Chapter 410
"Brother Liang!"

Brother Liang, who was approaching, was suddenly stopped by the monkey-cheeked man with a sharp mouth.

"Why? Let's go, I should leave later."

"No, wait a minute." As he spoke, the monkey-cheeked man with a sharp mouth looked around, and after making sure that there was no one there, he carefully took out a bag of white powder from his pocket.

"Brother Liang, I think this woman is full of famous brands, and she has nothing to say about her temperament. She definitely won't just agree to your request, so I prepared this."

Brother Liang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Is this...?"

"Hey," the monkey-cheeked man with a sharp mouth said with a smile: "This thing is called happy powder. I bought it from a friend of mine. It's a good thing! It's colorless and tasteless when it melts in water. It doesn't matter if it's an iceberg beauty or a homosexual. Just drink this, hehe"

He didn't say anything further, but Brother Liang already understood what the thing in his hand was for.

After hesitating for a moment, Brother Liang took the things, "Let's go, the matter is over, and your benefits are indispensable."

"Hey, then I'll thank Brother Liang in advance!"

Liu Yiyi, the niece of Liu Tianhao of the Intertek Group.

Liu Tianhao is the eldest son of the family and inherited the Tianxiang Group, while his younger brother, the second son of their family, was separated out after being allocated a valuable house.

The old man of the Liu family left shortly after giving way to Liu Tianhao. Liu Tianhao's mother passed away a long time ago, so his only younger brother became his only relative.

And because he has been in a high position all the year round, he hardly has a "friend" he can trust completely, so his only younger brother has become his only relative and friend!

Unfortunately, a few years ago, his younger brother was suffering from terminal cancer, and he couldn't get over it in the end, and his wife also committed suicide not long after he left.

There is only one lonely daughter who is only in her teens.

So from then on, Liu Tianhao took care of his younger brother's daughter, who was also his niece.

Said she was a niece, but in so many years of getting along, he had already treated Liu Yiyi as his own daughter, and Liu Yiyi was also very dependent on him.

After all, a little girl in her teens who suddenly loses all her relatives will instinctively feel lonely, lonely and afraid. At this time, Liu Tianhao is the only one who is by his side, so she will naturally rely on him instinctively.

Although she has graduated from university in her 20s, she has not changed her habit of relying on him.

No, she just got off the plane and rushed towards her uncle's place after she got off the plane.

Just after finishing the phone call, her uncle sent her a location, it was a hotel called Fenghuolin, and it happened that she hadn't eaten yet, so she rushed towards the place called Fenghuolin without stopping.

When I came to the Fenghuolin Villa, the scenery here was not bad, and I heard that it used to be a small town, and the air was so fresh that she panicked a little.

Entering the annex, if she had to use one word to describe it, it would be... big!
This annex is very large, and both the decoration and the people coming and going inside reveal an atmosphere of high society.

Liu Yiyi looked left and right, and walked quickly to the front desk of the annex. However, before she reached the front desk, she was stopped by two strange men.

"Beauty, alone?"

The person who spoke was a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. Liu Yiyi glanced at him and showed a disgusted expression. She had seen this man's eyes countless times, and they were disgusting eyes that were not concealed!

"Sorry, I have an appointment."

Just leaving one sentence like that, Liu Yiyi wanted to avoid them, but the two of them were still ungrateful and stood in front of her again.

Another well-dressed man said, "Hehe, miss, we have no other intentions, but just want to treat you to a meal, to understand, after all, a beautiful girl like you, whoever sees you , I can’t help but come to strike up a conversation.”

This man is dressed decently, but only in comparison to that sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man.Although his words and deeds looked a little more elegant, and the eyes hidden behind the sunglasses were well hidden, but Li Yiyi could tell at a glance that this man was of the same type as the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

"No, I'm in a hurry."

She still refused, and walked around them and walked inside. However, how could those two people give up so easily?
They stood in her way again.

"Hey, beauty, don't be so shameless. My name is Wu Qiliang, and my family owns a toy company." He said while paying attention to the woman's expression. Although the woman was wearing sunglasses, he could still see it at a glance. , his words did not shake her.

