Anti-sky file system

Chapter 362 Black Hand

Chapter 362 Black Hand
Chu Yunfan still has more than 7 star points, which is enough for him to buy dozens of pills.

After careful searching, although Chu Yunfan did not find the elixir that could directly improve his cultivation.But he found three king-grade elixir that can indirectly improve strength.

The first type of elixir is called Beast Blood Bone Marrow Pill, a high-grade king-grade elixir!Its main medicine is the blood essence and bone marrow of seven kinds of seventh-level monsters.The Beast Blood Bone Marrow Pill can allow cultivators in the Shattered Void Realm to cleanse their marrow and increase their potential.

The second kind of elixir, named Liuli Body Tempering Pill, can increase the strength of a monk's physical body.Although the cultivation base has not increased, the increase in physical strength can also increase combat power.

The third kind of elixir is called Datian Rongling Pill.After the user swallows it, within three days, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will be several times faster than before, even ten times faster!
After Chu Yunfan spent 6000 star points and bought the prescriptions of the three king-grade pills, there were still 68075 star points left.

Still the same as before, Chu Yunfan activated the formula function first, and after improving all three Wang Pin Dan recipes, he copied and pasted them into a blank document.

In just a few minutes, Chu Yunfan learned all the refining methods of the three king-grade pills.

He will refine three king-grade elixirs, write down the required medicinal materials on paper, and summon Mo Tianji.

"Gather all the medicinal materials on the paper. Gather as many medicinal materials as possible. If there are not enough medicinal materials in the treasure house, then go and exchange them with the Six Ancient Towns and the Ancient Xuangui Clan." Chu Yunfan said.

Mo Tianji took the order, bowed his hands towards Chu Yunfan, and exited the room.Hurry to find medicinal materials.

After Mo Tianji left, Chu Yunfan closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the WPS file system again.This time, what his consciousness entered was the formation patch pack on the official website.

Chu Yunfan found a king-grade high-level formation, Liuhe Juling Formation!It can gather the aura of thousands of miles together.

Chu Yunfan spent 2000 star points, after purchasing it, and after improving the formula function, he learned it using the blank document function.

Then Chu Yunfan summoned Xue Wuhen and ordered him to go to the treasure house to fetch the spiritual materials for refining the Liuhe Spirit Gathering Formation.If there are not enough spiritual materials in the treasure house of Yunfan Pavilion.Then go and exchange with the six ancient towns and the Xuangui Ancient Clan.

Half a day later, Mo Tianji and Xue Wuhen returned and handed over the medicinal and spiritual materials to Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan took out the alchemy furnace first, and successfully refined three kinds of king-grade elixir in three hours.There are nine pills in total, three pills for each pill.

Chu Yunfan distributed the elixirs to the three queens with the highest cultivation level in Yunfan Pavilion.

He also took the spiritual materials and set up the Liuhe Spirit Gathering Formation around Chifeng City.The moment the formation was successfully arranged, the aura in Chifeng City instantly became stronger several times.

"Now, the strength of Yunfan Pavilion should increase a lot." Chu Yunfan thought to himself.

Because the aura of Chifeng City is extremely strong, many casual cultivators in Nanling came to join Yunfan Pavilion in admiration.

The number of people in Yunfan Pavilion increased rapidly.Five days later, Chu Yunfan's number exceeded 5000.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Complete the side mission: let Yunfan Pavilion expand to 5000 people. Get 200 star points."

Including the 200 star points just obtained, Chu Yunfan now has a total of 66275 star points.

"There are still three side missions that need to be completed before the side missions can be updated." Chu Yunfan thought to himself.

The remaining three sub-quests are: 1. Kill a big devil in the Martial King Realm. 2. Kill ten monsters in the Aspirations Realm. 3. Save [-] people.

"Complete the third side mission first, and then complete the first two side missions." Chu Yunfan muttered to himself.

He has already locked down the goals of the first two side missions.That is the ancient young phoenix clan and the ancient python emperor clan.He only waited for the completion of the third branch mission before he could concentrate on planning and attack the two ancient clans.

Chu Yunfan immediately contacted the Xuangui Patriarch and asked him to mobilize the members of the Xuangui Ancient Clan.Facing the Xuanwu Continent, looking for those who need help.

As one of the three ancient ancient clans, the Xuangui ancient clan is extremely powerful.In just three days, many places in need of assistance were collected.

Just like the last time when he completed the side mission of saving 1000 people, Xuan Moyun, the great elder of the Xuangui Ancient Clan, came to Chifeng City.

Xuan Moyun opened a domain door and took Chu Yunfan to a small remote country in Zhongzhou.

At this time, a civil war was breaking out in this small country.

In order to ascend to the throne, a prince did not hesitate to provoke a war and attacked his own brother.

After Chu Yunfan came to this small country, he acted quickly to quell the civil war.Many of the arrested men knelt down one after another to thank Chu Yunfan for saving his life.

To quell the civil war, Chu Yunfan rescued more than 1 people who had been arrested.

Afterwards, Xuan Moyun opened the domain gate again, and took Chu Yunfan to the West Sea, a huge island.There is a vicious pirate organization on the island, which specializes in robbing ships at sea.

After Chu Yunfan took action and wiped out the pirate organization, he rescued thousands of people who were imprisoned by the pirates from the island.

Afterwards, Chu Yunfan followed Xuan Moyun to Nanling, wiped out an evil family and rescued thousands of people.


For the next two days, Chu Yunfan and Xuan Moyun ran all over the Xuanwu Continent, trying their best to save people.

"In two days, I took a total of 21 shots. Fourteen of them were all to quell the civil war in a small country. Is this too coincidental?" Chu Yunfan frowned slightly.

Although it is common for civil wars to break out in small countries, the frequency of outbreaks is too frequent.All of them broke out in civil war in these two days, as if they had made an appointment.

Chu Yunfan told Xuan Moyun the doubts in his heart.

Xuan Moyun also felt that something was abnormal, he quickly ordered the members of the Xuangui Ancient Clan to search the entire Xuanwu Continent for the names of countries where civil war broke out within a month.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

In just one month, there were 160 countries in the Xuanwu Continent, and civil war broke out.There are more than a dozen countries among them, which are medium-sized empires.

"It's so abnormal, it seems that there is a black hand behind the scenes."

Chu Yunfan and Xuan Moyun's hearts were suddenly shrouded in a haze.

Xuan Moyun immediately reported the matter to Patriarch Xuangui.The ancestor of Xuangui understood the seriousness of the matter, deliberately hid in the dark, and monitored several small countries at the same time.

And Chu Yunfan, under the leadership of Xuan Moyun, continued to roam around various places in the Xuanwu Continent to complete side missions.

A day later, a system notification sound finally sounded in Chu Yunfan's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Complete the side mission: save 10 people. Get 200 star points."

Including the 200 star points just obtained, Chu Yunfan now has a total of 66475 star points.

(End of this chapter)

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