I'm a genius star

Chapter 413 A 1 Million Plan

Chapter 413 A [-] Million Plan

Early the next morning, Zhu Yongxin took the first flight and flew back directly.

Because Su Yun couldn't sleep at night, he thought about things for a long time, and after a rough review of the plans for the future, he fell asleep at three o'clock in the morning.

So when he woke up, it was already twelve noon.


Su Yun yawned, rubbed the corners of his sleepy eyes, and walked to the living room, only to find that there was no one in the room.

Su Yun suddenly realized: "The squad leader seems to have left early in the morning."

After stroking the raised hair on the back of his head, Su Yun quickly washed up and was about to go out for a meal before going to find Liu Tianhao.

Zhu Yongxin has gone back, which means that the preparations for the concert will be accelerated, and the money needed will definitely be in place immediately.

Speaking of money, Su Yun is almost penniless now, almost all of his money has been given to the studio, and now there are only two credit cards that his parents gave him, otherwise Qian Su, who stayed in the hotel last night None of the clouds.

So [-] million, we must find a way to get it as soon as possible.

It is definitely not possible to speculate in stocks. It is necessary to re-search the information of recent years and pay attention to the daily news.

Therefore, this way of stock trading, PASS directly.

But there are only two ways Su Yun can think of, one is to find Lu Ming, and the other is to find Liu Tianhao.

But now that Suli Baba has just been listed, although Suli Baba can still get out a fund of [-] million yuan, Su Yun still does not intend to do so unless it is absolutely necessary.

So there is only one last way left to find Liu Tianhao!

Needless to say, the hugeness of the Tianxiang Group, the future is hard to say, but as far as Suli Baba is concerned, ten of them are not as good as one Tianxiang Group.

[-] million is almost painless for Tianxiang Group, which has become Su Yun's best choice.

As for how to earn this [-] million yuan, Su Yun certainly has his plans.

After casually eating something in the restaurant, Su Yun took a taxi directly to the headquarters of Tianxiang Group.

The Tianxiang Group's building is not very far from the Suli Baba's building, but because the two groups occupy a relatively large area, it took Su Yun more than 20 minutes to arrive by car.

When he came to the Tianxiang Group building, Su Yun looked up at the tall building, smiled slightly, turned around and walked in.

Front desk.

"Trouble, I want to find your Director Liu, can you make a call for me?" Su Yun found the front desk and said politely to the young lady at the reception.

"Huh?" The reception lady gave Su Yun a strange look, but she still kept a professional smile on her face, "Hi sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Eh..." Su Yun was speechless.

It was the same with Lu Ming last time. The first thing the person at the front desk said was to ask him if he had an appointment.Are these bosses so capricious now?Do you have to make an appointment to meet me?

But Su Yun looked back and thought it seemed to be the same.

They are all billionaires, if everyone wants to come to see him, wouldn't he be too busy?

Su Yun was a little embarrassed. The last time he went to find Lu Ming, he was not allowed to go up. He had Lu Ming's cell phone number, but he didn't have Liu Tianhao's cell phone number!
"Oh..." Su Yun sighed helplessly.

"Call my uncle first, and ask him to call Liu Tianhao."

Just as Su Yun took out his mobile phone and was about to call Lu Ming, someone behind him suddenly stopped him.

"Su Yun?"

Su Yun turned around, it was none other than Liu Tianhao's own niece——Liu Yiyi!

"Hi Secretary Liu!"

"Hi Secretary Liu!"


When the people at the front desk and the surrounding staff met Liu Yiyi, they all bowed and said hello to her.

Liu Yiyi nodded, grabbed Su Yun, and walked upstairs.

"Eh you..."

Liu Yiyi looked at him stunned, and said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you yesterday, I have graduated from college, and now I am helping him in the uncle's company, and my job is his secretary."

"What about you? Are you here today to find uncle?"

Su Yun nodded dully and said, "Well, I have something to do with Director Liu."

The two entered the elevator, and Liu Yiyi said with a smile: "You, remember to call the uncle in advance, or I can call the uncle in advance, so that we can say hello to the following, otherwise the uncle is usually so busy, you must not see him It's someone else."

Su Yunqian laughed twice, "Well, I changed my mobile phone, and now there is no Liu Dong's number in my mobile phone."

"Oh~" Liu Yiyi understood, took out her phone and swiped a few times, "Here, the one above is my phone number, and the one below is my uncle's, please write it down."

Su Yun turned his head and cast a glance, then took his mobile phone and quickly saved it.

"Thank you." After saving, Su Yun smiled.

Liu Yiyi looked at Su Yun in surprise, "You remember it now?"

Su Yun nodded, "Well, remember it."

Liu Yiyi: "."

She might have seen it just now, but Su Yun just turned his head and glanced at it, not even for a second, and then started to save the number without even turning his head, so it's memorized?

Of course, Liu Yiyi, who has lived abroad all year round, even if she returns to China, is mostly reading books and learning about economics and management. Of course, she doesn't know Su Yun's past, let alone his performance on the strongest brain.

Otherwise, if she knew, she wouldn't be surprised that Su Yun could remember two phone numbers at a glance.

ding dong~~
As the elevator bell rang, Su Yun and the others finally reached the floor of Liu Tianhao's office.

"Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yiyi walked in front and led the way, and Su Yun followed closely behind her.

dong dong dong~~
"Come in."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi led Su Yun to push the door and enter.

"Uncle!! I'm back!!"

Liu Yiyi exclaimed, and happily ran to Liu Tianhao's side.

Liu Tianhao smiled helplessly and said: "Didn't I tell you that in the company, you should be called the chairman, or Liu Dong."

Liu Yiyi stuck out her pink tongue, "Hee hee, people just want to call you uncle, Chairman, Director Liu is calling, you have a lot of points!"

Liu Tianhao shook his head with a smile, looked up, and found another person came in behind Liu Yiyi!
Liu Tianhao said unexpectedly: "Yo, Su Yun??"

Su Yun nodded, "Dong Liu."

Liu Tianhao got up and said: "Sit down quickly, Yiyi will pour two glasses of water."

Su Yun and Liu Tianhao sat on both sides of the sofa, and Liu Yiyi obediently poured water.

Liu Tianhao asked with a smile: "What's the matter? What kind of wind is it today that brought you here?"

Su Yun didn't say anything superfluous, but directly got to the point, and said solemnly: "Dr. Liu, I have a plan here that I want to sell to you. Would you like to buy it?"

"Oh?" Liu Tianhao was very surprised.

Su Yun continued to say solemnly: "Of course, you are my uncle's good friend, so I definitely won't sell it too expensive, only [-] million. My plan belongs to you!"

 There are two more tonight

(End of this chapter)

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