He smiled lightly, and used his trump card, "Hehe, the beauty who comes here must know the chairman of the group that Fenghuolin belongs to, Mr. Liu Tianhao, right?"

Sure enough, when he said the three words 'Liu Tianhao', Liu Yiyi's body trembled slightly, and the expression on his face changed subtly in an instant.

Wu Qiliang raised his mouth and continued: "Hehe, our company just happens to have some cooperation with Liu Dong's Tianxiang Group, and I happen to have some friendship with Liu Dong. How about a beauty, would you like to have a meal with us?"

Of course, what he said was not all true. His family did open a company, but it was established by his father and had nothing to do with him.

It is also true that there is cooperation between their company and Intertek Group, but the degree of cooperation is basically dispensable. In short, his toy company has nothing in the eyes of Intertek Group. no!

And he has nothing to do with Dong Liu, of course!They haven't even seen each other.

Of course, Liu Yiyi saw through their lies at a glance. After all, she followed Liu Tianhao since she was a child, and she had an excellent memory. Basically, she remembered some important people around Liu Tianhao, or some important partners.

It is her greatest wish to join Tianxiang Group in the future to share some of the burden of Liu Tianhao's work and play some role.

So Wu Qiliang's lie was basically exposed when he first said it.

"Sorry, I'm not interested, please let me go."

Liu Yiyi bluntly refused, which stunned Wu Qiming, who was a little complacent, and suddenly showed a trace of anger on his face.

"I said this lady, you don't have to give me face, but do you really not even give Liu Dong's face?!"

He said this almost in a low voice, but Liu Yiyi was not afraid at all.

"Liu Dong is Liu Dong, you are you, if Liu Dong comes to me in person, I will definitely give Liu Dong face, but you. Go as far as you can."

After speaking, Liu Yiyi turned around and wanted to leave.

Wu Qiliang's forehead was exposed with blue veins, and he winked at the monkey-cheeked man next to him.

The monkey-cheeked man with a sharp mouth understood, and walked forward quickly, grabbing Liu Yiyi's arm, "Sister-in-law, don't go, it's just a misunderstanding between you and Brother Liang!"

Liu Yiyi was stunned, and struggled suddenly: "What are you doing! Let go! Who is your sister-in-law! Get out!"

However, no matter how hard she struggled, how could she be stronger than a man.

"Oh, sister-in-law, let's go out and talk about it? Brother Liang, come and persuade sister-in-law, you are all misunderstanding!"

As he said that, Wu Qiliang raised his mouth, and immediately ran forward, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and said with a smile: "Baby, it was all a misunderstanding, she was just my friend, I was wrong! I swear ! I will never see that woman again!"

Liu Yiyi was stunned and wanted to struggle, but the four men's hands pressed her tightly and kept dragging her outside.

"Who are you! Let me go! Someone! Help!!!"

"Oh, I was really wrong, baby. Let's go home first, okay? After we get home, I'll let you handle it! Go baby, be good~"

"That's right, sister-in-law, go back, Brother Liang and you really just misunderstood, stop making trouble, family ugliness should not be publicized, you and Brother Liang can talk about it after you go home."

Liu Yiyi's cries for help were drowned out by the voices of Wu Qiliang and the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. The people around looked at them, but no one came up, not even the security guards. Obviously, they really watched this scene Too much.

The man cheated on the woman and invited the woman to dinner, but was caught by his wife, and the woman stalked and denied her.

Don't talk about this kind of thing to others, many people at the scene have experienced it for themselves.After all, the person who came here is either the boss of some company, or the old director of some group. Who hasn't hired a mistress outside?

No matter how hard Liu Yiyi struggled, she couldn't resist the strength of those two men's wrists, and her cry for help was only seen as a joke by others.

She is desperate. .

However, just when she was about to give up struggling and stop resisting, a strange voice suddenly came from behind.

"and many more!"

Wu Qiliang and the monkey-cheeked man were taken aback at the same time, and looked behind.

The person who came was a young man who looked to be in his early 20s, with a hint of childishness on his face. It was obviously the first time he had seen this kind of scene, and he wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.

Wu Qiliang snorted coldly, "Boy, what's the matter?"

