I'm a genius star

Chapter 408 A contract of [-] million!

Chapter 408 One Billion Contract!

Zhu Yongxin breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at Su Yun with resentment, "Are you sincere? I will be your father and mother again this day, and I will help you with your work. You finally let me do the coolie, right? I’ve been busy all day, and I haven’t even caught my saliva yet. I can’t be this assistant anymore! Go find whoever you like!”

After finishing speaking, Zhu Yongxin didn't care where this place was, and sat down on an empty chair, turning his head to one side.

Su Yun suddenly turned his face aside, and exclaimed: "Hey! Squad leader, what's wrong with you?"

Saying that, Su Yun grabbed a bottle of water on the table, trotted to Zhu Yongxin, and said flatteringly, "Why are you so tired, monitor! You should have said it earlier! We have such an iron relationship." , how could I be willing to let you do such a thing as a coolie, right? It’s just that these documents are too important, and I can’t help it! Calm down and drink some water, ouch, you’re still sweating! Then that Then that secretary, quickly bring a towel! Why are you so blind!? Didn’t you see that my monitor is so tired?!”

"Hmph." Zhu Yongxin snorted coldly, and gave Su Yun a blank look, "You pretend, you continue to pretend."

Lu Ming's female secretary couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling as she watched the two sing along.

Lu Ming also shook his head with a wry smile, and nodded to her.The secretary understood, and quickly went out to find a clean towel. In order to avoid Su Yun asking for hot water later, he simply fetched another pot of hot water and brought it in.

Su Yun finally handed the water basin and towel to Zhu Yongxin, and said with a smile on his face: "Hey, monitor, you see, this towel and hot water are all ready for you, follow me, how can I treat you badly, you say yes No?!"

Zhu Yongxin took the towel with a look of contempt, washed his face after soaking it, and immediately felt a lot cooler.

Putting the towel back into the basin, Zhu Yongxin looked like an old man, closed his eyes and said loudly: "Oh, it's really hot, I've been moving things for so long, I really want to eat Haagen-Dazs."

Su Yun was taken aback, and immediately turned back to the female secretary and said, "Secretary, Haagen-Dazs, hurry up! Didn't you see that my squad leader wants to eat Haagen-Dazs? Hurry up!"

Just finished speaking, Su Yun immediately turned around, still flattering and said: "Squad leader, I'll ask someone to buy Haagen-Dazs for you! Don't worry, Ang!"

The female secretary smiled lightly, nodded again to Lu Ming, and went downstairs to buy Haagen-Dazs.

Zhu Yongxin snorted softly, "Hmph, that's about the same."

The farce came so suddenly that no one in the conference room could react.

Everyone couldn't help laughing bitterly. Su Yun was probably the only one who dared to make such a farce in the meeting room and during the shareholder meeting.If other people dared to play like this, they would have been fired by Lu Ming long ago.

The female secretary went downstairs and bought a full fifty Haagen-Dazs. When she returned to the conference room, half of the amount had basically begun to melt.

After eating Haagen-Dazs, Zhu Yongxin finally calmed down a little, and sat on the farthest seat to play with his mobile phone.

During this time, for some reason, Su Yun called Lu Ming and Liu Tianhao to call the think tanks of the two groups here again, and the entire conference room was full of more than 40 people.

Although the meeting room was large enough to accommodate a hundred more people, there were not enough chairs, and some people who came late had to stand aside.

The other shareholders looked at me and I looked at you, obviously feeling a little uneasy about Zhu Yongxin, an outsider here.

The people in the think tank are okay, they are members of their own group after all, but Zhu Yongxin is an outsider after all?
This is a shareholders' meeting of a group, and the discussions are all about internal affairs. As an outsider, Zhu Yongxin is at most Su Yun's personal assistant. It is obviously unreasonable to attend this kind of meeting.

However, seeing that Lu Ming on the stage and Liu Tianhao on the side didn't speak, they couldn't say anything.

Su Yun stood on the stage again, and the meeting finally started again.

I saw Su Yun moved the two heavy boxes on the table, and then began to say: "I think you should already know that I will only stay in Suribaba for a month"

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. Yes, now everyone knows that Su Yun will only be in Suli Baba for a month, and they finally know why Lu Ming paid so much attention to it. Su Yun is only a boy in his early twenties. .

None of them didn't want to keep Su Yun. If they hadn't said so many words to slander Su Yun, they would definitely stay with each other. able to change his mind.

However, Lu Ming stood aside without saying a word, which made everyone's hearts feel cold.

Su Yun didn't seem to see their expressions, and continued: "So in the past half a month, I have made a rough reference template for the future development of the Suli Baba Group."

Lu Ming and Liu Tianhao were taken aback by Su Yun's words. Obviously, Su Yun didn't even mention this to them.

Su Yun took out a document from the box and said: "This is the project contract between Suli Baba and Xilang Group. I have formally signed the contract with their representatives on behalf of Suli Baba Group a week ago."


Su Yun's words immediately made a person from all think tanks stand up suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

"Project contract with Xilang Group?"

"how is this possible?"

"My goodness."

Lu Ming and Liu Tianhao were also not much better, with shock on their faces, still shock!

Although the other shareholders present did not know what the project contract with Xilang Group was, each of them was familiar with the four words Xilang Group!

The Xilang Group is currently one of the best super invincible consortiums in the country!The business circles involved include real estate, chain shopping malls, chain stores, branded clothing, goods transportation, etc. The wide range of businesses and the huge consortium are beyond the reach of all domestic groups.

It can be said that as long as a consortium has any transactions with the Xilang Group, it will definitely be like riding a rocket for their development, and there will be no harm at all!

Originally, Suli Baba had always had a special person responsible for negotiating with the people of the Xilang Group, but it had been half a year, and the two groups had not reached an agreement. Lu Ming once had no hope of cooperating with the Xilang Group.

As for the project signed by the contract, Lu Ming knows better than anyone else. If it is really completed smoothly, it will be a billion yuan in income!

A shareholder asked with some puzzlement: "What is this project?"

A person from a think tank murmured: "This project, it is no exaggeration to say that the contract alone is worth one billion!!"

One billion! !

Everyone is stunned!
Only Zhu Yongxin, who was sitting in the corner, raised his mouth slightly.

Surprised?Hehe, what a good show, it's still to come!

(End of this chapter)

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