Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 76 smooth

Chapter 76 smooth
Yu's birth started in the evening, and Ning Liang went to Hutai County that day and hadn't returned yet, only Ning Wan and his mother were at home.Seeing that her mother was sweating on her forehead, Ning Wan became more and more anxious, she quickly helped her to lie down, and went to the next door to call for her to help, her voice was trembling with anxiety, "Mother, stay with my mother first, I'll go to Hu's Village to invite Mrs. Hu."

The aunt did not take it seriously, "Your mother gave birth to four children before, this time it must be smooth." Then she told Ning Wan, "First give your mother a bowl of noodles, put two eggs in it, and then boil a pot of hot water." As he spoke, he swept up the kang of the Ning family, covered it with hay, and moved Yu Shi to the haystack.

Not only the farmers, even the rich and noble families in Hutai County lay hay for the puerpera when they give birth, and then give birth on it, so the birth of a child is also called "falling grass".

Mrs. Yu has experienced it before, and moved over quickly when the pain was mild, and smiled at Yaonu: "It's okay, I gave birth to you all very smoothly, don't be afraid, just listen to your aunt. Just fine."

Ning Wan was still worried, so she asked Brother Da Jiang to help Aunt Hu, go to the kitchen to make noodles, and then feed the egg noodles to Mrs Yu, "Mother, eat more, you will be strong in a while." !"

Yu Shi didn't want to eat at first, but she still tried her best to eat.On the side, the aunt laid out all the things needed to give birth, such as scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, children's clothes and diapers, a large basin for boiling water, etc. The Ning family had already prepared them, and now they are all complete.

After eating half a bowl of noodles, Yu couldn't eat any more, waved his hands and said, "I think I'm about to give birth." Then let Ning Wan go out, "You're still a child, it's not good to be here, go out."

Where is Ning Wan willing to go?Helped the aunt to arrange all the things neatly, made brown sugar water to feed the mother, and wiped her sweat with a handkerchief.

At this time, the aunt suddenly shouted, "Come out with one hand and one foot first!" It turned out that although she helped other women give birth to children, it was the first time she saw a hand and foot first, so she was stupid.

Although Ning Wan didn't know much about giving birth, she had heard people say that giving birth to a baby first, and giving birth first is the most dangerous and terrifying thing.So there was a bang in my mind, and the whole person was stunned.

At this moment, Mrs. Hu arrived, ran forward in three steps and two steps, and hurriedly washed her hands with fragrant soap in the basin, "It doesn't matter if you get your hands and feet first, push them back quickly!" Pushed back with small hands and feet, turned around and pushed Ning Wan out the door, "Hurry up and get out, unmarried girls can't stay in the delivery room! Your aunt and I are enough here!"

Ning Wan stood outside the door, listening to the voice inside, Aunt Hu shouted "Breathe in! Breathe in hard" for a while, and then shouted "Hold! Hard!" and asked the aunt to deliver things, "Take the handkerchief and let She is biting!" I heard my mother's cry of pain again.

Just when I was struggling with something in my heart, a person rushed over suddenly, "How is your mother?"

It turned out that father came back early, Ning Wan hurriedly said: "Auntie Hu is invited to come over to help, and Auntie is also inside."

Ning Liang paused and said, "No wonder I felt something was wrong after I left the house today, so I hurriedly delivered my things and came back on a donkey, otherwise I won't be able to catch up with your mother to have a baby!"

Seeing that her father was covered in sweat, Ning Wan pulled him to sit down in the yard, "Dad, I've already caught up, you should sit down and rest for a while." At this time, no matter how anxious she was, she couldn't enter the delivery room.

Ning Liang sat down obediently, but stood up again almost immediately, and asked very worriedly: "It seems that things are not going well?"

Ning Wan thought about it and told her father, "Come out with one hand and one foot first."

"What!" Dad almost jumped up. After all, he has experienced the birth of several children, so he understands a little bit, and he hurried back and forth in the yard, constantly muttering, "How good is this? How wonderful is this?" How about it?"

Ning Wan was also very anxious, but she could only suppress the urgency in her heart and persuade her father, "Mother must be fine!"

At this time, Mrs. Hu in the room said loudly: "Hurry up and open the doors, windows, cabinets, and everything else, and the birth canal will be opened!" It is fully opened, hoping to give birth to the child smoothly.

At this time, no one cared whether this method was useful or not, Ning Wan rushed into the house and opened all the big and small things, even the lid of the pancake box; Ning Liang opened the courtyard in the yard. The door, the door of the barn, the door of the chicken coop, and the door of the pigsty were all opened. Thinking about it, I went to the backyard and opened the door of the vegetable garden!
After doing these things, the father and daughter went back to the yard and tied their hands, not knowing what to do. Watching the frightened chickens run out of the coop, clucking and startling the sleeping pigs, a little pig hummed They walked out of the pigsty and walked to the door, but neither of them stopped them.

The mother in the room suddenly called them, "Her father and Wan'er, don't let the pig and chicken get lost!"

Aunt Hu said: "When is it, you still care about pigs and chickens! Hurry up!"

Then suddenly I heard "Wow!" a baby crying.Aunt Hu yelled and said, "It's born! It's born! It's still a handle!"

Ning Liang suddenly squatted on the ground holding his head and stopped moving. Seeing that her father shrugged his shoulders although she didn't make a sound, Ning Wan knew that he must be crying.Even she herself was the same, she was obviously very happy, but she shed tears, she just wanted to cry a lot.

