Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 74 Sweet Bar

Chapter 74 Sweet Bar
Ning Wan entered the room and handed a sweet stick to her mother first, "Father found two, I just ate one, this one is for mother."

Harvesting sorghum is tiring work, but there are also interesting things, such as being able to eat sweet stalks at this time.It turns out that if some sorghum stalks have not produced ears, the sorghum stalks will be particularly sweet.Peel off the outer skin of the sorghum stalks, bite the white core inside, and a stream of clear and sweet water will flow out, even better than the soaked sugar water.

Seeing her husband and daughter, Mrs. Yu laughed, and as expected, she broke off a sweet stick and ate it, "It's so sweet."

Ning Wan washed her hands again and said, "I'll see if I can find 'corn mold' in the afternoon, that tastes better than sweet stalks." Corn mold is also a very special thing in the sorghum field, and this kind of sorghum also has no ears , but it is not the same as the sweet stalk, but a white thing grows at the place where the ear is formed, which tastes fragrant and sweet.

In fact, whether it is sweet stalk or grain mold, it is because sorghum has not grown, but because it is rare and tastes good, everyone will not be angry but happy when they see them. However, there should not be too many of these things. If there is less grain collected at home, it will be a very bad thing.

In the afternoon, they went to the field again. The father and daughter tied the donkey to the field and were struggling to harvest the sorghum. Mr. Yu came over and said with a smile, "Ning Erlang, I need to discuss something with you."

Ning Liang straightened up and smiled, "Uncle Yu, just say what you want."

Mr. Yu pointed to the donkey and said, "You don't need the donkey right now, can you lend me a few times to deliver sorghum ears?" It turned out that Yu's land was the farthest from the village yard, and the sorghum ears that were cut were carried on the back by manpower. Going to the yard was not an easy task. He saw that Ning's family had a donkey to deliver sorghum ears, so he came to borrow the donkey.

Ning Liang has always been a talkative person, but he loves his two little donkeys very much. He was afraid that he would be exhausted by borrowing from others, and it would be difficult to refuse directly, so he hesitated and said: "It's just that these two donkeys are a bit stubborn. , only listen to the words of the family."

Mr. Yu naturally knew that Ning Liang could only treasure his two donkeys, but he was not unreasonable, and there were some customary rules in the Sanjia Village. Of course, borrowing things from others cannot be used for nothing, so he hurriedly said with a smile : "I don't use your donkey for nothing, look..."

Ning Wan immediately had a plan from the moment Mr. Yu opened his mouth, and now she hurriedly interjected with a smile, "Father, why don't I lead two donkeys to transport sorghum, and the Yu family will have two people exchange jobs?" Using donkeys to transport grain is absolutely worth it The last strong laborer, the two donkeys happened to be exchanged for two people to help the family collect grain.

During the autumn harvest, the work of each family is tight, but Mr. Yu also understands that it is worthwhile for the family to spend two labors in exchange for two donkeys to transport food, so he nodded and said, "Alright, I will ask two people from the family to help Collecting grain, it happened that Wan'er went over to help transport the grain. After our family's grain has been transported to the yard, we will replace the people again."

Now that the agreement was made, Ning Wan led the two little donkeys to the Yu family's field, and two people from the Yu family also came to help Ning Liang harvest.The two little donkeys ran more than a dozen times, and then transported the stacks of sorghum ears that the Yu family had piled up in the field to the yard. At this time, there were two more men working in the Ning family's field, and they also accumulated a lot of sorghum. Sorghum ears...

The method of exchanging jobs with donkeys is indeed a good idea. Both companies benefit from it, and the work is done faster, and everyone saves energy.Soon other family members came to discuss a job change, but they could only be scheduled until tomorrow, and then the next day was also scheduled.

Seeing this, Ning Wan was very happy. Although she was willing to do it, she was a half-grown girl after all, so how much strength could she have?It can't be used by half a person, but if you change jobs in this way, the family's farm work will be at least twice as fast.

The Ning family's autumn harvest this year is more difficult than in previous years.In Sanjia Village, when harvesting in autumn, they have to take care of their own land first. Even Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er can no longer come to Ning's house to help, but they each go back to their own families, and now they can only rely on their own families.In previous years, there were two parents in the family and Ning Qing went to the farm, and Ning Wan cooked and delivered meals at home, which was considered a labor force of three and a half, but this year, the second sister got married, and the mother became heavier, leaving only Ning Liang to take Ning Wan with him. .

Just because of the little donkey, two strong laborers were added to the family for nothing.In the evening, when Ning Liang got home, he first fed the little donkeys with beans, and then brushed them, "Thanks to you today!" After returning to the house, Mrs. Yu praised her daughter, "Wan'er's brain is still quick, I think Uncle Yu's original intention is to give the family a few buckets of food and feed—I really don't want it, but this au pair can't be better for my family."

Yu was very happy when she heard that, she didn't dare to go to the ground, she was afraid that the child in her belly would not be able to bear it, but she stayed at home and was worried that the food would not be returned in time, she was always anxious, but now she laughed, "Wan'er is naturally The smartest!"

