Anti-sky file system

Chapter 168 The Four Great Clans

Chapter 168 Six Great Clans
After Chu Yunfan and others left, Li Tian did not relax, and still confronted everyone.It wasn't until 10 minutes later that he slowly put away the copper pot.

Even if someone builds a domain gate to chase Chu Yunfan now, they will definitely not be able to catch up.

Seeing Li Tian put away the copper pot, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.Hanging heart, can finally let go.

The threat of the copper pot is too great, if Li Tian goes crazy and is desperate.Although it is no match for everyone present.But killing one or two can still be done.

"Everyone, with the opening of the Desolate Sky Valley, all monks under the age of 30 have a chance. My apprentice Chu Yunfan, it is his chance to capture the descendants of Suan Ni, and it is his skill!"

"If you continue to entangle, don't blame me for being shameless, go to your family and sect, and slaughter all your genius successors!" Li Tian said sternly.

Even the major forces would not want to provoke a Void Shattering Realm expert who holds a king weapon.

What's more, the Great Elder of the Battle Tower has brought Chu Yunfan back to the Eastern Region.With the speed of the Great Elder of the Battle Tower, he might have already returned to the Jagged Academy by this time.

As the top power in the Eastern Region, Jagged Academy's strength can be imagined.Unless the major forces put out all their background information and go to war with Jagged Academy, they will have a chance to snatch Chu Yunfan.

This matter is a foregone conclusion, the Bahu family, Tianpeng family, Guyong Dynasty, Shenwu Dynasty and other forces, seeing that the general trend is over, have established domain gates and returned to their own families and sects.

Not all the forces have left, there are still two people standing in place, confronting Li Tian.

These two people are Leng Lingfeng, the owner of Hailong Island, and Shixiong, the patriarch of the Lion King family.

Both Leng Lingfeng and Shi Xiong had reasons for taking Chu Yunfan down.

"Why, do Hailong Island and the Lion King family want to start a war with my Jagged Academy?" Li Tian raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice.

Although Sea Dragon Island and the Lion King family are the top powers in the mainland.But it's just that they have just stepped into the ranks of the top forces.For the two major forces, there is only one Shattering Void Realm powerhouse sitting in command, and they are both Shattering Void First Layer.

In Jagged Academy, there are only two vice presidents, plus the Great Elder of the Battle Tower, there are three Void Shattering Realm experts.

Even if Sea Dragon Island and the Lion King's family join forces, they are definitely not opponents of Jagged Academy.

"Li Tian, ​​when my Sea Dragon Island was opened in the Manghuang Tiangu, I reached an agreement with the four major academies. During this trip to the Manghuang Tiangu, the four major academies will send elite disciples to assist my grandson Leng Aotian and capture the descendants of Suanni."

"But now, after paying a huge price, I, Hailong Island, made a wedding dress for Chu Yunfan. Shouldn't Jagged Academy give me an explanation?" Leng Lingfeng said in a deep voice.

"Manghuang Tiangu depends on their own chances. With the help of the elite disciples of the four major academies, Leng Aotian can't win the descendants of Suan Ni. He can only say that he has no ability and can't blame others." Li Tian said lightly.

Leng Lingfeng's face was as gloomy as water, and he said in a deep voice: "Li Tian, ​​to tell you the truth. I don't want the descendants of Suan Ni from Hailong Island. It's..."

Leng Lingfeng pointed to the sky with his finger.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes, and instantly understood what Leng Lingfeng meant.

As a strong man in the Shattered Void Realm, Li Tian naturally knows some secrets about the mainland.Sea Dragon Island is backed by mysterious forces, and it is not a secret among the top forces.

Although Jagged Academy is powerful, it is not even a star behind the mysterious forces behind Sea Dragon Island.

There are rumors that the mysterious force behind Sea Dragon Island is one of the three ancient clans.

Whether it is the ancient Xuangui clan, the ancient young phoenix clan, or the ancient python emperor clan, none of them can be provoked by Jagged Academy.

The matter of Leng Lingfeng involved too much and was too tricky.Li Tian decided to let it go.

He turned his head to look at Shi Xiong, and said: "The Lion King family, do they also have deals with the Four Great Academies?"

Shi Xiong shook his head, and said, "My Lion King family doesn't want precious blood, but Chu Yunfan, even a corpse!"

Li Tian sneered: "The Lion King family is only able to squeeze into the top power, and dare to be so tough. Could it be that the Lion King family, like Hai Long, has the support of the ancient clan or even the clan?"

Shi Xiong grinned and said very proudly: "Although my Lion King Clan does not have the support of the ancient clan or clan. But my grandson, Shi Batian, has already been favored by the elders of the Shentu Clan and accepted as his apprentice."

"My grandson asked for Chu Yunfan's body by name. As a grandfather, how can I not help him?"

Shi Xiong's words immediately made Li Tian's heart sink.

If you think that the top forces can truly stand at the pinnacle of the mainland, you are completely wrong.

In a power, as long as there are strong Void Shattering Realm masters, it can be called a top power.But after the Shattering Void Realm, there is also the Aspirations Realm, and there are kings beyond the Aspirations Realm!
In addition to the three ancient clans, there are six super powers in the Xuanwu Continent, who have aspirations and even kings.

These six major forces are called the six major clans by the world!
They are: Huangfu Clan, Shentu Clan, Dongfang Clan, Nangong Clan, Ximen Clan and Beitang Clan!

Although these six major clans are somewhat different from the three major ancient clans.But the gap is not that big.

Void-shattering powerhouses can tear apart the void and build domain gates.And the legendary king can use the power of space to build a dimensional space!
The reason why very few people know about the three major ancient clans and the six major clans is because they all live in the dimensional space and will not be born easily.

Shi Batian was able to be favored by the elders of the Shentu clan and accepted as an apprentice, which shows his high aptitude.

This is also the reason why Shi Xiong strongly supports Shi Batian.

Li Tian frowned tightly, twisting into a word of Sichuan.He didn't expect that the matter of Chu Yunfan would involve an ancient clan and a clan.

But if he just gave up on Chu Yunfan, Li Tian would not be reconciled.

Chu Yunfan is the most qualified person he has ever met since he became the vice president of Iron Blood Academy.Missing him, Li Tian will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

After pondering for a while, Li Tian slowly said: "This matter has to be discussed in the long run. How about the two of you returning to Iron Blood Academy with me?"

Leng Lingfeng and Shi Xiong looked at each other and nodded.

Li Tian waved his hands to tear apart the void, constructing a domain gate leading to the Eastern Region.

The three of them passed through the Domain Gate and arrived at the Eastern Domain.

Half an hour later, the three of them returned to Jagged Academy.

After Li Tian led Leng Lingfeng and Shi Xiong to the living room, he cupped his fists towards them and said, "You two wait here for a while, I'll bring Chu Yunfan over."

The reason why Li Tian was anxious to see Chu Yunfan was to see if he had really merged the blood of the real dragon.

Li Tian needs to make a judgment, judge whether Chu Yunfan's potential is worth it, to offend the ancient clan behind Hailong Island, and the Shentu clan behind Shi Batian!

(End of this chapter)

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