Chapter 67
After all, Village Chief Hu has been the village chief for many years, and he can still say what he said on the scene, so he waved his hands and smiled: "What's the matter? Teeth?" He told the elders what he said about the money and food just now.

Mr. Guo glanced at the second Mr. Yu and Mr. Yu, who had been silent all this time, and said, "Since the money was given by Mr. Xu, Ning Erlang will take it. It's just that there is no need for Hu's Village to compensate for this food. Our Sanjia Village has collected it ourselves." Give it to Ning Erlang's family, and Village Chief Hu will take it back!"

Ning Liang hurriedly said: "My family has enough food to eat, so I don't need it. I don't need any."

How could Village Chief Hu rely on him? He nodded to the two eldest sons, "Why don't you hurry up and send your Second Uncle Ning home?"

The two sons of the Hu family were accustomed to work and work, so they lifted the sacks on the ground and walked to the Ning family with ease. It turned out that they had followed Aunt Hu to deliver mountain goods, so they knew the Ning family.

Because Mr. Hu Xiao is a scholar, he never does these chores, so he talks to the villagers of Sanjia next to Village Chief Hu. Although he is not quite as gentle as Mr. Xu's youngest son, he is still worthy of him Known as a modest gentleman, he quickly chatted and laughed with everyone.

Seeing that there were guests, father let go of his wife and daughter and invited Village Chief Hu to sit at home.

Mrs. Yu then called Yao Nu, "You run fast, hurry home and light the fire to boil water and make tea."

Luo Shuang'er was also at the side, "I'll run back to do it quickly, and let Wan'er help my second aunt to walk slowly behind." Said and ran to the front.Chunling also walked away quickly, "I'll help too."

Ning Wan took a step behind to support her mother, and walked home with Aunt Hu, worried that her mother would be angry, and kept looking at her expression.Aunt Hu laughed, "Your mother is fine, her pregnancy is very stable."

Aunt Hu naturally knew the situation of the Ning family, and Ning Wan had also heard that Aunt Hu could deliver babies, so she believed it even more, so she asked with a smile: "Ma'am, when my mother is born, I will ask aunt to help deliver the baby. OK?"

There is no special midwife in Sanjia Village. In the past, if a woman gave birth to a child, she would go to other villages to invite her. However, Sanjia Village is far away from other villages except for Hujia Village, so people are often hired. It took a long time, and now that the Hu family village has been reconciled, it is another convenient thing to invite Mrs. Hu to come.

Aunt Hu slapped her hands, "There's nothing wrong with that!" Then she looked at Mrs. Yu seriously, "It is said that your mother has given birth to several times, and it is not a big deal to regenerate, but in fact, it has been many years since she has not given birth again. Times are not easy."

When Ning Wan heard this, she immediately thought of the fact that her mother almost had a miscarriage, and she suddenly became afraid. Maybe her mother would not be able to keep the baby, her face immediately turned pale, and her voice trembled, "I, my mother Definitely, definitely all right!"

Seeing that Ning Wan was frightened, Aunt Hu smiled and patted her, "Don't be afraid! You, Aunt Hu, are here! Your mother and your little brother will be safe and sound!"

Only then did Ning Wan feel relieved, and then she thought again, Mother is the most honest person, she has never done anything bad, she was also harmed by others before she gave birth to a miscarriage, now she has her father and herself to protect her mother, and God knows it all too well , will definitely allow her to give birth to a child smoothly!So I laughed again.

How big can Ningjia Village be?Everyone just arrived at home one after another. Ning Liang had already invited everyone to sit on the kang in the east room to talk, Mrs. Yu brought Mrs. Hu to the west room, while Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er had already boiled the water, Ning Wan took out the tea leaves to boil. He ordered the tea and sent it, and took the pumpkin seeds that were sun-dried under the eaves.

After the pumpkin is ripe, the pumpkin seeds in the pulp will grow.If you want to keep it for next year's seed, but there is not enough at this time, you have to keep the pumpkin until it is very old.But the pumpkin seeds at this time cannot be thrown away in vain, because they are delicious.

When cooking, take out the melon pulp, then separate the white melon seeds scattered inside, and put it under the eaves or where to sit. After it is dry, rub it with your hands to remove a layer of yellow thin skin attached to the pumpkin seeds Rub it off, leaving only a smooth melon seed.

At this time, put the pumpkin seeds in a large heated iron pot and dry fry them. After a short while, the pumpkin seeds will turn slightly yellow and the aroma will come out. It is time to eat.Break open the skin of melon seeds, and the kernels inside are full of aroma. It is the best thing to kill time on weekdays. Women and children have always liked it the most.

The Ning family planted a lot of pumpkins this year, and they collected pumpkins from other people's homes and dried them in the sun. As a result, they accumulated a lot of pumpkin seeds, and now they fried two large plates and sent them to the east and west houses.There are sliced ​​melons, golden apricots, and freshly picked edamame, which are also the best treats in the farmhouse.

Ning Wan, Chun Ling, and Luo Shuang'er all stopped cleaning the dishes, and sat on the edge of the kang in the west room to listen to Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Hu talking, and occasionally helped the adults in the two rooms add water and bring tea.When guests come to the house, they naturally have to accompany them.

After everyone talked for a while, the Hu family wanted to leave, but how could the Ning family be willing to let them go, and they wanted to keep them for lunch anyway.During the dispute, Ning Dahe ran back, carrying a jar of wine, a piece of meat, and two fish to the door.It turned out that Ning Wan saw that the Hu family had arrived in Sanjia Village, and the family must keep food, so she secretly took the money and asked Chunling's sister-in-law to ask Brother Dahe to help buy wine and meat.Then, according to Ning Wan's order, he caught the two biggest little roosters and killed them.

