Anti-sky file system

Chapter 163 Evolution of Prosperity

Chapter 163 Evolution of Prosperity
"Master, my apprentice obtained the descendants of Suanni in the Manghuangtian Valley. The blood of the real dragon in the descendants of Suanni has been swallowed by me, and together with the blood of the sky and phoenix in my body, it has formed a dragon and phoenix side by side."

"The apprentice feels the power of the blood in his body is getting stronger and stronger. It has already exceeded the limit of the seventh-grade blood. The apprentice is being hunted down by various forces. If the master doesn't come to Nanling soon, the apprentice will not be able to hold on! "

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan crushed the sound transmission jade talisman in his hand.

Li Tian took a fancy to his potential and wanted to use the secret method of seizing the house to seize his body.Therefore, he must not be allowed to die.

Especially after Chu Yunfan said that he had devoured the true dragon blood of Suan Ni's descendants.

Just as Chu Yunfan expected, Li Tian, ​​who was looking for medicinal materials far away in Beiyuan, after receiving Chu Yunfan's distress message, his eyes burst into dazzling light.

"The blood of the real dragon! The dragon and the phoenix stand side by side! There has never been anyone in the Xuanwu Continent who can have two kinds of blood, especially the top blood of the real dragon and the phoenix!"

"The blood of the real dragon and the blood of the phoenix alone are already super blood that surpasses the blood of the seventh rank. If these two bloods can be fused with each other, they will definitely be the number one blood in the mainland!"

Li Tian looked excited and his eyes showed excitement.The greater Chu Yunfan's potential, the higher his achievements after the seizure.

In the next second, Li Tian burst out with murderous aura, sweeping the world.

"Chu Yunfan is mine, no one can touch it!"

Li Tian tore the sky with both hands, and the cultivation base of the Fragmented Void Second Layer burst out, directly tearing the void, forming a domain gate, leading directly to Nanling.

Li Tian's cultivation base is higher than that of the Great Elder of the Battle Tower.Therefore, the domain gate he built is a little closer to the Manghuang Tiangu.

While Li Tian was looking for Chu Yunfan, the Lion King Family, Tianpeng Family, Bahu Family, and the three native Nanling families dispatched their strong family members at the same time to search for Chu Yunfan's whereabouts.

Not only them, almost all major forces have sent top experts.A Dao domain gate opened in Nanling.

Not only the Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses came out of the Domain Gate, but even the Void Shattering Realm powerhouses joined the battle!
Void Broken Realm powerhouses, the ancestors of the top forces, actually took action in person.It can be seen the importance of the descendants of Suan Ni.

Sea Dragon Island, after receiving the sound transmission from his disciples, the island owner was furious!
"Leng Aotian, that trash! You can't even do this little thing well, and he is worthy of being my grandson! Chu Yunfan, right? He dared to rob me of Hailong Island. Even if you have the backing of Jagged Academy, you still have to die!" The owner of Hailong Island was furious.

The owner of Hailong Island not only recruited [-]% of the strong people on the island.He also took the pure-blood dragon, the island guardian beast, from Hailong Island, and rushed to Nanling.

Although the pure-blooded flood dragon is only a late fifth-order monster.But its strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Shattered Void first-tier heavenly expert.

At this time, Chu Yunfan did not run frantically for his life.He is not yet confident that he can escape from the pursuit of several top forces.

Even if the starburst function is activated, he is nothing more than a scumbag from the sixth heaven of the Purple Mansion.He has to face it, but it is a strong man in the Heaven-reaching Realm, or even the Shattering Void Realm.

escape?That's the most stupid thing to do.It is estimated that he was caught before he ran far.

Chu Yunfan gave full play to his strengths.You know, he is not just a monk, he is also an alchemist, a craftsman, and a formation master!

Chu Yunfan found a hidden valley, and took out all the spiritual materials for the formation from the space ring.

According to the existing spiritual materials, he entered the WPS file system, the official website map patch package.Search for the most powerful formation that can be deployed.

Chu Yunfan now has a total of 525 star points, which is enough to buy a sixth-grade array.

But it's a pity that he can only arrange one kind of spiritual material at most, the fifth-grade high-level formation called "Xuantu Hunyuan Formation".Or a fifth-grade mid-level formation called "Earth Dragon Swinging Demon Formation".

Among them, the Xuantu Hunyuan formation is the imperial formation, and the earth dragon swinging demon formation is the killing formation.

Without hesitation, Chu Yunfan chose the Xuantu Hunyuan Formation.

After spending 100 star points to purchase the Xuantu Hunyuan Array, copy and paste the array diagram into a blank document, and learn it instantly.

Although Chu Yunfan used the starburst function, the function detonated by him only dropped from the six-star level to the five-star level.It doesn't affect, learn Xuantu Hunyuan Formation.

After Chu Yunfan learned how to arrange the Xuantu Hunyuan Formation, it took him 10 minutes to successfully arrange it.

In order to hide it better, Chu Yunfan also purchased a third-grade high-level formation, the Mountain Shadow Formation, in the patch package of the formation map on the official website based on the remaining spiritual materials.

Chu Yunfan arranged the Mountain Shadow Formation on the periphery of the Xuantu Hunyuan Formation.The moment the formation was completed, his figure disappeared in the valley and was completely hidden.

Even if someone walked outside the valley, there would be no discovery.

After arranging the formation, Chu Yunfan was slightly relieved.All he can do now is to wait for the rescue of Li Tian and Zhuge Tenglong.

Chu Yunfan released Su Lin, Lin Xingyu, Wang Cai, and the descendants of Suan Ni from the space file.

Both Su Lin and Lin Xingyu were seriously injured and sat paralyzed on the ground.

Wang Cai and the descendants of Suan Ni were also hit hard.Because they are both in the space file, they opened it.The fight was very fierce, and in the end both sides suffered losses.

Wangcai is only a second-order late-stage monster now, so it suffers more serious injuries.

Looking at the descendants of Suan Ni who were covered in bruises, Chu Yunfan suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The descendants of Suan Ni, as descendants of divine beasts, have the blood of real dragons flowing in their bodies.If you use it for your own use, it will definitely become a great help in the future.

But as soon as this idea came out, it was crushed by Chu Yunfan.

The descendants of Suanni and Wangcai are enemies of life and death.Keeping it by your side is a fatal threat to Wangcai.

What's more, if Wangcai wants to evolve, he must devour the descendants of Suanni, the true dragon blood in his body.Whether it is for the safety of Wangcai or the future of Wangcai.The descendants of Suan Ni must die!
Chu Yunfan grabbed the descendant of Suan Ni, and with his arms, he directly crushed his throat!
The descendants of the majestic beast Suanni were just born from the Beast God Mountain, and fell before they grew up.

If the people of Hailong Island knew that the descendants of Suan Ni had been killed by Chu Yunfan, they would definitely go crazy.

Chu Yunfan put the corpse of the descendant of Suanni beside Wangcai, and said softly, "Swallow it."

Wangcai nodded, and a powerful devouring power came out of his mouth.He swallowed all the corpses of the descendants of Suanni into his stomach in one gulp.

After two or three seconds, Wangcai's whole body burst into dazzling green light. Its body was like an emerald, and it was as clear as an elf.


A domineering roar came from Wangcai's throat, shaking the sky, the momentum was terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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