I'm a genius star

Chapter 469 Money is not a problem.

Chapter 469 Money is not a problem.

Su Yun hadn't been shopping since the last trip. Walking on the cold street, except for a few passers-by who could be vaguely seen and the old men and women sweeping snow on the street, it was almost empty.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his hands together, and walked towards the 4S shop.

"Welcome, sir, are you buying a car?" As soon as he entered the store, a waiter immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, can you introduce me to the cars in your store?" Su Yun didn't take off his mask, and entered the store, a warm current brought by the heater made Su Yun feel extremely comfortable.

The waiter didn't have such a bloody plot as in the novel. Seeing that Su Yun was a young man, he despised him.At least on the surface, the attitude of the waiters is very good.

From the time they entered the door, the waiter has been leading the way, from their lowest priced car to the highest priced car in their store, from performance to cost performance, and introduced them to Su Yun one by one.

"This is the latest model in our store, and it is also a luxury sports car - Gemstone X60 series. The external length, width and height dimensions are 5047*1860*1491 mm, the wheelbase is 2888 mm, and the maximum power is 280 kW/360 mm. horsepower, a maximum torque of 500 Nm, a top speed of 260 kilometers per hour, and an acceleration of 0-100 kilometers in just 5.1 seconds.”

"The appearance is magnificent and beautiful; the interior is stable, the workmanship is good, the configuration is rich; the space is ample. The interior materials are also based on the previous series, and the latest nano-materials have been replaced, and the oil burning situation has also been improved. , and the inlaid diamond log at the front is the most dazzling symbol of the gemstone series."

"Whether it's going to a party with friends and family, or..."

Su Yun nodded while listening, and began to walk on the car body with his hands.

He asked himself that he is not a person who likes cars very much, but this car really moved him a little from the first time he saw it.

The white body is as holy as an angel's wings. The streamlined shape of the body is perfectly done, as if it has been polished with the most precision, and it looks so accurate.

"However, cars in this series are generally very expensive and belong to luxury goods. Sir, if you want to buy a car, you can consider cars in the range of 30 to 200 million over there, whether it is price or performance. The value for money is absolutely top notch.”

The waiter's eyes also stayed on the car for a long time, and finally moved away reluctantly, and said to Su Yun.

Looking at Su Yun's expression, the waiter was also very understanding. After all, as long as a man grows up, there is no one who doesn't love cars, whether he drives it or not.

And the luxury sports car of the Gem X60 series is what their men dream of!

To them, a sports car is no less attractive than a beautiful woman. Just from the eager gaze in Su Yun's eyes, he can tell that Su Yun is the same kind of person as him!

Su Yun stared at this car for a long time, walked around it twice, and finally said very casually: "I bought this car."

Waiter: "Sir, what are you talking about?"

Su Yun didn't even look away, and said it again.

"I bought this car."

"Cough, cough, cough!!!" The waiter suddenly coughed violently, and said with an expression like he saw a ghost: "That, sir, your car is considered the most luxurious car in our shop. , the price may be tens of millions, are you sure?"

He deliberately quoted a price of tens of millions. In fact, the price of this car is not as simple as 1000 million. According to the current market price, the price of this Jewel X60 has reached 500 million, and this is still the lowest price ! !

He was sure that as long as he said the number of tens of millions, the young man in front of him, who was wearing sunglasses and a mask, but obviously only in his 20s, would retreat in spite of difficulties.

However, what surprised him was that when the other party heard his words, he was not surprised at all, and he didn't even move his eyes.

"money is not a problem."


The waiter's forehead suddenly began to break out in cold sweat. He didn't know why, but what the young man said in front of him didn't make him feel that he was trying to be brave.

But if this person really wants to buy a car at this price, then he will not be able to appear on the stage.

In a panic, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and immediately dialed a number.

"Hey, manager, there is a person who said he wants to buy the Gemstone X60 in our store, would you like to come over and have a look?"

"The identity of the other party? Well, he is wearing a pair of sunglasses and a mask, and I don't know who the other party is."

"Oh, it's the branch of Dynasty Entertainment."

"Don't worry, I will definitely treat the other party well, okay, then come quickly,"

After hanging up the phone, the waiter immediately walked up to Su Yun and said, "Well, sir, if you really want to buy this car, because I don't have enough authority, our manager will come over later, within 10 minutes at most. Our manager is here, you can sit here and rest for a while, if you want some tea, just tell me."

Su Yun nodded, found a seat beside him and sat down directly.

He didn't make him wait long, the manager of the other party obviously heard that someone wanted to buy the latest gemstone X60, so he ran over non-stop, with beads of sweat secreting from his forehead, and he was still panting heavily.

The manager is a tall, thin, bespectacled man in a suit with a typical shrewd look.

"Mr. Keke, you have been waiting for a long time. I am the manager here. My name is Su Zhe. This is my business card."

As soon as the manager arrived, he hurriedly started talking to Su Yun before he recovered.

Su Yun nodded, took the business card, and said, "I want to buy this car, can I get it today?"

The manager pushed his glasses, and quickly analyzed Su Yun's words in his mind.

As soon as the other party came, he asked me if I could get the car today, instead of asking me for the specific price. In other words, as long as he didn't swell his face to pretend to be fat, is it inevitable that he will get the car?

If that's the case, then he must not be short of money, right?
For such negotiations, Su Zhe is still very confident in his ability, otherwise he would not have achieved the position of manager at only 28 years old.

After thinking for a while, Su Zhe said: "This is the case, sir, because the Gemstone X60 is the latest car in our store, and it is guaranteed to be the latest model in China, but because its price is too expensive, our store also sells it. There are not many stocks, if you want to buy at present, you need to pre-order”

Su Zhe kept looking at Su Yun's expression. When he saw Su Yun's brow wrinkled, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a tiny arc, and he immediately turned to say: "But, sir, if you are Anyway, if you want to buy it today, we happen to have a finished car that is ready to be shipped, but this car has already been reserved by someone else, but the relationship between the other party and me is good, and I can discuss it with the other party. , ask him to give you this car temporarily, and then we will arrange a new car for him."

Seeing that Su Yun's eyebrows were stretched again, he was overjoyed, and added: "That... It's just that although the other party has a good relationship with me, others have waited for more than a month, and finally got it. So... when you get the car, the price may be "a little bit" more for you, and it will be used as a subsidy rebate for my friend, what do you think?"

Su Yun just waved his hand casually and said: "Then you guys get it quickly, money is not a problem."

Su Zhe smiled, and immediately responded: "Okay, then I'll pick up the car for you right away, you sit here and wait for a while."

Although he said so, Su Zhe was very surprised in his heart, because from the beginning to the end, this person just pretended that he wanted to buy a car, but he never asked the price.

If he called one hundred million, would he also give it?
Is this the rich man's world?Hey, I can anytime.
Thinking of this, Su Zhe had no choice but to shake his head with a helpless smile, then turned and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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