I'm a genius star

Chapter 441 The Adventures of Tuntun③

Chapter 441 The Adventures of Tuntun③

one year later
"Mr. Wu, you are looking at our project, think about it again! Although the price of our company is slightly higher than that of other companies, the quality is definitely higher than others!"

"Hehe, Xiaotun, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with your company, but that your price is a bit expensive? 30%, a full 30%! And your company's evaluation in the industry itself is not very good, and I’m already interesting enough for you to discuss, right? But what about you? You will be 30% more expensive than others when you open your mouth, where did you put me!”


"Needless to say, our group has already decided to cooperate with other companies, you...just find someone else."

boom! !

One person slammed the door out, his hands were in the air, his eyes were lost, and he sat down weakly.

It has been a year since Tuntun, Li Ge and Liang Ge started their business, but the imagination is always beautiful, but the reality is always cruel and merciless.

During this year, they established a decoration company by virtue of their experience and connections, hired some designers they knew on the construction site, and recruited a large number of workers with fairly good relationships.

As a result, a not-so-complete company was hastily established.

At the beginning, the three of them were engaged in this career with great enthusiasm. They got up early every day and worked late every day. It can be said that the three of them had the hardest period in their lives.

However, this period only lasted less than a month.

First, Brother Liang gave up, followed by Brother Li.

The reason is simple, they did not get a corresponding reward for their efforts.

Tuntun knew that this was a very sad and desperate thing.

It is extremely cruel to pay one hundred points and get only fifty points in return. Without a firm heart, it is difficult to persevere again.

Unfortunately, Brother Liang and Brother Li did not.

And he, because he has faced failure after graduation, deeply knows and understands how difficult and tortuous it is to start a business. It will not happen overnight, in one month or two months.

So he stuck with it.

For a year, for a whole day, the company survived only by him alone.

"The talk broke down again. If this continues, the company will..."

Thinking of this, his eyes dimmed unconsciously.

From the beginning, their company only took some simple decoration and design jobs, and now it has expanded to contract construction sites, wholesale various materials, build villa parks and other projects.

The business I was talking to Mr. Wu today was a batch of materials wholesaled to their group, but they were rejected by the other party because the price was too high.

He also knows that the price of building materials sold by his company is 30% higher than the normal market price, but this is not without reason.

The reason why the market price is cheap is because they have worked hard on the materials, such as disrupting the ratio of materials, diluting the ratio of precious materials, and mixing some cheap junk.

At first, after he knew all this, he resolutely refused to buy such defective materials and chose to buy better quality materials.

Being upright is not afraid of the shadow slanting, this is the life principle taught to him by his father who has not read many books since he was a child, not to mention that he has read so many sage books?

However, because of this, the fact that the price of their company's building materials is about 30% higher than the market price has been criticized by many people behind their backs.

The company's evaluation in the industry was lowered in an instant, contractors gradually stopped looking for their company, and some villas that had been entrusted to them also terminated their contracts with them, and even the last straw was in hand. This batch of building materials may not be sold now.

At this time, it can be said that it is the biggest crisis he has faced since he started his business.

He didn't want him to persevere for so long, and all his hard work in the past year was in vain, so he has been persevering, no matter what methods he tried, he was trying to persevere!

However, it seems that there is really no way now. .

How long can I last?

Will my persistence pay off?
Is my approach correct?
At the beginning, should I be like them and give up early?
After finishing a day's work, Tuntun returned to his small room of [-] square meters exhausted. His parents had already cooked dinner and were waiting for him.

"Are you back? Why are you back so late today?"

"Hehe, our village is capable now. It doesn't look like we can only do coolies. He runs a company! Can you not be busy?"

"Hehe, what I said is, I have worked hard for you, Tunzi, come and eat."

Dragging his extremely tired body, the moment he returned home, he seemed to be a little more relaxed, which made him feel that he was hallucinating.

while eating. .

"Hehe, Tunzi, I see that you are so tired recently, don't break your body. The body is the capital of the revolution."

"Yeah, yeah, Tunzi, you've been so tired lately, and my mother looks so distressed, why don't you take a day off once in a while?"

Tuntun smiled lightly, and said: "It's okay, I'm not tired, but the recent client is too difficult, it will be fine in a few days."

Hearing this, the two nodded in relief.

"That's good, take a good rest after you've been busy for a while."

"Then what is the current situation of your company? How much profit can you make every month?"

Tunzi was taken aback by his mother's sudden question, but he immediately smiled and concealed his words: "The company's situation is not bad, it's on the right track, and it's making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, so don't worry about it. .”

After finishing speaking, Tunzi himself didn't know why he said that, concealing it, this is another time he chose to lie to his parents.

The first time was when he failed to find a job after graduation and gave up on himself, he lied to his parents that they were doing well now.

But now, the company is obviously not progressing smoothly at all, and has reached the verge of bankruptcy, but he still chooses to hide it.

Obviously even if they don't hide anything, even if they tell them everything, they will definitely not get angry, they won't scold him, they will even encourage him, and try their best to help him.

However, he still chose to hide it.

After eating, my mother washed up and sat on the sofa nearby watching TV. Looking at such a picture, Tuntun's hands unconsciously squeezed a little closer.

This is what he wants to protect, and it is also the only motivation for him to persevere this year.

He didn't want to, and he couldn't tell them about it, because it was a responsibility he had to bear as a man.

He didn't want to, let alone let them worry about him.

In this way, he ushered in the second day, which is the life and death of the company.

"Mr. Tun, Mr. Song called us today and said that he would break the contract and stop cooperating with us."

