I'm a genius star

Chapter 427 Hot Live Streaming!

Chapter 427 Hot Live Streaming!

Today is the first special day since the establishment of Tiger Fish TV
That is their boss, who invited popular travel bloggers—Sister Chen and Uncle Su to live broadcast on the platform!
As long as there are young people who can surf the Internet in modern times, basically one out of ten people will know Sister Chen and Uncle Su.

For example, Tiger Fish TV's background technology processing staff, in a small team of more than 20 people, most of them know Sister Chen and Uncle Su, and they are all their fans.

When they heard that these two people were coming to Tiger Fish TV for live broadcast, they almost didn't jump up excitedly.

In a blink of an eye, today is the day of the live broadcast.

Just 10 minutes ago, Uncle Su and Sister Chen finally opened the live broadcast!Seeing the two people in the camera, the technical processing staff in the background were all excited, and they all took out their mobile phones and went in to scan the barrage.

It's just that today they seem to be a little different from their usual videos. Usually, in their videos, because there is one person to shoot, either Sister Chen or Uncle Su will appear on the scene. It is rare for two people to appear on the scene at the same time.

But now, Uncle Su and Sister Chen are both in the camera, so... who is holding up the mobile phone to take pictures of these two people?

But they just thought about it and then skipped it.

After all, live broadcast tourism is to have fun.Invite someone to follow the filming, this kind of situation is also very common in the live broadcast industry.

"The live broadcast lasts 10 minutes, and the number of real online viewers has reached 1.3, and it is still rising!"

"Damn! 1.3, awesome!"

"As expected of Uncle Su and Sister Chen, they are so popular!"

Super Tube of Tiger Fish TV was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The number of real online viewers of 1.3 is almost one-half of the total number of real users of Tiger Fish TV today, and they only broadcast for 10 to [-] minutes, so there are so many people watching it?

Originally, he thought that Sister Chen and Uncle Su would be embarrassed today, but seeing the situation, the popularity of today's live broadcast should not be a big problem.

"But 1.3 is still a little bit." The super tube of Tiger Fish TV couldn't help shaking his head.

1.3 real users may seem like a lot of viewers, but in the live broadcasting industry, where everyone has doubled the rate, this 1.3 is hardly even a small anchor.

If the two of them agreed to double the rate at the time, the popularity would definitely be much higher than this now, and the later platforms would help publicize and build momentum, and the effect would definitely be better.

"Well, a little bit of grades will swell. But they should be like this."

However, when he thought so in his heart just now.
A technician immediately yelled: "Fuck! Uncle Su's live broadcast room is stuck!"

Super tube: "..."

He stood up abruptly, and quickly said: "Hurry up and check what's wrong. Today is their first broadcast. The boss reminded us the day before yesterday that there can't be any problems today. Check it out!"

A group of people immediately took action.

However, not long after, a man with glasses said cautiously: "Well, I found out the problem, it's because Uncle Su and his live broadcast room had too many people coming in all of a sudden, and they directly stuck a program in our background!! "

"Too many people came in.?!" Chaoguan looked surprised, "Didn't it make you increase the streaming power? Why are you still stuck?"

"No, we've already reached the highest level. But...but I didn't know why just now, but suddenly I got stuck..."

Chaoguan: "How popular are they in the live broadcast room now?"

"150 million"

Chaoguan: ".Pfft!! What?! Say it again?!"

The man in glasses couldn't help crying and saying: "150 million, I don't know why it happened suddenly, just... the program crashed all of a sudden."

Chaoguan: ".Are you sure you didn't give them a multiplier?"

"No, we don't open it for them here at all. What is displayed in the background is the real number of people online."

Chao Guan was a little dazed, completely unaware of what had happened.

150 million?What's going on with his meow? !

No matter how popular Uncle Su and Sister Chen are, it's impossible for 150 million people to watch it in just half an hour, right? !

If there are 150 million real fans, then there is definitely a brother and a sister in the live broadcast industry!

What is going on? !
Just when Chaoguan couldn't figure out the reason, a person exclaimed again.

"Fuck!! This is too..."

Chao Guan was already very upset because things exceeded his expectations, he said impatiently: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Look at the downloads of our app!!"

Immediately, everyone looked at the speaker's computer screen, and then there was a long silence.

"how come."


"Isn't this too perverted?!"

On the list of mobile phone software downloads, their Tigerfish app was originally ranked outside the top [-] list, but now, it is ranked first in the three-day and one-week download gang in an instant! !

And the number of downloads is a terrifying number of 410 million! !

And every time it is refreshed, the number will change again, and the growth rate will change at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye!
"416 million"

"I wipe, isn't this too violent?"

"Our platform is not as ruthless as the publicity, is it? After all."

All eyes turned to the live broadcast room on the computer.Now, no matter how hard they dared to believe it, they had to believe it. Sister Chen and Uncle Su brought all of this!
In less than half an hour of the live broadcast, the number of online viewers has reached more than 100 million, and it is still really popular. This is just like a bug! !

Chaoguan took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and then said calmly: "All mobilize quickly, everyone comes back, don't worry about the other live broadcast rooms, and don't care too much, give priority to Su Uncle and Sister Chen's live broadcast room should be upgraded, so as to prevent the audience from having card problems as much as possible."



"Start work, start work, for Sister Chen, I feel very motivated!"

"Haha, be careful that Uncle Su beats you up."

Seeing the people in action, Chao Guan could only sigh helplessly, and looked at the two people on the screen.

Exactly are they.
The reason why so many people suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of Su Jiankang and Chen Ya was of course not only due to themselves, but Su Yun also had a lot of credit for it.

After starting the live broadcast, Su Yun also posted a message on his Weibo and fan group, telling his fans that he was live broadcasting.

And his hair almost caused a sensation.

A lot of fans came here one after another, those who were still sleeping in the morning were called by their classmates; those who were still working secretly opened the webpage of the computer.

This is the root cause of their sudden freeze in the live broadcast room!

(End of this chapter)

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