I'm a genius star

Chapter 456 "I Really Love You" Part [-]

Chapter 456 "I Really Love You" Part [-]
One drop or two of sweat dripped from his head, Su Yun opened his eyes slightly, and continued to sing.

"An opponent who cannot be modified."

"Bringing out the warmth is always behind."

"Even if it's long-winded, always pay attention."

"It's too guilty for not knowing how to cherish."

Everyone couldn't help but see pictures in front of their eyes.

The picture of their mother helping them wash clothes, knitting sweaters for them, and teaching them by pointing their noses.
Those are already things they can't go back to.

Which of them has never disliked their mother's long-windedness?Who didn't want to grow up quickly when they were young, and then leave the shackles of the house earlier and gain freedom?

However, when they grow up, who has never regretted or felt guilty?
They can no longer go back to the past, and they can no longer hold their mother's hand when crossing the road.

Because they have grown up, and the mother's hands have become rough.

One person, two people...all of them, they gradually become obsessed with listening, drunk, and crying.

Su Yun suddenly stood up from the chair, picked up the microphone in front of him, and walked slowly towards the stage under everyone's surprised eyes.

"I still remember a warm opponent."

"Always take care of me without changing."

"Ideal finally arrived today."

"Share the brilliance and hope to do it."

Did you see that, Mom?

I did it.

In a venue of 1 people, they are all listening to your son singing.

I really, really did.

Really thank you for everything you do for me.

Chen Ya was crying so hard.

And the audience wasn't much better either.

Only Li Yi stood there blankly, like a wooden stake.

Countless pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

In the scene when his mother just sent him to kindergarten, he saw his mother ready to leave after sending him off. He burst into tears in fear, grabbed her hand tightly, and refused to let go.

When he first entered elementary school, all the children were afraid to call mom and dad, but he was the only one who didn't cry.Because his mother promised him that as long as he didn't cry, he would make him his favorite octopus balls at night.When his mother came back in the afternoon, the table was indeed full of his favorite dishes.Of course, there are also octopus balls.

When he was in high school, he had already stopped calling him 'Mom', but changed his name to 'Mom', because he was so old, and his friends would laugh at him if he still called him 'Mom'.

When he was in college, he was in the period of rebellion. Every time he went home to wash the clothes, his mother would always reprimand him and reason with him. He became more and more annoying and didn't want to go home.Of course, in the end the clothes were washed by the mother.

After graduating from university, he told his family about his dream, but was firmly blocked by everyone, including his mother.He deeply remembered that his mother slapped him at that time. At that time, she seemed to be crying.

All the pictures were recalled in this song, and countless emotions mixed with anxiety, regret, and guilt arose in his heart.

He closed his eyes slowly, tears streaming down from the corners of his eyes.

Su Yun continued to sing.

"Spring breeze and rain warm my heart."

"A lifelong gift without words."

Although they were far apart and the crowd was dense, at this moment, Su Yun seemed to be looking at Chen Ya!

"It's your warm eyes!"

"Teach me to look forward with perseverance."

"Tell me not to give up when I fall."

"I can't explain how to repay my kindness."

"The generosity of love is infinite."

"Allow me to speak."

"really love you."

Chen Ya's eyes were full of light, and she covered her mouth with her hands, trying desperately not to cry.

"My son, our son!!"

Su Jiankang sighed for a long time, and said with relief: "Hey, yes, our son has grown up."

"Su Yun!!"

"Su Yun!!"

"Su Yun!!"

The scene was completely boiling again, and the whole audience was cheering Su Yun's name.

He was like the last kindling of the moment, which was almost extinguished, but no matter what, he refused to fall down, thus igniting their enthusiasm again and again.

Su Yun stood at the very front of the stage, just looking at the front quietly.

Zhu Yongxin looked at Su Yun's back and smiled gratifiedly.

A drop of sweat slipped down, and Su Yun suddenly staggered and almost fell.But at some point, a staff member standing under the stage quickly climbed onto the stage and supported him.

Su Yun stood firm again and smiled back at the staff.

The staff hesitated for a long time, and said, "Dr. Su, you should go to rest quickly, your body...can no longer hold on."

However, Su Yun didn't say anything as if he didn't hear him.

Letting go of his hand, Su Yun suddenly raised the microphone again.However, at this time, Zhu Yongxin had already stopped playing the guitar, because he had no score at all!
Zhu Yongxin was shocked again.

What is Su Yun doing? !

What the hell is he going to do? !
Can he sing?

The audience felt distressed when they saw Su Yun's appearance.

A celebrity, a public figure, a person whose net worth is hundreds of millions at any time, is actually working so hard for them at this moment.

"Dr. Su, stop singing, I beg you! Go and rest!"

"Stop singing! We've heard enough!"

"We were wrong, we shouldn't have made such capricious demands! Go and rest!"

"You have been singing for more than two hours, you can't sing any more!"

"Your body will not be able to hold on, you should go back quickly."

Su Yun's whole body was already soaked in sweat, as if he had just come out of the bath.

His figure looked so small and thin on the stage, but he continued to sing on the stage for more than two hours.

This is not only an exhaustion of one's physical strength, but also an exhaustion of one's spirit, voice, and breathing.

Even if it is a muscular man of 1 pounds who often goes to exercise, let him perform on a stage surrounded by 5 people, let alone two hours, even five minutes, he will be overwhelmed.

Just now Zhu Yongxin was on the stage and his heartbeat was already so fast when he was watched by everyone, not to mention those who had no professional training and experience.

How did Su Yun persevere?

Zhu Yongxin didn't know.

No one knows either.

But everyone knew that Su Yun's body could no longer support him to continue singing.

I. Can't sing anymore?
My body, can't hold on?

Hehe, I'm really useless. .

Yeah, they're right, I should go rest.

More than two hours is enough.

Enough is really enough.

Su Yun's hand was slowly put down, and everyone's mood was also gradually let go.

it is finally over.
Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Su Yun suddenly raised his hand again and shouted loudly:

"Won't be tired at all!"

"I have danced for three days and three nights!"

Zhu Yongxin thumped and almost fell to the ground! !
The sip of water that Su Jiankang just drank spewed out!
The microphone in Li Yi's hand dropped to the ground with a clang!

Everyone's jaws dropped! !

Su Yun is still singing loudly!
"I'm in the mood right now, and I'll be drunk even if I drink soda!"


"Not tired at all!"

"I want to dance for another three days and three nights!!"

"I feel so light now that I can fly!"

The whole concert, once again the audience was shocked!Thunderous cheers!
(End of this chapter)

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