Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 61 Shopkeeper Xiao Wang has such a good memory!

Chapter 61 Shopkeeper Xiao Wang has such a good memory!
Ning Liang watched his daughter's big purchases, but didn't stop him, just smiled at the side.When Huo Shi tied up the cloth and cotton and reported the account again, he quickly took out a piece of silver from the bag hanging on his body and handed it over.

Ning Wan also took out the small silver ingots from her purse at this time, seeing her father rushing ahead, she stopped her with a smile and said, "Father, I have brought money."

Ningliang is not willing, "Keep yours, and use my interest first." He said as he watched the clerk weigh the silver and open it with scissors to find the money.

After all, Ning Liang spent a lot of time in Hutai County, so whenever he bought things, he paid out of his father's interest money. Ning Wan whispered in her father's ear: "My mother and I have saved interest money. It's all gone."

Although the family has made money, the small business of collecting mountain goods is just the beginning, and it only makes a difference in the middle. The income is limited, and how much interest can each person have?As a result, Ning Liang didn't have much interest left, and this time buying cloth was costly, and when he went home to settle the accounts, not only was his father's interest gone, but he might still be owed to his family.

But Ning Liang had a smile on his face, "Isn't father's money supposed to be spent by your mother?"

"That's right!" Ning Wan laughed, and put the small purse in her arms, "Then I won't bring any money with my father when I go to Hutai County, it will be my father's money."

The father and daughter walked out with their things, chatting and laughing, and met shopkeeper Xiao Wang who came in with a tall, fat woman, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Let the guy come to the door and say, I don't want Mrs. Fu to go out of the city and come back now."

Mrs. Fu laughed, her voice was high and shrill, "Yes, I went to live in Zhuangzi in the countryside for a few days. It's much cooler there than in the county town, and the fruits and vegetables are fresh. If it wasn't for the many things at home, I still don't want to come back." He asked again: "I wonder if shopkeeper Xiao Wang left some new materials for me?"

"Of course it's reserved," Shopkeeper Xiao Wang said with a smile on his face, "Mrs. Fu is the biggest customer of our shop. How can we forget Mrs. Fu? As soon as this batch of materials arrives, I'll pick what Mrs. Fu likes." There are eight horses in the pattern."

For the first time, Ning Wan knew that shopkeeper Xiao Wang, who was very sincere in his business, didn't even blink an eye when he told a lie!Obviously Mrs. Fu couldn't reach Rui Hongfeng's biggest customer, but he still complimented Mrs. Fu so much.

Rui Hongfeng's biggest customers are County Magistrate Qian's family, old magistrate Xu's family who retired from old age and returned to his hometown, and Zhao Dian's historian who she married before, and then Fengju's family, Hu country gentry's family and so on.For these most powerful and wealthy families in Hutai County, Rui Hongfeng wanted to deliver the materials to the door for the wives in charge to choose when new products came.Only after the wives of these companies have chosen, can those goods be placed on the counter.

As Mrs. Fu, she probably doesn't know this.Needless to say her, of course, Sun Xiucai, Zhu Xiucai, Zuo shopkeeper and others who are quite respectable in Hutai County can't reach them, and Fu Butou's family is still behind these people.

But Mrs. Fu just likes to hear compliments, and now she is smiling so much that her small eyes narrowed, and said with a smile: "Since you kept it for me, I'll take it all."

Shopkeeper Xiao Wang refused, "Although I picked Mrs. Fu's thoughts, it is inevitable that there will be some shortcomings. I have to see Mrs. Fu herself. If you are not satisfied, just let it go."

After hearing this, Ning Wan immediately knew that Mrs. Fu not only had to take all the eight pieces of material, but also had to pick another three or five pieces before she could leave.After a few days, the head catcher Fu found out, and it was inevitable that he would have a fight with Mrs. Fu—their husband and wife were really fighting, not only arguing, but also fighting.Although Catcher Fu has practiced martial arts since he was a child, Mrs. Fu is not easy to mess with, and she can even fight Master Catcher.

But after that, Mrs. Fu would not go out for some days, and Catcher Fu couldn't hide at home because he had to do business, so people in the county would make fun of him when they saw him, "Master Catcher, how many bloodstains are there on his face? Was it scratched by a cat?"

Every time Fu Butou firmly said: "That's right, this cat in the family likes to scratch people the most, so it should be killed!" But even after Fu's cat got lost, Fu Butou insisted that he was killed cat scratched.

Mrs. Fu will come out in a few days. Of course, after her scars have healed, because she loves face so much, she can't let people see her dark and blue eyes. When someone asks her, she says that she is not in good health and is recuperating at home. ——Actually, her body has always been the best, and she has never been sick once.

When the injury recovers, it is time for Mrs. Fu to go out on the street again.No matter how many times she was beaten before, as soon as she went out, she would still buy something good regardless of whether she should buy it or not, and then a new round of quarrels started again.

Shopkeeper Xiao Wang might not know about the Fu family. The reason why he knew it was because the Zhao family and the Fu family both held hereditary county officials in Hutai County, and they both lived near the county government. Quite a lot.When Fu Butou's family quarreled, the Zhao family could always hear a few words across the yard.

