I'm a genius star

Chapter 429 The Tragedy of Su Jiankang

Chapter 429 The Tragedy of Su Jiankang
"Uncle Susu!! I...I am your fan, can you shake my hand?!"

"Ah! Sister Chen! I like you the most, can you take a photo with me?"

"Dr. Su, Dr. Su! I'm your big fan! Sign me up!"

Su Health: "."

Chen Ya: "."

Su Yun: "."

The pedestrians on the side couldn't help looking at each other.

That look seemed to be obviously saying: What's the matter?In this battle, why did you come out to be a plane and meet a big star?

Because Su Yun has always been secretly protected by people around him, and the country helps him stop those paparazzi and reporters, and because his parents are abroad all the year round, they don't realize their current popularity at all. If you walk outside rashly, what kind of commotion will it cause.

And today they went to the airport is a good example!

At the airport, even if it is Tu Xiongba, it is impossible to stop every passerby and prevent them from entering the store, right?Such a battle is too big, but it will attract people's attention, so even if a swarm of people squeezes in, they have no good way.

It could only be that some people were scattered among the crowd, and when they found someone making abnormal movements, they immediately acted to protect Su Yun and the others secretly.

Where did Su Yun and the others have seen such enthusiastic fans, they signed autographs one by one, hugged and shook hands one by one, and after the processing was over, the plane was about to take off!
Fortunately, there were staff behind to help them open the way, took the fast track, and finally caught up before the plane took off.

"Phew~ Oh my god, this group of fans are too enthusiastic."

"Hey, I'm exhausted. When did our popularity become so high?"


Su Yun remained silent, but looking at the fine beads of sweat on his head, he was obviously very tired.

At this time, the live broadcast room was full of noise.

"Fuck! Such a big group of people!"

"Haha, Dr. Su and his parents met fans by chance!"

"Obviously the plane is about to take off, but they all signed autographs, took photos, and shook hands. That's great!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so envious that I'm out of shape!!"

"Dr. Su, where are you going? I'm going to meet you by chance!!"

"Same question, where is Dr. Su going?!"

Su Yun glanced at the barrage, took a long breath and said: "I don't know where we are going, the itinerary is determined by my parents, but I see from the ticket that it seems to be from Chongqing." on."

People in Chongqing were overjoyed when they heard this.

"The people of Chongqing sent a congratulatory message!!"

"Hahaha, send a congratulatory message to the people of Chongqing!!"

"Ah, I'm in Chongqing! Dr. Su is coming to Chongqing, please meet me by chance!"

"Mom, this is too happy!!"

"Please form a team in the afternoon, let's meet Sister Chen and the others together!"

"Same request, team up for private chat!"

Soon the plane took off.

There is a little difference between this world and Su Yun's original world, that is, the Huaguo in this world, mobile phones can be used on the plane, and there is also an exclusive wifi.

Su Yun and the others bought first-class air tickets, there were not that many people, and most of them were people with status, so they didn't look too sideways on Su Yun and the others' live broadcast.

There is nothing to do on the plane, so Su Yun can only chat with fans on the bullet screen, and interact with his parents from time to time.

At this time, it was Chen Ya's turn to pass the phone, and the bullet screens asked questions one after another.

"Sister Chen, I want to ask, Dr. Su is so good, is there anything embarrassing about him?"

Chen Ya thought for a while and replied with a smile: "Hehe, although my son is excellent, as his mother, I think he still has a lot of shortcomings. As for the embarrassing things, there are too many. For example, at the age of 13, I still wet the bed. When I was a child, I fell asleep at night and ran to our bed crying and calling Mom and Dad. Hehe, there are many such things.”

"Wow!! Dr. Su was so cute when he was a child!"

"Hahaha, 13-year-old still wets the bed, Dr. Su really can't tell!"

"Sister Chen, how did you and Uncle Su meet? And who confessed to whom first?"

Chen Ya didn't even think about this question, and answered directly: "How did I meet you Uncle Su? In fact, I'm really different from ordinary people. I couldn't figure it out for a while. As for who confessed first, Hehe, of course it's me. If I wait for that idiot to confess, I'm afraid I won't be able to get married until I die."

The corner of Su Jiankang's mouth twitched involuntarily, but he didn't refute.

The bullet screen said one after another.

"Wow, it was Sister Chen who confessed first?! I can't tell!"

"Damn it, I can't imagine how Uncle Su captured Sister Chen!"

"Hahaha, everyone, look at Uncle Su's expression, absolutely!"

After one round, the phone was passed to Su Jiankang again, and the barrage continued to ask questions.

"Uncle Su, may I ask who is in charge of the money in your family?"

As soon as Su Jiankang came up, he saw this provocative question, and the corner of his mouth twitched again. He was about to skip this question and look at other ones, but found out that the whole screen was asking this question!
Su Jiankang: "!@¥%......"

The bullet screen said one after another:
"Hahaha, Uncle Su, don't be silent!"

"Uncle Su, be strong!"

"Don't be embarrassed, Uncle Su, isn't it normal for a woman to manage money, let alone you, Uncle Su, hahaha!"

Su Jiankang blushed, "Ahem! You're asking this question, it's so unlevel! Let's just skip it, skip it!"

on the screen.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard!"

"That's right, don't ask questions that have no level and the answer is ready to come out, because Sister Chen must be in charge of the money, hahaha!"

However, although the audience guessed correctly, in fact, Su Jiankang's situation is so simple?
Since he was with Chen Ya, he basically never saw money again! !Whether it's his wallet or his bank card, he handed them in almost from the moment they were together.

Except for Chen Ya's thoughtful stuffing of 20 yuan into his wallet every month, I haven't seen any more money.

At that time, 20 yuan was still quite valuable, but now with the changes of the times, his monthly pocket money has also increased from 20 back then to 200.

200 yuan, although it is not much, it is not much, if you want to have a meal, sing K and so on, it is completely enough, but if you want to wash your feet and have a set meal, it is not enough at all.

Of course, Su Jiankang has also tried what most married men have tried. Hiding private money! !
Instead of spending his $200 a month pocket money, he saved it in the belief that one day he would add up.

In the end, it took him a year to save more than 2000 RMB! !

Looking at the stack of banknotes, he felt a lot of sadness in his heart, but there was also a hint of excitement in his heart!
Money, he has never seen so much money in most of his life!
However, within two days, Chen Ya's nose was as if he could smell banknotes, and he found his money hiding base in no time.

The result is obvious, 80% of the private money was confiscated, and in a blink of an eye more than 2000 of the private money became two hundred again!

(End of this chapter)

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