Anti-sky file system

Chapter 349 Battle against Nangong Wentian

Chapter 349 Battle against Nangong Wentian
Although the Nangong clan has a young master, everyone in the clan knows that Nangong Hanqing is the No.1 of the younger generation.

If it wasn't for the fact that Nangong Hanqing was a daughter.The position of young master of the Nangong clan is definitely hers.

"Chu Yunfan, don't be too arrogant. If you don't have the support of the six ancient towns and the ancient Xuangui clan, what are you!"

Nangong Hanqing's words were very blunt.

As the six ancient towns appeared before people's eyes, the relevant information of Xuangui Ancient Town was also discovered by the three ancient clans and the six clans.They also understood the relationship between the six ancient towns and the Xuangui Ancient Clan.

From Nangong Hanqing's point of view, everything that Chu Yunfan has gained is due to the existence of the ancient Xuangui clan and the six ancient towns.If he left them, Chu Yunfan would be nothing.

"Yunfan Pavilion is just a small top-level force. There are only a few monks in the Shattered Void Realm in the pavilion, and the people with the highest cultivation have not even reached the fifth heaven of Shattered Void. With this strength, you want to A servant of my Nangong clan, implement the rules you made? Are you worthy?"

Nangong Hanqing looked at Chu Yunfan contemptuously, and said with great disdain.

"So, you don't believe in my Yunfan Pavilion's strength?" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Not only do I not believe in the strength of Yunfan Pavilion, but I also don't believe in your strength. I don't believe that you still abuse the monks who have broken the five heavens!" Nangong Hanqing's eyes were full of The color of doubt.

Chu Yunfan touched his nose and said: "In this case, I will fight with you. If I win, you ask the servants of the Nangong clan to move back to the dimensional space. If I lose, I will no longer be in Yunfan Pavilion." How about stepping into the Nantian Mountains for thousands of miles, let alone punishing the servants of the Nangong Clan?"

"Just because you want to challenge me? You fight the young master of my clan first, and we'll talk after you win." Nangong Hanqing spoke with great pride.

The young master of the Nangong clan is named Nangong Wentian.Although not as good as Nangong Hanqing, he is also the second member of the younger generation of the clan, and his cultivation has reached the Third Heaven of Shattering Void.

Nangong Hanqing was like a patriarch, directly ordering the elder beside him to bring Nangong Wentian.

After a while, Nangong Wentian rushed over from the dimension space of the Nangong clan.

"Wentian, go fight Chu Yunfan and let him know how powerful our Nangong clan is."

Facing Nangong Hanqing's commanding tone, Nangong Wentian not only showed no trace of disgust on his face, but took it for granted.

This kind of expression can only show that Nangong Wentian is completely convinced by Nangong Han.

"You are Chu Yunfan? Let me see if you are as powerful as the rumors say!"

Nangong Wentian looked Chu Yunfan up and down, then stomped the void with his right foot, turned into an afterimage, and shot towards Chu Yunfan in an instant.

As the young master of the Nangong Clan, Nangong Wentian cultivated all the techniques and martial arts that were of high level, with unparalleled power!
I saw him rolling the wind and cloud with his hands, and the endless blades condensed out instantly, turning into two storms of blades, blasting towards Chu Yunfan.

The will of the wind, exerted by him, merged with martial arts.The power of the blade storm soared.Around the blade storm, the void shattered, the space was split, and the momentum was terrifying!

Chu Yunfan glanced at Nangong Hanqing.Since Nangong Hanqing doesn't believe in his strength, then he has to prove himself.

Chu Yunfan stepped forward with one step, his muscles swelled, and the three wills, Tianfeng Will, Binghuo Will, and Mountain Will, all blessed him, making his physical body extremely strong.

Chu Yunfan didn't use martial arts, but relied solely on his powerful body, and rushed towards Nangong Wentian.

Facing the frightening blade storm, Chu Yunfan directly swung his right fist and threw it towards it.

If one punch is not enough, then two punches, three punches...

In an instant, Chu Yunfan swung a dozen or so iron fists, and the wind of the punches was like thunder, shaking the void.

The frightening blade storm was directly shattered by Chu Yunfan's iron fist.

Although Chu Yunfan's fists were slightly injured, with the circulation of Tianfeng's blood, the injury only took a few breaths to heal.There are no scars left, as if there was no injury.

"How is it possible!" Nangong Wentian opened his eyes wide.

The blade storm he unleashes, even an ordinary Void Shattering Fourth Layer powerhouse, needs to use all his strength to catch it.

Chu Yunfan actually blasted the blade storm to pieces relying only on his physical body.How powerful is his physical body?

Just when Nangong Wentian was in a daze, Chu Yunfan stepped on the flames and appeared in front of him in an instant.

Chu Yunfan moved his fists in rotation, and instantly swung a dozen or so iron fists, forming a boxing shadow space that enveloped Nangong Wentian.

"boom boom"

The sound of punches roared, and the terrifying physical strength rushed towards Nangong Wentian like a majestic frenzy.Ferocious and majestic, devastating.

Although Nangong Wentian defended with all his strength, he couldn't stop Chu Yunfan's fist at all.

Chu Yunfan swung a total of thirteen punches.As for Nangong Wentian's defense, it had collapsed when he punched nine times.

The remaining four punches all hit Nangong Wentian's body.

At the moment when the fist shadow space radiated, Nangong Wentian half-kneeled in the void, and sprayed out a column of blood with his head raised.

Nangong Wentian's physical body is not as perverted as Chu Yunfan's.

Although the Nangong clan also requires the younger generations to cultivate both internally and externally.But Nangong Wentian's physical body had only reached the middle stage of the Four Extremes.It is two big realms different from Chu Yunfan's physical realm!

Nangong Wentian endured it for life, after Chu Yunfan punched four times.The whole body was broken up and down in many places.He tried to stand up.But after struggling several times, it didn't work.

"Is this the strength of the Nangong clan? It doesn't seem to be possible. If you are about the same strength as your young master, then don't fight against me. You won't be humiliating yourself."

Chu Yunfan's eyes shifted from Nangong Wentian to Nangong Hanqing, and said with a playful face.

"Arrogance! Isn't it just having a system that can temper the physical body? Do you think that if the physical body is strong, you can be the god of war, Miss Ben? What a joke!"

Nangong Hanqing thought he had guessed the ability to bind the system in Chu Yunfan's body.Said with a look of disdain.

"It seems that you know the system very well. Whether I can defeat you or not, do you know after a while?" Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and Nangong Hanqing's words gave him a guess.

"This lady will let you know today what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

Nangong Hanqing let out a cold snort, waved his jade palm, made mysterious trajectories, and then pushed Chu Yunfan hard.

Above the sky, a monstrous fire ignited in an instant.Endless flames, like ferocious waves, surged towards Chu Yunfan.

Nangong Hanqing's blow was somewhat similar to the Lie Yan Tian Tian mastered by Chu Yunfan.

(End of this chapter)

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