Chapter 72

The women were like this, they were very enthusiastic about these gossips, and everyone talked about the shopkeeper Xiaowang and several big families in the county, including Zhao Dian's family of historians.Ning Wan was listening, knowing that these rumors were true or false, she had to believe them, and she couldn't believe them all, so she just listened and didn't say anything.And Dagu and the others just pretended that she didn't recognize these people.

Ning Wan's heart suddenly moved, and she said: "I went to Hutai County a few days ago, and I heard a story told by someone, which is also very interesting. I wonder if you have heard it."

Everyone laughed, "Let's listen to what you said."

Ning Wan said: "I heard that it is a village not far from Hutai County. Every family grows wheat and lives well." Then she laughed to herself: "It looks like Lishu Village!"

The aunt said: "This area is full of wheat farmers, not necessarily our village."

Ning Wan actually wanted to tell the story of Sister Xi's future, so that the aunts and the others would feel vigilant when they heard it, so she kept going to Lishu Village, and now she said: "Although I don't know where it is, but Not necessarily far away.”

Then he started talking, "There is a family in this village. Although they are peasants, they live a prosperous life. There are two sons and a daughter in the family. The sons are married, and only one young daughter is left. You are beautiful, love at home is like a treasure, and the dowry was prepared early."

The sister-in-law of the aunt's family smiled and said, "It's the same population as our family."

Ning Wan continued, "One day when it rained heavily, a young man from a foreign country passed by the village, so he stayed at this house to hide from the rain. On rainy days, he talked together, and the youngest daughter of the family saw that the young man was handsome, He acted generously, so he had some thoughts, but it happened that the young man came again a few days after the rain stopped, so it turned out that he was also thinking about the daughter of this family."

"For those who came and went twice, they invited a matchmaker to come and say that the young man's family was originally from the south. Because his parents died, he went to the north to look for his relatives. He couldn't find his relatives, but he didn't plan to go back. It was in Shuangtai not far away. Zhen'an has left home. Now my parents' filial piety period has expired, and it's time to get married."

The aunt already understood, "What's wrong with this marriage?"

"Exactly!" Ning Wan nodded and said, "This family saw that the young man is good in everything, so they also went to Shuangtai Town to see the young man's new house, so they agreed to marry him. And because the young man is here alone, There is no one in the family to take care of clothes and food, and they are in a hurry to get married, so they agreed to finish the marriage within two months."

"The marriage was done in a hurry. Not long after the youngest daughter of this family got married, she found out that her husband was not quite right, and she didn't see him doing anything during the day to make a living. Every few days, a few people came to the door, and the young man went to bed with them at night. They go out and don’t come back after a few days, and they don’t say what they did, but the family has no shortage of money.”

Everyone guessed, "Ganqing is a thief? Or a robber?"

"That's right, it's a thief. A group of them were wanted by the government in the pass, so they fled to Liaodong and lived separately. They don't communicate with each other on weekdays, but life is always useful, so they will get together to do a case. If you get the money, stop it, and when you have no more money, you still have to do it again.”

The aunt sighed: "The daughter of this family really fell into the fire pit!"

The sister-in-law also asked: "Then what should I do?"

Ning Wan said: "I was not very sure before. Although this daughter thought it was unreasonable, she secretly guessed that she might be doing some small business. It was only when she was drunk that she revealed her words that she realized she had been cheated. She didn't dare to speak out in a big way, so she had to find a way to tell her natal family quietly. The natal family could neither leave her daughter in the fire pit, nor dared to report directly to the official, for fear that Offended the wicked, it was very embarrassing for a while."

The aunt hurriedly said: "Then we must find a way to bring our daughter back!"

Back then when Sister Xi met someone unkind, Auntie tried her best to bring her back. If it wasn't for this, when the gang of thieves were caught, Sister Xi would inevitably be taken to the county government office as a family member of the thieves, and she would even be arrested. Will exile Doron together.

So Ning Wan said again: "But even if we bring her back, this daughter's life will be almost ruined, and it will be very difficult to remarry."

"That's natural," the aunt said, "How can it be easy to leave a house and enter another house?"

After Ning Wan married into the Zhao family, she heard Mrs. Zhao talk about women's virtues and women's precepts, and knew that the imperial court would give honors to women who observe chastity. I don't think it's wrong to remarry, but remarriage is much more difficult than remarriage, which is always a fact.

