Anti-sky file system

Chapter 235 City Auction

Chapter 235 Hundred Cities Auction

At this moment, there are only two days left before the Hundred Cities Auction in Stormwind City.

After setting up everything in the Yunfan Pavilion, Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji took the flying monster to Stormwind City.

Chu Yunfan did not let Su Lin and others follow, because the Lion King family was searching for their whereabouts.Together they act on too big a target and are easy to spot.

Chifeng City is thousands of miles away from Stormwind City.Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji were riding a third-tier late-stage flying monster.

It was the evening of the second day when the two felt Stormwind City.

Stormwind City is a well-known big city in the northwest of Nanling.Equivalent to ten Chifeng cities.

After Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji entered the city, they randomly found an inn to rest.

In a blink of an eye it was the next day.

Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji got up early and went to the Stormwind Pavilion in the center of Stormwind City.That is where the Hundred Cities Auction will be held.

As the landmark building of Stormwind City, Stormwind Pavilion is naturally resplendent and majestic.

At the entrance of the Storm Pavilion, two rows of silver armored guards stood neatly, and each guard had a nimble cultivation.They are strictly checking, guest invitation posts.

The Hundred Cities Auction is not something that anyone can come to if they want to.

Only those who have received the invitation from the Storm Pavilion will be eligible to participate in the Hundred Cities Auction.

Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji walked up to the guards of the Storm Pavilion.Mo Tianji took out a jade sticker, and on the front of the jade sticker was written a large Chinese character in gilt.

Under the herringbone, there is also a line of small characters written, Mojia in Chifeng City.

Invitation posts for Storm Pavilion are only sent to third-rate or higher forces in one hundred cities.

The first-class forces sent invitations in Tianzi.

The second-rate forces sent invitations in the local characters.

The third-rate forces sent invitations in Chinese characters.

As for the top powers, a small Hundred Cities Auction is not enough to attract top powers to participate.

With the assets of the Mo family and the collateral of the Mo family, it can barely reach the standard of a third-rate force.Therefore, the Mo family got an invitation card in Chinese characters.

After checking the authenticity of the invitation, the guards of the Storm Pavilion ordered Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji to enter the Storm Pavilion.

Different levels of invitations correspond to different positions.

Those who hold the Tianzi invitation card will be taken to the distinguished Tianzi box.The person holding the invitation card with the characters of the land will be taken to the ordinary box with the characters of the land.And the person holding the herringbone invitation card can only sit in the lobby.

Chu Yunfan and Mo Tianji were taken to the two seats in the east of the hall.

In each auction, in addition to auction items, there is also a special consignment office.Storm Pavilion is no exception.

Guests participating in the auction can place some natural treasures at the consignment office of the Storm Pavilion for auction.Storm Pavilion will charge a certain fee from it.

Chu Yunfan got up and walked towards the consignment office of the Storm Pavilion.He came to participate in this Hundred Cities Auction.The main purpose is to sell the unused exercises and martial arts.

There are two rooms in the consignment office, with door plates hanging on the entrances of the rooms.The one on the left is low-level, and the one on the right is high-level.

The advanced consignment office has certain requirements for consignment items, and only when the items reach a certain value will they be accepted.The low-level consignment offices have lower requirements for consignment items.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Yunfan walked directly into the high-end consignment office.

The appraiser sitting in the high-end consignment office is an old man over sixty years old.He glanced at Chu Yunfan lightly, then lowered his head and went about his own business.

In his opinion, what kind of things can a young man of seventeen or eighteen, dressed in ordinary clothes, come to sell on consignment.

"Excuse me, can I sell things on consignment here?" Chu Yunfan asked politely.

"Low-level items are not accepted here. When you go out, turn right and go to the low-level consignment office." The old man said in a blunt tone without raising his head.

"The items I consign are very precious." Chu Yunfan explained.

The old man sneered and didn't even bother to reply.

Chu Yunfan was extremely angry, turned his head and walked out of the high-end consignment office. "Let you sneer, and you will beg me later."

Walking into the low-level consignment office, without saying a word, Chu Yunfan directly took out a set of local-level low-level exercises from the interspatial ring and placed them on the table.

The treasure appraiser sitting in the low-level consignment office originally wanted to get angry, but when he saw the exercises on the table, his grade turned out to be low-level.The appraiser's face suddenly changed.

He quickly picked up the exercises and checked them carefully.After confirming the authenticity of the exercises, the appraiser said with a flattering look on his face, "My distinguished guest, please wait a moment. I'll call the senior appraiser over."

With that said, he got up and walked to the high-end consignment office next door to find the old man.

Although, the appraiser can be sure that the earth-level low-level exercises that Chu Yunfan produced are absolutely genuine.But the low-level exercises of the earth level are already considered treasures.It's not him, a treasure appraiser at a low-level consignment office, who can identify it.Only senior appraisers can do it.

The old man who was over sixty years old came excitedly, and when he saw Chu Yunfan, his face changed slightly.

"Xiao Wang, the earth-level low-level exercises you mentioned, could it be provided by this young man?"

"Old Li, this is the son." The appraiser known as Xiao Wang replied.

Li Tianlong snorted coldly, he ignored Chu Yunfan, walked directly to the table, picked up the low-level exercises of the earth level, and began to appraise them.

After a few seconds, Li Tianlong's face suddenly became ugly.It can be seen from his expression that the earth-level low-level exercises are absolutely true.

"Can it be consigned now?" Chu Yunfan asked with a sneer.

"Yes," Li Tianlong said reluctantly.

"I didn't ask you!" Chu Yunfan bypassed Li Tianlong, walked up to the treasure appraiser known as Xiao Wang, and said, "Can I sell it on consignment?"

Li Tianlong's face turned red. Since he became a senior appraiser of Zhenbao Pavilion, no one has ever treated him like this.

"Ah, young master, your items are too precious, and low-level consignment offices are not qualified to consign them." Xiao Li, a treasure appraiser, said in a daze.

Li Tianlong sneered, waiting for Chu Yunfan to speak.Unexpectedly, Chu Yunfan bypassed Li Tianlong again, completely treating him as air.

Li Tianlong's face darkened in an instant, "It's just a low-level local practice, and I won't accept it in the Storm Pavilion. Come here, blow this person out of the Storm Pavilion, and disqualify him from participating in the auction!"

Li Tianlong shouted angrily towards the door.

As soon as his voice fell, a team of guards rushed into the consignment office.Ready to capture Chu Yunfan.

As the senior treasure appraiser of Storm Pavilion, Li Tianlong has a very distinguished status.Has the right to disqualify others from participating in the auction.Of course, this power is only aimed at third-rate forces.

If it is a first-rate or second-rate force, unless it is the pavilion master who speaks.

But looking at Chu Yunfan's attire, Li Tianlong concluded that he was not a member of the first-rate or second-rate forces.

(End of this chapter)

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