Anti-sky file system

Chapter 240: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 240: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Ye Feiyue had a panoramic view of everyone's demeanor, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

"Millennium Zijin Dragon King Ginseng, the starting price is 5000 million taels, and the auction starts now!" Ye Feiyue announced.

Ye Feiyue's voice had not yet fallen completely, a rough and strong man stood up and shouted:
"I'll pay 6000 taels!"

But his voice was drowned out by other people's bidding in an instant.

"Sixty-five million taels!"

"7000 taels!"

"Seventy-five million taels!"


After a while, the price of the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng has reached 5000 million taels, and it is still rising.

"Three hundred million taels! Old man, the great elder of the Wind Snake Clan, I hope all my friends will give this old man a thin face. Give this thousand-year-old Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng to my Wind Snake Clan."

Inside the Dizi No. 5000, a deep voice suddenly came out, directly raising the price of the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng by [-] million taels.

"It's just the Wind Snake family, the bottom of a second-rate force, how much is your face worth?" A sneer came from Room No. 3000, "My Huo Niao family, the price is [-] million taels!"

"My Violent Bear family, I bid 5000 million taels!" The person in the No. [-] room bid.

"The royal family of Yueyun City, bid 7000 million taels!"


Those who are still bidding at this time are all people from the Tianzi box and the Dizi box.Everyone in the hall has given up bidding.

The price of more than [-] million taels is not affordable by ordinary third-rate forces.

In a short while, the price of the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng broke through the [-] million mark.

After the price exceeded [-] million taels, many forces shook their heads and gave up the fight.There are only two forces left in the field still bidding.

These two forces are first-class forces sitting in the Tianzi box.

"2000 taels!" The person in Room No. [-] of Tianzi bid.

"5000 taels!" The person in room No. [-] of Tianzi hesitated for a long time, and said.

Room No. [-] of Tianzi was silent, and finally he gave up the fight.Just when everyone thought that the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng would be photographed by the people in room No. [-] of Tianzi.

A cold voice suddenly came from the hall.

"Six hundred million taels!"

The bidder was none other than Chu Yunfan!

All eyes were on Chu Yunfan.

"Which force is this person from? I've never heard of it before."

"There is a third-rate force, can you take out [-] million taels at once? He must not be the son of some first-rate force."

"It's possible. The only ones who dare to provoke the Gu family head-on are probably only people from the first-class forces."

Many people are guessing in their hearts, Chu Yunfan's identity.

The people in Room No. [-] of Tianzi were stunned when they saw Chu Yunfan's bid.

In the end, the people in Room No. 5000 of Tianzi shook their heads and gave up the fight.Five hundred and fifty million taels is already the limit he can get out of the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng.

Although the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng is very precious, this is only the third auctioned item.There are also two finale auction items that need to be bid by him.

The people in Room No. [-] of Tianzi, after withdrawing from the auction.Ye Feiyue held the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng and shouted loudly:

"Thousand-year Zijin Dragon King Ginseng, [-] million taels for the first time!"

"Thousand-year Zijin Dragon King Ginseng, [-] million taels for the second time!"

Just when Ye Feiyue raised the gavel in her hand and was about to knock it down, Gu Chaofan made a bid, directly increasing the price of the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng by [-] million taels!

"Seven hundred million taels!"

Gu Chaofan in Room No. [-] of Tianzi said with a ferocious expression: "A poor ghost of a third-rate force dared to trick me. He made me buy three local-level exercises and martial arts at a high price. Do you want to buy the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng? No!" If you spend more than a billion yuan, don't even think about buying it!"

Gu Chaofan concluded that Chu Yunfan really wanted to buy the Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng, so he wanted to use his own way to treat his own body.

Chu Yunfan, who was sitting in the lobby, raised his eyebrows and sneered at the corner of his mouth when he heard Gu Chaofan's bid.

"If you don't die, you won't die. How dare you drive up the price here. Since you stretched out your face, of course I will hit you back hard!"

Chu Yunfan said coldly: "Eight hundred million taels!"

"Nine hundred million taels!" Gu Chaofan shouted without thinking.

"One billion taels!" Chu Yunfan continued to follow the price.

"11 billion taels!" Gu Chaofan shouted coldly.

Every time the two increase the price, it is [-] million taels.All the people who participated in the auction were stunned.

Sure enough, rich and willful!
Just when everyone thought that Chu Yunfan would continue to increase the price.Chu Yunfan suddenly made a movement.

I saw him raising his right hand high, pointing at Tianzi No. [-] room, and shouted in a cold voice: "I want to ask Baofeng Pavilion to verify the funds of Tianzi No. [-] room. I doubt he can afford so much money!"

"According to the rules of the auction, there are those who can't afford the high price. At the least, they will be kicked out of the auction and blacklisted, and they will not be allowed to enter again for life. At worst, they will have their tendons and tendons broken, and their cultivation will be abolished. "

Chu Yunfan's words made Gu Chaofan's heart skip a beat, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Although he is the young master of a first-class force, the family only gave him 15 billion taels of silver in this auction.

The purchase of "Clouds Rolling and Residual Clouds", "Flaming God of War", and "Roaring Dragon" has already cost 13 taels.How could he come up with another 3 billion taels.

A few minutes later, Ye Feiyue announced that Gu Chaofan did not have enough funds and deliberately disrupted the auction.Disqualify it from bidding and blast it out of the Storm Pavilion.

Everyone was stunned, and no one thought that the young master of the Gu family, a first-rate force, would end up in such a state.

This is still the result of Baofeng Pavilion's handling for the face of the Gu family.Otherwise, according to the rules of the Storm Pavilion, Gu Chaofan would definitely be abolished.

Gu Chaofan and Gu's elders left Room No. [-] in Tianzi in disgrace.

"Boy, this young master remembers you! As long as you dare to step out of the Storm Pavilion, this young master will definitely tear you to pieces!" Gu Chaofan said to Chu Yunfan, gnashing his teeth.

Chu Yunfan didn't take Gu Chaofan's threats to heart at all.

It's just a young master of a first-class force, and he can kill the young masters of Hailong Island and the Lion King family.Let alone Gu Chaofan.

If Gu Chaofan obediently leaves the Storm Pavilion and returns to the Gu family's city, that's all.If it was Gu Chaofan, he would really dare to ambush him outside the Storm Pavilion.Chu Yunfan doesn't mind sending Gu Chaofan off to Nether to report for duty!

"Because Gu Chaofan failed to come up with 11 billion taels of silver. Therefore, the millennium Zijin Dragon King Ginseng was finally auctioned to this young master at a price of one billion taels of silver." Ye Feiyue pointed at Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan nodded, got up with Mo Tianji, and walked towards the backstage of Baofeng Pavilion.

The Millennium Purple Gold Dragon King Ginseng has arrived.There is no need for him to continue to stay in the Storm Pavilion.

Chu Yunfan had no interest in the remaining two finale auction items.He decided to go to the backstage to get the money from the auction of exercises and martial arts, and then left Storm Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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