Just like Sister Xi, she was just unlucky enough to be cheated by someone, so she can't stay at her mother's house at a young age, and what will happen to her parents when they get old in the future?Naturally, she will marry again, but she has seen with her own eyes how difficult it is to marry a beloved man.We are all women, so they naturally understood, and they all sighed, "This matter of marriage, we must visit each other's family carefully to understand it!"

The eldest aunt said to the juniors: "Especially the daughter's family, you must be more cautious! You are young and you can't see through some things. You have to be careful with your parents. You can't make up your own mind and you will be deceived!" YouQi looked at Sister Xi and Ning Wan seriously, and they all nodded quickly.

The eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law asked curiously again: "What happened to the thief after that?"

"The thief was naturally caught, and the case in the pass was also found out, and he was sentenced to exile and sent to Duolun station to serve." Back then, the gang of thieves were so clever that they went to Mr. Xu in Hutai County. Stealing from the magistrate's house greatly lost the face of the county magistrate Qian, and the chief fu was beaten several times for failing to solve the case within the time limit because it was not good for catching thieves.In the end, the crippled general led people to set up a bait to catch them all. It happened that the Duolun station had been short of people, so he sent them to the army.

It's still early for sister Li Xi's marriage, and even those thieves may not be in Liaodong at this time, but Ning Wan first talked about this incident as gossip, in order to remind Auntie that in the future Sister Xi will never go back to her mother's house after a few years of marriage.

Ning Wan told the story, and everyone talked about other things, until the uncle returned home, they went to their rooms to sleep peacefully.

Ning Wan lived with Sister Xi, and after blowing out the lamp, she said, "Actually, it would be good to marry in this village, so as not to be like my aunt and elder sister, who have to walk a day's journey back to their mother's house." It turned out that After marrying Xi back to her natal home, my aunt and I regretted it when we helped her plan to remarry. Back then, there was a young man in the pear tree who loved Sister Xi very much, and the family was willing to marry Sister Xi back, and invited someone to visit her. It's just that Sister Xi didn't like it because she said she was from a village. If Sister Xi had married in the village back then, the life of that family would have been pretty good.

Unexpectedly, Sister Xi laughed and said, "Wan'er, you will definitely not be able to marry in your village in the future! I heard from my mother that she will marry you in our village."

Ning Wan has been thinking about Sister Xi's marriage, but she never thought that she would abduct her, so she really didn't know what to say for a while.There are not many young people in Sanjia Village, and I want to move my whole family away. I really never thought of marrying in Sanjia Village.

In the darkness, Sister Xi laughed again, "Everyone says, 'Men are the best match, women are the best.' The daughter's family will naturally marry upwards. It is right for you not to marry in Sanjia Village. It is my mother and Sister Xian, Didn’t Sister Qing marry better? I also heard from my mother that there were people in the three villages who wanted to marry my mother and two cousins, but none of them wanted to marry you from your own village.”

Ning Wan never thought about this, and thinking about it, she really has no in-laws in Sanjia Village. Except for the second and third bedrooms of the Ning family, even those who are relatives are far away. There is also this reason for being excluded?So I wanted to stay in a daze for a while.

Sister Xi only thought she was caught by her own question, and instead enlightened her, "Wan'er, the two of us are no worse than the daughters of wealthy families in the county in terms of character, ability, and appearance. Naturally, we will not be able to marry a farmer in our village in the future." , even if you don’t marry in the county seat, you have to marry in the town!”

Ning Wan didn't think so far, so she could only murmur, "No matter where you marry, character comes first."

Sister Xi thought of the story she had just told, "How can there be so many thieves in the world? They are rare in a hundred years, and you can't stop marrying foreigners just because there is one thief!"

Ning Wan didn't know what to say, she finally understood why Sister Xi was cheated back then.But fortunately, Auntie listened to what she said, so she didn't argue with Sister Xi, "Didn't the older generation say that they were careful? We're just gossiping, so go to bed early."

After all, she was at someone else's house, and Ning Wan woke up early in the morning the next day. Seeing that her aunt was making noodles with her, she went to help her.Aunt hurried her back, "This clothes can't stand rubbing, the kitchen is full of oil and dust, don't get it dirty, go talk to Sister Xi."

Ning Wan said, "I'm just trying to learn how to make twisted doughnuts." Lishu Village grows wheat, and every family often eats pasta. My aunt married here, and she also makes good pasta.In particular, this deep-fried mahua is very crispy and delicious. Ning Wan has always liked to eat it the most, and she really wants to learn from her eldest aunt.