Ning Wan thought of this and quickly lowered her head, lest Mrs. Fu see the smile on her face and miss the two of them sideways. When she was about to go out, she saw the shopkeeper Xiao Wang smiling at herself: "Thank you, Miss Ning, for visiting the shop. !"

It turned out that he could still recognize himself!
In the past few months, Ning Wan has grown a lot, and she feels that her appearance has changed. Just now, the clerks in the shop did not recognize their father and daughter. She didn't want shopkeeper Xiao Wang to greet them just by meeting them.

Ning Wan couldn't get past it any longer, she stopped in her tracks, turned around and nodded, "Shopkeeper Xiao Wang has such a good memory!"

Shopkeeper Xiao Wang just laughed, and said to the clerk in the store: "Can you give Miss Ning a little bit cheaper?"

At this time, the guys remembered what happened a few months ago, and laughed together: "We are blind, but we didn't recognize it, so please stay a little longer, we wiped off the change of the cloth money." Make up for copper coins.

Ning Wan waved her hand, "No need, Rui Hongfeng has already taken care of me a lot, so how can I take advantage of it?"

While they were talking, Mrs. Fu asked Shopkeeper Xiao Wang, "Who is this little girl? Why does she look so unfamiliar?"

Ning Wan also knew that Mrs. Fu liked to be held in the palm of her hand, and what shopkeeper Xiao Wang said to her just now made her feel displeased by being neglected, so she quickly waved her hand to say goodbye to shopkeeper Xiao Wang, "Let's go."

Shopkeeper Xiao Wang naturally sensed what Mrs. Fu meant, nodded hurriedly to Ning Wan, turned back to Mrs. Fu with a smile and replied, "A regular customer in the store, but he only knows his surname Ning."

"It's not from our county, but it doesn't look like a country girl outside."

"Maybe," shopkeeper Xiao Wang replied, but he signaled the waiter to open a piece of material, "Mrs. Fu, do you think this pair of golden swastikas with endless patterns is the most suitable for making a beanie?"

Ning Wan listened to it from a distance, and admired the shopkeeper Xiao Wang's decency in dealing with it, without revealing anything.Since he could call out his surname, he would of course remember that he was from Sanjia Village, Mayi Town, but he didn't say a word in front of Mrs. Fu.You must know that besides spending money recklessly, Mrs. Fu is also a person who likes to gossip everywhere. Since she sees that she is not like a country girl, she will definitely be curious, and she will spread the word everywhere if she finds out. .

It suddenly occurred to him that the Fu family would definitely fight tonight, so he smiled quietly.

Ning Liang heard this, but thought wrongly, "Father is also happy to hear that, our family's Wan'er is getting better and better, no wonder the wives of wealthy families say that my youngest daughter is not like a country girl."

"What's wrong with being a country girl?" Ning Wan retorted, "I'm a country girl!" On weekdays, she tried her best to get rid of the fact that she didn't look like a country girl, just for fear that others would notice something wrong.

Ning Liang couldn't say no to his daughter, but he also had his own reasons, "Not only did the wife say it just now, even the shopkeeper in the Wangyuan Building said that we Wan'er are knowledgeable and not like ordinary country girls."

"Father, that was just casually said in front of you, so don't take it seriously!"

"But I think he's telling the truth."

It's no wonder that others feel this way when they see her. Ning Wan really wasn't what she is now when she first came out of the countryside. She had seen too little of the world in the small mountain village, so she was at a loss when she suddenly came to the bustling county town. It takes a certain amount of experience to be able to do everything freely.

So Ning Wan pulled up a piece of summer cloth she just bought and said, "Father, look, this piece of cloth is the same as that worn by Mrs. Fu who just entered Ruihongfeng. When I go home, I will make a small jacket for my mother. It looks better than Mrs. Fu's dress."

Ning Liang completely agrees with his daughter this time, "When I first saw that Mrs. Fu, I realized that the material she was wearing was exactly the kind you bought. Naturally, it looks better on your mother than on her." The fabric is shallow Purple, with some dark flowers, only fair-skinned people can wear it. Although Mrs. Fu is not dark, she is fat and tall, so she can't show the delicate elegance of this purple.

"Use this light gray cloth to make a skirt with a small jacket. It's very cool to wear this season." Ning Wan pointed out each piece of cloth, "This one is mine, this one is for eldest sister, and this one is for daddy. ..."

When it came to making clothes for mother, father laughed, "Actually, I also thought about buying some cloth for you and your mother, but I don't know how to choose."

Father is an honest man. Although he often goes to Hutai County, he doesn't go to other places except for the few places he accompanied him before, and the things he buys are only food.Ning Wan laughed, "It's not too late to buy now, and the price of these linens has been reduced." Then she got on the donkey and said, "Father, you ride the big gray, and I ride the little gray, go home early!"

It turned out that after adding a small donkey to the family, Ning Wan named them for the convenience of calling them. The bigger one was Big Hui, and the smaller one was Xiao Hui.

After hearing this, Ning Liang was worried that Yu Shi would stay at home by himself, so he also rode on the donkey.With the help of animals, the two arrived home before nightfall.

(End of this chapter)

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