Anti-sky file system

Chapter 202 The 9th Floor of the Holy Tower

Chapter 202 The Ninth Floor of the Holy Tower

Chu Yunfan, who jumped into the sea, felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and he kept falling down.

Chu Yunfan suffered from increasing pressure, his breathing became difficult and his consciousness became blurred.

Just when Chu Yunfan thought he was going to die, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his sight.

A silver light curtain appeared in the ocean.When Chu Yunfan's body passed through the silver light curtain, all the pressure on him disappeared.

All the sea water was blocked from the silver light curtain.Chu Yunfan saw a void gate inside the light curtain.

Excitement appeared on Chu Yunfan's face, he knew he had made the right bet!

There are two aspects to the assessment on the eighth floor of the Holy Tower.

One is wisdom.If the examiner can't comprehend the information given by Renjie Saint Tower, if he stays on the island of death, he will definitely die.

The second is courage.Even the examiner guessed that the sea is the passage to escape from the island of death.But if you dare not fight with your life, it is also a dead end.

The Holy Tower of Heroes has been opened hundreds of times, and there have been several outstanding people who have rushed to the eighth floor of the Holy Tower.But all the people who rushed to the eighth floor died in the end.

Some outstanding people have not understood the information given by the holy tower of outstanding people.Some outstanding people have no courage and jump into the sea.

Only Chu Yunfan dared to risk his life.To bet that the sea is the escape channel of Death Island!

Therefore, Chu Yunfan succeeded.

"The examiner passed the assessment on the eighth floor of the holy tower, and the result is perfect! If the examiner takes a step back, it means that he chooses to leave. He will get the accumulated treasures from the Seven Emotions Tribulation and the eighth floor of the holy tower."

"If the examiner enters the gate of void, it means he chooses to continue. The examiner will enter the ninth floor of the Holy Tower, and the assessment rewards for the first eight floors will be added together with the rewards for the ninth floor."

The old voice sounded slowly.With endless majesty.

"The assessment on the ninth floor of the holy tower is a hundred times more dangerous than the eighth floor! And there is only one chance! If you pass, you will live, if you fail, you will die!"

"Think carefully before making a decision!"

The old voice made Chu Yunfan fall into silence.

The assessment on the eighth floor of the holy pagoda can be said to be a narrow escape, and Chu Yunfan almost died in it.The assessment on the ninth floor is a hundred times more dangerous than that on the eighth floor.

Chu Yunfan was really not sure about surviving on the ninth floor.

Besides, Chu Yunfan believes that it is absolutely impossible for Lion Batian and Leng Aotian to pass the examination on the eighth floor of the holy tower.He didn't even pass the examination on the seventh floor.

With his current achievements, he can definitely win the bet with Hailong Island and the Lion Family.

Chu Yunfan guessed right, Shi Batian only climbed to the sixth floor, and was eliminated.

Because Shi Batian didn't save anyone in the sixth-floor abhorrent calamity, and rushed directly to the gate of void.So was eliminated.

And Leng Aotian was even more unbearable, he only climbed to the fifth floor, and he didn't even pass the love word calamity.

The ranking of the tower body has now been determined.

Chu Yunfan is naturally No.1, but No.2 is not Shibatian, but Lin Xingyu.

Lin Xingyu not only climbed to the seventh floor of the Holy Pagoda, but also survived the Tribulation of Desire.It's just that he had no choice but to continue climbing.

No.3 is also not Shibatian, but Surin!

Like Lin Xingyu, Su Lin also went through the Tribulation of Desire, and did not choose to continue climbing.It's just that Su Lin's test scores were lower than Lin Xingyu's.So it was ranked No.3.

At this time, [-]% of the people who entered the Holy Tower of Renjie were teleported out.Only Chu Yunfan was still in the tower.

"I didn't expect Chu Yunfan to persist for so long on the eighth floor of the Holy Pagoda. Unfortunately, no matter how long he persisted, he still couldn't escape the fate of death."

Shi Xiong said with a sneer, there was no regret in his eyes at all.

"Grand Elder Yunfan is a rare talent, he will definitely pass the eighth-level assessment and return safely!" A member of Yunfan Pavilion retorted loudly.

"It's your turn to intervene when the old man talks!" Shi Xiong snorted coldly, and the aura of Shattering Void Realm slightly dissipated.Then the member of Yunfan Pavilion was blown away.

"In the past thousand years, how many outstanding talents have been born in the Eastern Region. Compared with those peerless geniuses, Chu Yunfan is not even a green onion. Even Feng Yuxiu, who is known as the strongest genius in the Eastern Region, died in the eighth tower of the Holy Tower. The old man doesn't believe it, Chu Yunfan's talent is even more evil than Feng Yuxiu."

The Feng Yuxiu mentioned by Shi Xiong was the most gifted young talent in the Eastern Region a hundred years ago.

At the age of ten, he broke through to the Spiritual Revolving Realm, at the age of 12 to the Xiantian Realm, at the age of fifteen to the Zifu Realm, and to the Spiritual Dynamic Realm. At the age of 22, he became a powerhouse in the Tongtian Realm.Known as the strongest arrogance in the Eastern Region.

However, even though Feng Yuxiu had such a monstrous talent, he still failed the examination and fell to the eighth floor of the holy tower.

The world guessed that if Feng Yuxiu hadn't entered the Holy Tower of Renjie, he would have become the king in the end, and even become a supreme existence beyond the king.

Before Shi Xiong could finish his words, Renjie Shengta suddenly let out a heavy bell.Endless divine light erupted from the tower and turned into a monstrous wave, sweeping across the world.

"what happened!"

Everyone looked towards the Holy Tower of Renjie. The face of Chu Yunfan, which was originally on the eighth floor of the holy tower, moved upwards and appeared on the ninth floor!
Shi Xiong just finished speaking, Chu Yunfan will definitely die on the eighth floor of the holy tower.In the blink of an eye, Chu Yunfan climbed to the ninth floor of the holy tower.

It was like a loud slap in the face of Shi Xiong.

"Impossible! Since the opening of the Holy Tower of Renjie, no one has climbed to the ninth floor!" Shi Xiong looked at the Holy Tower of Renjie and shouted.

Not only Shi Xiong, but everyone was shocked.

"Chu Yunfan not only broke the curse that no one has passed the eighth floor of the holy tower alive for thousands of years, he even climbed to the ninth floor of the holy tower!"

"A hundred years ago, Feng Yuxiu, who was known as the strongest genius in the Eastern Region, died on the eighth floor of the holy tower. Chu Yunfan passed the assessment. Doesn't it mean that Chu Yunfan's talent is stronger than Feng Yuxiu!"

"The No.1 outstanding man in the Eastern Region, Chu Yunfan deserves his name! With his talent, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the king!"


Listening to the praise of Chu Yunfan from all around, Leng Lingfeng and Shi Xiong looked at each other, both of them had murderous intent in their eyes.

Hailongdao and the Lion King family have already had a big feud with Chu Yunfan.The more evil Chu Yunfan's talent is, the more determined Leng Lingfeng and Shi Xiong are to get rid of him!
In the Holy Tower of Renjie, although Chu Yunfan wanted to give up.But he has an intuition that if he gives up, he will miss a great opportunity.

"A monk's practice requires not only training Qi and body, but also training his mind! Since I have a heart, let me stay and continue climbing!"

"Even if the assessment on the ninth floor is extremely dangerous, there is a narrow chance of death! I have to follow my heart and go for it!"

Chu Yunfan gritted his teeth, raised his right leg, and stepped into the void door.

(End of this chapter)

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