Anti-sky file system

Chapter 209 Blood Wuhen Binding Beastmaster System

Chapter 209 Blood Wuhen Binding Beastmaster System
Chu Yunfan turned to look at Su Lin and Lin Xingyu.Said: "It's time to go, otherwise people from Hailong Island and the Lion King family will rush back."

Su Lin and Lin Xingyu both walked out of the team upon hearing the words.

The Great Elder of Zhanta said in surprise: "Are you two also fleeing with Chu Yunfan? You didn't offend Hailong Island and the Lion King's family, so you can stay in Jagged Academy."

Su Lin and Lin Xingyu are both the top talents of Jagged Academy.Their departure is definitely a great loss to Jagged Academy.

"Great Elder, as the saying goes, brothers are of one heart, and their benefits cut through gold. It's just Hailong Island and the Lion King family. Look at our brothers and challenge them!" Su Lin said in a heroic manner.

Lin Xingyu didn't say a word, but there was murderous intent in his eyes.People from Hailong Island and the Lion King family were already on his must-kill list.

Chu Yunfan looked around, cupped his hands towards the people of Jagged Academy, and said in a deep voice:

"Thank you for taking care of me from the Jagged Academy. Although I, Chu Yunfan, have betrayed the Jagged Academy, if the academy is useful to me in the future, I will never frown even if I go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire."

After all, Chu Yunfan ordered the blood corpse Litian to tear apart the void and build a domain gate.

The domain gate opened, Chu Yunfan walked into the domain gate with the blood corpses Li Tian and Xue Wuhen, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Su Lin and Lin Xingyu clasped their fists towards everyone in Jagged Academy at the same time, turned and stepped into the domain gate.

Not long after Chu Yunfan and the others left through the domain gate.Leng Lingfeng came galloping from a distance with the strong man from Sea Dragon Island.

At the same time, Shi Xiong also rushed to the East Holy City with the strong men of the Lion King family.

When the two parties learned that Chu Yunfan had left through the domain gate, they were extremely resentful.Because they didn't know where Chu Yunfan and the others went.

It is possible for Chu Yunfan and the others to go to the five regions of Eastern Region, Nanling, Xihai, Beiyuan, and Zhongzhou.

If you want to locate the position of the domain gate, you can only do it unless you are a strong person above the Aspirations Realm.

"Even if we dig three feet into the ground, I, Hailong Island, will find Chu Yunfan!" Leng Lingfeng said murderously.

Hailong Island and the Lion King family mobilized all their forces to search for Chu Yunfan's whereabouts in the Xuanwu Continent.

At this time, Chu Yunfan, with Su Lin and others, appeared among the high mountains.The place where they are located is Nanling where the Lion King family is located!

The reason why I came to Nanling is because the tomb of the strong in Li Tian's memory is here.

Chu Yunfan took Su Lin and others to find a secluded cave.

After entering the cave, Chu Yunfan turned his head to look at Xue Wuhen, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to give you a heaven-defying good fortune to reach the top, but the process will be very painful, I hope you are prepared."

After careful consideration, Chu Yunfan decided to use the Beastmaster system that he had taken from Shibatian,

The Beastmaster system will change the physique of the host, allowing the host to have the bloodline of the Beastmaster in the body, which can devour the bloodlines of monster beasts and monks.

Xue Wuhen is not the original host of the Beastmaster system, but as the second host, if he is forcibly bound to the Beastmaster system.There must be inhuman pain.

Chu Yunfan hoped that Su Lin would be prepared in advance.

"As long as I can become a strong person, I can bear even skin cramps and marrow replacement!" Xue Wuhen clenched his fists and said firmly.

If you want to be strong, you must pay the price.In order to climb to the top, enduring a little pain is nothing!
Xue Wuhen knew his potential, breaking through the Heaven-reaching Realm was already the limit.It is absolutely impossible to become a real strong man.

Therefore, he cherishes the opportunity Chu Yunfan gave him.

Chu Yunfan nodded, and said solemnly: "Xue Wuhen, a strange energy will invade your sea of ​​consciousness in a while, you must not resist."

Xue Wuhen nodded vigorously, and strictly followed Chu Yunfan's words.

Chu Yunfan took a deep breath, held his breath, stretched out his right hand, and pressed on Xue Wuhen's brow.His consciousness instantly sank into the WPS file system, and he began to activate the cutting function.

With the activation of the cutting function, the WPS file system sent out a strange energy, along Chu Yunfan's right hand, invaded Xue Wuhen's sea of ​​consciousness, and projected all his memories in the first original file.

Chu Yunfan did not go to watch Xue Wuhen's memory, but quickly entered the official website, found the Scarlet King icon of the Beastmaster system, and used the cut function on it.Then paste it into Xue Wuhen's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Blood veins popped up on Xue Wuhen's forehead, and he gritted his teeth and let out a muffled groan.

Xue Wuhen clearly felt that something suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, like a sharp needle, it was inserted into his sea of ​​consciousness fiercely, causing him great pain.

If it wasn't for what Chu Yunfan said, he wouldn't be able to resist.Xue Wuhen must use his soul power to force him out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

After a while, Xue Wuhen felt that the pain in the sea of ​​consciousness gradually began to weaken.

"Is it over?" Xue Wuhen opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan shook his head and said, "This is just the beginning. Stimulate your soul power and look inside your sea of ​​consciousness. You will find that there is a bloody king character imprint deep in the sea of ​​consciousness."

Hearing this, Xue Wuhen quickly closed his eyes and looked into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He was surprised to find that what Chu Yunfan said was floating in the center of his sea of ​​consciousness, shining with a faint red halo, which was extremely strange.

"Xue Wuhen stimulates your consciousness and touches the red king character mark. It may be very painful, so you must hold back!" Chu Yunfan instructed.

Xue Wuhen nodded, and according to Chu Yunfan's instructions, he urged his consciousness to point to the Beastmaster system.The moment his consciousness touched the Beastmaster system, a sudden change occurred!

The Beastmaster system, which was originally transformed into the icon of the blood-colored king, suddenly burst into red light and turned into a surging wave, instantly submerging the bloodless sea of ​​consciousness.

A mechanical system notification sound echoed in the sea of ​​blood without trace.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Xue Wuhen for binding the Beastmaster system."

"Ding, the beast king's blood is implanted, changing the host's physique!"

Before Xue Wuhen could react, the beast master system in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly burst into the sky with blood, exuding monstrous beast power.

The blood glow passed through the sea of ​​consciousness, and rushed to Xue Wuhen's blood meridians, limbs and bones.began to modify his body.


Xue Wuhen looked up to the sky and let out a hoarse cry.Forcibly binding the Beast Master system made him miserable.

Xue Wuhen really wanted to roll his eyes and pass out.But with the assistance of the Beastmaster system, his spirit is extremely clear.There is absolutely no intention of being in a coma.

As time went by, Xue Wuhen's screams, instead of weakening at all, became louder and louder.In the end, his throat was hoarse and he couldn't make a sound.

The blood glow in Xue Wuhen's body is changing his physique bit by bit.Let the mortal blood in his body transform into the blood of the beast king that can devour the blood of monsters and monks!
(End of this chapter)

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