Anti-sky file system

Chapter 353 Mo Yu

Chapter 353 Mo Qianyu

When the system prompt sounded, the Huoque system suddenly changed.A powerful force erupted from the system, swept across the sea of ​​consciousness, and directly stunned Nangong Hanqing.

Nangong Hanqing's state at this time is somewhat similar to Chu Yunfan's first fusion system.

When Nangong Hanqing was in a coma, the Huoque system bound in her mind flickered, and a reddish energy invaded it.Made some changes to the system.

Although "The True Body of the Firefinch" cannot allow the bloodline of the Firefinch in Nangong Hanqing's body to evolve.But it can give her a trace of Tianfeng's ability.

Seeing Nangong Hanqing unconscious, Chu Yunfan knew that his guess had come true.

After a full hour, Nangong Hanqing quietly opened his eyes.She rubbed her painful head, and said to Chu Yunfan:
"What happened just now? Why did I suddenly faint?"

Chu Yunfan said lightly: "The coma just now is the system's suppression of you. It proves that you already have something in your body that makes the system afraid."

Nangong Hanqing heard the words, and said quickly: "I remember that before I fell into a coma, the system reminded me that I had awakened the innate ability of the fire bird's bloodline, the body of flame."

Saying that, Nangong Hanqing's consciousness sank into the Huoque system, urging the flame body.Her eyes instantly turned red.The skin turns light red, and a hot feeling flows back and forth in the body,
The so-called body of fire is the low-level version of the body of indestructibility. In addition to the enhanced control over the spiritual power of the fire attribute, it also has a strong recovery ability.

After possessing the body of fire and fire, although Nangong Hanqing's resilience is not as good as Chu Yunfan's, it is far beyond ordinary people.

Some small wounds can heal spontaneously within a few minutes.Even a broken bone can heal within seven days.

With "The True Body of the Fire Sparrow", although Nangong Hanqing can improve some strength, but not much.Therefore, after thinking about it, Chu Yunfan decided to teach Nangong Hanqing the "Dayan Soul Refining Art".

"I will teach you another soul secret method, which can greatly increase your soul power."

As he spoke, Chu Yunfan put his fingers together and pointed towards Nangong Hanqing's eyebrows.

The light of his fingertips flickered, and the moment it touched the center of Nangong Hanqing's eyebrows, a wave of soul power poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, converging into words one by one.

It is "Dayan Soul Refining Art"!
Although Nangong Hanqing joined Yunfan Pavilion, Chu Yunfan did not fully trust her.Therefore, he only taught Nangong Hanqing the cultivation methods of the first four layers of "Da Yan's Soul Refining Art".It is guaranteed that her soul power will reach level 79.

If Nangong Hanqing performed well, Chu Yunfan would naturally teach her the next two levels of cultivation methods.

When "Dayan Soul Refining Art" appeared in Nangong Hanqing's sea of ​​consciousness.Nangong Hanqing was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

She sat cross-legged on the ground, closed her eyes, and began to practice.

Nangong Hanqing's cultivation talent is very high because of the system relationship bound in his body.With the addition of her soul power, it has reached level 75.Therefore, it is very fast to practice "Dayan Soul Refining Art".

In just half an hour, she had cultivated "Dayan Soul Refining Art" to the peak of the third level.


A slight breaking sound came from Nangong Hanqing's body, and she successfully broke through to the fourth layer of "Da Yan's Soul Refining Art".

After entering the fourth floor, Nangong Hanqing clearly felt that her soul vibrated slightly.

As time went by, her soul power unexpectedly broke through!From level 75 to level 76!

The breakthrough did not end, Nangong Hanqing's soul power continued to grow, and finally broke through to the peak of level 77!

"Level 77! My soul power has reached the peak of level 77, and I'm about to break through to level 78!"

Nangong Hanqing's almond-shaped eyes widened with disbelief.

She had only been practicing "Dayan Soul Refining Art" for less than an hour, and she broke two levels in a row!It can be seen how powerful "Dayan Soul Refining Art" is.

Nangong Hanqing looked at Chu Yunfan with a look of gratitude.

Although Nangong Hanqing's soul power has increased by two levels, she clearly feels that the Huoque system in her body has the intention of resisting "Da Yan's Soul Refining Art".

This made her understand that what Chu Yunfan said was true.

The power of the bloodline of the ten great beasts, and the soul power beyond the system's regulations, will cause the system's fear.

"By relying on the "Fire Sparrow True Body" and "Dayan Soul Refining Art", it is enough to increase your strength by [-]%. If you still want to continue to become stronger, then obediently stay in Yunfan Pavilion. I will try my best to help you " Chu Yunfan said sincerely.

Although Nangong Hanqing looks stunning, but Chu Yunfan has no unreasonable thoughts about her.Because Chu Yunfan's heart had already been given to Ye Kongling.

Chu Yunfan simply admired Nangong Hanqing, hoping to take her under his command and become a peerless warrior.

Nangong Hanqing naturally saw the sincerity in Chu Yunfan's eyes, and nodded slightly.

Time is like running water, and half a month passes by in a blink of an eye.

Without the hindrance of the Nangong clan, the sphere of influence of Yunfan Pavilion expanded very quickly.

In just half a month, the entire southwestern part of Nanling has fallen under the control of Yunfan Pavilion.

Under the impetus of Yunfan Pavilion, all cities are implementing new regulations and carrying out rectification.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Complete the side mission: Rectify the southwestern part of Nanling. Get 200 star points."

A system prompt sounded suddenly in Chu Yunfan's mind.

Including the 200 star points he just obtained, Chu Yunfan now has a total of 34075 star points.

"The number of people in Yunfan Pavilion has already exceeded 3000. It won't take long for the number to reach 5000, and another side mission will be completed." Chu Yunfan thought to himself.

Just when Yunfan Pavilion was fully developing, a domain gate suddenly opened outside Chifeng City, and a tall, tall, handsome man walked out of it.

After the man walked out of the domain gate, he turned into a ray of light and went straight to the Lord's Mansion of Chifeng City.

"Chu Yunfan, do you dare to fight?"

The man yelled at the City Lord's Mansion.

"He Fangxiao is young, the owner of my Yunfan Pavilion, you can challenge me."

In an instant, several streamers rushed into the city lord's mansion, all of them were elders of Yunfan Pavilion.

The man snorted coldly, stomped the void suddenly, and a monstrous power surged out of his body, sweeping away everyone.

"Five Heavens of Broken Void!"

Everyone felt that the visitor was not kind.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Chu Yunfan slowly walked out of the City Lord's Mansion.With a wave of his hand, he broke the man's power.

"Wan Jianzong, Mo Qianyu! Challenge Pavilion Master Chu today. I don't know if Pavilion Master Chu will dare to fight." The man said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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