Seeing that she really wanted to learn, Auntie said, "Then you can change into Sister Xi's old clothes before coming back."

Ning Wan went back to her room and asked Sister Xi to borrow old clothes to wear, and when she went to the stove, her aunt taught her, "This dough is made of half yeast flour and half flour, with oil, caustic soda, eggs, and sugar added. You have to knead vigorously to get it evenly."

"Before you all got up just now, I made noodles into small doses, and then kneaded them into long and thin strips, brushed them with oil, and covered them with an oil cloth."

"Now that the oil pan is heated, the oil is [-]% hot, so you can put the twist in it and fry it." As he said, he picked up two rubbed long noodles, rubbed them thinner and longer, and rubbed them vigorously. Er, and then put the two together, the two strips of noodles were twisted together like twisted ropes, and then Auntie folded the noodle rope into three folds, and twisted it tightly to form a twist.It seems very complicated to say, but in fact, the twist is made in a few strokes, and then thrown into the oil pan.

After entering the oil pan, the snow-white twist slowly swelled up and changed color until it turned golden red. At this time, Auntie fished it out with a strainer and put it in a basin beside her, and handed it to Ning Wan, "Try it!" taste."

Ning Wan grabbed a piece, put it in her mouth regardless of the heat, and ate it with a breath, "It's so crispy! So fragrant! So sweet!"

At this time, my aunt had already made another twist and put it in the pan to fry, "You can try it too, don't be afraid if you make it bad, Auntie will knead the dough again."

Everything looks easy but is hard to do. The noodle that was very obedient in the hands of the aunt is not honest when it comes to Ning Wan. The slender noodle was broken twice, and the two refused to be put together. Auntie helped to fiddle with it again, and finally it turned into a twist and went into the oil pan. After frying, it looked the same.

After making a few more, after all, practice makes perfect, and Ning Wan can make twists similar to that of her aunt.

The aunt said: "We don't have so much oil at home, so we slowly fry them one by one. In the kitchen of a wealthy family, a large pot of oil is required to fry a dozen or twenty twists at a time. At that time The hands and feet must be fast, otherwise there will be too much time difference in the frying pan, and some will be burnt and some will not be cooked yet."

Ning Wan just laughed, "My current skills can only blow up one by one."

"It will be better if you practice more," the aunt told her again, "This is crispy twist, and there are crispy twist. In that case, you need to put more yeast dough and less oil. Everything else is the same. It will be crispy when fried. It's also delicious. You can also dip sesame seeds on the top of the twist and fry the sesame twist. Put more eggs to make meringue twist. I heard that there are pastry chefs who can put bean paste filling in the dough and fry it into stuffed twist. Woolen cloth."

Breakfast is naturally twist, and my aunt made soup with cucumber and eggs. Everyone ate the delicious twist, and then drank a bowl of soup. Ning Wan praised, "This breakfast is so delicious. I fried it for my mother when I got home. taste."

The eldest aunt said: "Your mother is really blessed to have you!" Then she glanced at Sister Xi intentionally or unintentionally.

Ning Wan hurriedly said: "My family is small, and I don't have brothers and sisters, so I naturally have to do more work."

Just as I was talking, the two sister-in-laws came back. It turned out that they had gone shopping in Hutai County early in the morning.I had dinner at my eldest brother-in-law's house yesterday, and today my aunt must entertain my father and myself. Although the breakfast was good, it was not considered a formal meal.

Sure enough, the eldest aunt looked at the things her daughter-in-law bought, nodded, and said to Ning Wan: "The last time I went back to my mother's house, I ate the pork rib dumplings you made, and when I came back, I told them how delicious they were. Try the three delicacies potstickers baked by Dagu."

"Then father and I will have a good time." Ning Wan smiled, but suddenly felt that her aunt was really strong. She woke up early in the morning to fry twisted doughnuts and baked potstickers at noon, as if telling herself that she would also cook a lot of delicious food. !

Dad came back after a while, it turned out that he got up earlier than Ning Wan, but he entered Hutai County when the city gate was opened, delivered the mountain goods and returned to Lishu Village.

Naturally, lunch was eaten at the eldest aunt's house, but the eldest brother-in-law's family was invited over. Only Granny Wan would help take care of the little grandson and the eldest sister who was in confinement at home.

(End of this chapter)

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