I'm a genius star

Chapter 650 Pregnancy

Chapter 650 Pregnancy

Is it really possible for one person, one piece of land, to drive an industry all over the country?
And it was a documentary that everyone thought would die violently.
Although many people were unwilling to believe it, the fact that happened in front of them shocked them hard.

"Universal Time and Space Journey" became popular all over the country in just one and a half months, and formed a wave of astronomy learning craze in China.

And with "Universal Time and Space Journey" becoming popular again, of course it was Su Yun.

As a top superstar in China, Su Yun had a terrifying popularity and fan base, so when "Journey through Time and Space in the Universe" was first widely spread, a large group of Su Yun's fans poured in.

One of the great things about having such a large fan base is that you hardly need to promote your work, just let one of your die-hard fans know about it, and he will help you spread the word.

One pass two, two pass four, don't underestimate this form of communication, in today's era of advanced Internet, this kind of exponential spread speed is quite scary.

"Universal Time and Space Journey" is different from most other documentaries. It mainly uses special effects to show and explain the mysteries of the universe to the audience.

From the big bang of the universe, to tens of billions of years before the earth, and finally to thousands of years after human development, the audience clearly shows the birth of the earth from the universe to the evolution history of human beings.

To put it more simply, it is to give people a lesson in the universe in the form of a documentary.

But this class will not make people feel boring and tedious, and the most important reason for this is of course the inseparable special effects.

It can be said that a large part of the success of "Universal Time and Space Journey" is inseparable from special effects. Therefore, along with its skyrocketing ratings, Ji Dongyu's "Dongyu Visual Film and Television Production Company" was also discovered.

In the past few days, Ji Dongyu's face was full of glory, and the smile on his face couldn't stop for a moment.

Suddenly, a large number of people came to the originally lonely company. Some directors wanted to find them to produce special effects, and many larger special effects companies came to poach people with high salaries, but most of them looked at their special effects production costs. Just flinched.

When those directors saw it, they almost wanted to curse people, okay?
Since when did the production of special effects start with a million dollars?When did this small company dare to raise prices like this?

However, when they asked how much the special effects of "Universal Time Travel" cost, they all shut up.

The total cost of the special effects of "Universal Time and Space Journey" is about 4 million, which is [-] million more than the cost of the production team on earth.

That is also because the domestic special effects production technology is not as mature as that of Magnesia, so the cost of producing high-level special effects is much higher.

And those directors don't say 4 million, it's 4 million, and they don't have the heart to use it for special effects.

If you want to know 4 million, then you can invite one of the hottest little fresh meat stars right now?Even without that level of special effects, relying on Xiao Xianrou's popularity can bring a lot of traffic.

If the special effects are done and the final effect is not good, wouldn't the money be wasted?

So those directors would definitely not take risks, and those who came to poach people were even more surprised.

For a company the size of a fly shop, the asking price for producing special effects is more than ten times higher than that of their listed companies, can you believe it?

Who the hell are you digging for?Hiring someone with a high salary?When a company makes a single business, the employee's dividend is three times more than the monthly salary offered by their company!
How can you poach people? !

Although a large number of people who came to watch were scared away, there were still a small number of people who stayed and wanted to cooperate with Ji Dongyu and the others.

Ji Dongyu has indeed negotiated a few good cooperations. These people are almost all well-known big directors in the industry. In their eyes, money and so on have long been not so important. To them, fame is still the most important thing.

All of a sudden, the company, which was not very rich before, became extremely rich in the blink of an eye.

The employees in the company are basically Ji Dongyu's friends, or are brought in by his friends' friends. The relationship between the group of people is very strong, and the most important thing is that they are all passionate teenagers.

After this success, many people wept with joy, including Yao Waner.

Their success is not accidental. Only they themselves know how many difficulties they have experienced in the process of learning technology day and night, and how many difficulties they have experienced in the process.

But success is success, even if there is some luck in it.

Su Yun's house.

Su Yun has been back for a while. When "Universal Time and Space Journey" was successfully broadcast on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, he went home and didn't stay for a moment.

Because he got a piece of news. Tu Su was pregnant.

When Su Yun heard the news, his whole mind went blank, he didn't even know where he was or what he was going to do.

So after he dealt with most of the important things, he rushed back to the capital without stopping.

As soon as Su Yun came home, he hugged Tu Su and checked his body, making Tu Su dumbfounded.

In fact, Tu Su didn't even know she was pregnant.

She also often saw some women on TV who felt like throwing up after eating. As a viewer, she could almost tell at a glance that this woman was pregnant, but almost no women on TV thought about it.

Tu Su also thought at the time, how could there be such a slow-moving person?This is the first thing you can think of right?

But when it happened to her, she really didn't notice it at all.

Until one day, two consecutive morning sicknesses made him realize that something was wrong. He went to the hospital for an examination and found out that he was pregnant.

As soon as Su Yun got home, he was very annoyed and blamed himself!
As the person who spent the longest time with Tu Su every day, he failed to notice Tu Su's physical discomfort, and he didn't even notice any changes.

Although there was Tu Su who didn't want him to know the reason, but Su Yun still felt that he was a little bad.

Therefore, Su Yun directly banned the internet for a month, and began to take good care of Tu Su.

Every morning at six o'clock, Su Yun got up early and went out to buy vegetables and learn how to cook. Of course, the chef Tu Su was still there to help, otherwise the kitchen would be gone in a day.

It has to be said that Su Yun's learning talent is stronger than many people in front of him. Even cooking, which he always thought he was least good at, has begun to look decent after a month.

Of course, according to Tu Su's standards, his culinary skills are barely considered entry-level players.
(End of this chapter)

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