I'm a genius star

Chapter 472 Tu Su Appears in Immortal Sword

Chapter 472 Tu Su Appears in Immortal Sword
Tu Su looked at the crying Tu Su quietly, and continued: "Having self-esteem is not a bad thing, and I also appreciate your courage to take responsibility alone, but aren't they your friends? Reach out to them at the right time , isn’t it a shameful thing? Or, you don’t regard them as friends at all?”

Facing Tu Su's questioning, Xu Yu immediately said in a panic: "I didn't! I just"

However, Tu Su interrupted her by shaking his head, and said softly: "You are a good girl, so, what do you think of this? Su Yun paid for the termination of the contract for you. As for the money, it is assumed that he lent you , and then you have to join Su Yun's studio, after all, you are now a second-tier artist, making money shouldn't be a problem, so you can return it to him little by little in the future. What do you think?"

Xu Yu sat there blankly, and after a long time, nodded slowly.

She couldn't think of any other way, and every word Tu Su said hit the bottom of her heart.

From just now, Zhu Yongxin has been nodding beside him repeatedly, and his admiration for Tu Su in his heart is simply overwhelming!
He knows Xu Yu's stubbornness best. What she decides, not to mention him, is basically impossible to change even her parents.

However, Tu Su just used a few words to say nothing, and pushed her to Su Yun's studio inexplicably!
Su Yun couldn't be more admired.

Originally, he just wanted Tu Su to help persuade Xu Yu. After all, both of them are women, so they will definitely understand each other better.

However, they talked for so long before, it was useless at all, but Tu Su pulled her to the studio with just a few words, this is simply a military-level figure!

Looking at Tu Su's side face, Su Yun suddenly said: "Sister, why don't you come and play a role for me."

Tu Su was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

In life, Su Yun rarely begged Tu Su, and Tu Su would never refuse his requests.

But this time, he really just asked out of the blue if he wanted to help him play a role, but Tu Su still agreed.

It would be a lie to say that he was not happy, he was secretly happy now, and he was already happy.

However, it would be a lie to say not to worry, after all, Tu Su's identity is more special than those special people.

She is the only granddaughter of the chief executive today, and based on her status alone, she will definitely face a lot of resistance if she wants to participate in the filming of a TV series.

Leaving aside other things, the biggest resistance must be Tu Xiongba's level.

Although it is said that the old man does not plan the entertainment industry very much, but if he has a good impression of the entertainment industry, Su Yun is sure that there is no one.

It's not that Tu Xiongba is stubborn, it's better to say that most soldiers think the same way. After all, most soldiers have a view of the entertainment industry in the past: veterans protect the country and no one asks, and the world knows about actors.

What's more, filming also involves various safety issues. It doesn't matter if you think about it, Tu Xiongba will definitely strongly oppose it.

Military compound.

"No! I don't agree!!"

Tu Xiongba's deep voice came from the other courtyard.

Sure enough, the result was exactly the same as what Su Yun thought.

Just when Tu Su and Tu Xiongba had just finished talking about this matter, Tu Xiongba's face changed suddenly, and he answered 'I disagree' as if instinctively.

At this moment, Tu Su and Tu Xiongba were sitting at the gate of the courtyard. Outside the courtyard, there were two soldiers standing extremely straight, like two telegraph poles, motionless.

"Did that kid Su Yun ask you to film? He really wants to turn against him! Just wait, I'll go find him right away!"

After speaking, Tu Xiongba stood up, his old face was like a piece of black coal, and he looked like he was going to fight with Su Yun.

"Grandpa." Tu Su called lightly.

However, such a simple sentence stopped Tu Xiongba in place, and he did not take the next step for a long time.

"I want to go, it has nothing to do with him. And even if you go, are you sure you can tell him?"

Tu Xiongba: "..."

Tu Xiongba froze in place, unable to utter a word for a long time.

What Tu Su said is correct, Su Yun is a kid, although he looks small, the ghost he pretends in his heart is not small at all.Back then, he told several doctors in his laboratory that he wanted to go back to his hometown in a few words.

Let's not say that this kid is a genius, just because he is able to get his granddaughter who has always been very high-sighted, one can imagine how eloquent his mouth is. He, an old man who has never been to college, went to him, and still I really can't say it.

But what Tu Xiongba cares most about is not this.

It was Tu Su's phrase 'Grandpa'.

Although it happened in the past, and the two of them had already turned their fights into friendships, but in the past two years, he could count the number of times Tu Su called him grandpa with his fingers.

Broken mirrors cannot be reunited. Although the relationship between them has gradually eased, it will take a long, long time before Tu Su can call him grandfather at any time.

He clearly remembered that today was the fifth time.

He turned his back to Tu Su, but he couldn't help but want to laugh on his face, and his mood instantly became more comfortable. Even the fact that she wanted to film a movie, he felt that it was really no big deal.

With his back turned to Tu Su, he suddenly changed the subject and said, "You are also 27 years old this year."

Tu Su: "..."

Tu Xiongba said quietly: "Grandpa, I'm getting old too. I really shouldn't be in charge of many things. You young people have your own ideas and things you want to do. That's a good thing. I, an old man, really shouldn't Mind your own business."

Tu Su: "..."

Tu Xiongba sighed, and said: "It's just that I'm already at this age, and I probably won't live long. I just don't know when I can hold a grandson. My old man will die without regret in this lifetime."

He suddenly turned around and said, "Are you going to... um, where is the person? Susu, Susu!? Uh, strange, where did the person go?"

Walking to the door, Tu Xiongba asked the soldiers standing on both sides: "Did Susu go out from here just now?"

The two soldiers visibly trembled when they heard the words, and immediately said: "Report to the chief! 2 minutes ago, the eldest lady just went out from here, and she seemed to be laughing!"

"Yes! I also saw the eldest lady smiling!"


Tu Xiongba looked into the distance, the focus in his pupils gradually lost, but the corners of his mouth raised a subtle angle.

After a long time, I only heard him say leisurely: "Grandpa. Hehe, I don't know how many times I can hear you call grandpa, if possible. Hehehe cough cough cough!"

"Chief! Your body."

"Hehe, it's okay," Tu Xiongba waved his hand and said, "I'm in a good mood today, so let's take a walk and take me to Chief Wang's place."


(End of this chapter)

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