I'm a genius star

Chapter 475 Start poaching people!

Chapter 475 Start poaching people!
Zixuan, in Legend of Sword and Fairy III, she is a descendant of the Nuwa clan, and she has been in love with Xu Changqing for three lives and three generations. In terms of setting, she is also graceful and glamorous. Unforgettable beauty.

This point can definitely be perfectly displayed on Tu Su.

In particular, the aura revealed by Tu Su's body matches the character of Zixuan so well, it's almost carved out of the same mold.

But it is not that simple to play the role of Zixuan.

First of all, Zixuan has a very complicated background - a descendant of Nuwa. At the same time, she is a Miao woman, and in order to follow her beloved Xu Changqing, she has traveled through a hundred years and three generations. When she met Xu Changqing, it was the person she loved. The love in the third life is also the last time.

But it is precisely because the background is so complicated that it is so difficult to play Zixuan, because it is equivalent to the same role, going through three completely different transformations, which is equivalent to playing three roles by one person.

Falling in love with Gu Liufang, the first life of her beloved, was also the first time Zixuan fell into the vortex of love, when her love first opened.

At this time, Zixuan is just a young girl who is in love and crazy about love.

And falling in love with Lin Yeping, the second life of her beloved, is also Zixuan's first transformation, shedding the greenness of her youth, and gradually becoming more feminine.

And the love with Xu Changqing is Zixuan and his third life. At this time, Zixuan has completely lost her previous childishness, and has become more mature and her temperament is more glamorous.

Although it is just a character, it has hundreds of years of time and memory. Although the character image is fuller, the difficulty of acting is increasing exponentially.

As a person who has never acted before, or even appeared on any film and television screen, can Tu Su really play the role of Zi Xuan perfectly?

Even Tu Su himself thought it was impossible.

She originally thought that Su Yun asked her to help, and it was just a role that was not very important, one or two scenes at most, and then he would never appear again.

However, Zixuan is an important person who has almost carried out the entire Immortal Sword!
Therefore, Tu Su shook his head, and whispered in Su Yun's ear: "This role is not suitable for me. From this script, it can be seen that this role is very good in terms of positioning and other aspects. It's important, so you can't give it to a layman like me, you can find someone else."

Su Yun shook his head, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Tu Su: "I know what you want to say, and I also want to be with you. But, you can't delay your entire crew and everyone because of me, and"

The corners of Tu Su's mouth curled into an extremely perfect arc, and he said softly: "I know this is just acting, so even if there is a kissing scene, I won't mind, you have to act well."

Su Yun was speechless for a long time, but his heart was actually so moved!

Look what's this called?Good daughter-in-law of Huaguo!He can cook again, he is considerate, gentle, and so understanding!If you marry her, even if you die in this life, you will have no regrets!

Although Su Yun could never refuse Tu Su's words, but this time, Su Yun had already made up his mind from the very beginning.

He stretched out his hand under the table, and gently grabbed Tu Su's hand that was placed under the table. Tu Su's body froze for a moment, but he didn't resist too much, but lowered his head slightly.

Su Yun took a deep breath and said slowly: "Don't worry, I have already made all the arrangements this time. I have already gone to Peking University and contacted the teachers in our art department. Please ask them to give you special training."

"We're not going to start filming right now, we still have to raise all kinds of things, we have to choose all kinds of characters, etc. It's impossible to miss a month or two, so you take advantage of this time to go there for a period of training , when you come out, we can officially start filming."

Tu Su was slightly taken aback, she didn't know at all, it turned out that what he had arranged was not just the things mentioned just now, but also included her.

After the failure of "A Chinese Journey to the West" last time, Su Yun has learned to prepare in advance. Only when the preparation is more adequate, when an accident occurs, the more coping methods will be available, and the quality of the products will be better. higher.

Although the failure of "A Chinese Journey to the West" was also due to the lack of brains of those people, the quality of the film itself was the biggest reason, because Su Yun didn't consider that in his original world, "A Chinese Journey to the West" It was released a long time ago, and it took many years before it became a classic.

And if "A Chinese Journey to the West" was released ten years later, it is estimated that the box office will definitely hit a record low.

This was the result of Su Yun's insufficient preparation.

If he could have noticed this earlier, and the props and special effects could have been better, maybe there would have been another ending in the end.

So this time, before preparing to shoot Immortal Sword, he had already started to think about more issues.

Zhu Yongxin and the others only knew that Su Yun started planning half a year ago, but only Tu Su knew at the scene that Su Yun was definitely not just planning half a year ago.

It is estimated that it will take several months for Su Yun alone, not to mention the field inspection and so on, for the clothing and props alone. Half a year is definitely not enough.

Long ago, when Su Yun had just come out of Tu Xiongba's secret laboratory, that day was also the first time he lived in Tu Su's villa. Tu Su asked him what he was going to do next, and he just He vaguely said "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

After a rough calculation, it has been a full two years.

This time, Tu Su did not refuse again, but blushed slightly, lowered his head, and flipped through the script in front of him with one hand.

Dynasty Entertainment.

Boom boom boom!
"Come in"

"That Director Lin, it's not good, Xu Yu from our company has run away!!"

"What did you say?!"

Lin Dong, the top leader of Dynasty Entertainment, has worked in the entertainment industry for decades, and Huang Tian paid off, and finally, through success after success, he stood at his current position.

With his current status and power, he is almost at ease in the entertainment industry. In the past few years, he has slept with not only a hundred but also eighty second-tier female stars.

Even some first-line stars did not hesitate to use their bodies to curry favor with him in order to get ahead.

However, half a year ago, he was no longer interested in those flirtatious sluts in the entertainment industry. When he saw a not-so-special artist in their company, he was instantly attracted to him.

With her youthful appearance, perfect figure, and her untainted temperament by the entertainment industry, he couldn't help but want to put her under him and manipulate her appearance at will!
So he had already made plans half a year ago, first to affirm her work, then increase her salary to trick her into renewing a longer contract, and then put her in the cold palace, and then just wait She just delivered it to her door herself.

She has used this trick on countless newcomers, and it is almost always unfavorable, and she has not failed once.

However, this time, this woman persisted for half a year and never came to him!

He has seen countless women but he didn't give up. Instead, he thought that this kind of woman had the desire to conquer him. However, today, someone came to tell him that this woman ran away?
He wanted to throw something in anger almost instantly, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong, and asked instantly: "Where can she run? She still has more than a year of contract with our company. If she runs now, She wants to pay us ten times the liquidated damages! Twenty-five million, does she have the money?"

However, the employee stammered and whispered: "It's not her, it's Su Yun. Su Yun's studio has poached the person, and has paid the corresponding liquidated damages according to the contract!"

(End of this chapter)

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