumbers with green skin and yellow flesh; white radishes cut into strips are tender and raw; there are also bright red water radishes; purple perilla leaves, All the vegetables were picked from the garden in the morning, and there are still drops of cool water under the eyes, which are beautiful and gratifying.

This is the pickled dish that the people of Sanjia Village have always liked to eat, and the way to eat it is as bold and unrestrained as the climate in Liaodong. Take the dish in your hand, dip it in the sauce bowl, and then put it directly in your mouth without using chopsticks .

The way of eating pickled vegetables does not look refined enough, but in fact, it can best taste the original taste of fresh vegetables, and it is especially suitable for the taste of the people of Sanjia Village.But today's pickles are different from the usual ones.There are many kinds of dishes, and the sauce is fried with eggs in a lot of oil, and Ning Wan puts a lot of eggs, which makes the villagers of Sanjia Village who pay attention to benefits satisfied after seeing it.

In just a short while, the two dishes are ready. Needless to say, the meat dish is today's main dish, and the dipping sauce dish looks like one dish, but in fact there are more than a dozen of them, and the portions are big enough for everyone to drink up.Sure enough, he heard Mr. Guo calling his son to open the wine jar to pour wine for everyone, and greeted them attentively.

First, they used two dishes to appease the people outside. Ning Wan, Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er didn't dare to delay at all. One boiled noodles, one washed vegetables, and the other wiped a pot of shredded melon with a grater.

The grater is a thin iron sheet hollowed out and nailed in the middle of a board with a length of one foot and a width of half a foot. There are rows of small holes on this iron sheet. After rubbing, it becomes thin strands, which saves time and effort compared to cutting vegetables, and the strands that are wiped out are very uniform, comparable to those cut by the best knife skills.

Now Luo Shuang'er leaned the grater next to the big basin, took the half-cut squash and de-seeded it, and wiped it on the ground. After a while, the big basin was wiped, and at this time, salt was added to the sliced ​​squash. Take a ball with your hands to remove excess water, ready to mix the stuffing.Chunling added fried eggs with oil, diced fungus and leeks, salt and seasonings to the big basin. At this time, Ning Wan also boiled the noodles, and the three of them wrapped up big stuffed vegetables. dumpling.

The vegetable dumplings are big, and the hot noodles are soft and easy to wrap. They wrapped one drawer and steamed it on the pan, and steamed the next drawer after steaming. The dumplings in a drawer were sent out, and they won a lot of praise.

The original taste of horned melon is very fresh, but now eggs, leeks, and fungus are added to enhance the taste, and it is very delicious.Everyone laughed and said, "Dumplings are all about wine, the more you drink, the more delicious you are!" This is also a common saying in Sanjia Village.

People in Sanjia Village especially like to eat dumplings, but the dumplings are made with white flour, and either meat or eggs are added to the stuffing, so they can only be eaten during the New Year's Eve, which is a rare delicacy.Therefore, making dumplings will offset the shortcomings of not doing a lot of cooking today.

At first, the dumplings were eaten up immediately after being served, and then one after another was provided for everyone to eat. Just listening to the words in the yard, I knew that the people who made the adobe were very satisfied.

More than a dozen drawers of dumplings were steamed in a row, enough for everyone to eat, but the people in the kitchen were still busy. Luo Shuang'er took out a small bag of mung beans and said to Chunling and Ning Wan, "I'm going to make mung bean soup in the morning. Let’s go, my grandma said to boil it in the afternoon, and it’s not yet soaked in water, so I’ll cook it quickly.”

It turns out that mung beans are not easy to cook. If you want to cook mung bean soup, you always have to soak mung beans overnight or half a day, otherwise it will take a long time to cook.

"I can do this too," Ning Wan said with a smile, and asked Luo Shuang'er to take a pumpkin and cut it into small cubes, while she put the mung beans in the pot and stir-fried them. Seeing that the beans had changed color slightly, she added half a pot of water At this time, the diced pumpkin was cut in half and added in. It didn’t take long for the mung beans to bloom, and the pumpkin was half-melted in the water. The soup in the pot turned yellow-green, and sugar was added to the bucket. It is towned with freshly tapped mountain stream water.

