I'm a genius star

Chapter 452 "Father"

Chapter 452 "Father"

Walking in the special passage, Su Yun's mood was unusually calm.

One step, two steps.
Every step shortens the distance between him and the stage. Before he knew it, when he suddenly came to his senses, he was only a few steps away from the stage that everyone was looking forward to.

The dazzling lights, the dark crowd, the noisy voices, and the silver light sticks formed by the sea of ​​people reflected in his eyes like a sea of ​​flowers.

It's so loud, but why I don't hate these sounds at all.
The lighting is a bit harsh, but this way the audience should be able to see me clearly.
The stage is huge, bigger than any stage I've ever been on.
It was also much more crowded than any audience I've ever seen before.
Here I am, finally.
Finally stood here.
Before I know it, six years have passed, hehe, time really flies
He raised his head and suddenly opened his eyes slightly.

这 是
For some reason, the disc above the concert venue was not closed, and the cold wind blew into the venue, causing many people to shiver.

"Hiss~~! My God, I'm so cold! What's going on, why don't you close the disc on top, the wind is blowing in."

"Ah Choo!! What's going on, it's going to kill me from the cold today, why don't you close the disk."

"Eh? This is."



As if in response to the occasion, the sky suddenly began to snow heavily, and snowflakes fell from the unclosed disc above.

The sound of the music suddenly wafted, and everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then all the people shouted in unison!
"Su Yun!!"

"Su Yun!!"

"Su Yun!!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound directly broke through the sky, even almost overwhelming the sound of the music!

I saw Su Yun walking out of the darkness step by step. Because the stage was in the center, the snowflakes falling from the sky fell directly on him.

This is not any special effect, but real snowflakes!

Su Yun picked up the microphone and sang softly along with the music:
"Today I."

"Watching the snow drift by in the cold night."

"Flying far away with a cooled heart."

Everyone was immediately intoxicated by the melody of the music, and even forgot the coldness before, and became intoxicated by the sound of the music.

"Catch up in the wind and rain."

"I can't tell the trace in the fog."

"The sky is wide for you and me."

"It's changing (who isn't changing)."

Everything came so suddenly, without any prelude, without any notice, the sky just snowed so suddenly, as if to welcome him.

"how many times."

"Facing cold eyes and ridicule."

"Never gave up on my ideals."

"In a trance for a moment."

"A feeling of being lost."

"Unconsciously, it has faded."

"Love in my heart (who understands me)."

Su Yun smiled, and instantly raised the microphone, addressing the audience.

Immediately, all the audience stood up, put their hands to their mouths, and sang loudly together.

"Forgive me for being unruly and indulging in love and freedom in this life."

"I am also afraid that one day I will fall."

"Abandoned ideals."

"Anyone can."

"I'm not afraid that one day it's just you and me!!"

On this day, heavy snow fell, and the sound of music resounded in the sky.

However, the bird's nest venue didn't close its skylight, and the whole venue didn't feel any cold at all, instead it was full of heat.

Two hours passed quickly.

The whole venue was still very lively, and it didn't look like it was holding a concert at all.

Su Yun was already sweating profusely, all the makeup on his face had been washed off by sweat, and his clothes were already soaked in sweat.

For two full hours, except for drinking a few bottles of water, Su Yun didn't leave for a moment to rest.

one, two, ten
According to the original schedule, he was performing one by one, and the process was going smoothly.

Yes, everything is going smoothly.

Something is not right.

If this continues, the concert will be over.

How many songs are there?


Or four?

Haha, I can't remember clearly.

Because he hadn't rested for too long, his breathing couldn't keep up with the rhythm seriously, and he kept panting violently.

The brain has been severely deprived of oxygen, giving him a splitting headache.

If it continues like this, it will end smoothly.

Actually that's fine
Singing a little more plainly, the audience also listened very happily.

That's fine
Su Yun closed his eyes.

What is the song below?

My head hurts, I can't remember clearly, is the brain not getting enough oxygen?

But it doesn't matter, if the background music is playing, it should be fine.

However, the background music he was waiting for never sounded, but someone shouted!

"Su Yun!!!"

Suddenly, an incomparably bright shout came from the dark crowd, making the sound of the scene gradually quiet down.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and slowly raised his head, trying to find the source of that voice.

Backstage Zhu Yongxin immediately called a stop, so the music didn't play.

He knew that once Su Yun made a decision, no one could stop him.

So no matter how many people came to the stage to pull him and let him rest for a while, he flatly refused and insisted on continuing to sing.