After harvesting sorghum for three or four days in a row, the second room of Ning's family had many people and little land. Seeing that his own sorghum was about to be harvested, Uncle Ning asked Brother Dajiang and Sister Chunling to come over to help first.With brother Dajiang and sister-in-law Chunling, the family has a little more manpower, and they worked hard for a few days, and finally put all the sorghum in the yard before the frost.

Although it will take drying, threshing, etc. to actually receive the grain at home, the harvest can basically be determined.Father and many people in the village saw the full ears of sorghum in the yard, and smiled when they returned home, "This year's year is particularly good. Everyone says that one mu of land can produce four stones of grain!"

The usual output of sorghum is more than three shi per mu, and it is rare to reach four shi. No wonder the whole village is very happy.

Yu Shi also laughed, "This year is the Year of the Horse after all!"

"If the weather is really good, it will rain when it should rain from spring onwards; the flooding of the mountain streams in summer is nothing but a false alarm; in autumn, it will be sunny for more than ten days in a row." Father said: "Sorghum The spikes will be in the sun for a few more days, so I want to take advantage of this time to go to Hutai County."

The Ning family had been delivering vegetables to Hutai County for a long time, and the two sides became more and more familiar. The mountain products in Wangyuanlou and other restaurants were all provided by the Ning family. Hello, now that I have time, I will naturally send some more things over there. If I don't go for a long time, I'm afraid the business will be cut off.

Both Yu Shi and Ning Wan felt distressed, "These days are too tiring, I have to rest at home for a day before going."

Ning Liang refused, and took out the dried mushrooms, dried fungus, and dried cat's claw vegetables from home and put them in baskets, "I'm tired, but the food at home is good, so I'm not bad at all. Come on, you can rest assured!"

Ning Wan saw that although her father's face was tanned, it was red and very shiny, and it really didn't hurt her body.The family has never broken meat since the autumn harvest. My mother steams a plate of fat and thin wild pork at noon every day; or fry or steam a few eggs; the steamed buns are made of white flour-this food is definitely enough for the New Year’s Eve that's it.

When people in the village come to help at their own homes, they often laugh and say that they are willing to help just for this meal.

Ning Wan didn't stop her anymore, but took out a few sweet sticks and grain mold, "Father, this is for the child of the shopkeeper of Wangyuanlou. They live in the city and don't see these things. They will definitely like it." .”

Previously Ning Liang was unwilling to bring these earthen objects because he was afraid that the shopkeeper would not like them, but later he saw that the shopkeeper did not dislike them, so every time he went there, he had to bring some earthen objects from the countryside with him, so he specially kept them at home. .Although it's a business, the relationship between each other will get better and better if there is gradually a human relationship.

As the saying goes, spring is planted and autumn is harvested. Autumn is the harvest season. After the grain is harvested, it is time to harvest vegetables.At this time, most of the vegetables in the vegetable garden are gone, because after frost, the vegetables have changed their taste and are no longer delicious, so they are all picked at this time, but pig winter melon is not afraid of frost, so it just stays in the field. At night, a layer of hoarfrost hangs on the round melon, which is really beautiful, and the taste is better than usual when eaten.

Cabbage and radish are the big heads of autumn vegetables. Cut the cabbage with a knife and put it neatly in rows in the yard during the day to dry. At night, it is piled up and covered with an old quilt. The radish is also placed in the yard to dry. After a few days, it will be watered There will be a lot less copies, and then they can be put away.

Right now, we are going to dry dried radishes and pickled sauerkraut.

Cut radishes into finger-thick pieces and place them on a curtain to dry. After a few days in the sun, add salt and knead them before drying them. After drying, put them away and eat them with soy sauce for breakfast in winter.

Pickling sauerkraut is more troublesome. First, wash the two large jars of pickled vegetables at home, remove the outside of the cabbage, rinse it in a boiling water pot, and then stack the cabbage one by one in the jar. Put a layer of sauerkraut and sprinkle a layer of salt. , After filling the big vat, put a big stone on it, then fill the vat with cold boiled water to the brim with cabbage, cover it with a layer of tarpaulin, and then just add some water every now and then. Only sauerkraut can be eaten last month.

Things at home were almost too busy, so everyone was in a hurry to go up the mountain to collect mountain goods.Ning Wan had told her parents before that the autumn mountain products are the most profitable in the family, and it really is good.

The Ning family collected a large amount of hickory nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, and some hawthorns, mountain grapes and so on.Ning Wan and Chun Ling and Luo Shuang'er were busy from morning to night every day. Dried fruits with heavy humidity had to be dried first, and then fried in a large iron pan with sand before sending them to Hutai County; Put it in a basket and send it away. Someone in the county collects it specially. They either use it themselves or sell it to a farther place. Hawthorn is used to make candied haws. I heard that people in the capital especially like to eat it.

Naturally, the people of Sanjia Village also know how to make candied haws and how to make wine, but they usually don’t make much of it. One is that it is difficult to transport it outside the mountains, and the other is that the sugar is too expensive to bear to eat at home.

Now Ning Wan asked her father to buy a few catties of white sugar from Hutai County, which was much more expensive than the brown sugar that the Sanjia villagers usually ate. She brewed several jars of wine and made candied haws.

(End of this chapter)

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