The moment Liu Yiyi saw someone coming up, she seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and shouted desperately: "Help! I don't know them, I really don't know them, they want to kidnap me! Help me!" Help me woo woo woo!!"

The young man glanced at Liu Yiyi, then at Wu Qiliang, and asked with a faint smile, "Can you explain, what's going on?"

Wu Qiliang's complexion darkened, "This is our family matter, and it's not your turn to meddle in other people's affairs, you little yellow-haired brat, just leave me if you are sensible! Otherwise, the consequences will not be something you can bear."

In fact, Wu Qiliang already regretted saying this. Although he is just a useless rich second generation, it does not mean that he is stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart.

Before doing anything, he will go through detailed investigation and careful analysis before doing it.

Like a woman, he is generally more courageous, and can play as much as he wants, as long as he doesn't play with some special status, but he usually doesn't provoke men.

Because it is uncertain who is the son of a certain group boss, although his family owns a toy company, compared with some bosses, it is completely incomparable.

Especially here, in today's Guchuan Town, more and more bigwigs are pouring in, so that he can no longer act as unscrupulously as before.

But today, he didn't know the identity of this boy who suddenly appeared here, so if it wasn't out of helplessness, he really didn't want to provoke him.

"I can't be so unlucky, I just run into someone I can't afford."

With such a fluke mentality, Wu Qiliang became more powerful.

"Let me tell you, I am friends with Chairman Liu of Tianxiang Group, and this is his territory. Don't you even give Liu Dong face?" Wu Qiliang put on a pose.

And after the young man heard his words, he was not frightened, but instead burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, are you friends of Director Liu? Are you the kind of friend of Mr. Liu who forcefully abducts ladies he doesn't know, and pretends to be someone else's family in a dignified manner? That's really embarrassing for Director Liu. Light slightly"

Hearing this, Wu Qiliang's face darkened even more, he let go of Liu Yiyi from his hand, and handed it to the monkey-cheeked man beside him.

"You boy, can you say it again if you have the ability?"

As he spoke, Wu Qiliang took out a baton from behind his clothes.

At the same time, more than a dozen people around the annex and on the second floor looked at the lobby on the first floor at the same time.

"Report, the target of protection—Su Yun is in crisis, the crisis factor is level three, will you take action?"

"Stand by first. If the opponent approaches within two meters, act immediately. In special circumstances, it is allowed to shoot and kill him immediately. Su Yun's personal safety must be ensured."


The sights and actions of some people around him didn't hide from Su Yun. In fact, he has always known that there are many people around him who are always protecting his safety.

Just like that time in the villa, the many cameras he found were the work of Mr. Tu.

Moreover, judging from these days, there are four waves of people protecting him, and Tu Xiongba sent them along the way, which he knew a long time ago.Although Su Yun has some clues about the identity of the other three waves of people, they are not completely sure.

Seeing the wretched-looking man walking towards him with a baton in his hand, Su Yun didn't panic at all.

He knew very well that as long as this man threatened him, within a certain range of him, those people would take action. If it was serious, it would be possible to kill him directly.

Looking at the distance between the two, Su Yun put his arms around his chest and silently calculated the distance between them.

At this moment, a voice came from behind again.

"What are you doing here?!"

Su Yun and the others immediately turned their gazes to the rear, and it was Liu Tianhao!

Liu Tianhao walked forward quickly, looking at Su Yun standing there, the man in sunglasses with an electric baton in his hand - Wu Qiliang, and Liu Yiyi who was caught behind him, his face was extremely ugly!
"Who are you? What are you doing with my niece?! Where's the security guard? You're going to die soon!"

The monkey-cheeked man with a sharp mouth looked puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Liang, who is this person?"

Wu Qiliang's face was full of despair, his whole body was trembling, and he read: "Liu Liudong"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man was taken aback for a moment, and Wu Qiliang knew that it was over, he was over!

The woman Liu Tianhao called just now is his niece!

He was not afraid of anything, and the woman he wanted to kidnap was the niece of the chairman of Tianxiang Group!

Wu Qiliang's eyes were lost, the baton in his hand had already landed on the ground, and with it, his knees!

(End of this chapter)

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