It's been two hours in a row. If Su Yun doesn't take a break, Su Yun may faint on the stage directly due to lack of oxygen in his brain.

So no matter what, he had to find a way to give him a rest.

Even if it's just for a while.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yongxin immediately said: "Wait a minute, you send someone to deliver a microphone to that person."

The people below immediately objected: "Huh? Sending a microphone? What if the fans make trouble? This is too risky."

Zhu Yongxin shook his head and said, "Whether it's an adventure, it's better than letting Su Yun faint on the stage like this."

".Uh, then..okay."

Su Yun raised his head and looked at the dark crowd below the stage, but there were too many people, how could he find the source of the voice?
However, that voice sounded again.

"Su Yun!!!"

This time, Su Yun accurately captured the source of the sound.

It was a boy in yellow clothes, short hair, no more than 1.7 meters tall, holding a white silver light stick in his hand, looking at him with a pair of big eyes.

The two of them looked at each other. Although the boy was sitting in the front area, they were still far away.

But Su Yun still saw his pupils very clearly.

At some point, a figure suddenly squeezed into the crowd, approached the young man, and handed him a microphone. The young man took the microphone at a loss, and looked around in confusion.

But only for a while, he came back to his senses firmly again, looked at Su Yun and said: "Su Yun, hello, I am your fan! I like your songs very much. From a long time ago, every time you The songs are the driving force for me to persevere.”

"Because of you, I fell in love with music, fell in love with composing, and met many friends who love music. However, none of my family, my mother, father, and relatives agree with me!"

"My father slapped me because of this, so I ran away from home. I hate, hate why they can't understand me! What's wrong with me liking music! Why do you deny me like this!"

"They don't love me, I know it, I've known it since I was a child. I left home and went out to make a living, but everything seemed to be against me. My talent is not as high as yours, and I am not as talented as you. Always Hitting walls everywhere."

"But why! Why does God always favor some people and punish some people! What have we ordinary people done wrong! Don't I have the right to pursue my dreams? Why doesn't even my father understand me!"

Chen Ya: "."

Su Health: "."

Su Caishan: "."

Lin Puhui: "."

Zhu Yongxin: "."

Listening to the roar of the unknown boy, the entire venue fell silent.

"I want to ask, if it was you, Su Yun is wrong, Dr. Su, what would you do?" the young man asked in a low voice.

Su Yun stared at him blankly, and suddenly smiled for some reason.

He walked slowly to the side of the stage, picked up a guitar with difficulty, walked back to the center of the stage, and put the microphone on the stand in front of him.

His chest was still panting slowly.

Everyone watched his movements quietly, Zhu Yongxin held his forehead helplessly.

This guy is going to sing again.

Su Yun took a deep breath and said:

"Although I don't know how to answer your doubts, I think this song of mine should be able to tell you something."

Li Yi: "..."

He regained his posture, hugged the guitar to his chest, and played lightly.

"Always ask you for nothing."

"Said thank you."

"I didn't understand it until I was an adult."

"It's not easy to get you."

Just a few preludes, so smooth that everyone was stunned for a moment.

But what surprised them even more was his lyrics!

"Always pretend every time you leave."

"A relaxed look."

"Smile and go back."

"Turn around with tears in your eyes."

Su Jiankang was completely stunned!
Li Yi was also in a daze, not knowing why.

Su Yun continued to play.

"Think about the same as before."

"Hold your warm palm."

"But you're not with me."

"Trust Qingfeng to bring you to Ankang."

Su Yun speeded up the rhythm of his playing in vain, and sang loudly!

"Time slows down."

"Don't let you grow old again."

"I would like to exchange your life with me for a long time."

"A father who will be strong all his life."

"What can I do for you."

"Accept trivial concerns."

Although I know that this society is cruel, and God is destined not to be fair to everyone, I don't know how to answer your question.

But I know that it is impossible for your father not to love you!

Su Yun continued to sing loudly.

"Thank you for everything."

"Hands up our home."

"Always do your best."

"Give me the best."

My dad is a great dad.

In my memory, he will always be so young and tall.

But I don't know why recently, I can always see the white hair on his head frequently.

At home, he will always put us as the first priority. No matter how tired he is, he will let his mother spoil me and teach me some principles of life.

But when anything happened at home, he was always the first to stand in front of us.

Your father beat you, but, does he really not love you?

Have you really, forgotten the things he did to you before?

You care so much, don't you just want to get his approval and become...his pride?
Su Yun continued to sing!

"Am I your pride?"

"Are you still worried about me?"

"The child you care about."

"Grow up..."

(End of this chapter)

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