Anti-sky file system

Chapter 179 Crazy Breakthrough

Chapter 179 Crazy Breakthrough
After returning to Jagged Academy, Chu Yunfan immediately started alchemy.Refined a kind of elixir called Duanli Xumai Ointment.

Duanli Xumai Ointment is a sixth-grade high-grade elixir.Chu Yunfan bought it and spent a full 500 star points.He has 1202 star points left.

Severed Limb Renewing Pulse Ointment, can reattach severed limbs and hands.But there are two prerequisites.

First, severed limbs and severed hands must be well preserved without any damage.

Second, the time for monks to lose limbs and hands cannot exceed one week.Otherwise, the muscles in the monk's wound will be necrotic, and it will not be possible to continue the connection.

Both of Xue Wuhen's arms had just been broken, so naturally there would be no problem with the connection.

Chu Yunfan took Xue Wuhen's severed arm back, settled him down, and went straight back to the other courtyard.

Chu Yunfan asked Su Lin and Lin Xingyu to guard the door, and no one was allowed to approach.After closing the door, he took out five hundred million taels of treasures from the space ring.


In an instant, the treasures of heaven and earth filled the entire room.The strong medicinal fragrance wafted out.

The [-] million two-day materials and land treasures that Chu Yunfan and the Lion King family asked for were all of the fire attribute.Because only by devouring fire-attributed heaven, material and earth treasures, can his physical realm break through!
Chu Yunfan sat cross-legged on the ground, urging his consciousness to sink into the WPS file system, and switched from the first original file to the second original file.

He took a deep breath, put his hands in front of his body, activated the real dragon blood in his body, and began to devour the treasures of heaven and earth.

Although the Pixiu blood in his body has evolved into the real dragon blood.But the devouring ability has not disappeared.

I saw Chu Yunfan's hands turned into two black holes, swallowing powerful devouring power.Swallow the treasure of heaven, material and earth into the body.

It took Chu Yunfan more than two hours to devour all the treasures worth [-] million taels of heaven and earth.

Chu Yunfan's cultivation has fallen to the first level of innateness because he used the starburst function.

After devouring 4000 million two-day materials and earth treasures, his cultivation directly soared to the ninth heaven of innateness!There is only [-] million taels left to break through to the first layer of Zifu!

Chu Yunfan had already prepared, and saw that he took out another 4000 million taels worth of medicinal materials from the space ring.

These medicinal materials were all brought from the Lingbao building.

After devouring the 4000 million taels of medicinal materials, Chu Yunfan's dantian Lingxuan suddenly changed.

His spiritual spiral began to expand rapidly, and gradually turned purple.After a while, a one-inch-wide purple mansion was opened up.

The moment the Zi Mansion was opened, the ten thousand zhang Zixia suddenly burst out from Chu Yunfan's room, sweeping across the sky.

"Zixia is in the sky, someone has broken through the Zifu Realm. Looking at the direction, it seems to be coming from the Jagged Academy."

"Are you kidding! This is not Zixia volleying in the sky, it is clearly Zixia Mantian! This old man has never seen anyone break through the Zifu Realm and produce such a powerful vision."

"If it is said that in Jagged Academy, whoever breaks through the purple mansion can trigger such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth, it must be Chu Yunfan!"


The aura of heaven and earth in the entire East Holy City was swallowed up by Chu Yunfan.

The majestic spiritual energy, after entering his dantian purple mansion, turned into drops of red spiritual liquid, floating in his purple mansion.

After transforming all the spiritual energy, a total of ten drops of spiritual liquid appeared in Chu Yunfan's Purple Mansion!
The color of the spiritual liquid depends on the attributes of the monk's physique.For monks with fire attributes, the spiritual fluid in the Purple Mansion is red.For monks with a wood-type physique, the spiritual liquid in the Purple Mansion is blue.

As for the amount of spiritual liquid in the Purple Mansion.It depends on the cultivation of the monk.

A cultivator in the first level of the Zifu, in the Dantian Zifu, has ten drops of spiritual liquid.

The cultivator of the second heaven of Zifu, in the Zifu of Dantian, has twenty drops of spiritual liquid.

And so on...

When the spiritual liquid in the Purple Mansion accumulates to a hundred drops, it will turn into a spiritual lake and break through to the spiritual realm!

"After breaking through to the Purple Mansion Realm, the energy unit required to break through the realm has become [-] million taels! Breaking through the second layer of the Purple Mansion requires [-] million taels of natural materials and earth treasures. Breaking through the third layer of the Purple Mansion requires [-] million taels of energy. Treasures of heaven and earth..."

"To break through to the Spiritual Realm, a total of 54 billion taels of natural materials and earthly treasures are needed! My God, kill me!" Chu Yunfan wailed in his heart.

He had just extorted from the Lion King's family, only a billion taels worth of heaven and earth treasures.

The 54 billion taels of natural materials and earthly treasures can only be collected by looting such top forces as the Lion King Family.

"Let's take a step and see. At least I still have ginseng fruit tree seedlings. As long as I can get Taiyi Shenshui, I can save it. Let alone 54 billion taels, it is 150 billion taels, it is not a problem!" Chu Yunfan thought road.

Xue Wuhen said that Taiyi Shenshui is in the Sea God's Palace in the West Sea.

There are five regions in the mainland, and each region has a chance against the sky.

The Holy Tower of Renjie in the Eastern Region, the Manghuang Tiangu in the Nanling Mountains, the Sea God’s Palace in the West Sea, the Shenbing Canyon in the Northern Plains, and the Xuanxu Mirror in Zhongzhou!

According to the exact information obtained by the ancestors of the blood family, when the Sea God's Palace was opened last time, someone had obtained the Supreme One Divine Water in it.

The Sea God's Palace is the same as the Manghuang Tiangu, no one knows how often it will be opened.Chu Yunfan can only pray now that the Sea God's Palace will be opened as soon as possible.

According to the top mission of the True Dragon Bloodline, for every 100 million taels of natural materials and earth treasures swallowed, 1 star point can be obtained.

Chu Yunfan devoured a total of 4000 million taels of natural materials and earthly treasures.Gain 540 star points.Plus the 1202 star points he had left before.

Chu Yunfan now has a total of 1742 star points.

With the breakthrough of Chu Yunfan's cultivation base, Chi Tianjian, who had been conceived in his dantian, also advanced accordingly.It has become a third-grade low-level spiritual weapon.

In addition to Chitianjian, his physical realm has also broken through.

Among the 4000 million two-day treasures that Chu Yunfan devoured, there were [-] million two-day treasures, all of which were of the fire attribute.It is of great help to his physical body.

Originally, Chu Yunfan's physical state had already reached the early stage of the three-talented state.After devouring the five hundred million taels worth of fire-attribute natural materials and earthly treasures.His physical realm has directly soared to the late stage of the third talent realm!It is equivalent to the physical body of a third-order monster in the late stage!

Chu Yunfan stood up, clenched his fist, and punched the void.

In an instant, the void exploded, and sonic booms burst out.Chu Yunfan's casual punch was enough to kill a monk who was born in the ninth heaven.

With his physical body alone, Chu Yunfan was enough to crush all the cultivators in the Zifu Realm.Even cultivators who overwhelm the first and second heavens of the Spiritual Dynamic Realm have no problem.

"Finally broke through to the Purple Mansion Realm." Chu Yunfan opened his eyes, and two fierce lights flashed across them.

"According to the time, Li Tian should come back. If he gives up his evil thoughts, I can still let him go. But if he is obsessed with obsession, then you can't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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