Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 55 Discussion

Chapter 55 Discussion
Ning Wan knew about the home of the head of Hujia Village. Back then, her father was injured by people in Hujia Village. Because the family had no money to see a doctor, she had to come to Hujia Village to ask for it.From this, she got acquainted with the youngest son of Village Chief Hu, and later she sold the land of the Ning family's big house to him.Now she took her father's hand, walked around the two stupid people standing in front of her, and walked towards Hu's village.

The two men came to their senses after a while, and chased after them, "What do you want from our village chief?"

Ning Liang pointed back, "Of course it's because of the mountain stream, why don't you hurry up and take us there!"

The two thought for a while, discussed a few more words, and felt that there was no reason to stop them, so they led them to the door of Village Chief Hu's house.

The houses in Hujia Village are no different from those in Sanjia Village. They are usually three-room adobe houses. If it weren’t for the fact that there are more houses here than in Sanjia Village, it would be impossible to tell which one is Hujia Village and which is Sanjia Village in the rain. .Village Chief Hu's house is in this adobe house, which is slightly larger than the average house. At this time, the courtyard door was open, and everyone pushed the door and went directly into the house. A dozen people stood up together, Qi Zui He asked the person leading the way, "What's the matter? People from Sanjia Village are calling?"

"No," the man was a little embarrassed, "They came to see the village chief."

Ning Wan's sharp eyes saw that there were more than a dozen "weapons" piled up in the corner of the room, and the people in front of her were all very nervous, and they seemed to be ready to go out at any time to fight with the people from Sanjia Village, so she couldn't help it Slightly smiled.Ning Liang was a little nervous when he entered the house and saw so many people, so he relaxed after hearing Yao Nu's laughter, and laughed a few times: "It's true that I'm from Sanjia Village, but I didn't come here to fight. , I want to reason with your village chief."

The village head of the Hu family village is also the head of the Hu family. The person with the most fields in the Hu family village is about 50 years old. He is not tall, but has broad shoulders and a pair of small eyes. Trying to hide his surprise, he smiled and waved to Ning Liang and said, "Since you are not here to fight, please sit on the kang." Then he called his wife, "Hurry up and bring tea!"

Ning Liang was almost wet all over, and there was no way he could go to someone else's kang, so he took off his bamboo hat and sat on the edge of the kang, waved his hands and said politely: "Don't bother." Shouldn’t it be in the fields of our Sanjia Village?”

Immediately, one of the dozen or so people in Hujia Village jumped out and shouted loudly: "We set up dikes at the edge of the water to block the water, so what's the matter with shutting down your Sanjia Village?"

Ning Liang said: "In this case, we will also block the water by the stream, which is higher than the embankment of your village, and block the water to Hu's village. You will not object again?" On the way, he naturally I discussed with my daughter how to speak, but now I immediately refuted it.

"Why do you have so many people building embankments in Sanjia Village?" The reason why Sanjia Village didn't build embankments on the side of its own village is because Sanjia Village's terrain is slightly lower than Hujia Village, and embankment building will be more difficult. With a small population, it would take a lot of time and labor to build a long embankment. Hujia Village built an embankment to hold back water because of the large number of people and the high terrain. Moreover, their embankment is not a real embankment, but a temporary basket. The soil blocks the flow of water.

Such words are full of loopholes, Ning Liang laughed out of anger, "If people in Hujia Village think it is right to build embankments to block water, no matter how few people there are in our Sanjia Village, we will build embankments."

The man didn't know how to answer. If Sanjia Village really builds a dam, as long as it is higher than that of Hujia Village, then the people of Hujia Village will have to build a higher one. One must know how much manpower is spent on this temporary dam. It is unimaginable to really build higher.

If Sanjia Village is not allowed to build, it is inconsistent with what he said just now, but he really dare not build dikes in Sanjia Village casually. If Sanjia Village really builds a high embankment, Hujia Village will not agree.

Ning Wan listened to it, laughing inwardly, such an honest man like her father can have such a tongue, it seems that going to Hutai County these days not only made money, but also learned other skills.He turned his head and looked at the people in Hujia Village with interest, listening to their answers.

At this moment, Village Chief Hu stood up and scolded the man, "Third son! What are you talking about, just now your father scolded you for being such a big man but you don't understand anything!"

The third person took advantage of the situation and said: "My father told me to go home earlier, so I will go back." He ran away in a hurry.As soon as he left, what he just said was nothing. After all, according to Village Chief Hu, he was an ignorant person.

It's just that Ning Liang has already taken the upper hand, so naturally he won't let it go, so he continued to ask Village Chief Hu: "Is it right that Village Chief Hu meant to build embankments to block the water?"

Village head Hu did not answer this question, but instead asked: "Then when there is a drought, is it right for your Sanjia village to divert all the water to your fields?"

The same is true of the truth, the centuries-old feud between the two villages, in fact, neither party has completely justified it.

Sanjia Village's terrain is slightly lower, so it will suffer when there is a lot of rain. On the contrary, Hujia Village will be relocated when there is a drought. When Sanjia Village diverts water to the fields, people from Hujia Village will also fight over.

