Chapter 497
Army, compound.

A face is covered with wrinkles, but the heroic aura between his brows makes it obvious at a glance that he is extraordinary. His eyes are as sharp as those of a falcon. Just standing there, he forms an invisible aura. The old man in the field is taking a walk in the secluded path.

His appearance, whether male, female, old or young, there is no one in the entire Hua Kingdom who does not know him.

Tu Xiongba!
He is genuine. He has been in office before the founding of the country, has experienced countless wars and won countless meritorious troops!

Even the current chief had to stop immediately when he saw Tu Xiongba, and respected him with the highest salute.

Tu Xiongba's identity is so important.

Tu Xiongba's position in China, at least in the next few hundred years, will be irreplaceable by anyone.

"Cough cough cough!!"

Walking on the small path of the secluded path, there is a slightly hot breeze blowing in the air, and the green leaves are fluttering in the air with the wind. From time to time, a few leaves fall from the trees and slowly fall to the ground.

In October, the weather has faded from the scorching heat of summer, but even so, the temperature in Beijing today is still around [-] degrees, at least people wearing short sleeves can be seen everywhere on the street.

But at this time Tu Xiongba is quite different from others.

He was wearing a white vest, a sweater on the outside, and a gray-green coat on the outside, as if it was winter.

Not far behind him were two military guards closely following him, following him every step of the way, always guarding the surroundings.

Although here, it is impossible to have any other dangers that can threaten the adult in front of them, but even if it is only a one-in-a-billion possibility, they must ensure his safety-even if they sacrifice their own lives.

"Cough cough cough cough!!"

In front, Tu Xiongba coughed again. The two guards looked at each other and hesitated for a long time. One of them stepped forward and said concernedly: "You should go back and rest, your body."

But Tu Xiongba interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said secretly: "No need, today's day is very special, I don't need to say, you all understand."

There was a trace of sadness and deep helplessness in the eyes of the two of them.

That's right, the two of them—no, the entire military region—know this special day. Today is a very special day. Every year on this day, the entire military region will be immersed in a sad atmosphere, and no one will Have a good laugh today.

This seems to have formed an unwritten rule in the entire military region.

Because today is the anniversary of the death of Tu Xiongba's son - Tu Ze.

Every year on this day, Tu Xiongba walks from his own yard to the cemetery where his son is buried, leaving alone without tribute or anything for worship.

But in the past, he was fine when he was still in good health, but now his body is no longer good.
The eyes of the two kept struggling, their only mission was to protect Tu Xiongba's safety, no matter what happened, but they couldn't stop Tu Xiongba today.

Pausing in his footsteps, Tu Xiongba slightly raised his head to look at the sky, took a deep breath, and the hot and dry air entered his lungs, making him frown slightly.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he looked forward and whispered, "It's been 20 years."

There is a cemetery behind the military area, surrounded by many guards guarding it for a long time.

The people buried here are not some noble people, but every child and family member of the soldier who died because of the mission.

After crossing a yellow line, you entered the scope of the cemetery. From a distance, tall tombstones were neatly erected in that area, and the surrounding atmosphere was so solemn that anyone who entered could not help but hold back Breathe softly, make your own breath a little softer.

In the last row of all the tombstones, there is a group of people standing in front of a tombstone.

This is the tombstone of my sister's parents, and this is the name of my sister's father.

Su Yun looked at the tombstone in front of him, like Tu Su beside him, he didn't know what to write.

I don't know how long it took, three figures suddenly walked into the distance, Su Yun looked over from the corner of his eye, although he didn't even need to look to know who they were.

Tu Xiongba!
Although it has been a long time since I saw Tu Xiongba, when Su Yun saw Tu Xiongba, he couldn't compare him with an old man.

After all, most of the old people gave Su Yun the feeling of being hunched over, walking with a hunched posture, some of them still leaning on a cane, and coughing twice from time to time.

However, Tu Xiongba walks in an extremely steady pace, his back is straight and straight like a bamboo pole, his eyes are extremely sharp, his smile is hearty, there is no sign at all that he is an old man, okay? !
"Hey, Susu is here already? Why are you thinking of bringing this kid with you today?"

Tu Xiongba pretended not to know, and asked knowingly.

Of course he knew why Su Yun came today, and he had already expected that it was about time that his good granddaughter would bring her home.

"Xiaoyun said that he happened to be fine today, so I asked him to come with me."

Tu Su said very flatly, even the explanation seemed so perfunctory, as if he didn't care what other people said or thought at all.

Tu Xiongba didn't say much, shook his head with a smile, and faced the stele together with them.

"Ah Ze, I, an old man, have come to see you again."

Suddenly, facing the tombstone, Tu Xiongba started talking to himself.

Su Yun and the others remained calm and quietly stood aside and listened.

"It's been 20 years since you left, 20 years. It's a really hard time."

Speaking of these 20 years, Su Yun couldn't help thinking of how long he had lived alone in that empty world when he was still a skeleton.
Because time has passed for so long, his own concept of time has long been blurred. Anyway, he only remembers that it was a rather long period of time.

It may be 100 years, it may be 200 years, even 1000 years is possible.

When there is nothing in the world, Su Yun has a deep understanding of the feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and fear, so he can understand Tu Xiongba's mood at this time.

"Do you know? Susu, she is finally willing to forgive me as an old man. This may be the best and happiest year I have had in the past 20 years..."

Tu Su: "."

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, even your children have grown up. I think back when I was your age."

Quietly listening to Tu Xiongba telling about the past, Su Yun and others did not make any sound to interrupt him.

Migratory birds flew quickly in the sky, and before they knew it, the sun had already set.

(End of this chapter)

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