"Boss Tun, and Boss Qi also said that they want to take back the previous support to our company."

"Mr. Tun."

Listening to the reports in front of him, Tuntun's eyes dimmed even more.

"Mr. Tun, Mr. Wu called and said that the batch of materials we withdrew earlier, their group wants it! And they also said that they are willing to increase the price by 10%!!"

Tuntun was taken aback: "Ah..."

Di di di
"Mr. Tun! Just now Mr. Song also called to say that he would not break the contract. It was a prank call from a child before."

Tuntun: "."

Di di di
"Tun Zong Tun Zong."

Three years later.

It has been a year since the company in the village miraculously came back to life.

During this period, Tunzi thought about giving up the company more than once, but in the end he survived miraculously, and during this period, there were many times the words he posted on the door made him persevere.

"The most unmotivated person I've ever met is neither a top student nor a scumbag.

They used to be stupefied in class and copied some of their homework.Want to skip class but have scruples, behavior is not open against norms and discipline.

Anxious about the status quo, without the willpower to practice determination to change yourself.

3 minutes of heat, I often hate myself for not living up to expectations, and the thing I insist on the most is that I can't persist.

Longing for feelings, but tired of pursuing and managing them.

The cherishment of the past is endless, until I gradually let go, indifferent and alienated.

She has not yet possessed a heart that is invulnerable to all poisons, but she has lost the ability to fill her eyes with tears ahead of time.

Occasionally, I want to meet someone in my free time, but most of the time when I have no one to date, I just lie down and lie down for a day.

I wanted to experience many kinds of life in a limited life, but I just repeated the same days mechanically for many years.

Swiping Post Bar and Weibo to peek into other people’s lives for inspiration, why should I close the client?

There are few people who can say a few words on the cold-light screens of mobile phones and computers with sallow faces on social networks all day long.

I have never experienced real vicissitudes, but I have lost the last bit of youthful spirit.

They are buried in the crowd with the most ordinary identities, but they live the most tormented days. "

It was this extremely heart-breaking sentence that made him come back from the brink of giving up again and again.

He didn't want to live that life again, and now, he was no longer alone, and there were two people in his family who were waiting for him to go home every day.

Tunshi Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd. is now well-known in the industry.

After four years of hard work by Tunzi, Tunshi Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd. has finally officially embarked on the right track.Almost every difficulty and catastrophe he has experienced in the past few years has become more and more dangerous and severe.

However, he felt more and more relaxed about dealing with such things.

Although he was exhausted every time, the satisfaction after each crisis made him more addicted to work.

In a blink of an eye, he was dubbed a "workaholic" by the entire company.

And his hair was also turning white at a lightning speed.

In the past four years, he has learned a lot, his vision has become higher, and he can gradually understand more feelings that he can't understand normally.

For example, two years ago, the two brothers Liang and Li who had started their own business with Tunzi found him again.

When they met the two of them again, Tunzi was no longer what it used to be, and Brother Liang and Brother Li heard that they had returned to their old life, getting up early every day, working on bricks, cement, bricks, and plastering.
Day after day, year after year, they heard that the company in the village is doing well, and a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in their hearts.

They found Tuenzi again, hoping that he would bring them back, and they were willing to take the money they had taken before, and even add some money, in exchange for some company shares.

Under the stalking of these two people, Tunzi agreed after hesitating in every possible way.

The two entered the company happily again, and when the company faced crisis again, the two stood in front of Tunzi again with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Tunzi, this company is no longer viable. We continue to persevere, but we keep losing money!"

"We plan to sell shares. You count the shares in our hands and give us the remaining money, although there should not be much left."

Facing the words of the two of them, Tunzi no longer had the disappointment and powerlessness he felt the first time, but he was relieved.

He gave them money and let them go.

However, it didn't take long before the company was miraculously pulled back from the abyss again.

He can't remember how many times these two people came to him after that, but he will always remember the expressions of the two of them—exactly the same as his expression at a certain period before.

He didn't say anything more to them, but wrote the long paragraph of what that person said to him on Weibo on the covers of the two books, and gave them Individual, and since then, they have never come to him again.

In addition, he started from a small and unknown company, which made him deeply understand a truth, that is, don't judge anything just by its appearance.

His company has been looked down upon by the outside world for more or less reasons more than once.

Because the scale of their company has never been very large, some people in the same industry deliberately discredited them, which caused their company to lose opportunities time after time.

However, when some other companies and groups, after hearing the rumors from the outside world, are still willing to choose to understand and get to know their companies, this greatly touches the heartstrings of the village.

This is the same as when you are puzzled by everyone, but there are still people who are willing to believe in you. It is the most touching.

So from then on, he stopped looking at things with any appearance.

one year later.

Another year, Tunzi's company has completely entered the right track, and has annexed some small companies that are not very big. The company's internal stability is gradually stabilized, and everything is getting better and better.

However, Tunzi is gradually not as full of fighting spirit for the business circle as he was when he was young.

Today, after the company has been able to better develop itself, he has a new interest-watching movies.

However, he is not watching ordinary movies, but looking for his favorite movies among the rated movies in the massive movie library.

That's right, not high rated movies, but low rated movies.

Because he discovered by accident that there was a very interesting and meaningful movie with a low rating, but it was criticized by many netizens for nothing.

So he created a new Weibo, just after thinking about it, he named it "Zhiying Ren" at will, and posted a long, long film review for this movie.

However, he did not expect that his film review would lead him to another new life path.

(End of this chapter)

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