Therefore, whether it is drought or flood, the two villages will always be hostile.

Ning Liang is from Sanjia Village, so he always thinks about the water competition between the two villages from the perspective of Sanjia Village.Now being asked by Village Chief Hu, I realized for the first time that what Sanjia Village did in the past was not all right.During the drought, Sanjia Village could bring in as much water as possible from the mountain stream. At that time, when the people of Hujia Village saw that there was not a drop of water in the fields, their feelings should be the same as they are now.For a moment, just like that Hu Laosan just now, he was a little speechless.

At this time, Ning Wan took over the words, "We came here to discuss with you and set a charter. If we encounter such a thing in the future, what should we do?"

Wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat on a rainy day, although Ning Wan had spoken to the people in Hu’s Village before, it was after all outside in the wind and rain. People who listened to her thought she was a half-grown boy. She just stood in front of father, and now she spoke suddenly, everyone could tell that she was a little girl.

Village Chief Hu laughed, "Does a little girl need to be involved in the matter in Sanjia Village?"

This is not the first time Ning Wan has dealt with Village Chief Hu. When she came to the door, Village Chief Hu also waved her away, "Let your adults come and talk to me!" At that time, she was able to manage her own affairs well. , now that she has gained a lot of knowledge, she doesn't care about Village Chief Hu's attitude even more, and she also laughed, "Is Village Chief Hu trying to be reasonable or age?"

Village head Hu was stunned for a moment, then looked at the little girl in front of him, and suddenly remembered, "You belong to the Ning family, by the way, the one who harvests wild vegetables!"

It turns out that the reputation of harvesting wild vegetables has spread to Hujia Village!

But Ning Wan is not surprised, in fact, the distance between the two villages is too close, it is not right that Hujia Village cannot hear the news.So she nodded, "Yes, our family collects wild vegetables." Then she added, "If you have wild vegetables, you can also send them to our house, and I will charge them at the same price."

Both Hujia Village and Sanjia Village are located between mountains, so they can also pick a lot of mountain products, and it is also not easy to send them out of the mountains.Even, because they do not want to cross this mountain stream and go out from the road in front of Sanjia Village, the people of Hujia Village have to take a longer detour to get out of the mountain, which is farther than Sanjia Village to Mayi Town and Hutai County.So Ning Wan knew that they were also willing to sell the mountain goods to her, and she promised the same price as Sanjia Village, which was also a favor to them.

Sure enough, several people in the room showed joy on their faces, but because of the example of Hu Laosan just now, none of them dared to talk casually, so they all turned their attention to Village Chief Hu, waiting for him to make a decision.

Although Village Chief Hu would like the villagers to accept the wild vegetables and sell them for some money, after all, he was not immediately moved by the benefits, but asked cautiously: "Do you have any other conditions for accepting our wild vegetables?"

Ning Wan shook her head, "The harvesting of wild vegetables was just a matter of the village chief's mentioning and I agreed to it. It has nothing to do with the two villages discussing about drainage. But I thought, our two villages are separated by a river. Discuss freely, we must do it, no matter which side has casualties, it will actually be of no benefit to both parties.”

After every fight, the two villages have their own casualties. It is inevitable to pay for the injuries. In severe cases, there will be lawsuits. Village Chief Hu has been the village chief for more than [-] years, and he has been worried about these things, so he naturally admits Ning Wan is right, but he still has no confidence in discussing this matter with Sanjia Village.

I don't want to come up from behind Village Chief Hu, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with a square scarf on his head and a green cloth robe on his body. His face looks very white and clean among the peasants in the room, and his demeanor is also dignified and polite. He bowed his hands to Ning's father and daughter and said: "The virtuous father and daughter are right. Our two villages live next to each other, and we should help each other. How can we often fight for water?"

Then he turned to Village Chief Hu and said, "Father, now that there are people from Sanjia Village, we should sit down and discuss what to do in times of flood and drought in the future, so that we don't have to go to war, wouldn't it be good?"

When Ning Wan entered the house, she saw the youngest son of Village Chief Hu. He was the only one in Hu's village, no, the only scholar in the nearby ten miles and eight villages.Village head Hu tried his best to send him to the private school in Mayi Town since he was a child, and he was expected to honor his ancestors. Even his name was given by the private school teacher. Different, called "Dun Confucianism".

Although Hu Dunru was a bit too refined, he really had the demeanor of a Confucian.When I asked Village Chief Hu to ask for compensation, he not only helped me to speak up, but also felt very guilty for the casualties in Sanjia Village, and regretted not stopping the fight between the two villages in time.

Later, the reason why he bought the Ning family's land was that Ning Wan felt that he was not really for the land, but wanted to ease the conflict between the two villages by controlling the land closest to the mountain stream in Sanjia Village, and in fact he did.

After Ning Wan left Sanjia Village, she heard that whenever there was water, Hu Dunru would rather have no crops and trap the water in the original Ning family's field, and when there was a drought, he would give up the crops in his field Give up all the stream water to the rest of the family in Sanjia Village.In this way, the struggle between the two villages finally stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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