After a while, the aunt came out, "It's all finished, you can go in. Hey! What are you two crying for? The baby is born, it's a boy, and the mother is safe."

Unexpectedly, Ning Liang and Ning Wan could hold back their silence before, but now they burst into tears.The aunt laughed, "Don't cry, there are many things to do next! Hanging red curtains, small bows and arrows, cooking eggs... By the way, Erlang quickly killed a chicken and made soup. After a while, your wife wakes up and let her eat it." Drink some chicken soup for breastfeeding!"

Only then did Ning Liang and Ning Wan wake up, and hurried into the room to see Yu Shi, and saw that she had already been moved to the bedding, and she had fallen into a deep sleep with her eyes closed. Only her sweat-soaked hair could tell that she had just given birth. difficult.The newborn child was in Yu's arms, sleeping soundly under the brand new quilt.

Aunt Hu's face was covered with sweat, and her temple hair was a little disheveled. At this moment, she pointed at Yu Shi and said, "After all, it's getting old, and it's not easy to give birth to a child. You have to make up for her."

The father and daughter quickly agreed, and Ning Wan took out six copper coins as a thank you gift, "Thank you, Aunt Hu!"

Aunt Hu helped someone deliver a baby, so naturally she wanted to receive a thank you gift, but after seeing so many people, she quickly waved her hand and said, "How can I use these! I can use my usual drinking to relieve my fatigue."

However, Ning Wan knew that mother's pregnancy was not easy. Originally, she had escaped with her life, and now the mother and child are safe, so she insisted, "Ma'am, take it, just for a word!"

Another six hundred money was given to the aunt, and the same argument was made, "It's good for everyone to obey!"

The aunt asked Da Jiang to send Aunt Hu back to Hujia Village. After all, it was already late at night after all the tossing. Although the two villages are not far away, it is better for someone to send her off.

After Aunt Hu and Auntie left, the father and daughter of the Ning family were busy in the middle of the night, killing the chicken and stewing it, and hanging up the red curtain that had been prepared earlier. Yes... Then there are the chickens and pigs at home, which must be found, and the messy things in the house must be cleaned up after opening.

When Yu woke up again, everything was in order.She ate half a chicken, drank chicken soup, millet porridge with brown sugar, and eggs, and then fed her youngest son. Looking at the red-eyed father and daughter, she said, "You all go to sleep for a while."

Ning Liang said, "I'm not sleepy yet, so I'll send red eggs to every family in the village first." It's a custom in Sanjia Village that when a family gives birth to a child, red eggs are given to relatives.After the father and daughter finished their work, they boiled a pot full of eggs, and took a piece of rouge to dye one by one, turning them red. Now they have been placed in the basket, waiting for the morning. Send it to everyone.

Every family in Sanjia Village is a relative, so no family can be missed.Red eggs must be given in even numbers, usually two, but this time Ning Liang and Ning Wan have agreed that each family will give six, the second room will give double, and Aunt Hu's family will also give, plus double, that is the picture. Sixty-six Dashun!

Aunt Hu took the eggs, and the next day she brought two chickens, a basket of 66 eggs, and covered it with a red cloth to see Yu Shi, "I'll milk you!" and told Yu Shi many words to take care of his body .

Yu's natal family is thousands of miles away, and they haven't heard from her for so many years. Now that Aunt Hu is here to help her breastfeed, it is natural to give her face. Ning Wan is really grateful, and quickly cooks good meals and dishes, just like entertaining relatives , I invited my aunt to accompany me, and when I left, I packed a basket of peaches, apricots, white noodles, and wild pork in return as a gift.

I sent Aunt Hu to the side of the mountain stream. It turned out that the two villages often communicated. Someone had already laid down a big tree on it. It was the big tree that was cut open. The semicircular side was placed underneath and fixed, and the flat side was on top. Walk up Very convenient.Ning Wan was afraid that Madam Hu would get dizzy after drinking, so she helped her up, "Madam, watch your feet."

After crossing the small bridge, Aunt Hu stopped Ning Wan and said with a smile, "You are so sensible, even the three masters in my family can't match you!"

Ning Wan just laughed, "Ma'am, I've had wine, so she's talking nonsense."

"Although I drank a lot of wine, I'm not confused." Aunt Hu looked at Ning Wan again with a smile, "Mother really likes Wan'er."

Ning Wan felt somewhat that Mrs. Zhao was so affectionate when she saw her back then, she held hands and talked non-stop, asking questions here and there.It's just that Aunt Hu didn't tell the truth, she could only pretend not to know, but she couldn't give it away anymore, so she handed the basket to Aunt Hu, "I want to go home too."

Aunt Hu grabbed Ning Wan, and whispered: "I've been thinking about what to say, since you are sensible, I'd better tell you, your mother hurt her body after giving birth this time, and she can't have another one."

The mother is a child who was born in the first place, so Ning Wan didn't feel too sad when she heard the news. The current situation is much better than in her dream, so she nodded and said: "I know, there is no need to tell My mother, I can just whisper to my father. Anyway, I would like to thank Aunt Hu for delivering my mother safely!"

Aunt Hu nodded, "Hurry up and go back, there is still a lot of trouble at home." Although she is an outsider, but after visiting a few times, she can tell that although the head of the Ning family is a good person, the Yu family is also kind. But when something happens, the youngest daughter in the family still has to make up her mind.On the surface, this child doesn't look like a mountain, but in fact he is strong in his bones, and he is the most suitable daughter-in-law. If Dun Ru marries her, he will be blessed for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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