Luo Shuang scooped up half a bowl of pumpkin and mung bean soup with a small bowl, tasted it, "It's really cooked, it tastes better than usual, even the color is better than usual!"

Chunling was also curious, so she took a bowl and tasted it, "It's true, it's sandy and waxy, besides the fragrance of mung beans, there's also the sweetness of pumpkin. It will taste better after it's cooled down." She asked Ning Wan again, " How did you do this? Teach me too."

Ning Wan smiled, "Actually, it's nothing. Didn't you all see it? Just be careful when frying the beans with fire first. The beans should be half-cooked but not burnt. The diced pumpkin should be cut into small pieces so that the flavor can really blend into the soup." Medium." And said: "It will taste better when it cools down than now." In fact, she will also make some soups to cool down the heat, but Sanjia Village doesn't have the materials.

Luo Shuang'er saw that even the soup that was delivered in the afternoon had been prepared properly, so she wiped the sweat off her forehead with her hands, and smiled at Ning Wan and Chun Ling, "Thanks to you, especially Wan'er."

Ning Wan and Chun Ling also laughed, "What is this?"

Luo Shuang'er then took out the last drawer of dumplings. It turned out that she didn't take this drawer outside after it was steamed, so she took two sets of bowls and chopsticks, poured some vinegar, and put them on the stove, "You guys first eat."

Ning Wan pointed to the east room and said in a low voice, "Let's send it to them first."

Chunling also signaled Luo Shuang to send the last drawer of dumplings into the east room. Although Mrs. Guo and the others were uneasy and well-meaning, they were elders after all, so why should they eat first.Then he pouted his mouth to Xiwu again, indicating that there was another Guo Xiaoyan.

That day Guo Xiaoyan stayed at home after being injured by a wild boar on the mountain. Mr. Guo didn't invite a doctor to come and see her, and Ning Wan and the others didn't know how she was doing now. Occasionally, Luo Shuang'er revealed that it was not very good. .

This time when Ning Wan and Chun Ling came to Guo's house, not only the elders in the east room didn't show up, even Guo Xiaoyan in the west room didn't make a sound, just like there was no one in Guo's house except the kitchen.Of course, they only helped Luo Shuang'er in the kitchen and did not enter the two rooms.

At this time, Luo Shuang'er had a stubborn face, and she didn't lower her voice any more, she just stuffed the bowl and chopsticks into the hands of Ning Wan and Chun Ling, "You all come to help, our family should have invited you to lunch."

After being busy for a long time, she didn't feel hungry before, but now that the hot dumplings are placed in front of her, Ning Wan suddenly feels that she is extremely hungry, and she also feels that she should eat the dumplings from Guo's family, so she took the bowl and chopsticks and said to Chunling : "When it's too late for dinner at home, let's eat here."

Chun Ling was also hungry, and the second room of the Ning family was much worse off than the first room, so the dumplings with white flour and melon filling were much more attractive to her than Ning Wan, so she also took the dishes.

It's just that they each ate one dumpling, but at the same time they brought the next dumpling to Luo Shuang'er's mouth, "You eat too."

Luo Shuang'er looked at the two pairs of chopsticks holding a dumpling on each side of her mouth, and suddenly laughed, "Are you guys talking about it? Even the words are the same."

Ning Wan and Chun Ling couldn't help feeling that it was a coincidence, so they laughed and said, "We didn't discuss it!" Seeing that Luo Shuang'er no longer cared about the people in the east room, they didn't have to be cautious anymore.

There was not a lot of dumplings in a drawer, and the three women had limited appetite after all, even Chun Ling, who was the most edible, couldn't compare to the man who made adobe, and she was full in a while.Ning Wan and Chun Ling were about to leave, and Luo Shuang'er said, "Each have a bowl of pumpkin and mung bean soup before leaving!"

At this time, the mung bean soup was already cold, Luo Shuang'er filled a bowl for each of them, and brought the rest out, "It's really hot, let's drink some soup to cool off the heat."

(End of this chapter)

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