Chapter 142
All functions of Chu Yunfan have been upgraded to the six-star level.Pill recipes, formation diagrams, and spiritual weapon diagrams within the sixth rank can be learned in an instant.

When the temperature of the alchemy furnace's alchemy fire reached a certain level, Chu Yunfan put all the six medicinal materials used to refine the Yin Yang Returning Life Pill into the alchemy furnace.

Everyone thought Chu Yunfan was crazy.

The melting point of each medicinal material is different, unless it has a super fire control ability.Otherwise, investing so many medicinal materials at one time will only destroy alchemy.

Even Zhuge Tenglong, who is a low-level alchemist of the sixth rank, can only smelt two kinds of medicinal materials at the same time at most.

Chu Yunfan felt everyone's eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.Just because others can't do it doesn't mean he can't do it.

With the help of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan has become a master of alchemy.The control over medicinal materials has reached an unparalleled level.

Under his absolute control, six kinds of medicinal materials were successively refined into liquid medicine.Ultimately fused together into one irregular pill.

From the input of medicinal materials to the formation of the elixir.Chu Yunfan only took half an hour!
You know, what Chu Yunfan refined was a fifth-grade elixir.Even if Zhuge Tenglong came to refine it, it would take at least one and a half hours.

Chu Yunfan was three times faster than ordinary alchemists!His alchemy speed was enough to shock the entire Eastern Region.

The pill is formed, as long as there are no accidents, the alchemy will be considered a success this time.

Chu Yunfan sat beside the alchemy furnace with a relaxed expression, controlling the alchemy fire.

In the eyes of outsiders, his demeanor looked like a broken jar.He didn't care about the situation in the alchemy furnace at all.

Twenty minutes later, a dazzling purple light suddenly burst from Zhuge Tenglong's alchemy furnace.

When the soaring purple awns were gone, a jewel-like elixir lay tightly in Zhuge Tenglong's palm, exuding a strong elixir fragrance.

"The sixth-grade low-level pill, Ziling Shuhun Pill!" Someone exclaimed.

The Ziling Soul Washing Pill can wash people's souls and heal soul injuries.Also increases soul power.For alchemists, it is very important.

"Chu Yunfan, don't put on a show there. Hurry up and wait for Elder Zhuge to deal with you." Long Yuan shouted sharply.

"The elixir I refined hasn't been released yet. How do you know I lost?" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

Long Yuan sneered, "Do you think you are the reincarnation of the Alchemy God, or the medicine sage Linchen? Ziling Shuhun Pill is a sixth-grade low-level elixir. You can refine the rubbish elixir in an hour, which can compare with Ziling Shuhun Pill? Stop daydreaming."

The corners of Chu Yunfan's mouth were tilted at 45 degrees, and he said with a sneer, "Open your dog eyes and see clearly, can the elixir refined by this young master be comparable to the Ziling Shuhun elixir."

Chu Yunfan slapped the ground hard, and the lid of the alchemy furnace exploded.A ray of light shot up into the sky, trying to break through the Dan Tower and escape.

Fortunately, Chu Yunfan had expected it a long time ago. At the moment when the streamer rushed up, a big spiritual handprint was formed, and he intercepted it.

In Chu Yunfan's palm, a round pill appeared.The elixir is black and white, which is extremely strange.

"This elixir is called Yin Yang Returning Life Pill, a fifth-grade high-grade elixir. As long as the person still has a breath, it can be saved."

Chu Yunfan's words made everyone's eyes shine.

As long as there is still a breath, people can be saved.It's like having a second life.

Although the Yin Yang Returning Life Pill is a fifth-grade high-level pill, if it can really save people's lives, its value will definitely exceed that of the Ziling Shuhun Pill.

"It's nonsense. As a sixth-grade alchemist, I have never heard of any Yin Yang Returning Life Pill." Zhuge Tenglong said coldly. "Besides, the elixir that can save lives is at least a sixth-grade high-grade elixir, or even a seventh-grade elixir. How can a mere fifth-grade high-grade elixir have such efficacy."

Zhuge Tenglong has absolute authority in the way of alchemy.His words are no different from affirming the value of the Yin Yang Returning Life Pill.

"Having never heard of it can only show that you have little knowledge. You have never heard of many pills in the mainland. Can you deny their value just because you haven't heard of them?" Chu Yunfan said contemptuously.

Zhuge Tenglong's face was livid, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said: "Unless you can prove the efficacy of the Yin Yang Returning Life Pill, otherwise, I will win this competition."

"Want to prove the efficacy of the medicine? It's very simple!" The corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth curled up, and he waved to Long Yuan, signaling him to come over.

Long Yuan bit the bullet and walked towards Chu Yunfan.In his opinion, Chu Yunfan recruited him, absolutely no good.

Sure enough, when Long Yuan walked up to Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan shot like lightning.

The force of the phoenix, the force of the sword, the force of the fire, and the force of the mountain erupted suddenly, all concentrated on Chu Yunfan's right index finger.

"Mysterious Yellow Broken Void Finger!"

Chu Yunfan gave a big drink and pointed towards Long Yuan.


The sky shook and the void shattered.Chu Yunfan's fingers pierced through everything and directly touched Long Yuan's chest.

Long Yuan did not expect that Chu Yunfan would display such a powerful killer move in front of everyone.

Unprepared, he hastily took out a huge golden shield from the space ring and blocked it in front of him.

This huge golden shield is a three-star mid-level defensive weapon.It can withstand the full blow of the five-layer powerhouse in the Zifu.

Although Long Yuan is a strong man in the eighth heaven of Zifu, his family background is average.It is already very good to be able to take out a three-star mid-level defensive spirit weapon.

But Long Yuan still underestimated Chu Yunfan's attack power.

Xuanhuang Poxu Finger is a high-level mysterious martial art. After the improvement of the inspection and replacement function, its power is even greater than ordinary low-level earth-level martial arts.Coupled with the blessing of the four major martial arts, this blow is enough to destroy the world!
Just hearing a "click", a big hole was blasted out of the hard golden giant shield, and Chu Yunfan's finger pierced through the big hole and touched Long Yuan's chest.


Long Yuan opened his mouth and spat out a column of blood, and the whole person flew out backwards.Chu Yunfan's attack directly shattered his internal organs.

Although Long Yuan didn't die immediately, there was only one breath left.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and when everyone reacted, Long Yuan had already fallen to the ground.

"Chu Yunfan, you actually committed an attack in public, killing Long Yuan! According to the rules of the court, this old man can directly execute you!"

Zhuge Tenglong raised his brows upside down, and his eyes showed a fierce look.He was about to attack Chu Yunfan.

"Who said that Long Yuan is dead, and there is Yin Yang Returning Life Pill. Even if he wants to die, he can't think about it!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, walked up to Long Yuan, opened his mouth, and fed him the Yin Yang Returning Life Pill.

After a few breaths, Long Yuan, whose life was dying, turned around unexpectedly.A trace of blood appeared on his paper-pale face.

Under the effect of the Yin Yang Returning to Life Pill, Long Yuan's shattered viscera unexpectedly re-condensed and returned to their original state!
(End of this chapter)

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