Anti-sky file system

Chapter 173 Ginseng Fruit Tree Seedlings

Chapter 173 Ginseng Fruit Tree Seedlings
After solving Tang Yitian's matter, Chu Yunfan turned to look at Ye Qing.Two cold gazes shot out of his eyes, scaring him to death.

With a "plop", Ye Qing fell to his knees in front of the three members of Yunfan Pavilion, and kowtowed vigorously.

While kowtowing, he begged for mercy: "Three brothers, no, three uncles. It's all my fault. Please also ask the three uncles to let me go like a fart, regardless of the fault of the villain."

Saying that, Ye Qing also took off his space ring, and took the initiative to erase the soul imprint on the space ring, and respectfully presented it to the three Yunfan Pavilion members.

"This is all my savings, and I will give it to the three uncles as compensation. If the three uncles think it is not enough, I can also issue an IOU and promise to pay off the debt within three days. I only ask the three uncles to give I have a way out."

Ye Qing also worked hard to survive.

The three members of Yunfan Pavilion were overwhelmed by Ye Qing's actions, they all looked at Chu Yunfan.After seeing Chu Yunfan nodding, the three of them took the space ring.

"Get out!" Chu Yunfan saw that Ye Qing was so sensible, so he didn't make things difficult for him.

Ye Qing quickly left the Lingbao Building as if he had received an amnesty.He swore in his heart that he would never step into the Lingbao Tower again in this life.

"I hope to complete all the handover procedures of Lingbao Building as soon as possible. If the Tang family refuses to accept it, I don't mind letting them get out of East Holy City!"

Chu Yunfan said to Dugu Jian calmly.With his current status, this is completely possible.

"Young Master Chu, don't worry, the Tang family has absolutely no complaints." Dugu Jian said hastily.

Chu Yunfan nodded upon hearing this.

The matter has been settled, Chu Yunfan explained a few words to the members of Yunfan Pavilion, and then went downstairs, preparing to leave Lingbao Building.

Just as he stepped out of the Lingbao Building and was about to return to the Jagged Academy, the quarrels from the shops opposite caught his attention.

"Uncle, my family treated you well back then. Now, my father is bedridden and urgently needs medicinal materials to save his life. In view of the love back then, couldn't you lend a helping hand?"

A young man in patched clothes begged bitterly.

His uncle was bloated and had a fleshy face.Wearing a golden brocade robe, with a warm jade finger ring in his hand, he looks like a wealthy family.It's hard to imagine that a beggar and a top rich man are related by blood.

"Uncle, this is a family heirloom of my family. As long as uncle is willing to save my father, this family heirloom will belong to you, uncle."

The young man gritted his teeth and took out a dry sapling from his bosom.

"Fart's family heirloom, it's just a dead medicinal plant. I have as much garbage as I want in Wanbaozhai! Get out of here quickly, and if you bother me again, I will kill you!"

The young man's uncle kicked him to the ground and said viciously.

Dugu Jian looked at Chu Yunfan with interest when he saw Chu Yunfan.Then he opened his mouth and explained: "The Wanbaozhai opposite is arguably the largest shop in East Holy City. The owner of Wanbaozhai is that fat man named Wang Guhong. And that young man is called Xue Wuhen."

"Wanbaozhai did not belong to Wang Guhong originally, but was owned by Xue Wuhen's family. However, due to some reasons, the Xuejia family fell, Wang Guhong took the opportunity to take Wanbaozhai as his own. Moreover, he drove the Xuejia out of the In East Holy City, the Patriarch of the Xue Family is also Xue Wuhen's father, who cannot afford to be ill. There are rumors that the downfall of the Xue Family is most likely caused by Wang Guhong."

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and two bright lights flashed in his eyes.

He has no interest in the family struggle between Xue Wuhen and Wang Guhong.What really interested him was the dry sapling in Xue Wuhen's hand.

Although the sapling was almost dead, Chu Yunfan felt a seemingly invisible medicinal power from it.

Chu Yunfan secretly activated the annotation function and looked at the dry saplings.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan's eyes shrank slightly.This nearly dead sapling turned out to be a ginseng fruit tree seedling!

Ginseng fruit tree seedlings: Six high-grade medicinal materials.

Drug age: 300 years.

(Sao Nian, ginseng fruit tree seedling, although extremely precious. But it is almost dead now, no different from ordinary medicinal materials. Unless you can use the more precious Taiyi Shenshui to save it.)
(What's more, this ginseng fruit sapling is only 300 years old. Even if you save it, it will be 700 years before it matures! Sao Nian, you have already been buried in the ground at that time. Are you going to crawl out of the ground, Eat ginseng fruit?)
Ginseng fruit tree seedlings are the sixth-grade high-grade medicinal materials.But it is only a seedling.If the ginseng fruit tree seedlings can mature, it will become a king-grade medicinal material, or even surpass a king-grade medicinal material!

The ginseng fruit tree blooms for a thousand years, bears fruit for a thousand years, and matures for a thousand years.It takes a total of 3000 years.

Nine baby ginseng fruits will grow on the tree!Every ginseng fruit is a royal medicinal material!
Spiritual weapons are divided into seven stars, and after the seven-star spiritual weapons, they are king weapons!
The same goes for medicinal materials, after the seventh-grade medicinal materials, there are king-grade medicinal materials!
The same is true for spiritual materials and elixirs. After surpassing the seventh rank, there are king-grade spiritual materials and king-grade elixirs!
Although the seedlings of human fruit trees are only 300 years old, they are not a problem at all with Chu Yunfan!
In the space file he opened, there is ten acres of purple magical land.That piece of purple land can multiply the years of all medicinal materials by ten times in an instant!
If a 300-year-old ginseng fruit tree seedling can be planted in the purple soil of the space file, it will reach 3000 years in an instant and mature directly!
Chu Yunfan has never used the purple land in the space file.It was because he discovered that the purple land is not permanent.

At the beginning, after experimenting with low-level medicinal materials, he found that the purple soil where the medicinal materials had been planted, and the color of the soil, all became lighter.

The purple land in the space file has a total of ten acres.That is 6666 square meters.

Chu Yunfan specially used one square meter of land to conduct experiments.It was concluded that the purple land can only be grown three times!

Every time the medicinal material is used, its color will become lighter.After the third time, the purple land will turn gray and be useless again.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan especially cherishes the opportunity to use the purple land, unless it is a very precious medicinal material.Otherwise, he would never use the purple land.

Ginseng fruit tree seedlings are extremely precious, enough for Chu Yunfan to use the purple land.Of course, Chu Yunfan wants to give birth to it, there are two prerequisites.

First, he needs to be able to get ginseng fruit seedlings.

Second, he must be able to obtain Taiyi Shenshui and revive him.

Chu Yunfan didn't know where Taiyi Shenshui was.But the ginseng fruit seedlings are in front of him now, and he must get them no matter what!

(End of this chapter)

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