Anti-sky file system

Chapter 343 The Deadly Thunderstorm

Chapter 343 The Deadly Thunderstorm

The elder of the Aspiration Realm is named Xuan Shan.The cultivation base has reached the fifth heaven.

Xuan Shan followed Chu Yunfan and Su Lin and left the dimensional space.According to the direction Chu Yunfan pointed out, a domain gate was built, leading directly to the Thunder Empire in the Eastern Region, Chihu County City.

Chu Yunfan and Su Lin returned to Chihu County City again.Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

The two walked along the street slowly towards the Su Mansion.Xuan Shan followed behind them like a follower.

As they walked, the expressions of Chu Yunfan and Su Lin changed at the same time.

Because, they didn't even sense the aura of Su Lin's father, Su Muqiu, the patriarch of the Su clan in the city of Chihu County.

Not only Su Muqiu, but even the auras of several elders whom the two of them are more familiar with also failed to sense.

"Did something happen to the Su family?"

The eyes of both of them shrank at the same time, and they rushed towards the Su Mansion at high speed.

After a few breaths, the two ran to the gate of Su Mansion, looking at the dilapidated courtyard, their eyes were full of anger!
"Who moved my Su family!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes were bloodshot, he roared to the sky, and his voice spread throughout Chihu County.

"Who dares to cause trouble in my city of Chihu County!"

A stream of light shot from the City Lord's Mansion soaring towards the Su Mansion.

The person who came was the city lord of Chihu County—Chu Fengyun, whose cultivation had reached the third heaven of Zifu.

In a remote and small country like the Thunder Empire, the Zifu Sanchongtian can already be regarded as a vassal.

As the city lord of Chihu County, Chu Fengyun had an impression of both Chu Yunfan and Su Lin.When he saw the faces of the two of them clearly, he couldn't help being frightened, and turned around and ran away.

"City Lord Chu, why are you running away? Did you do something to offend us?" Chu Yunfan appeared in front of him in an instant, and said in a cold voice.

Chu Fengyun felt cold all over, and a gust of cold air rushed from the soles of his feet directly to the top of his head.

The fact that Chu Yunfan could appear in front of him instantly could only show that Chu Yunfan's cultivation was far superior to his.He had no chance of escaping.

Chu Fengyun fell to his knees with a "plop", and shouted: "Young friend Yunfan, the matters of the Su family are none of my business, they are all orders from the royal family. I am only responsible for carrying out the orders."

Chu Yunfan's face darkened, and a bad premonition came to his heart instantly.

He kicked Chu Fengyun to the ground with one kick, and the aura of the fifth heaven burst out, rolling towards Chu Fengyun.

"Tell me everything you know. If there is any concealment, I will not only kill you, but also your nine clans!" Chu Yunfan said sharply, the cold murderous aura is enough to tear apart Jiutian.

"Heavenly Realm Powerhouse!"

Chu Fengyun's hair stood on end, and he didn't dare to hide anything.He told Chu Yunfan everything he knew.

It turned out that Chu Yunfan and Su Lin were in Thunder Empire.King Thunderstorm has already held a grudge against them.

It's just that at that time, both Chu Yunfan and Su Lin had already been admitted to the Jagged Academy.Thunderstorm even wanted revenge.He could only suppress the anger in his heart.

But a few months ago, Thunderstorm got the message by chance.Chu Yunfan and Su Lin offended the legendary Shentu clan and the ancient Manghuang clan.Established forces were uprooted.

Chu Yunfan and Su Lin did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"Even if the top experts in the mainland offend the Shentu Clan and the Ancient Manghuang Clan, there is only one way to die. How could Chu Yunfan and Su Lin survive?" Lei Tian secretly thought.

He immediately ordered people to arrest all members of the Su clan and bring them back to the imperial city.

The thunderstorm will bring Chu Yunfan and Su Lin shame on him.From the members of the Su clan, ask for everything back!
"That is to say, you personally suppressed the members of the Su clan to go to the imperial city?" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

"Yes... yes" Chu Fengyun bit the bullet and admitted.

Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed a cold light, just when he was about to make a move to finish Chu Fengyun.Chu Yunfan suddenly shouted in a fast tone:
"Little friend Yunfan, there are two collateral descendants of the Su family in my house. These were the ones I tried my best to protect behind the king's back."

Chu Yunfan's hand stopped one centimeter above Chu Fengyun's head.If Chu Fengyun had spoken a little slower, Chu Yunfan would have taken his life now.

"There are two collateral children of the Su family in your house?" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

"It's absolutely true. One is called Su Mu and the other is called Su Shi. They both come from the Su family in Anyuan City."

When Chu Fengyun carried out Lei Tian's order, he was careful.He was afraid that Chu Yunfan and Su Lin would return to the Thunder Empire if they were not dead.

So, when Thunderstorm ordered the arrest of the Su clan, all members of the clan.Secretly detained two collateral children and locked them in the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion.

Anyway, there are many collateral branches of the Su family, and it is impossible for Thunderstorm to find out if two people are missing.

"Su Mu and Su Shi, I have a little impression of these two collateral descendants." Su Lin recalled it carefully and said.

Chu Yunfan nodded, and said coldly to Chu Fengyun, "Take us to see Su Mu and Su Shi."

Chu Fengyun hurriedly led the way, brought Chu Yunfan and the three into the City Lord's Mansion, and handed over Su Mu and Su Shi in the dungeon to him.

"Master Su Lin!"

Su Mu and Su Shi recognized Su Lin at a glance.

Su Mu suddenly pointed at Chu Fengyun, and shouted: "Master Su Lin, run quickly, everyone in the Su family has been captured by this demon and taken to the imperial city!"

Su Lin felt a pain in his heart, and he quickly comforted the two of them, "It's okay, with Yunfan and I here, the Su family will be fine."

Seeing that Su Mu and Su Shi had no injuries, Chu Yunfan felt relieved.He turned his head to look at Chu Fengyun, and said coldly: "Although you saved two collateral disciples of the Su family, the death penalty is inevitable, but the living penalty cannot be escaped! Discard your two legs, so that you can grow your memory!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan waved his right hand, and an invisible force was like a whip, slamming on the knees of Chu Fengyun's legs.


Chu Fengyun's knee shattered.Unless there is a pill like Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill.Otherwise, he would never even think about standing up again in his life.

Both Su Mu and Su Shi were dumbfounded.

Chu Fengyun is the city lord of Chihu County, a strong man in the third heaven of Zifu, even the patriarch Su Chunqiu can't match him.

It turned out to be like this, and both legs were crippled by Chu Yunfan's casual blow.Both felt a little unreal.

"Xuanshan, open the domain gate and go to the imperial city!" Chu Yunfan ordered.

Xuan Shan, who had been following behind Chu Yunfan, stepped forward with one step, tearing the sky with both hands, and a domain gate was constructed.

"Domain... domain gate! Only those who are above the Shattering Void Realm can build a domain gate!"

Chu Fengyun's eyes narrowed suddenly, and they were as big as copper bells.He did not expect that the follower behind Chu Yunfan turned out to be a strong man above the Shattering Void Realm!
"The royal family is over!" Chu Fengyun seemed to have seen the scene when the royal family was wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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