The Hu family saw that the Ning family was very sincere, so they had to sit down again.Aunt Hu said to Mrs. Yu: "You are heavy, and you are still resting in the house. I will go to the kitchen to have a look."

Although Ning Wan is capable, she is not very old after all. Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er are also young wives. With so many people and so many dishes, they may not be able to cook well. Aunt Hu wants to help.

Mrs. Yu grabbed her back, "You also rest, it's usually done by the children." At this time, she felt that it was time to show off her daughter's abilities, so she didn't even move, even on weekdays His commandments are all gone.

Although Aunt Hu is sincerely helping, she is more polite.Women are different from men, even if they are guests at other people's homes, how can they really sit still?Always go to the kitchen to ask what's the matter.But people who understand the truth naturally cannot let the guests do the work. At this time, Aunt Hu was dragged away by Mrs. Yu, and she sat back, "Then I am waiting to try the crafts of a few children today!"

When Ning Wan, Chun Ling, and Luo Shuang'er arrived at the kitchen, they seemed to be showing off their talents.

Who doesn't want face?When guests came to the house, the women tried their best to cook some good dishes and treats, so that the visitors would praise the women in this house for their skillful tea and food.Now the people of Hujia Village are guests to Sanjia Village, as long as they are people from Sanjia Village, they are willing to show the goodness of Sanjia Village in front of them.

Ning Wan has always had a competitive heart, and she is also full of gratitude to Hu Dunru, whether it is in the dream or now, the reconciliation between the two villages is all due to him.Another stone of grain was sent over today, which made an excellent start for the two villages to discuss matters in the future.The so-called "You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot." From then on, Sanjia Village will naturally take the initiative to give up some points when encountering troubles, so what can't be discussed between the two villages?
Therefore, Ning Wan must cook this meal seriously.

If we were in Zhao’s house, the guests would be entertained in different classes, and the most distinguished guests would be the best ones. The first one must serve jelly, which is bird’s nest, and then there would be roast goose and roast lamb. some type of.Naturally, they can't prepare it right now, but Ning Wan feels that as long as the food is prepared with real thought, the taste is not inferior to those high-end noodles.

There are meat, fish, mushrooms, and various vegetables at home, plus two little roosters. Although these things are very common, they are enough.

Salted wild pork is usually cut into slices and steamed casually, so it is natural to change it to be more formal now.Ning Wan went to the garden and picked a big winter melon, cut it in half with a knife, took out the flesh, and used a knife to carve the edges of the melon into waves for decoration.At this time, put the sliced ​​wild pork, mushroom slices, fungus slices, chicken breast slices, etc. into the winter melon, add a little water and oil and salt seasoning, and steam it in a large pot.

It was the first time Chunling and Luo Shuang'er saw cooking like this, and they both stared wide-eyed and asked, "This is okay?"

Ning Wan smiled, "Of course it's okay, you can also make it with pumpkins and watermelons." Sanjia Village doesn't grow watermelons, otherwise it would be nice to make a watermelon cup this season, but winter melons are also very refreshing to relieve the heat.

And she also heard people say that people from Jiangnan use oranges to make crab meat bowls, which tastes great, but Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er neither know oranges nor have they seen crabs, so she decided not to mention it.He just said: "This wax gourd will take a long time to steam, and we are just in time to prepare something else."

Cut the scales of the fish to remove the belly, fry them in oil, fry them in oil, add green onion and ginger, add some fat and lean meat and add water to cook. The method is simple, but the farmhouse sauce can relieve the fishy smell of the river fish. The fish is braised mellow and delicious.

Mince the pork, add various seasonings, put two eggs and some flour in it, then squeeze it into round balls with your hands, fry them in the oil pan until they are golden red, and take them out. The taste is the most delicious. Wine delicacies.

Boiled roosters are not as good as hens, but the meat is the most tender. Cut into small pieces and soak them in hot water, and then stir-fry them with hot oil. It is much more suitable to eat at this time than stewed chicken... …

The most important thing is that the preparation of these kinds of dishes is extremely fast. As soon as the winter melon cup was brought up, fish, meatballs, stir-fried roosters were brought up one after another, and then there were several kinds of vegetables, and finally eggs were served. The omelette fried with flour and diced garlic, yellow and green, is both rice and vegetables.

The food was ready, Ning Wan, Chun Ling, Luo Shuang'er ate with Aunt Hu and Yu Shi.Aunt Hu took a piece of winter melon from the winter melon cup with a spoon and said with a smile: "I have grown winter melons for so many years, and I have eaten them for so many years. This is the first time I have eaten such a special winter melon!" After tasting it, she couldn't help nodding. , "It's really delicious!"

Yu smiled and picked up another piece of bacon for Aunt Hu, "This is wild boar meat, which is more fragrant than domestic pig meat. Madam, try it?"

Aunt Hu used to think it was just ordinary pork, but now she tasted it, "It really tastes different." She ate it again, and praised Ning Wan again after tasting it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yu just didn't know what to do, and instead said: "I have been raising this child since I was pregnant. Up and down the house, inside and out, there are all kinds of Waner Zhang Luo, and it's not bad at all. It’s still time to go to the stove.”

Aunt Hu laughed, "You are so lucky, it's much better than I had three sons! How can these brats be so caring?"

"Daughter is naturally good in everything, only one thing is bad, and she will be sad when she gets married in the future."

"Then just marry nearby, and we can see each other often."

Yu Shi smiled, "Then how can you be sure?" But he refused to go any further, and took another meatball and sent it over, "I came here early in the morning, I must be very tired, eat more."

(End of this chapter)

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