I'm a genius star

Chapter 495 Set a small goal

Chapter 495 Set a small goal

"Shock!The final ratings of Chinese Paladin III exceeded 32.3%, surpassing last year's Spring Festival Gala ratings! "

The ratings of "Legend of Sword and Sword III" reached the top, and Zixuan's popularity exploded! "

"The high-level executives of major TV stations are dispatched one after another, and the battle for the broadcasting copyright of Immortal Sword Three starts, and Immortal Sword Three has become the favorite of all the stars! "

"Extra!According to inside information, there will be a sequel to Paladin III, and we will meet you in the near future! "

On the second day after the end of Xianjian III, all kinds of media almost surrounded Su Yun's studio, followed by scrambling reports, fearing that they would be one step behind the others.

In the past month, the IP of "Sword and Sword III" is undoubtedly the hottest in the entertainment industry, so all media have also focused their attention on Su Yun's studio.

However, on the third day when the reporters squatted outside Su Yun's studio mansion, Su Yun finally went out and accepted their interview.

"Hi, hello, Dr. Su, we are from Mangyu TV, may I ask you a few questions?"

"Hello, Director Su, this is from Blue Bird TV station. May I ask what your opinion is on the great success of Fairy Sword III this time?"

"Su Dao Su, may I ask if you have considered making a sequel to Paladin Sword III?"


Everyone was talking in a hurry, as if they were afraid that others would be one step ahead.

Zhu Yongxin blocked them with his hands, separated all of them to the two sides, and said with difficulty: "Everyone, be quiet first, you come one by one, Su Yun said, today he will answer all your questions one by one, no Forget about any of you, so take it easy and take your time."

Hearing what Zhu Yongxin said, everyone felt relieved, and asked questions in order from left to right consciously.

A female reporter stepped forward and said, "Hello, Dr. Su, we are reporters from Mango TV. I have a few questions for you."

Su Yun nodded: "Okay, please."

The female reporter said: "The first question, Dr. Su, how much money did you invest in the filming of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III"? The second question is about the almost comparable Hollywood blockbuster special effects, how did you do it? The third question, the ratings of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" has reached an unprecedented peak, so what is your next goal, Dr. Su? ? Are you continuing to make TV dramas?"

Regarding the series of three questions asked by the female reporter, Su Yun said calmly, "First of all, the first question is, although I haven't carefully reviewed the funds invested during the filming of "Sword and Sword III", the approximate number should be around 1000 million. .”

Su Yun's words shocked everyone, and they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

1000 million, for making a movie, perhaps the funds are not too much, and it can even be said to be relatively small.

But for a crew making TV dramas, that's simply too much!

When making a TV series, apart from the negligible cost of the props themselves, the highest cost is actually the post-production and the remuneration of the actors.

Based on the principle that he has money in his pocket and willfulness, Su Yun will definitely not be stingy with the people in his studio. Almost everyone's salary is twice as high as that in the industry!
Generally, for professional actors who graduated from professional colleges, the salary for an episode of TV series is about 200-1500, but this is only for those who are not well-known or famous.

For people like Xu Yu who are already second-tier stars, Su Yun's salary is 5 per episode!As for Zhu Yongxin, needless to say, as the leading actor in the whole play, the salary is as high as 8 per episode!
Although the salaries of everyone else are not so abnormally high, except for the extras, there are almost no salaries lower than five figures.

May I ask, which other crew would have such a generous shot?
If this news gets out, don't even think about it, those people who want to squeeze their heads into Su Yun's studio must be pile after pile.

Su Yun continued: "The second question is about the special effects of Paladin III, which has been discussed at an unprecedented rate. You ask how we did it. Well, it's actually very simple, as long as you have money."

puff! !

As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, a group of people beside him couldn't stop laughing.

The female reporter who asked the question just now was even more dumbfounded.

What you said is so simple!rich?Who the hell is so rich, it's okay to shoot a TV series with a Hollywood special effect?Do you think money is blown by the wind? !
Prodigal son, prodigal son! !
Everyone thought in unison.

Su Yun didn't pay attention to other people's expressions and psychological changes, but immediately said: "The last question, of course, I should not plan to make any more TV dramas in the next period of time. As for your next goal, There's really no goal."

Su Yun paused, and then said immediately: "However, it is impossible to have no goals. I usually set a small goal for myself who has no goals, and take it step by step. For example, I will earn him [-] million first."

Quiet, deathly quiet!

All the reporters didn't know what expression to use to respond to Su Yun's words, they all looked at Su Yun with a dull face, if they were looking at a psychopath.

"Pfft!! What? Director Su, what did you just say, can you repeat it?"

"Hahahaha, I heard, just now Dr. Su actually said to earn him [-] million first!"

"[-] million, [-] million is a fucking small goal, I have [-] million, and I'm still a fucking reporter!?"

"Khan, when did [-] million become a small goal?"

"I feel that I will never be able to complete the small goal that Dr. Su said in my life..."

"It really is Su Yun, when he speaks, he is different from others."

Having said that, each reporter has already firmly recorded this sentence in their notebooks.

At least, there is a theme for tonight's manuscript!

Immediately afterwards, the second reporter took over the first one and began to ask Su Yun questions.

"Hi Director Su, I'm a reporter from Jade Bird TV. May I ask what your opinion or opinion is about the great success of Fairy Sword III this time?"

Su Yun thought for a while, and said without a trace of hesitation: "Sword of Sword and Sword III can achieve such a huge success, the most important thing is undoubtedly every actor and staff behind the scenes. There is an old saying in Huaguo that is not wrong. It’s a real thing. Before the broadcast of Paladin III, who would have thought that its ratings would reach such a high level? We did it, so it succeeded, it’s as simple as that.”

Clap clap clap clap! ! !
Just as Su Yun finished speaking, there was applause from countless people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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