I'm a genius star

Chapter 485 Rage

Chapter 485 Rage

At the end of the first episode, many viewers in front of the TV were stunned.

Not only them, even the people in Su Yun's studio were all stunned.

"Is this what we filmed?"

"It's different?! It doesn't feel the same as what we took?"

"This is too awesome, the special effects are just like the real thing!"

"Those poisonous people, they were so fake when I watched them on the spot. I laughed out loud several times. Why did it feel so scary on TV? I almost peed out just now."

"It's over, we are really going to be on fire!"

"Pfft, we're going to be on fire, isn't that a good thing? Why is it going to be over?"

"Hey, think about it, if everyone of us becomes popular in the future, we have to wear masks and all kinds of hats when we go out, and we have to have a whole hat, how inconvenient it is."


The people in Su Yun's studio haven't realized why, they were present at the whole filming scene, and they even participated in the editing of clips in the later stage, but when it was broadcast on TV, it felt completely different son.

Moreover, they only spent half a year in total for preparation, subsequent editing, and publicity. It must be known that they have not been shooting all the way for half a year, and the total shooting time will not exceed four months at most.

The thought of filming a TV series in four months makes them feel ashamed.

Even for a director with the most experience in the entertainment industry, it is definitely not too long to shoot a TV series for such a long time, let alone four months, even four years!
Even when they filmed "A Chinese Journey to the West", it took them almost half a year when the movie was only a few hours long, but their TV series with a total of 40 minutes and a total of 37 episodes only took four hours. month
Originally, in the eyes of all of them, there was only one possible ending this time, that is, "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" was evaluated as a bad movie again!
But in fact, just the opinion of the first episode changed the perception of all of them.

After the first episode was screened, there was another uproar on the entire Internet. Almost as long as you click on the forum, post bar, or Weibo, you can see someone talking about Legend of Sword and Fairy III.

on Weibo.

"After watching the first episode: I feel that this "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" should be the absolute pinnacle of costume dramas in recent years. Just watching the first episode can make me feel so emotional. Really What is too little is too little.

First of all, the special effects of this Chinese Paladin III, needless to say, right?Although I don't know how much director Su Yun invested in this TV series in order to have special effects comparable to Hollywood, I just want to say that our domestic TV series has achieved this level. , I'll fucking blow it up! !

I don’t need to say more about the plot. The main line of the show is pointed out at the beginning. The master of Shushan entrusted a dream to the protagonist. Sedum should shoulder the life and death of human beings, so as to unfold the subsequent plot.

Also, after watching the first episode, Jing Tian is very handsome, but I just want to say, Su Yun who plays Xu Changqing, me!blow!burst! ! "

There are many other microblogs like this, most of them are bloggers who often recommend and share some TV dramas to their fans, but there is no doubt that these people have no room for touting this drama this time.

Dynasty Entertainment.

On the top floor of the building, Director Lin's office.

Boom! ! !

A sound of glass being shattered suddenly came from the door, and the staff standing aside trembled in fright, lowering their heads and not daring to speak.

"What's going on? What's going on?! Why didn't the broadcast stop? Why didn't Xianjian III stop broadcasting?! Let me ask you!"

Boom! ! !

Lin Dong grabbed the landline next to him and fell to the ground. The poor landline was smashed to pieces almost instantly.

"You ask me. I don't know either," the clerk muttered innocently.

This matter had nothing to do with him in the first place, he was just the one in charge of delivering the message.

He also thought at the beginning that this time, the crew of Paladin III would definitely have a big headache, because it is well known that Dong Lin's elder brother works in radio and television, and it is okay for people with certain influence, but ordinary people messed with Dong Lin. Absolutely will be retaliated in the most ruthless way.

And those people are helpless.

Obviously, the crew of Xianjian III has provoked people who shouldn't be provoked this time. At first, they all thought so.

However, just today, just after nine o'clock, Immortal Sword III was played as scheduled, without even a second of delay, which made almost all of them stunned.

What about the suspension?What about revenge?Why nothing happened?

Until the end of the first episode, Sujiang Satellite TV didn't even insert a commercial!
Everyone in Dynasty Entertainment who was about to watch the fun was stunned, and the result of this incident was undoubtedly Lin Dong's fury.

Lin Dong forced himself to calm down, but the bulging veins on his hands and forehead betrayed him.

what happened?What's wrong with brother?Or is there someone behind Su Yun?

After thinking about it, he shook his head and rejected the idea.

Probably not. I have already investigated Su Yun's background in detail. There should be no one who can influence the decision-making of radio and television.

If this is the case, then there is something wrong with my brother, why don't you call and ask?

As soon as he thought of this, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

I just made a phone call not long ago, and the higher-ups have recently investigated Yan, so I'm not in a hurry to call him yet.And even if it was a decision made by the top, if the people below were to withdraw for a while, it might be right to withdraw immediately, and there may be a possibility that they will not be able to broadcast the second episode.

Alas. Wait and see.

Thinking of this, Dong Lin kept comforting himself in his heart.

Although he himself knows that this possibility is very small, the people below will really delay when the order is issued from above?Ha ha, unless that station has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard.

Don't say it hasn't been broadcast yet, even if you are broadcasting and the people above order you to stop broadcasting, can you still stop broadcasting?

But these are not what he needs to consider now, the only thing he wants to see is the suspension of the broadcast of Fairy Sword III, and the expression of that little girl when she came back to plead with him.

Thinking of this, his whole body seemed to be congested with blood, his mouth was dry, and his whole body became hot.

He narrowed his eyes, and said to the clerk at the side: "Okay, there's nothing else to do, you can go down, and tell Jiaojiao by the way, let her come find me."

The clerk was relieved when he heard the words, nodded again and again, turned around and ran out of the room.

A few minutes later, the commercial ended, and the second episode of Paladin [-] was played.

Xu Changqing drove away the poisonous people around him, and wanted to leave, but Jing Tian asked because he was afraid of encountering the poisonous people again.

"What's your surname? How can I contact you? If we encounter a poisonous person again, how can I ask you to save me? Do you have any brothers? If I can't find you, I can also Let them save me."

"This brother, you are really humorous. Let's meet again by fate."

"Hey! Hey!!"

"Excellent light work!"

(End of this chapter)

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