Anti-sky file system

Chapter 160 Fighting the Lion Batian

Chapter 160 Fighting the Lion Batian


Shi Batian stomped his feet violently, and his cultivation of the five heavens reached the sky, and his cultivation level exploded.His blood energy was as majestic as the sea, heading straight to the sky.It seems to overturn the entire sky!
Lion Batian is like the king of beasts, with a powerful aura that shocks the world.Every breath exudes a terrifying power, which makes people feel suffocated!
Leng Aotian, Cang Hanyue and others also have the cultivation level of the fifth level of agility.But compared with Shibatian, it is simply not on the same level.

Shi Batian's combat power is comparable to that of the sixth heavenly level, or even the monks of the seventh heavenly level!

Facing Lin Xingyu's attack, Shi Batian just snorted coldly.The cold snort swept across all directions, like a heavy hammer, hitting Lin Xingyu's chest hard, causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards.

Facing Su Lin's attack, Shi Batian just waved his hand, and a monstrous hurricane rolled up, instantly defeating him.

Only Chu Yunfan's Baoshan seal made Shi Batian a little more serious.I saw him stretch out his palm and press slightly towards the void.


The surrounding space trembled violently, and countless space cracks appeared.The majestic Baoshan seal was torn apart in mid-air and exploded.

"My young master is in a good mood today, and I will give you another chance to attack." Shi Batian said arrogantly.

Both Su Lin and Lin Xingyu rushed towards Shi Batian again without hesitation.But the result is still the same as before.The two vomited blood and flew out backwards.

After Su Lin and Lin Xingyu were knocked into the air, Chu Yunfan instantly attacked Shi Batian, and the distance between them was less than five meters!
"Hold the mountain seal!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, clasped his hands together, and once again cast the Hushan Seal, attacking Shibatian.

There was contempt in Shi Batian's eyes, and he pressed towards the void with one hand, the same as before.

Powerful power erupted from his palm and swept across the sky.The huge Baoshan Seal exploded instantly.

At the moment when the Baoshan seal exploded, two balls of light burst out suddenly in Chu Yunfan's eyes!
"Mysterious Yellow Broken Void Finger!"

I saw Chu Yunfan's right hand pointing together, poking towards Shibatian.At the moment when the Xuanhuang Poxu finger was cast, Chu Yunfan focused on two things, his consciousness sank into the WPS file system, and activated the starburst function.

"Copy function, explode!"

"Paste function, explode!"

"Delete function, blast!"

"Cut function, explode!"

"Annotation function, explosive!"

"Blank document function, explosive!"

"Find and replace function, blast!"

Chu Yunfan detonated seven functions in a row, which was the limit that his physical body could bear.

Shi Batian is a strong man of the five heavens, and his strength is powerful.More importantly, Shi Batian is also a traverser, with a system bound in his body.

Under normal circumstances, even if Chu Yunfan would show all his hole cards, it would be impossible for him to be his opponent.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan can only succeed if he looks for an opportunity and takes advantage of his unpreparedness to perform the strongest blow.

After Chu Yunfan detonated the seven functions, his cultivation level soared from the eighth level of innate to the sixth level of Zifu in an instant.

Xuanhuang Poxu refers to shattering the void, piercing the sky and the earth, and attacking Shibatian with the momentum of crushing everything in the sky and earth.

"This kid actually hides his strength!"

Shi Batian's pupils shrank slightly, and immediately, a hideous look appeared on his face.

"Do you think you can defeat this young master with such an attack? What a joke! This young master is invincible!"

Although Chu Yunfan caught him off guard, Shi Batian was, after all, a strong man who reached the fifth heaven.Coupled with the assistance of the beast master system in his body, he displayed powerful martial arts in an instant.

His fist suddenly exploded with a terrifying momentum.The fist wind points, the air collapses and the void shatters.

Xuanhuang Poxu finger collided fiercely with Shi Batian's fist, and after two seconds of stalemate, the two started to dissipate.

"I know that I can't defeat you now. But this battle can't end only by defeating you."

Just when Shi Batian was in a stalemate with Xuanhuang Poxu Finger.Chu Yunfan suddenly appeared beside him.His right fist condensed the strength of his whole body and slammed fiercely towards Shi Batian's chest.

With one punch, all the flesh, bones, and muscles of Chu Yunfan's body exploded, squeezing out a huge force.This force is enough to shatter mountains.

Shi Batian let out a muffled snort, and under the action of a huge force, his body flew upside down and smashed towards the distance.And the place he hit was the Big Dipper Array!
When Shi Batian came to his senses, it was too late, so he had to watch his body fall into the Big Dipper formation.

As Chu Yunfan said, this battle is not over until the Lion Batian is defeated.

With the current strength of the three of Chu Yunfan, no matter how hard they try, they cannot defeat Shi Batian.For them, blasting Shibatian into the Big Dipper formation to trap him is a victory.

"Chu Yunfan, you're slying me! Do you think you can survive by trapping this young master? Impossible!"

Shi Batian was furious. Since he crossed to the Xuanwu Continent, he has been going smoothly and never suffered such a big loss.

I saw him looking up to the sky, and let out an angry roar, the sound was like a lion's roar, and everyone in the entire Beast God Mountain could hear it.

"The descendants of the beasts born in the Beast God Mountain are in the hands of Chu Yunfan of the Jagged Academy! If anyone kills him, hand over the body to my Lion King family. There will be a big reward!"

Although the Big Dipper array can trap people, it cannot stop the sound from spreading.

When Leng Aotian heard Shi Batian's shout, his eyes lit up, and he also shouted loudly: "Whoever can kill Chu Yunfan and hand over the descendant of the beast in his hand to my Hailong Island. My Hailong Island will satisfy his request. And give him a baby dragon!"

The reason why Hailong Island is called Hailong Island is because they have a magical beast that protects the island—Jiaolong!
Jiaolong can also be regarded as the descendant of the real dragon, and there is a trace of the very thin blood of the real dragon in its body.Although there is only a trace, it is enough to make it dominate the monster level.

The island guardian beast of Hailong Island is a pure-blooded flood dragon!No one knows where they got them.

The juvenile dragon that Leng Aotian mentioned is the descendant of that pure blood dragon.Although the blood of the Jiaolong has been diluted again, it is still a Jiaolong after all.Its growth potential is far superior to that of ordinary monsters.

Leng Aotian used the young Jiaolong as a condition, but he was also forced to do nothing.

If you can't bring back the descendants of Suan Ni, hand it over to the Lord.Once the Lord gets angry, the entire Sea Dragon Island will not be spared.

Hearing the shouts of Shi Batian and Leng Aotian, Chu Yunfan's heart suddenly sank.

He did all the calculations, and even missed this point.Now, the three of them will face the frenzied pursuit of all the cultivators who entered the Manghuangtian Valley!

"Not good! We must escape from the Manghuangtian Valley as quickly as possible!"

Chu Yunfan instantly thought of a terrible consequence.

(End of this chapter)

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